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COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

What is the Dream Work Process?

? Understand what

the Dream Work Process is

Every dream we dream while asleep is filled with symbolic meaning, given from our subconscious minds. When we learn to interpret these symbols, they can provide us with helpful insights about our inner growth. Throw away any superstitious ideas about dreams. You cannot use dream dictionaries, or anyone else's interpretations for your dreams. Why? Because only your mind can interpret the symbols that your mind has used to represent something inside of you. Learn our simple and really helpful technique to coach out your own personal dream interpretations. Dreams and meaning Most dreams are typical/standard dreams (approx. 95%) Standard dreams are symbolically valuable and are very useful. On a rare occasion you have an intuitive or spiritual dream these can still contain symbolism but reveal a literal intuitive or spiritual experience/understanding. These dreams include: out of body travels, precognition, empathic connections to others, spiritual, wisdom and body healing etc. Other opinions Freud said that ALL dreams were WISH FULFILLMENT (though often distorted in symbolism.) He also said that most dreams contained a STIMULUS from the previous day e.g. dreaming of something you saw on TV the night before. Jung said that dreams were very significant and that they had a role in the process of Individuation (becoming whole). He also said that dreams often displayed SYNCHRONICITY = meaningful co-incidence.

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

? Understand what

the Dream Work Process is continued

An EEG (Electroencephalogram) is used to measure patterns of electrical activity in the brain. Sleep Statistics: INFANTS sleep an average of 16 out of 24 hours, 50% of their sleep is REM. ADULTS sleep an average of 7 out of 24 hours, 25% is REM. ELDERS sleep an average of 6 hours of 24, 20% is REM. REM = Rapid Eye Movement NREM = Non Rapid Eye Movement NREM SLEEP (For adults) NREM comprises several EEG stages. NREM sleep is your body's shut down its primary function is REST for the body and mind. Most autonomic nervous system functions decrease. STAGE 1 - Sleep onset. Low voltage mixed frequency. + Theta waves (4-7 Hertz or cycles per sec.) STAGE 2 - Low voltage. Periodic spindles (12 14 Hertz) and K complexes. Formations of Bi-phasic wave forms naturally or as a reaction to environmental sound. STAGE 3 & 4 -High voltage (more than 50 micro volts) + Delta waves (1 2 Hertz). Stage 3 and 4 are very similar, however there are more Delta waves in stage 4. DEPRIVATION: Stage 4 NREM is essential for the functioning of the body. NREM 4 deprivation leads to: tissue damage, death (in rodents after 30 days), hallucinations, loss of memory and loss of concentration.

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

REM Sleep
? Understand what

the Dream Work Process is continued

? In terms of EEG REM sleep is the most similar to

wake states.
? EEG shows faster frequency waves with lower

? Autonomic Variables show a high state of

activity and variability. E.g. increased - heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, oxygen consumption of brain, cerebral blood flow, brain temperature and sexual arousal. ? Low gross body mobility with periodic twitching of muscles. ? Exceptionally high rate of neuron firing (at times even higher than when awake.) ? Bursts of Rapid Eye Movement. ? Most lucid dream activity. ? Suppressed Tonus. ? Suppressed spinal reflexes (associated with Pons in Brain stem.) ? Periods of Active visual cortex.

Sleep Patterns 70 90 Minutes of NREM (stages repeat as 1-2-3-4-3-2) 5 15 minutes REM REM/NREM cycles alternate all night.
? +\- 25% of sleep is REM ? Most NREM = stage 2 ? Sleep talking = NREM2 mostly ? Sleep walking = NREM4 only (in clinical study is not linked to dreams) ? REM increases after periods of fatigue, study and exercise.

Deprivation of NREM causes rebound NREM in first sleep. REM needs to accumulate and must be recouped in full sometimes over several sleep periods.
? Sleep is essential to body and mind health. ? Sleep is still a mystery to science. ? Many drugs reduce REM and NREM4 sleep (including many sleeping tablets.) ? Serotonin levels (from the brain stem) are shown to affect NREM 4 sleep.

+Serotonin = +NREM4 sleep and Serotonin = -NREM4. Associated with depression, moods, distorted perception, sleep and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. ? Dolphins being conscious breathers cannot fall asleep entirely or risk drowning, therefore the brain sleeps at a time (the dolphin closes 1 eye at a time to let the brain sleep.)

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

Understand what ? the Dream Work Process is continued Have an ? overview of the Dream Work Process as a self coaching and coaching process See why we use ? the Dream Work Process Comprehend ? how to use the Dream Work Process Gain several ? Dream Work Process coaching questions

As you contemplate the difference between dream states and waking states you'll realize that it is hard to distinguish. Many ancient cultures used dreaming as an analogy for spiritual awakening. Buddha means the awakened one. The Aboriginals believe that all reality is just layers of dreams. Just as the person who finds him/herself in a dream and then realizes that it is a dream and that a higher self is dreaming somewhere so we can have a lucid living experience when the realization comes that one is more than the dream but also the dreamer. The dream world is a window to the subconscious and super conscious minds. Symbolic Sight It is necessary to develop symbolic sight and to use it to:
? Interpret dreams. ? Find symbolic significance in waking experience too.

Symbolic interpretation should be:

? Firstly personal i.e. finding your own personal interpretation. ? Lastly collective/archetypal i.e. finding what other collective or archetypal

significance is applicable to you. Developing Symbolic Sight Questions to ask to find associations and symbolic meanings of dream symbols:
? What is its purpose - universal interpretation? ? What does it remind me of and what do I think of or associate with it when I think

of it - personal interpretation?
? What emotional responses does it elicit - if any? ? What are some key characteristics of it?

E.g. Earrings: a) b) c) d) Decoration, show of power, show of femininity. The pain of getting ears pierced. None Maybe I wish I could find the one I lost. They last forever if they are of a good quality.

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

Understand what ? the Dream Work Process is continued Have an ? overview of the Dream Work Process as a self coaching and coaching process continued See why we use ? the Dream Work Process continued Learn when to ? use the Dream Work Process continued Comprehend ? how to use the Dream Work Process continued

You must answer the questions from your unique perspective. Every person will interpret symbols in his/her own way. This is why dream interpretation and life interpretation for that matter is so personal. There are overlaps and universal meanings of symbols that you can look at to gain deeper interpretation but you must focus first on your own interpretation. Then look to a good book on symbols - not a commercial dream interpretation book. Tips Allow the ideas to flow without censorship. If the word earrings brings up the association to jewellery, dig deeper by asking about the word jewellery. Symbolic sight is the ability to interpret the symbolic meaning of our lives, similarly to how we interpret the meaning of dreams. Every person has their own symbolic interpretation of things e.g. out of the class, snake may be interpreted in very different ways from transformation to evil, from sensuality to pain, from danger to femininity. The meaning of a left hand may have some people saying useless and weak to receptive and creative. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG way to interpret symbols BUT IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE SUBJECTIVE! Interpret dream symbols AS IF ALL THINGS, PEOPLE and PLACES in the DREAM ARE A PART OF YOU AND YOUR LIFE! SELF INTERPRETATION IS VERY IMPORTANT! The Dream Work Process 1. Record in bed if you can the dream story include:

? Dream EGO who are you in the dream? ? ACTIONS all actions and activities in dream. ? FEELINGS your feelings as you experienced them in the dream - not after. ? THOUGHTS - your thoughts as you had them in the dream - not after. ? THINGS all objects that you notice, including colours that you noticed or

seemed significant.
? PEOPLE all people in the dream. ? PLACES all places, spaces - e.g. outdoors, lounge, under a tree, on a planet, at

school, etc.

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

? Comprehend

2. Dreamwork Later on or when you are able to: a) b) c) Underline all the keywords - as listed in the list below 1-7. Record any connections to the past, present or future. Find symbolic sight/associated meaning by writing up all the underlined words and interpreting them. For Dream EGO ask yourself what does this dream ego make me think of or make me feel like? Is it you or is it different to you in any noticeable way? ACTIONS if you were writing your own personal dictionary what would you write to describe this action and what does it make you feel like?

how to use the Dream Work Process continued Gain several ? Dream Work Process coaching questions continued



? E.g. 1. Bob Black says: RUNNING = how to get from here to there fast. Deeper

interpretation = speed.
? E.g. 2. Mary Smith says: RUNNING = competition, exhaustion and something I am

very good at. 3. FEELINGS your feeling in the dream about certain things/people/places/actions are very significant they tell you how you feel about the symbolic interpretations of those things/people/places/actions. THOUGHTS - your thoughts in the dream about certain things/people/places/actions are very significant they give you extra insight into your thoughts about the symbolic interpretations of those things/people/places/actions. THINGS if you were writing your own personal dictionary what would you write to describe this thing/object/colour and what does it make you feel like.



? E.g. 1 Bob Black says: COFFEE = essential, wakes me up. Deeper interpretation =

? E.g. 2 Mary Smith says: COFFEE = bad for me but I like it. Deeper interpretation =


Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

? Comprehend

how to use the Dream Work Process continued

6. PEOPLE what do the people in your dream remind you of? How do they make you feel, what are their characteristics? People in dreams represent parts of yourself and parts of your life.
? E.g. 1: Bob Black dreamt about his boss Jack.

To him Jack = intimidating, aggressive, angry, trying to dominate others. Therefore Joe's dream is talking about the intimidating, aggressive, angry, trying to dominate others part of himself. ? E.g. 2: Mary Smith dreamt about a baby. To her babies = what she has always wanted, innocent, new. Therefore Mary's dream is about the part of her or her life that is what she has always wanted, innocent, and new. 7. PLACES what do the places in your dream remind you of? How do they make you feel? What are their characteristics?

? E.g.1: Bob Black dreamt about his first house. To him his first house = sadness, loss

and the death of his wife. Therefore Joe's dream is talking about the sad part of himself and his life that is feeling loss. ? E.g. 2: Mary Smith dreamt about a fun fair. To her fun fairs = excitement, play, you can go on the big rides when you are big enough, lots to choose from. Therefore Mary's dream is about the part of her or her life that is filled with excitement and play. And that makes her look at whether she is ready (big enough) and bring her lots of choice.

Tips for Dream Recall

? BLOCKS - Be aware that you may have blocks to dream recall. Blocks include a

fear of looking at what issues dreams are bringing up for you.

? SLEEP CYCLES - Change and experiment with your sleep patterns to attempt to

break into the dream cycle during REM sleep.

? INCUBATION - during the day incubate the intention of dream recall and

experiment with incubating a dream topic, e.g. an answer to a question. Incubate by frequently repeating the thought of your desire to dream about your topic. The more conscious attention given to the incubation the better.
? DETAILS - record all the details of whatever is in your mind upon waking without

judgement or censorship this trains the mind to improve dream recall.

? IMPORTANCE - decide that your dreams are significant and motivate yourself to

recall even the seemingly trivial dreams.

? STAY IN BED - don't jump out of bed upon waking, stay in bed and try to stay in

the sleep position you were in to improve recall.

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

COACHING i n t e r n a t i o n a l


Empowering you to Empower Others!

ILS EMPOWER Dream Work Process

Learning Objectives
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread. Talmud

? NO ALARMS - try to wake before your alarm

? Comprehend

how to use the Dream Work Process continued

goes off, or use a gentle method of waking. Harsh sounds and sudden movement can break dream recall.
? DREAM JOURNAL - keep a dream journal, light

and pen/pencil next to your bed.

Other Dream Work Exercises: For additional dream work you can: a) b) c) d) e) f) Rewrite your dream and turn it into a story or fairytale. Make drawings and artwork of your dreams. Meditate and re-enter the dream to further explore it and find resolution in the dream. Sing and dance the dream, this can be very therapeutic. Use dreams to identify patterns in your life, especially recurring dreams. Dialoguing (the giving and receiving of ideas/feelings.) TALK and LISTEN. Use your imagination and write the dialogue or speak it out loud. You can dialogue with:

? Events (talk to your death, your birth, your loss) ? Dream people ? Your inner wisdom ? People (from past, present, future, real or imagined) ? Source ? Journal ? Wound ? Passion ? Fear

g) Dig, dig and dig peel the onion, get to the value.

Happy dreaming!

Written by Colleen-Joy Page Copyright 2011

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