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SHAKE IT OUT FLORENCE Grave of the fireflies Into the Wild Garden State (2004) - Zach Braff returns

home to Jersey because his mother has d ied. He meets Natalie Portman at his doctor's appointment and she ends up being a pathological liar. Yet they find happiness and create a bond. Heat (1995) - Robert De Niro is a serious criminal in LA and he meets Amy Brenne man, who's a beautiful, low-key, artsy woman who fails to realize who De Niro re ally is until the movie prolongs. Not really a "romantic" movie but still. The Life Aquatic (2004) - Cate Blanchett is pregnant from her boss Bill Murray. Yet she begins a romantic fling with the younger Owen Wilson. a single man belle de jour The Perks of Being a Wallflower Red Dragon The Man who shot Liberty Valence tv shows THE GOOD WIFE, RULES OF ENGAGEMENT raise the lantern bol iam bubble gum cwll 211 daddy's little girl cole lyricist cole the man from nowhere trye gril garden state firelight speak the painted veil love me if you dare waking life 2046 pi love actually secondhand lions notes on a scandal the proposition being john malkovich the whisperers endless wait history of violence paanch anything else

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