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The second time around

a book of poetry during times of poetry

EFT Last night, my slender dark Raia-thing my daughter wearing this olive skin and dreamy eyes confirmed emphatically in a few words, that she needs some Air (she also provided a valid account where all who owe her can pay) I promptly did a EFT - i haven't seen so much cash in one place, ever so she can buy some Air and live (Air is very expensive these days) and what else could i do in the space between us, filled with pine needles and dogs Today, im opening a special transaction account so she can deposit words and even letters there for me i urgently need some words there in order to live she can transfer "Thanks Dad", 'Love you Dad" small change to start with .. How to define skin in 5 minutes I cannot find the model, the finger here the response itself, the leaves i left behind : There is your skin and then your button in between, and my finger in between, reaching so gently - the bugger always reaching for the dark button there your skin, my lips, your moans, our winter things. i cannot start the sumer with your moans, i can try some winter though, with some white bears, gently .. Kucheta Ako ti ne pisesh, az shte pisha ako az ne pisha ti shte pisesh neshto tabletka neizpita nikoga, niakakva linia Ako neshto stane, edin ot nas shte narisuva tamninata na ostavashtite nas sled zalez silueti niakakvi, kuceta obicahme, obichame vi mnogo, poveche ot nas, dokato gladki i izplezeno usmihnati se dokosvahme - kucheta koito se obichat, blizki sashtestva. Listata naesen padat po garbovete na kucheta, koito na vhoda te gledat vlizashta pred tiah

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