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What is Judaism, facts and myths

History. Judaism is the religious practices of Jews. Jews are the descendants of Abraham and Jacob. They come from the land of Israel. There are sects within the Jewish Community. They are Orthodox, Conservative and Reformed sects.

Orthodox- The oldest sect of the Jewish faith. Conservative- Believe in changing the Jewish faith. Reformed- do no believe in the commandment but follow
the rest of the Jewish faith

Jews and their relationship with Tora!

Jews believe in God or Tora as he or she is called by people that believe in the Jewish faith. They for the most part follow the ten commandment handed down from god God handed down the ten commandments to Moses at the burning bush on a mountain.

Clarification on Differences

Jerusalem is the holiest of cities for the people of Jewish faith. It has many holly temples and shrines. It also the home of the wall of tears a major land mark for Jewish people. It is also the capitol of the Jewish State of Israel. Israel is also a highly contested piece of property in the middle east. But It is the home of the Jewish people. Israel has been a country for seventy years following the Holocaust of world war two. The Holocaust was the extermination of the Jewish people By Germany under the leadership of Adolph Hitler. The leaders of the Nazi party. The Nazis killed 6 million people of Jewish faith.


Israel was made the home of Jewish people following the aftermath of world war two. Israel was set up by the United States and Great Britain in 1948 under the British mandate of the same year. Israel is home to more than a third of the worlds population of Jewish people.

Sacred Holidays
Jewish people celebrate different holidays just like the rest of use. They celebrate Hanukkah their version of Christmas. The celebrate Passover and several others of major importance

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