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Effects of Religion Check Point Hum 130 Jeff Pierce University of Phoenix Axia online Frank Mueller, MSM

Organized religion has many impacts on society across the planet. People to do rash things in the name of religions all the time! One of the most horrific events in my time that was done in the name of religion was the terror attacks on the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. It changed the way that the United States looks at terrorism. Muslim radicals believe that if they kill Americans that it will get them on the right side of their prophet Mohammed. They do it because of their interpretation of the Koran. People not of the Muslim faith looked at all Muslims the same because of what some radicals with in their faith did. What the radicals did does not define every one of the Muslim faith!

The second event that is associated with religion in my book is the systematic slaughter of Jews in World War Two. Nazis slaughtered six million people during the war. Upwards of 80 % of the people slaughtered by the Nazis were Jews. Adolph Hitler called for the systematic killing of Jews because of his ancestry, His paternal grandmother was of the Jewish faith and he hated that. His father was abusive to Adolph when his was a child. With that hate for his family he got the German people following his propaganda saying Jews were at fault for the crisis in Germany at the time. It was their penny

pinching ideology that was ruining Germany. That their beliefs are what was corrupting Germany. A third event that religion has had on society is the large number of people following obscure religions that are not really religions but cults. Cults have been around for centuries. But in modern times they have gotten the most acceptance! People want to believe in some thing out side of the main stream religions. There have been cults make the news for the last twenty years. One of the most famous cults was the Branch Dravidians In Waco Texas. They were a large cult that followed the teachings of a mad man. People want a faith that they can believe in and acceptance is the norm. Organized religion is what people want to make their lives on earth mean some thing other than the fact that they are here and then gone.

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