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Ms. Henkel 7th Advanced Language Arts Periods 1, 5 Week 6- Sept 16-20 Weekly Standards/ Objectives 1.

TSW identify and recognize strategies for starting stories through their reading of Meet the Writer sections written on authors whose work weve read. 2. TSW practice using the authors strategies by listing potential story topics. 3. TSW apply knowledge of the strategy Show Dont Tell by changing Tell sentences into Show sentences. 4. TSW construct a Show paragraph by using their knowledge of descriptive writing (using the 5 senses) and their changing sentences practice to write a descriptive scene based on a played soundtrack song. (probably carry over into next lesson) 5. TSW explain, identify and use the Major 8 grammar concepts by successfully completing a grammar quiz. Activities/Assignments Monday: I do: Sunrise: Review response to Quick write from page 46 of the Literature book. Create starting a story notes. Review the Robert Frost strategy for starting a story (beginning with a feeling) Put both Robert Frost way and Anne McCaffrey way in notes titled Strategies for starting a story---We will reference these periodically. We do: Read Meet the Writer on page 60 of the Literature book. With shoulder partner, determine Anne McCaffreys strategy for starting a story. You do: Use 2 strategies for starting a story to list out potential story topics. Choose one person from your Anne McCaffrey list and write everything you can possibly know about that person or character. When you write about a character especially as your inspiration for starting a story, you should always know more about the character or person than you will actually use or write about in your story. Closure: Exit Slip: Write down at least 4 characteristics of your chosen person. Tuesday: I do: Present Book Report Choices, Take Tally for Each Choice to Make Copies. Go over and answer questions about Short Story Rubric. Present and explain grammar notes We do: Complete shoulder partner practice of grammar concepts (constructing sentences and labeling sentences with Major 8 grammar concepts) You do: Independent practice of Major 8s Closure: Write HW in agenda: Grammar quiz on Friday---over Major 8 concepts Wednesday: I do: Describe and model strategy of SDT (Show Dont Tell)---SDT is painting a picture for your reader. Change She is old.(#1 on Show Dont Tell Handout) From a tell sentence into a show selection. We do: As a class we will change the sentence He is a good basketball player. (#2 on Show Dont Tell Handout) Into a Show selection. We need to show our readers what we mean when we say a good basketball player otherwise the reader has to determine this and their interpretation could be different from what the writer intends. With shoulder

partner, complete #s 3-5 on the Show Dont Tell Handout(Once again changing tell sentences into show selections) You do: Complete #s 6, 7, and 9 on the Show Dont Tell Handout Closure: Exit Slip: Write best show selection and turn in.

Thursday: I do: Take Attendance We do: Sign on to that 3 lessons need to be completed a week (1 per program-3 programs total) You do: Complete 3 lessons Closure: Chairs pushed in. No Trash Friday: I do: Conduct review of strategies and concepts covered this week (show dont tell, strategies for starting a story) Present another strategy for starting a story. Strategy: music as inspiration. Explain that soundtracks are a crucial part of a film because they help a viewer feel what the filmmaker needs them to feel to really get in touch with what is happening in the film. (Based on this, which strategy is this one similar to?-A: Frosts because music you listen to will make think of emotions or emotional situations that can then be turned into a story) We do: Listen to a chosen song (need to set up a time for me to play the song for you to make up this part) As listen to song, students should list what they see and be specific. When song is finished, ask students how many used their Show Dont Tell skills from Wednesday. Have 2 people share that think they did as a class we will check. If some didnt ask for 2 people who didnt use Show Dont Tell to volunteer their responses so we as a class can practice writing in Show Dont Tell. You do: Complete Grammar Major 8 Quiz after complete quiz, choose one potential story topic and write a tell sentence about topic. Then take this sentence and change it into a show sentence. Closure: Write HW in agenda: choose one potential story topic and write a tell sentence about topic. Then take this sentence and change it into a show sentence

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