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I am a complete mad man

Suffering of the people Gives me a pain poisonous In the heart rubs The sorrow, the delirium delirious Just to lessen the sadness I laughed, the laugh was loud Before I was very sane Now I am a complete mad man. Ha, ha, he, he, ho, ho. People cut a joke make a fun I don't care As they are found Coarse and blunt The dullards Dolling out dull So I walk Like a king insane The owner of The sun and the moon. Ha, ha he, he ho, ho. I could save myself If I was a vagabond Totally stoic indifferent But I had a heart very sensitive And could not bear the grief Just to lesson it, I laughed, The laugh was very loud Before I was sane Now I am a complete mad man. Ha, ha he, he hi, hi ho, ho. Abdul Wahab

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