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N.S. 1.

4: Calculate given percentages of quantities and solve problems involving discounts at sales, interest earned, and tips.

1 15% of 58 is _____. 4 A dinner at Chez Yannick costs $27.50 plus

tip. If Jean-Paul wants to leave an 18% tip,
how much will the dinner cost total?

A 8.7 A $4.35
B 38.67 B $4.95
C 386.67 C $31.85
D 870 D $32.45

Cristina wanted to buy a new stereo, Jimmy has a savings account that pays 5%
2 5
but waited until it was on sale for $150. in interest each year. If Jimmy has $350 in
If it was originally $200, what his account, how much interest will he earn
percentage of the original price did she after one year?

A 10% A $1.75
B 15% B $3.50
C 20% C $17.50
D 25% D $35.00

3 Shayda bought a new pair of shoes 6 Trusted Savings Bank pays 4% annual
that were 15% off. If they were interest on money in their savings accounts.
originally $18.00, what was their sale How much interest would an account with
price? $217.00 in 1 year?

A $2.30 A $5.43
B $2.70 B $8.68
C $15.30 C $54.25
D $15.70 D $86.80

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N.S. 1.4: Calculate given percentages of quantities and solve problems involving discounts at sales, interest earned, and tips.

What is the total cost, including tax, of

a $52 tennis racquet if sale tax is

A $0.39
B $3.90
C $52.39
D $55.90

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