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Glosario culinario bsico

ENGLISH Meat bacon beef ham lamb muton pork veal Offal brains heart kidney liver oxtail sweetbread tongue Poultry chicken duck duckling goose pigeon turkey FRENCH Viandes lard boeuf jambon agneau mouton porc veau Abats cervelle coeur rognon foie queue de boeuf ris langue Volaille poulet canard caneton oie pigeon dinde SPANISH Carnes tocino res jamn cordero carnero cerdo ternera Menudos sesos corazn rion hgado rabo de vaca mollejas lengua Aves pollo pato pato joven ganso pichn pavo ITALIAN Carni panceta/guanciale manzo prosciutto agnello montone maiale vitello Frattaglie cervello cuore rognone fegato coda di bue animelle lingua Pollame pollo anitra anitra novella oca piccione tacchino GERMAN Fleisch Speck Rindfleisch Schinken Lammfleisch Hammelfleisch Schweinefleisch Kalbfleisch Innereien Hirn Herz Niere Leber Ochsenschwanz Bries Zunge Geflgel Huhn Ente Junge Ente Gans Taube Truthahn, Puter

u u u u u u u

c, pl u, c u, c u, c u u u, c

u, c u, c u, c u, c u, c u, c

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

Game hare partridge pheasant quail rabbit venison Fish anchovy carp caviar cod eel haddock halibut herring plaice roe sardine salmon trout turbot tuna, tunny fish whitebait Gibier livre perdreau faisan caille lapin chevreuil Poisson anchois carpe caviar cabillaud anguille aiglefin fltan hareng plie laitance, oeufs sardine saumon truite turbot thon blanchaille Caza liebre perdiz faisn codorniz conejo ciervo, venado Pescado boquerones (white), anchoas (salted) carpa caviar bacalao anguila abadejo halibut arenque platija lecha,lechaza sardina salmn trucha rodaballo atn chanquetes Cacciagione lepre pernice fagiano quaglia coniglio cervo Pesci acciuga carpa caviale baccal (merluzzo) anguilla dentice, eglefino halibut aringa sogliola, platessa uova di pesce sardine salmone trota rombo tonno bianchetti Wildbret Hase Rebhuhn Fasan Wachteln Kaninchen Hirsch Fisch Sardellen Karpfen Kaviar Kabeljau Aal Schellfisch Heilbutt Hering Scholle Rogen Sardinen Lachs Forelle Steinbutt Thunfisch Weissfische

u, c u, c u, c u, c u, c u

u, c u, c u u u, c u u u, c u, c u, c c u, c u, c u u u

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

Shellfish clams crab crawfish crayfish lobster mussels octopus oysters prawns scallop scampi shrimps Vegetables artichoke asparagus aubergine, eggplant avocado beans (broad) beans (french) beetroot broccoli Brussels sprouts cabbage carrots cauliflower Crustacs palourdes crabe langouste crevisse homard moules poulpe hutres crevettes roses coquille St Jacques langoustines crevettes grises Lgumes artichaut asperges aubergine avocat fves haricots verts betterave brocolis choux de Bruxelles chou carottes chou-fleur Crustceos almejas cangrejo de mar langosta cangrejo bogavante mejillones pulpo ostras gambas concha de peregrino cigalas camarones Verduras alcachofa esprragos berenjena aguacate habas judas verdes remolacha brcoles coles de Bruselas col zanahorias coliflor Crostacei vongole granchi gamberoni gamberi aragosta, leone di mare cozze polpo ostriche gamberetti conchiglie del pellegrino scampi gamberetti grigi Verdure carciofo asparagi melanzane avocado fave fagiolini carotta rossa, barbabietola broccoli broccoletti di Bruxelles cavolo carote cavolfiore Schaltiere Venusmuscheln Strandkrabben Languste Krebse Hummer Miesmuscheln Krake Austern Steingarnelen Jakobsmuscheln Scampi Garnelen Gemse Artischocke Spargel Aubergine Avocado Saubohnen grne Bohnen rote Bete Brokkoli Rosenkohl Kohl Karotten Blumenkohl

c, pl u, c u, c u, c u, c c, pl u c, pl c, pl c c, pl c, pl

c u u, c u, c c, pl c, pl u, c u c, pl u c u

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

celery corn on the cob courgettes cucumber leeks lettuce mushrooms olives onion peas potatoes baked potatoes potato chips mashed potatoes radish spinach tomato turnip watercress Fruits apple apricot banana blackberry black currant red currant u u c u u u c c u, c c, pl u, c c c, pl u, c, pl c u u, c u, c u cleri mas en pi courgettes concombre poireaux laitue champignons olives oignon petits pois pommes de terre pommes de terre au four pommes frites pure de pommes de terre radis pinards tomate navet cresson Fruits pomme abricot banane mre cassis groseille rouge apio mazorca de maz calabacines pepino puerros lechuga championes aceitunas cebolla guisantes patatas patatas asadas al horno patatas fritas pur de patatas rabanitos espinacas tomate nabo berros Fruta manzana albaricoque pltano zarzamora grosella negra grosella roja sedano pannocchia di granturco zucchine cetriolo porri lattuga funghi olive cipolla piselli patate patate intere al forno patatine fritte pur di patate ravanelli spinaci pomodoro rapa crescione Frutta mela albicocca banana mora mirtillo mirtillo rosso Sellerie Maiskolben Zucchini Gurke Porree Kopfsalat Pilze Oliven Zwiebel Erbsen Kartoffeln gebackene Kartoffeln Pommes frites Kartoffelpree Radieschen Spinat Tomate Rbe Kresse Obst Apfel Aprikose Banane Brombeere schwarze Johannisbeere rose Johannisbeere

u, c c u, c c c c

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

cherry date fig grapefruit grape lemon melon orange peach pear pineapple plum raspberry strawberry watermelon Nuts almond Brazil nut chestnut coconut hazelnut pecan pistachio peanut walnut c c c u, c c u, c u, c u, c c c u, c c c c u, c cerise datte figue pamplemousse raisin citron melon orange pche poire ananas prune framboise fraise pastque Noix amande noix de Brsil marron noix de coco noisette pacane pistache cacahute noix cereza datil higo pomelo, toronja uva limn meln naranja melocotn pera pia, anans ciruela frambuesa fresa sanda Nueces, frutos secos almendra nuez de Brasil, castaa de Par castaa coco avellana pacana pistacho cacahuete nuez ciliegia dattero fico pompelmo uva limone melone arancia pesca pera ananas prugna/susina lampone fragola anguria/cocomero Noci mandorla noce brasiliana castagna/marrone noce di cocco nocciola noce americana pistacchio nocciolina americana noce Kirsche Dattel Feige Grapefruit Trauben Zitrone Melone Orange Pfirsich Birne Ananas Pflaume Himbeere Erdbeere Wassermelone Nsse Mandel Brasilnuss Marone Kokosnuss Haselnuss Pekannuss Pistazie Erdnuss Walnuss

c c c u, c c c c c c

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

Eggs boiled eggs soft boiled eggs hard boiled eggs fried eggs, eggs sunny side up (Am) poached eggs scrambled eggs egg white, white of egg egg yolk, yolk of egg Dairy products cream cheese milk yogurt Fats and oils butter margarine oil Cereals and cereal products barley maize, corn (Am) Oeuf oeufs la coque oeufs mollets oeufs durs oeufs sur le plat oeufs pochs oeufs brouills blanc d'oeuf jaune d'oeuf Huevos huevos pasados por agua huevos blandos huevos duros huevos estrellados huevos escalfados huevos revueltos clara de huevo yema de huevo Uova uova al guscio/alla coque uova bazzote uova sode uova al piatto/uova fritte uova affogate/in camicia uova strapazzate chiara d'uovo/albume rosso d'uovo/tuorlo Eierspeisen weich gekochte Eier (3 mn) hart gekochte Eier (6 mn) hart gekochte Eier Spiegeleier pochierte Eier Rhreier Eiweiss Eigelb

c c c c c c u u

u u u u

Produits laitiers crme fromage lait yaourt Matires grasses beurre margarine huile Crales et produits craliers orge mas

Productos lcteos nata, crema queso leche yogurt Materias grasas mantequilla margarina aceite Cereales y productos de cereales cebada maz

Latticini panna formaggio latte yogurt Grassi ed olii burro margarina olio Cereali e loro prodotti orzo granturco/mais

Milchprodukte Sahne Kse Milch Joghurt Fett und lsorten Butter Margarine l Getreidearten und Getreideprodukte Gerste Mais

u u

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

oats wheat flour bread (bread) roll rice Condiments salt pepper mustard vinegar Herbs basil bay leaves chervil chilli, chile (Am) chives garlic mint parsley rosemary sage tarragon thyme c, pl u u u c u avoine bl farine pain petit pain riz Condiments sel poivre moutarde vinaigre Fines herbes basilic laurier cerfeuil piment ciboulette ail menthe persil romarin sauge estragon thym avena trigo harina pan panecillo arroz Condimentos sal pimienta mostaza vinagre Finas hierbas albahaca laurel perifollo chile cebollino ajo menta, hierbabuena perejil romero salvia estragn tomillo avena grano farina pane panino riso Condimenti sale pepe mastarda/senape aceto Erbe basilico alloro cerfoglio peperoncino erba cipollina aglio menta prezzemolo rosmarino salvia dragoncello timo Hafer Weizen Mehl Brot Brtchen Reis Gewrze Salz Pfeffer Senf Essig Kruter Basilikum Lorbeer Kerbel Chili Schnittlauch Knoblauch Minze Petersilie Rosmarin Salbei Estragon Thymian

u u u u

u u, pl u u, c c, pl u u u u u u u

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

Spices cloves cinammon nutmeg mace ginger saffron vanilla Dessert ingredients honey jam sugar chocolate Sauces (salad) dressing gravy mayonnaise Miscellaneous batter dough dumpling ice cream jelly Epices clou de girofle cannelle muscade macis gingembre safran vanille Ingrdients pour desserts miel confiture sucre chocolat Sauces assaisonnement (salade) jus (de viande) mayonnaise Especias clavo canela nuez moscada macis jengibre azafrn vainilla Ingredientes para dulces miel mermelada, confitura azcar chocolate Salsas condimento (de ensalada) jugo de carne mayonesa Spezie chiodo di garofano cannella noce moscata macis zenzero zafferano vainiglia Ingredienti per dolci miele marmellata, confettura zucchero cioccolato Salse condimento per insalata sugo di carne maionese Gewrze Nelke Zimt Muskatnuss Muskatblte Ingwer Safran Vanille Nachtisch Zutaten Honig Konfitre Zucker Schokolade Saucen Salatdressing Bratensauce Mayonnaise

c, pl u u u u u u

u u u u u u u u

u u c u, c u, c

pte frire pte gnocchi glace gele

pasta para rebozar, masa masa bola de masa guisada, oqui helado gelatina

pastella impasto gnocchi gelato gelatina

Backteig Bltterteig Klsschen Eis Gelee

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

meringue mousse omelet/omelette pancake pasta pastry pie salad sausages souffl stew tart Adjectives describing food bitter cold cooked (= not raw) creamy dried fattening fresh (not dried/tinned, etc.) heavy hot (=not cold) hot/spicy light (=not heavy/rich) u, c u, c c c u u u, c u, c u, c u, c u meringue mousse omelette crpe ptes pte pt salade saucisses souffl saut tarte Adjectifs utiliss pur dcrire des aliments amer froid cuit onctueux sec grossissant frais lourd chaud piquant lger merengue mousse tortilla crepa pastas italianas masa, pasta pastel ensalada salchichas souffl estofado tarta Adjetivos que describen alimentos amargo fro cocido untuoso seco que engorda fresco pesado caliente picante ligero meringa mousse frittata crpe pasta impasto tortino salato insalata salsicce souffl stufato crostata Aggettivi da adottare per i cibi amaro freddo cotto cremoso asciutto ingrassante fresco pesante caldo piccante leggero Meringe Mousse Omelette Pfannkuchen Teigwaren Teig Pastete Salat Wrstchen Auflauf Ragout Torte Adjektive fr Beschreibung von Lebensmitteln bitter kalt gekocht sahnig getrocknet/Trocken- match dick frisch (liegt) schwer im Magen warm pikant leicht

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

pickled raw rich salty smoked sour/tart sweet tinned Verbs describing ways of cutting (past part. in brackets) chop (chopped) cut (cut) fillet (filleted) grate (grated) grind (ground) mash (mashed) mince (minced) peel (peeled) slice (sliced) " " Verbs describing ways of cooking bake (baked) marin cru riche sal fum aigre sucr en conserve Les diffrentes faons de dcouper hacher (hach) couper (coup) dcouper en filets (dcoup) rper (rp) moudre (moulu) faire en pure hacher (hach) plucher (pluch) couper en tranches " " roundelles Les diffrentes cuissons cuire au four (cuit) marinado crudo indigesto salado ahumado agrio azucarado en conserva Distintos modos de cortar picar (picado) cortar (cortado) cortar en filetes (cortado) rallar (rallado) moler (molido) hacerlo pur picar (picado) pelar (pelado) trinchar (trinchado) rebanar (rebanado) Distintos modos de cocinar cocer al horno (cocido) sottaceto (i sottacetti) crudo ricco salato affumicato acido/agrio dolce in scatola Verbi che descrivono i vari modi di tagliare spezzare (spezzato) tagliare (tagliato) tagliare a filetti (tagliato) grattuggiare (grattuggiato) macinare (macinato) passare al setaccio (passato) sminuzzare (sminuzzato) sbucciare (sbucciato) affetare (affettato) affetare (affettato) Modi di cottura cuocere al forno (cotto) mariniert roh kalorienreich gesalzen geruchert sauer gezuckert Dosen- Verschiedene Schneidearten hacken (gehackt) schneiden (gschnitten) filieren (filetiert) reiben (gerieben) mahlen (gemahlen) stampfen/priert hacken (gehackt) schlen (geschlt) in Scheiben schneiden (in Scheiben geschniten) Verschiedene Kocharten backen im Ofen

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

Glosario culinario bsico

(gebacken) kochen (gekochen) dnsten (gednstet) braten (gebraten) grillen (gegrillt) pochieren (pochiert) braten (gebraten) sautieren (sautiert)

boil (boiled) braise (braised) fry (fried) grill (grilled) poach (poached) roast (roast) saut (sautd/sauted) Miscellaneous verbs describing preparation beat (beaten), whip (whipped) fill (filled) flavour (flavoured) garnish (garnished) mix (mixed) stuff (stuffed)

bouillir (bouilli) tuver (tuv) frire (frit) griller (grill) pocher (poch) rtir (rti) faire sauter (saut)

hervir (hervido) estofar (estofado) frer (frito) emparrillar (a la parrilla) hervir (hervido) asar (asado) saltear (salteado)

bollire (bollito) rosolare (rosolato) friggere (fritto) cuocere alla griglia cotto) affogare (affogato) arrostire (arrostito) soffriggere (soffritto)

Les diffrentes prparations fouetter (fouett) remplir (rempli) assaisonner (assaisonn) garnir (garni) mlanger (mlang) farcir (farci)

Distintos modos de preparacin batir (batido) rellenar (rellenado) sazonar (sazonado) guarnecer (guarnecido) mezclar (mezclado) rellenar (rellenado)

Preparazioni battere (battuto) riempire (riempito) condire (condito) guarnire (guarnito) mescolare (mescolato) farcire (farcito)

Verschiedene Vorbereitungsarten schlagen (geschlagen) fllen (gefllt) wrzen (gewurzt) garnieren (garniert) mischen (gemischt) farcieren (gefllt)

Scheherezade Suri / @Scheherezade_SL

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