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The questions will be primarily based on Data Structures and Algorithms.

Besides this questions based on designing systems should also be expected. Also be ready to answer any question based on your resume. You can find below some sample questions. Please keep in mind that these questions are given just to set expectations for the interviewee. 1. (Algorithms) Find the least common ancestor in a BST. a. What if it is not a BST but just a binary tree and parent pointers are given? 2. (Data Structures) Design a data structure to hold multiple values which supports the following operations: a. Push- Push an element in front b. Pop- Pop the element at front c. Min- Return the minimum element 3. (Coding) Rotate a 2D matrix 90 degrees clockwise. 4. (Design) Design a social networking system with functionalities like friend suggestions, public sharing etc. 5. Using OOPS concepts give High and Low level diagram of Restaurant reservation system. These questions are just given as sample and you will be given relevant hints if you are stuck. So dont panic if you cant solve the above questions in first go. The more important thing is how you approach the problem even if you cant give the most optimized solution.

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