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Abstrak Latar Belakang: Kontaminasi bakteri di kamar bedah dan juga unit perlayanan khusus lain merupakan penyebab

infeksi nosokomial(Bacterial contamination of operating theatre and other specialized care unit in a tertiary hospital in Northeastern Nigeria 2011). Sterilitas ruangan serta peralatan diperlukan untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Tingginya resistensi antibiotik turut berperan dalam meningkatkan angka morbiditas.

Tujuan: Pada penelitian ini penulis bertujuan untuk melihat profil bakteri yang ada di alat-alat medis pada kamar bedah Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Adam Malik melakukan tes resistensi terhadap bakteri yang ditemui bagi mengetahui antibiotika mana yang masih sensitif.

Methode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survei deskriptif. Setiap dari 5 kamar bedah diambil olesan 10 alat medis. Kesemua 5 kamar bedah tersebut tidak berada dalam kondisi steril maksimal kerana olesan diambil waktu sebelum dilakukan sterilitas massal. Olesan tersebut ditanam pada 3 jenis media iaitu Blood Agar, MSA dan MC dan dibiarkan untuk tumbuh selama 48jam. Kemudian bakteri yang tunbuh diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan tes biokimia. Bakteri yang koloninya tumbuh lebih dari 5 di buat test resistensiterhadap 5 jenis antibiotic. 5 jenis antibiotik tersebut adalah Amoxycilin, Eritromysin, Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline dan Meropenem. Hasil: Ditemukan adanya mikroorganisme pada peralatan medis iaitu Bacillus subtilis,

Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus albus, dan Staphylococcus aureus. Tes resistensi hanya dilakukan terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli sahaja kerana koloninya sahaja yang tumbuh lebih dari jumlah koloni normal. Dari hasil uji kepekaan Escherichia coli terhadap antibiotik, 3 jenis antibiotik telah resisten dari 5 jenis antibiotik dan 1 jenis antibiotik hampir resisten dan 2 yang masih sensitif.

Kesimpulan: Ditemukan peralatan-peralatan dalam kamar bedah yang dijadikan sampel berada dalam keadaan tidak steril.

Kata Kunci: Sterilistas, profil bakteri, tes resistensi

Abstract Background: Bacterial contamination in operating theatre and other specialized care units had contributed to nosocomial infections.( Bacterial contamination of operating theatre and other specialized care unit in a tertiary hospital in Northeastern Nigeria 2011). The operating theater and the medical equipments in it has to be sterile. High antibiotic resistance also contribute to rise the patients morbidity. Objective: Research is aimed to find the bacteria profile found from the swabbing of medical instruments found in operating theaters in Instalasi Bedah Pusat Rumah Sakit Umum Haji Adam Malik. Resistant test is then done to the bacteria found to determine which antibiotic is still sensitive to them. Method: Researcher used survey research method with descriptive approach. 10 equipments from each of the 5 operating theaters was swabbed and was cultured in 3 mediums namely Blood Agar,MSA and MC. The bacteria was later identified and bacteria growth surpassing the normal colony number underwent resistant test with 5 types of antibiotic to determent antibiotics that are resistant.The operating theaters used were not in its maximal sterile condition as the swabs were taken before just before the weekly sterile process is done. Result: Microorganism found from the medical equipments were Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli Staphylococcus albus, and Staphylococcus aureus. From the sensitivity test, 3 antibiotics from 5 antibiotics were resistant 1 antibiotic was almost resistant and 2 were still sensitive.

Conclussion: The bacteria found at the medical equipments suggests that the instruments are not sterile dan is resistant to few antibiotics already.

Keywords: Sterility, bacteria profile, resistant test.

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