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May/June 1994 Volume XV, Number 3 On the cower: Heather Winskoxe ies the Tew ‘Mayme: ney technique to Mem desig ad fe fer gare his Simply Flags? Blouse, richly cab sil {acon wih goumetic mois placa asyrmziiclly a the neciine. Werving Alioetons fi he Buse te povided i the Insrctim Supplement ‘The bnstruction Supplement i octet efanem piges Pend #7 Columns: 2 Bocannea’'s Con IF Your Selved ges Can Use Some Improvement by Margaret Gayrues 106 Conmacnincne cofited by Bobbie rain Departments 4) Editor's Page ‘8 Letters to the Editor 11 Hooks, tc 19 News & Events ‘4 Calendar 105 ‘Product News 108 Adtwertioers’ Index Handwoven FROM. ip INTERWEAVE PRESS 32 Thee Moorman Inlay Technique Explore this versatile leche, A auriedy of inlay pews by Louise Bradley, Sandra Sua, Kashleew Boshe, Heather Winslom, Sharrow Aldermat, dy Reynals, ad artes Wrote alsa pow rial, 36 Theo Moorman Inlay far Creative Clothing hy Heather Winslacw One of sind gorsents spring froma undeestending oft tckigue, 40 Weaving Inlay from a Cartoon Fasting oct rath wo Ao ii a wey Sere. 44° Transparencies That Really Are! by Bobbie Irvin ‘Shumaker suspended om mangement my seem to float i mir 48 Easy Twill Inlay witledesigns by Leslie Alperin Simple ates len te iting rome rss 50 Weaving with Twill Inlay by Charlatte Fuenk Anant explores aby om wrt als 53. Enriching Tapestry Imagery with Hand-Manipulated Brocade ty Ann Matlock iartspun, had ged yarns characterive this aris's painter sss. 56 Pick-up Beiderwand by Heidi Waber ‘Ar easy pickup tecingue nevis the histori fckaique din eighterth- and hincternifrcentury Germany. 61 Finger Manipulated Lace Weaves ‘Try these defcate open projecs by Shaarae De Aley om Barton Mei. 62 Supplementary-Weft Techniques from Bhutan by Betty Linn Davenport Jntrcate patterns cover the surftce of eil-ven fabrics. Betty Davenport ‘fers tx prajets Aha cplare he frewr of Buns tational tenis 68 Alison's Adventures by Alison Irvin Explore mock satin aaask in «fos shat pickup werion, 92 Pithy Answers by Linda Ligon

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