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ABSTRACT Agnes Hilala, (2013). Factors Related to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Puskesmas Tuladenggi, Sub-District of Telaga Biru. 2013.

Study Program of Nursing. Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. The principal supervisor was Rini Fahriani Zees, S.Kep,Ns, M.Kep. and the cosupervisor was Rhein Djunaid S.Kep, Ns, M.Kes. Based on the data statistics of research and development of District of Gorontalo in 2012 showed that all the villages in Sub-district Telaga Biru have a lowest scope of exclusive breastfeeding. One of the lowest breastfeeding village was Tuladenggi which was only 24,87%. It was far from the Department of Health target around 67%. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors related to exclusive breastfeeding. The kind of research on this study was descriptive with cross sectional method. Population on this study were 201 and sample around 65 breastfeeding mother who has infant aged >6 month. Sample was taking by using purposive sampling and using chi square to analyze the data. Based on the univariate analysis showed that almost all or around 70,8% of the breastfeeding mother did not gave the exclusive breastfeeding to their baby. Based on the bivariate analysis found that P of each variable with 0.05 for age p-value = 0.000, knowledge level p-value = 0.000, education level p-value = 0.000, family support p-value = 0.016. It can be concluded that age, knowledge, education and support was related to exclusive breastfeeding in Puskesmas Tuladenggi, sub-district of Telaga Biru. 2013. It suggested to all of the society especially breastfeeding mother and health officer to increase their participation in improving exclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: Knowledge, Education, Supporting, Age, Exclusive Breastfeeding.

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