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he Cardigan is one of the oldest breeds of dog in Britain and has been employed for centuries by Welsh farmers

to herd cattle, herding the owner's livestock to grazing areas and driving the neighbour's cattle out of gardens and open pastures. [2][3]In early settlements these dogs were prized family members, helping hunt game and guarding children. [3] The Pembroke is believed to have been introduced to Wales by Flemish weavers about 1100, though 920 is also a suggested date. [2] Another possibility for this corgi's origin is breeding between Cardigans and the Swedish Vallhund, a spitz -type dog resembling the Pembroke and brought to Wales by Norse invaders. [3]



The Cardigan tends to be a little hardier and has fewer documented hereditary health problems; however both types of dog are genetically predisposed to encounter canine hip dysplasia, canine degenerative myelopathy and progressive retinal atrophymore frequently than other breeds in this group. Pembroke Welsh corgis are susceptible to intervertebral disc disease, canine hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy, and epilepsy. Cardigan Welsh corgis have a typical life expectancy between 12 and 14 years, and Pembroke Welsh corgis typically live between 12 and 15 years. [6][6][7][7] [8][9]

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