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Smiths Class

My Philosophy of Education
The purpose of education is to prepare us for college, our future career, and the real world. In education, the role of the student is to learn the content and build upon it each year through the various learning standards. The teachers role in education is to provide the best education possible to the student so they will master the content and be able to move onto the next grade and be successful. In the community, it is important that the teacher be involved by staying connected to parents. I want to teach in order to make an impact, help students realize the importance of an education, and have them master the content. In order to reach the wide diversity of children I may have in my classroom, I need to make modifications and use differentiated instruction to teach all the students. Every student has their own learning style and by differentiating the instruction this will help each student learn the content and be able to master it and move onto the next learning target successfully.

Various things can impact my teaching. In order to have the most effective teaching, my classroom management needs to be fair and consistent with minimum disruptions. I need to use various instructional strategies in my teaching to engage all learners. Depending on which school district I will work in will determine what curriculum design I will be using. The best way to compare growth in the students learning is to have the same preassessment as my summative (post-assessment) and see which learning targets are mastered and those that may need re-taught. I will also need formative assessments each day. My goal for my students is have all students mastering the learning targets with 80% accuracy. I believe that my relationship with the community I teach in is very important. I want parents to know exactly what their child is learning in the classroom and how their child is performing in the classroom. I want to work with my teaching colleagues and plan lessons together, etc. When it comes to the administration, I want to have a good working relationship with them and be the best teacher I can be.

1. Students will be on time, in their seat and start on bell work immediately. 2. Come prepared to class with all required materials. 3. Be respectful to teacher and each other. 4. Follow directions and stay on task!

Behavior Plan
I will be using classdojo for my classroom behavior management to keep track of positive and negative behaviors each day. Your parents will be able to access the site each day to see how you are doing in class. At the end of the week students who have less than 3 negatives for the week will receive an small award, and at the end the month theres a chance to receive a bigger award. I believe this helps keep you motivated to do well.

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