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Girl Scout Flower Badge

These instructions are designed to be helpful in guiding Junior Girl Scouts toward earning the Flower Badge. The first three badge requirements can be done while visiting Stone Mountain during the spring, summer, or fall when flowers are in bloom. It would be helpful if each girl brings a sit-upon to use while examining and sketching the flowers. The last two requirements would be completed at a later time. A brief description of each activity is below. More detailed instructions and materials needed are listed on the following pages. 1. Uncover the science of one flower -Go on a flower hunt to identify a favorite flower and at least 5 others. Examine one of the flowers more closely using a magnifying glass to identify the individual parts of the flower. Make a sketch of the flower. 2. Look under the petals. -Find a flower that smells. Observe and make notes or a sketch about what visits the flower. Find out why they smell. 3. Find out how flowers help people. -Find out about 3 medicinal flowers or herbs and learn how they help people. 4. Have fun with flowers. -Choose and make a flower that will last from tissue. 5. Send a message in flower code. -Make a corsage from fresh or artificial flowers. Have fun earning this badge!

Where flowers bloom, so does hope - Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady and founder of the National Wildflower Research Center, a non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the preservation and re-establishment of native plants

1. Uncover the science of one flower. Materials Needed:

Notebook or paper with clipboard Pencils Colored pencils Magnifying glasses

Go on a flower hunt. Find one of your favorite flowers and at least 5 other flowers that you can name. Use a magnifying glass to look at a flower up close, but without touching it. Identify the parts of a flower by using the diagram provided. Make a sketch of your flower.

More Information:
Look for one of your favorite flowers and at least five other flowers you can name. There are Georgia native plants that are labeled in the parking lot of Confederate Hall near the walk-up trail. There are also many other flowers found both on the nature trail and planted in and around the public areas at the park. Magnifying glasses should be used to gently look more closely at a flower. The flower can then be drawn and colored in. The diagram on the next page can be used to identify the parts of a flower. Some of the many flowers that can be found at different times in the park include: pansies, azaleas, dogwood, daylilies, begonias, magnolia, honeysuckle, forsythia, coral bells, gladiolus, and St. Johns wort. What other flowers can you find?

Flower Diagram:

2. Look under the petals.

Materials Needed:
Notebook or paper with clipboard Pencils or colored pencils

Find a flower growing outside that smells. Make a sketch or jot some notes about what visits the flower. How long did it take for something to visit? Make an educated guess about why you think flowers smell. Find out if youre right.

More Information:
What did you see? When observing the flowers you may have seen butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds visiting them. These are all pollinators of flowers. Since plants cannot move from one place to another, they depend upon pollination to

transfer pollen from one plant to another. This allows the plants to survive and reproduce. Fun fact: There are also night-time pollinators of flowers, such as bats and moths. These flowers rely heavily on scent to attract their visitors, and are usually white. Flowers smell in order to attract pollinators such as insects and birds. The insects and birds, without even knowing it, then come and pollinate the flowers. Some flowers attract only a specific type of insect. Fun fact: Bees and birds have color vision, and the bright colors of flowers attract them as well. A flower's scent is created within the petals where essential oils are stored. When there is warm weather, the oils combine and evaporate, producing a scent to attract pollinators. Every flower has its own special scent. Fun fact: Most flowers we are familiar with have pleasant sweet-smelling scents. This is not always the case however; some flowers are pollinated by insects that are attracted to rotten flesh so they smell like dead animals. There is more information available on pollinators in Stone Mountains Confederate Hall.

3. Find out how flowers help people. Materials Needed:

Medicinal Plant Scavenger Hunt game (copy at end of document) Pencils

Flowers are healers. Find out about 3 flowers or herbs and how they help people. At Stone Mountains Confederate Hall, the flyer for Georgia Native Plants has several examples of plants that are helpful to people.

Play the attached Medicinal Plant Scavenger Hunt game to learn more about how plants can help certain illnesses.

Fun facts: Scientists that study how plants can be useful to people are called ethnobotanists. Coneflower, commonly sold under the name Echinacea, is used to shorten the duration of the common cold by reducing the symptoms. It is also recommended to help boost the immune system and fight infections. (This is found in the native plant garden at Stone Mountain Confederate Hall). Viburnum opulus, also known as cramp bark, is used to treat cramps and tight muscles resulting from sports injuries. (Picture shown below).

Other fun activities you may be interested in: Make a soothing tea out of edible flowers such as chamomile or jasmine. Make rosewater from rose petals to use in homemade bath beads or soaps.

4. Have fun with flowers.

Create your own beautiful flower that will last and last. A couple of ideas with material and directions are listed below.

Flower #1 Materials Needed:

5-7 pieces of 5 by 7colored tissue (can be varied or the same color) Green chenille stems Scissors

Stack tissue paper pieces neatly on top of each other Fold the stack on the long side in accordion type folds 1 to 1-1/2 wide Tightly wrap about 2 inches of the stem around the middle of the paper Use scissors to round off each end of the folded tissue Pull each layer of tissue out around the stem Separate each layer until you have a beautiful flower (Helpful hint: Using paper larger than 5x7 may cause the flowers to flop over)

Flower #2
Materials Needed:
Tissue paper (colors can be different or the same) Small plate or saucer (6 to 7 diameter) Straw Scissors, pencil Tape, Glue

Place saucer on top of two sheets of tissue and draw around it Cut around the circle through both layers of tissue Fold the circles (still stacked together) neatly in half twice Twist the corner of the folded tissue and tape firmly onto the end of a straw Gently pull the layers of tissue apart to form the petals Make a small ball of tissue paper and glue it in the middle

5. Send a message in flower code.

A corsage is a small bouquet of flowers that is worn by women to special occasions, such as a wedding, or a prom or other formal dance. Below are materials and directions needed to make a corsage that can be pinned on a dress.

Materials Needed:
Fresh or artificial flowers with at least 2 inches of stem (2-3 if large flowers, 4-5 if smaller flowers) Green floral tape Green floral picks Medium size safety pins

Cut stem of each flower to about 2 inches in length Wrap each stem with floral tape Group flowers and place floral pick in center of stems Wrap grouped stems together with floral tape Attach safety pin to floral tape Your corsage is now ready to wear! They are usually worn on the left side. Helpful hints:

You may want to vary stem length slightly to make it easier to arrange the flowers. Ribbons or ferns can be added for a special touch Fun facts: Corsages should match the personality and the clothing of the wearer. The type and color of flowers used can be symbolic. Examples are: Red roses or red carnations often stand for love. An orchid can stand for rare delicate beauty, or for bearing many children. Yellow roses or chrysanthemums can represent jealousy or loss of love. Originally, the word corsage referred to the bodice of a womans dress. Women would wear flower arrangements around their waists. The type of corsage a man would wear is called a boutonniere.

Medicinal Plant Scavenger Hunt

Prior to the hunt, papers with the name of each plant along with a description of its medicinal properties should be hidden in the scavenger hunt area. Plant descriptions are on the following sheets. Each scout or team of scouts will then be given one or more worksheets of paper with a small story about an individual who has a specific ailment. These worksheets are also attached. The scouts will then look for the hidden papers in order to find the ones that would be helpful for their ailments. The scouts should keep the ones that they need for their ailments, and leave ones they find that are not useful for their ailments for the other scouts to gather. Once a scout or team has retrieved three plants that would be helpful for each of their specific ailments, they should fill out the worksheet with the names of the plants. Play until all the worksheets have been completed. The scout/team that finishes first wins!

After the hunt is finished:

Get together to talk about your findings. Some questions to think about: How many of these plants have you heard of before? Have you ever used any of these plants to treat an ailment? Are you surprised at the many medicinal values that plants can have? Now that you know more about it, would you like to try to use one or more of these plants if you needed it? Which one(s) do you think you would like to try?

Arnica Arnica montana or A. fulgens

An effective plant in ointments or compresses in the treatment of bruises, sprains, and muscle pains. Application of this plant to the sore area increases blood flow, reduces swelling, and speeds healing. _ _ _ _ _

Celery Apium graveolens

Seeds of this common vegetable can be made into a tea that is helpful in the treatment of arthritis. It is an antiseptic (kills germs) in addition to cleansing the body and improving circulation. _ _ _ _ _

Chamomile Matricaria recutita

Dried flowers from this plant can be made into a tea that is mild enough for babies. It has relaxing properties, and because of this can be used to put a child with colic back to sleep. _ _ _ _ _

Chickweed Stellaria Media

This common plant can be made into an ointment that soothes irritated skin. It is good for the treatment of skin rashes. _ _ _ _ _

Dandelion Taraxacum officinale

The healing properties of this common weed have been known for centuries. Leaves can be eaten raw or made into a tea along with the root to cleanse the body. It has many uses, one of which is to relieve constipation. _ _ _ _ _

Dill Anethum graveolens

The Nourse meaning of the name dill is to soothe. This plant has many uses, one very important of which is for colic in babies. A tea from its leaves has antispasmodic (stops spasms) effects on the intestines. _ _ _ _ _

Elderberry Sambucus nigra

The flowers of this large shrub that grows near water can be made into a tea to treat coughs and colds. Its relaxing effects calm the bronchial passages and help the body rid itself of sickness-causing germs. _ _ _ _ _

Goldenrod Solidage candensis

This plant with beautiful yellow fall flowers has astringent properties good for treatment of diarrhea. It is mild enough for children and also has many other important uses including the treatment of internal infections. _ _ _ _ _

Ground Ivy Glechoma hederacea

This ground-hugging plant can be made into a tea to treat many mucous membrane problems and disorders of the digestive system, including diarrhea. It is mild enough for children. _ _ _ _ _

Jewel Weed Impatiens capensis

The juices from the stem of this plant can be used to soothe skin rashes, even poison ivy. _ _ _ _ _

Lemon Balm Melissa officinalis

The leaves of this plant smell like lemon when they are crushed, and when they are made into a mild tea, they can be used to treat many ailments. This plant has calming properties for the digestive tract, muscles and nerves. It is mild enough for a baby with colic to use. _ _ _ _ _

Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria

Flowers and leaves of this plant can be made into a tea to treat arthritis. It has anti-inflammatory effects like aspirin but also protects the lining of the intestines and the stomach. _ _ _ _ _

Nettle Urtica dioica

Although this plant is known for its sting, its leaves can be made into an ointment that is good for skin rashes. It has anti-allergenic properties (stops the bodys allergic reaction) even for allergic reactions to nettle. _ _ _ _ _

Passion flower Passiflora incarnate

This beautifully flowered vine is a gentle sedative and an antispasmodic (calms spasms). Flowers and leaves can be made into a tea that soothes coughs. _ _ _ _ _

Peppermint Mentha x piperita

The country this plant came from is a mystery. It has been used as a remedy for ages. A tea made from its leaves increases the flow of digestive juices and relaxes the muscles of the gut. It is very good for a stomach ache and tastes good too. _ _ _ _ _

Plantain Plantago major

The leaves of this plant can be placed on cuts and scrapes to help draw out infection. This plant is very common and has other important uses as well. _ _ _ _ _

Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea

This plant stimulates the immune system. It also has anti-inflammatory (soothes swelling) and antibiotic (kills germs) properties. It is good for sore throats, laryngitis and many other ailments. _ _ _ _ _

Queen Annes Lace Daucus carota

This pretty roadside flower is really a wild carrot. Leaves and seeds or a tea made from them relieve gas and thus help stomach aches feel better. _ _ _ _ _

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

This evergreen shrub smells great and is used in cooking. A tea of its leaves mixed with Echinacea and Sage is also used to treat a sore throat and laryngitis. It stimulates blood flow and thus helps ailing areas of the body to rid themselves of toxins. _ _ _ _ _

Sage Salvia officinalis

This herb has antiseptic and astringent properties. A tea made from its leaves can be used to treat laryngitis and soothe a sore throat. _ _ _ _ _

Self Heal Prunella vulgaris

The leaves and flowers of this plant can be made into an ointment for wounds, such as cuts and scrapes. It is an astringent and helps stop bleeding and speed healing. _ _ _ _ _

Senna Cassia senna

This plant has seed pods that look like snow peas. A tea made from them acts as a laxative relieving constipation. _ _ _ _ _

Solomans Seal Polygonatum multiflorum

A poultice of this plant can be used for bruises. It helps tissues repair themselves and speeds healing. _ _ _ _ _

Sumac Rhus glabra, R. typhina, R. aromatic

The bark of this plant can be made into a tea to treat diarrhea. It has astringent properties that tighten and strengthen the lining of the intestines. _ _ _ _ _

Sweet Flag Acorus calamus

The dried rhizome (underground stem that looks like a root) of this water-loving plant can be made into a weak tea that is good to ease stomach aches. _ _ _ _ _

Wild Lettuce Lactuca virosa

This common plant is a mild sedative that is safe for use with children. It can be used to treat coughs when taken as a weak tea. _ _ _ _ _

Willow Salix nigra

Teas and tablets made from the bark of this popular tree can be used to ease the pain of arthritis. _ _ _ _ _

Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana

The leaves of this small tree are distilled and used to treat bruises and other ailments of the skin and veins. It is an astringent and tightens membranes and tissues. _ _ _ _ _

Yarrow Achillea millefolium

The leaves and flowers of this plant can be made into a poultice to stop bleeding, therefore it is good for cuts and scrapes. _ _ _ _ _

Yellow dock Rumex crispus

The dried root of this common plant can be made into a tea. Its mild laxative action is good for constipation.

Medicinal Plant Scavenger Hunt Ailments

After playing too hard on the jungle gym, Mary and John have cuts and scrapes on their elbows and knees. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat their ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Your cousin Danny is complaining of problems associated with constipation. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat his ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Samuel ate too much in the tofu dog eating contest. Although he won, he would like to find something to make him feel better. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat his ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Willy has developed a skin rash after weeding his garden. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat his ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

After returning from her travels abroad, Maria has a case of diarrhea. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat her ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Betty has been suffering from bruises on her arms since the rodeo. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat her ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Connie has a persistent cough that is keeping her awake. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat her ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Belindas baby sister has been crying during the night because of colic gas pain. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat her ailment. List the plants below. 1.___________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________

Larry has laryngitis. Is there something he can gargle with to help get his voice back in time for the choral concert? Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat his ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

Arnies grandmother has arthritis; he would like to do something to help her. Find 3 plants in the scavenger hunt that can be used to treat her ailment. List the plants below. 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________

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