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Star Identification

The Southern Cross (Centuarus Crux) sector of the Milky Way

Acrux Light Years from earth Approx. year light left star from 2013 Vmag. (m) Radius times sun 320 1693 0.77 9 Becrux 350 1663 1.25 8.4 Gacrux 88 1925 1.59 113 -26.74 Sun 0.000016

Acrux -Crucis (Alpha Cru) Approximately 320 light years distant from Earth. The light now visible in the sky of Earth actually left this star in about 1692. This star is 9 times bigger than the sun when comparing their radius. This star is the 13th brightest star when considering the sun at 0.

Mimosa or Becrux - Crusis (Beta Cru) Approximately 350 light years from our solar system. The light now visible in the sky of Earth actually left this star in about 1663 Has a radius of about 8.4 times the radius of the sun. This star is the 21st brightest star when considering the sun at 0.

Gacrux- Crusis (Gamma Cru) Approximately 88 light years from Earth. The light now visible in the sky of Earth actually left this star in about 1925. This star has a radius of approximately 89 times the radius of the sun. This star is the 26th brightest star when considering the sun at 0.

Equation Analysis
Equation 1: E=mc2 E=Energy (measured in Joules, J) (Variable) m=mass (measured in Kilograms, kg) (Variable) c=the speed of light (measured in meters per second, ms-1)(constant) The size of c2 is 8.98755179 1016 m2 / s2 Mass and energy are related in that the more energy that is stored in a particle, the greater the mass of the particle is. if it is possible to change mass into energy a little bit of mass could produce a lot of energy. This is a true statement. When applying the equation E=mc2 you find that a little bit of mass multiplied by the size of c2 is quite a significant increase and that would equal your energy. Equation 2: d=gt2/2 d = distance an object falls when released from rest (no air resistance) g = acceleration of gravity at the Earths surface t = time the object has been falling This equation proves that objects fall at the same speed (if no air resistance) and weight doesnt matter. In the equation you can see that the weight of the object is not part of the equation and therefore is irrelevant to the calculation of the speed of falling objects. Equation 3: v=gt v = velocity of a falling object if released from rest (no air resistance) g = acceleration of gravity at Earths surface t = time the object has been falling I agree with the statement that Objects fall at the same speed (if no air resistance) and weight doesnt matter. I base this thinking on the fact that only things that matter or are relevant to the equation are included in the equation. The mass or weight of the object is not included in the equation and therefore is not relevant. For most of recorded history people thought that heavy objects naturally and under all conditions fell faster than lighter objects, because Galileo and the rest of us were limited in our resources. It was able to be proven when man did the hammer and feather experiment on the moon to once and for all prove Galileos theory true. Prior to that air resistance was always an issue that could not be overcome for some objects. Even though Galileo was able to prove the theory to a point by dropping a 10lb and 1lb ball off the tower of Pisa there were still doubters due to the fact that an object such as a feather would not drop at the same rate as a heavier object.

Equation 4: e = 1 - Tcold/Thot e = efficiency of energy use Tcold = the temperature of the environment surrounding the heat engine Thot = the internal operating temperature of the engine By theory when using this equation, it is possible to achieve 100% efficiency if the surrounding environment was 0 degrees K. i.e., e=1-(0/Thot) = 1=100% efficiency. However in reality it is not possible, we cannot lower the surrounding air to 0 degrees K nor can we raise the internal temperature of the engine to infinity. By theory using this equation, it is possible to achieve 100% efficiency if you can raise the internal temperature of the engine (Thot) to infinity. However again in reality it is not possible to achieve 100% efficiency. We cannot raise the internal temperature of the engine (Thot) to infinity. Conclusion - It is not possible to build a car, using any kind of burning fuel that is 100% efficient. We cannot keep the surrounding environment at 0 degrees K and we cannot raise the internal temperature of the engine to infinity. Without being able to either of these things, you will only get a fraction of the energy. Example, if Thot was at the boiling temp (373k) & Tcold was at the temp of ice water (273k) you would still only have 1-(273/373)=.27=27% efficiency

Newtons 1st Law of Motion

Every object continues in a state of rest or of uniform speed in a straight line unless acted on by a nonzero net force. This means that an object will continue to do whatever it happens to be doing unless a force is exerted upon it. Examples: 1. A tablecloth being pulled swiftly enough from under items on a table leaving the items in their initial state of rest. 2. Satellites that continue to orbit in outer space. 3. The planets in our solar system orbiting the sun.

Explanation of Fermis Paradox and possible resolution Fermis paradox is the idea that there are or are not extraterrestrial civilizations out there and the possibility that we have or have not had contact with them. The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico Fermiand Michael H. Hart, paraphrased they are:

The Sun is a young star. There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are billions of years older;

some of these stars likely have planets like the Earth which, if the Earth is typical, may develop intelligent life; some of these civilizations will eventually develop interstellar travel, a technology Earth is checking into even now; at any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in a few tens of millions of years.

Possible resolutions to the paradox: 1. Maybe other life forms simply don't exist.

2. Maybe they do exist but like us dont have the ability to travel far enough to reach other planets with life. 3. Maybe extraterrestrials have physiological requirements that are met within their own hemisphere that they have been unable to preserve in order to travel in other galaxies. 4. We can ignore this issue as it clearly wont be a problem for us for a few tens of millions of years anyway. We should focus our energies on more productive issues like preventing health care reform or re-reforming it.

Internet Resources cited Amature Astronomer . (2013). Crux Constellation. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from Fermi_Paradox. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2013, from Gacrux. (n.d.). Retrieved from Unknown. (n.d.). Crux-Constellation Guide. Retrieved October 18, 2013, from

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