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CLAT Junction 2014 GK Exercise 7 Answers

General Knowledge Exercise 7 Answers

1. ammonia 2. straight set wrap 3. curvature perm wrap 4. zigzag partings 5. piggyback wrap 6. spiral wrap 7. preliminary test curls 8. partial perms 9. chemical hair relaxing 10. chemically change the structure of the hair 11. breaking disulfide bonds 12. hair relaxers 13. extremely curly 14. are very weak 15. thio 16. five 17. lanthionization 18. lanthionine bonds 19. high-pH shampoo 20. hydroxide relaxer 21. oxygen and hydrogen 22. sodium hydroxide relaxers 23. guanidine hydroxide relaxer 24. sulfites 25. color-treated hair, fine and damaged 26. virgin relaxer 27. back of the head 28. normalizing solutions 29. periodic strand testing 30. five minutes

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CLAT Junction.Pre School to NLUs

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