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Ive been eligible to vote for 22 years and most years Ive bumped into cynicism about voting

and money used in political campaigns. The belief is that we can do nothing about this. And Im here today because I am tired of this passive cynicism. I dont see this as merely a now issue but as a pay it forward issue. So that we create a fence and protection for people coming in the future. My ability to vote is a gift to me, hard earned by women and men, some time ago. I think we need to consider others in the same way. And strike at apathy by creating a greater sense of equality and fairness, which are shattered by the ability of a person, to usurp or overthrow an election, that matters to local citizenry. Hopelessness in citizenry is not good for a society. Hopeless citizens if they are parents, typically pass this attitude down to their children and or take it into the workplace, suggesting this attitude or worldview to other local citizens. The ability to come in and manipulate an election is infringement on the voting liberties and rights of the people who are to be served by the election. We enjoy many individual freedoms in this country that we owe to many people who worked hard to gift us with them. But I have noticed in my forty years that our freedoms seem to be curtailed. So that there are big circles around each of us; we have a lot of latitude and space to be, act and express. But there is a line; I envision it as a circle drawn around our personal freedoms, when it comes to how they affect other individuals freedoms. So when a person through exercise of choice and liberty amasses wealth beyond what they need or want to meet their basic needs, and care for the ones they love, and they decide to spend it on an electorate that does not directly serve them, it unbalances the system for for the local citizenry. Please, lets take a protective action for ourselves and for those good people coming shortly after us. They will thank us; just like I think of the women and men who cared enough, to sacrifice their time, to get involved in issues, from their local places of existence.

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