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Wilson EDUC 353/318 Name: Giana Dente Target Grade Level: Grade 3 Point of View Stage 1: Desired Outcome

Date: October 5, 2013 Curriculum Topic: Point of View

Established Goals: 3.RL.6. Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters. 3.WK.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally. b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations.

Understandings: Students will understand that The author had specific intentions for each characters perspective for readers to grasp an understanding. When interpreting a story based on attributes of the characters in the story. Creating an illustration of characters by incorporating the five senses it will capture what the thoughts, feelings, and emotions were to have a better understanding of their point of view through the text. By identifying key words and evidence within the passage one can infer the characters perspective. The story has a moral for readers to comprehend through the different perspectives. Every character has a different point of view, which expresses the main idea of the story. The importance of descriptive writing to convey the characters point of view through the text and

Essential Question(s): By reading from different characters views what is the overall moral of the story? How does Trisha define who she is through her emotions and thought? How is taking on another characters perspective/point of view important? What can be learned from stories that are told by different point of views?


What makes a good story?

Students will know Students will be able to Characters different point of views in a text (first Make predictions based person, second person, third person) on a picture walk during the pre-reading, read Point of view- an opinion or personal judgment aloud based on First person- the speaker who speaks to himself or illustrations. herself in the story (Trisha) Second person- the person being spoken about from the Design their own story impression chart with a speaker list of words in the text Third person- a person being referred to as any one else to write a small passage other than the speaker from their point of view How to incorporate the five senses in their descriptive of what will happen. writing by using strategies such as close reading to Form connections decipher between layers of writing to find the true throughout the book with meaning. characters in the story to How to write a diary entry from a characters point of determine the point of view based on the story in their own descriptions of view. actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences Write his or her diary entry by taking on a role of a character in the text and writing from that characters perspective using details.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Post reading the students will be able to comprehend Students will use a prethe text and each characters point of view. The students reading strategy known will then illustrate a picture of whichever character he as a story impression or she chooses. By drawing arrows from the characters chart (McGinley and five senses such as their actions, and emotions to Denner 1987) with describe details and evidence from the text of what the words that are provided characters point of view and feelings were in the story. from the teacher. The chart will allow students Referring back to the descriptions of whichever to actively engage in characters point of view, the students will then write anticipatory reading by their own window diary. The window diary represents using key concepts to the student looking through the window from the develop their own characters perspective. The students will each take on a impression of the story. role of a character in the text and write a diary based on This will be an example how that character thought or responded to occurrences of the students point of in the text through their own emotions or that of the view of what the story character. Students can refer back to their five-sense entails before reading it illustration to add key details to the window diaries. aloud. Students will be engaged in a class discussion on different point of views of each character in the story. The semantic web illustration, which is based on seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling of each character from the reading, will aid the

students to reflect on specific details in the story to compare and contrast characters in the story. Perspectives to another will show the students how every point of view is different. During the class discussion, the teacher will focus on the moral of the story as well as the importance of every individual characters point of view. Throughout the lesson, the teacher will evaluate the students knowledge of the topic on point of view, through the students participation during the class discussion as well as the students personal semantic concept web. This will allow the teacher to see which students may need reinforcement on the topic. At the end of the lesson each student will write a personal window diary of a specific character in the text. This will allow students to self-reflect on what was learned from point of view writing. The window diary will

be folded up into a window, which will represent the student looking into the point of view of the character.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities: WHERETO W= Previous to this lesson the students know how to distinguish first person, second person, and third person writing. Therefore, in this lesson the students will by applying their knowledge of point of view demonstrate to the understanding of reading from a characters point of view. The teacher will gather the students around the meeting area on the rug where the teacher will have lead a class discussion. The teacher will open up the discussion related to the text, the teacher will say, Have any of you struggled in a subject before? If so, what subject and was there a teacher who helped you overcome your challenge? Students will then be given the opportunity to meet with their reading partner, which will be known in advance. The reading partners will then sit on the rug next to each other and discuss through a think-pair share of their struggles and overcoming a challenge. H= The teacher will hook the students into the lesson by allowing them to understand that each one of them will be playing a role of a character in the book. The teacher will tell the students that each of them are actors and actresses who will be writing about their experiences as any character in the book. Every actor and actress will write a personal experience from playing the role as a character in his or her own window diary. Through Vygotskys Social Development theory,

students will be able to learn and present their window diaries to their classmates. Thee window diaries will be presented in front of their peers to express their acting expertise of whichever character or preference. Diaries are a great tool for students who are intrapersonal learners. Those who do not wish to act can participate in being a critic of the actors presentation by writing a review and support their comments with evidence. By critiquing, the students will give feedback to their peers who present. The feedback will indicate that all of the students were actively engaged in the presentation as well as helping the students with their detailed writing from the point of view of a character. The actors and actresses will be giving the audience descriptive details from the senses illustration that they created. Evidence of understanding requires that we test quite differently, then. We need to see evidence of students ability to extract understandings and apply them in situated problems, in performance (Wiggins and McTighe 49). E= The teacher will model examples of point of view writing from the perspective of a character in a text. By modeling, the teacher will use words to describe the characters sense of smell, his or her feelings from the heart, and what was seen through the eyes to make the character feel the way that he or she felt in the text. The teacher will model sentence strips where the students can see that by detailing his or her writing enhances the characters true feelings of what was felt the story. This type of perspective is a powerful form of insight, because by shifting perspective and casting familiar ideas in a new light, one can create new theories, stories, and applications (Wiggins and McTighe 95). This will teach students that through point of view writing, the details will capture the audiences attention to feel the true moral of the story as well as the different perspectives that characters in a book have. R= Students will be given opportunities to rethink and revise the understanding of their work through peers feedback. Every critique will be handed into the teacher for final comments, and then will be given to the actors who are acting the part of a character in the texts point of view. This will then give the students the corrections from their peers to change any

perspectives and writing ideas that they wish. By using the students illustrations of the characters five senses, and the story impression chart to incorporate the students own point of view they will have multiple opportunities to rethink and revise their work. Evidence of understanding that is transferrable involves assessing for students capacity to use their knowledge thoughtfully and to apply it effectively in diverse settings that is, to do the subject (Wiggins and McTighe 48). The transferring of knowledge from one student to another generates multiple ideas to reconstruct and build upon new ideas. E= Students will work in groups where there will be an actor to present and critics to critique. Through the critics from other groups and the corrections from the teacher, students will be able to go back to their groups and reevaluate the work based on the characters point of view. After the evaluation, all of the students will be experts on the specific characters perspective of choice in the story. By incorporating detailed writing there will finally be the final window diary for each student that gets published. T= This topic will cater to all of the students in the classroom with all types of multiple intelligences and learning disabilities. The students who have ADHD, or bodily kinesthetic learners will be able to be involved in acting out their window diary of a specific character. These students have the option to walk around, keep busy, and not only read the window diary but even act it out if he or she chooses to do so. For the English Speaking Learners (ESL), who are also having difficulty reading, there will be the use of visual aids created for each character that is created in the post-reading stage. The illustration will be based on the characters five senses to distinguish and visually recognize what the characters perspective is in the story based on the sensory motives, which are the emotions, and feelings that were felt from the character through descriptive detail in the text. This allows them to interpret the meanings of each feeling, and point of view through the illustration, which will point to the parts on the body where every one feels, sees, hears, tastes or smells. Design performance tasks or test items that require students to use the targeted thinking and content knowledge

(Brookhart, 2010). O= First, the students will be given a story impression chart in the pre-reading stage, where every student will be given five words to anticipate what the reading will be for that day. This will create excitement for the students to see if what he or she wrote is similar to what will be read during the read aloud. Without even realizing, the students will be using the story impression chart to write from their point of view what they think the story will be about. This will allow the students to be creative by designing their own story. As the students finish this quick piece, they will be engaging in a think pair share based on a picture walk before the read aloud. The students will be gathered around the meeting area on the carpet where the students who are reading partners will answer essential questions given from the teacher. The teacher will begin the lesson asking students general questions from the text, which the students have not read yet. Then, allow the students to discuss with their partner what connections they formed to the questions that were asked. After five minutes of an open discussion, the teacher will refocus the students attention for a picture walk before the shared reading. The students will create predictions of what each character is feeling through the illustrations demonstrated in the story and the teacher will write the predictions on the board to see if what the students predicted is right. After the picture walk the teacher will read the book to the class. Following the shared reading the students will go back to their designated desks. When every student is seated, the teacher will ask each student to choose a character to draw on a blank sheet of paper. Then, when the students have drawn the character of choice, each one will draw arrows to the five senses of the character and write little blurbs next to each. Using evidence from the text to show how the character was feeling, and what his or her perspective was in the story will do this. In conclusion, the students will then design their own window diaries of the character looking in to his or her point of view from the story. This will be given as a class project, which will be done throughout the week and will be assessed daily through a rubric. When every student has completed his or her perspective writing piece, the students will be placed in groups of four. There will be an actor in each

group and then the rest will be the critics who will give feedback to the actors and actresses. The actors can use their perspective window diary to share with the class. The last piece is to publish the diaries in the week that follows. Each diary will have a splash of real honey dropped on the front window to incorporate an excerpt from the story Thank you Mr. Falker. The honey will be the representation of knowledge, and how honey is sweet which is like knowledge from a bee. This will allow all of the students to feel that they are knowledgeable and essential in the classroom. As a closure, the students will be able to have a class discussion on point of view and how it reflects what the moral of the story is.


Itemized Attachments: Thank you Mr. Falker, by Patricia Palocco Colored Construction Paper for the students window perspective diaries

Blank sheets of paper for illustration of the characters five senses, and story impression charts Honey to be dripped on every students window diary to show that each student has knowledge and is essential in the classroom

Citations: Brookhart, S. (2010). How To Assess Higher-Order Thinking Skills in Your Classroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. New York State Education Department. (2012). Common Core Learning Standards: C&I: P12: NYSED. C&I: Curriculum and Instruction. State Education Department. Retrieved March 5, 2012, from Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition (Expanded 2nd.). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall.

Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________________________ Story Impression Chart Directions: Here is a list of eight key words from the text. These words represent a characters point of view in the story. Use these words to create a mini story on what you think the story will be about. Knowledge struggle different talent reading honey mean guidance

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

Five Senses of the Character Directions: Draw a picture of any character from the story Thank you, Mr. Falker. Drawing arrows from the characters five senses (see, hear, touch, taste, smell) use examples from the text to show the characters point of view in the story.

Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

Five Senses of the Character Directions: Draw a picture of any character from the story Thank you, Mr. Falker. Drawing arrows from the characters five senses (see, hear, touch, taste, smell) use examples from the text to show the characters point of view in the story. Be creative. TEACHER COPY! Example:

See: Mr. Falker sees that there is potential in Trisha. he stays with her after school to practice reading.

Hear: Mr. Falker hears Eric making fun of Trisha. He takes him to the office. He tells Trisha that she is smart and he is going to help her read.

Taste: Mr. Falker can taste that knowledge is sweet like honey because he never gives up on Trisha and has her read through pages until she can read by herself.

Smell: He smelled that she was willing to learn and read Example of the students personal Window Diary

Touch: He is able to touch the hearts of his students, such as as Trisha. He was able to help her read, and never gave up on her.

Taylor Aufieros Window Diary looking into the life of Trisha in Thank you, Mr. Falker.

Use of Point of View

Descriptive Writing

Student was able to accurately adapt the characters point of view for their writing piece by using key details from the text. Writer uses descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of characters to situations

Student used details from the text to try to adapt the point of view of the character.

Students tried to use details from the text to adapt the point of view of the character.

Student did not show any use of details from the text to adapt the point of view of the character.

Grammar and Spelling

Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling. Sentences and paragraphs are complete, well constructed and of varied structure.

Writer uses some descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and show the response of characters to situations. Writer makes 12 errors in grammar and/or spelling. All sentences are complete and well constructed (no fragments, no run-ons). Paragraphing is generally done well.

Writer uses very few descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and show the response of characters to situations. Writer makes 34 errors in grammar and/or spelling Most sentences are complete and well constructed. Paragraphing needs some work.

Writer uses no descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and show the response of characters to situations. Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar and/or spelling. Many sentence fragments or run-on sentences OR paragraphing needs lots of work.

Sentences and Paragraphs

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