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Mornings: whole grain cereals, or citrus fruits, but these never taken at th e same meal; rather alternate these,

using one on one day and the other the next . Any form of rice cakes or the like, the yolk of eggs. Noons: some fresh raw vegetable salad. Soups with brown bread, broths or suc h. Evenings: a well-coordinated vegetable diet, with three vegetables above the ground to one below the ground. Seafood, fowl, or lamb; not other types of meat Gelatin may be prepared with any of the vegetables, as in the salads for the no on meal, or with milk and cream dishes. Cayce ruled out fried foods, preferring the roasted, broiled, or boiled. but stressed the seafoods twice a week, particularly clams, oysters, shrimp, or lobster. a nausea, or upsetting of the digestive system; headaches seem to arise from a d isturbance between liver and the kidneys themselves, though usually the setting up of better eliminations causes these to be eased.

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