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PANGANTIHON,CoE University of the Immaculate Conception Mater in Information Technology

My Theory of Organizational Analysis Are the employees aligned with the organization's vision, mission, purpose and goals? Organization analysis, on my perception, will help the higher management staff its organization with people who understand and are ready to implement its strategy. For organizations to develop, they often must undergo significant changes in their overall strategies, practices and operational tactics. As companies evolve through various life cycles, its leaders and employees must be able to successfully align with organizational changes so that they can evolve as well. That's why organizational analysis has become an important part of today's workforce. Organizational analysis examines a company's culture and provides insights to the alignment of management groups with the company's goals and objectives. This is essential to the successful development of an organization. You must learn about what makes the organization tick. The organizational analysis process examines organizational dynamics, the company's culture and provides insights to the alignment of management groups with the company's goals and objectives. Armed with a factual summary of the perceptions of a management group, organization leaders can continually make efforts to analyze the human capital aspects associated with an organization's long-term strategic objectives. Organizational development priorities and training needs can also be analyzed. Successful organizational change can be quite difficult to accomplish. It can be like trying to change a person's habits. There are many approaches to guiding changes in organizational dynamics. Some approaches are planned, structured and explicit, while others are more organic, unfolding and implicit. Organizational analysis provides a description of where the organization stands at present and guides future development based on statistically accurate data. When you know where you are and where you want to go, you can chart your course with confidence and certainty. With organizational analysis, the organization's strengths and areas for improvement can be viewed. Organizational goals with clarity and certainty can then plan.

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