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et0 Palatino Linotype;}{\f30\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f31\fmodern\fchars
et0 Lucida Console;}{\f40\ftech\fcharset2 Symbol;}{\f50\fscript\fcharset0 Minion
;}{\f60 Haettenschweiler;}}
{\phpg\posx2544\pvpg\posy5211\absw6588\absh559 \f20 \fs51 \cf0 \f20 \fs51 \cf0 E
ssential Idioms in English \par
{\phpg\posx4584\pvpg\posy8851\absw2047\absh396 \f20 \fs37 \cf0 \f20 \fs37 \cf0 A
d va nc e d \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-391 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 28.....................................................
...........................................................3 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 29.....................................................

...........................................................5 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 30.....................................................
...........................................................8 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 31.....................................................
.........................................................10 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 32.....................................................
.........................................................12 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 33.....................................................
.........................................................14 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 34.....................................................
.........................................................17 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 35.....................................................
.........................................................19 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 36.....................................................
.........................................................21 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 37.....................................................
.........................................................23 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 38.....................................................
.........................................................26 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 LESSON}{\fs21 39.....................................................
.........................................................28 }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1682\absw9890\absh6730 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\fs21 REVIEW-LESSON}{\fs21 28}{\fs21 TO}{\fs21 39}{\fs21 ...............
....................................................................31 }\par
{\phpg\posx5116\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx11371\pvpg\posy792\absw146\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1682\absw9765\absh973 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 LESSON 28
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1682\absw9765\absh973 \sl-391 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 let}{\i \f20 \fs19 up:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to
}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 slacken,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 lessen}{\b0 \f20
\fs19 in}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 intensity;}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 rela
x}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ease}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 one's}{\b0 \f20 \fs
19 effort}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (also:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 related}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 idi
om:}{\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 take}{\i \f20 \fs19 it}{\i \f20 \fs19 e
asy}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\b0\i \f20 \fs19 , }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2773\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2773\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2773\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy2798\absw6244\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f the rain doesn't{\i let}{\i up} soon, we won't be able to have our picnic.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy2798\absw6244\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
Jane is working, she never{\i lets}{\i up} for a moment.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy2798\absw6244\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jane
should{\i take}{\i it}{\i easy} or she'll get exhausted. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3888\absw10470\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to lay off:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 abstain}{\b0\i0 from,}{\b0\i0 stop}{
\b0\i0 using}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 habit;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 releas
e}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 discharge}{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 job}{\b0\i0
(also:}{\b0\i0 related}{\b0\i0 idiom:}{\i0 to}{\i0 let}{\i0 go}{\b0\i0 )}{\
b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4141\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4141\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4141\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4166\absw6333\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f you're trying to lose weight, you should{\i lay}{\i off} sweet things.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4166\absw6333\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If b
usiness continues to be slow, we will have to{\i lay}{\i off} some workers.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4166\absw6333\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It w
ill be necessary to{\i let} the youngest employees{\i go} first. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5256\absw6822\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to bring out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 show}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 introduce}{
\b0\i0 (to}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 public)}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 make}{\b0\i0 available}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5509\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5509\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy5534\absw6173\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
ost automobile companies{\i bring}{\i out} new models each year.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy5534\absw6173\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 My m
other{\i brought} some snacks{\i out} for my friends and me to have. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6345\absw10324\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to bring back:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 return}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 bought}{
\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 borrowed}{\b0\i0 item}{\b0\i0 (also:}{\i0 to}{\i0 take}{
\i0 back}{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6345\absw10324\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 To}{\b0 bring}{\b0 back}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0
you}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0\i0 speaking}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 place}{\b
0\i0 that}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 item}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 bought}{\b0\i0 or}{\b
0\i0 borrowed;}{\b0 to}{\b0 take}{\b0 back}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6345\absw10324\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 speaking}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 another}{\b0\i0 place. }\
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7127\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7127\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\

fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7127\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7152\absw9051\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
a'am, our store policy is that you can{\i bring}{\i back} the dress as long as
you have your sales receipt.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7152\absw9051\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You
can borrow my car if you promise to{\i bring} it{\i back} by six o'clock.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7152\absw9051\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I ha
ve to{\i take} this book{\i back} to the library today. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8237\absw5453\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to wait up for:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 wait}{\b0\i0 until}{\b0\i0 late}{
\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 night}{\b0\i0 without}{\b0\i0 going}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 b
ed }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8490\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8490\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy8515\absw7865\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 D
on't{\i wait}{\i up}{\i for} me. I may be back after midnight.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy8515\absw7865\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We{\
i waited}{\i up}{\i for} our son until two o'clock in the morning before we c
alled the police. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9326\absw8950\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to leave{\b0\i0 (}someone or something{\b0\i0 )} alone:{\b0\i0 not}{\
b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 disturb,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stay}{\b0\i0 away}{\b0\i0 fro
m}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (also:} to let alone{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9579\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9579\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy9605\absw5239\absh470 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 Leave{\i0 the}{\i0 baby} alone{\i0 for}{\i0 a}{\i0 while}{\i0 and}{\i
0 she}{\i0 may}{\i0 go}{\i0 to}{\i0 sleep. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy9605\absw5239\absh470 \sl-278 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\i0 After}{\i0 the}{\i0 cat}{\i0 had}{\i0 scratched}{\i0 Peter}{\i0 twice,
}{\i0 he} let{\i0 it} alone{\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10329\absw8941\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 let alone:{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 certainly}{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 (also:
} not to mention{\b0\i0 ,} to say nothing of{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10329\absw8941\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 Let}{\b0 alone}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 after}{\b0\i0 negativ
e}{\b0\i0 forms.}{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 example}{\b0\i0 that}{\b0\i0 follows}{
\b0 let}{\b0 alone}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 much}{\b0\i0 less}{\b0\i0 possible}{
\b0\i0 than }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10329\absw8941\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 example}{\b0\i0 that}{\b0\i0 precedes}{\b0 let}{\b0 a
lone}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11110\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11110\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0

\fs25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11136\absw6980\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
I'm too sick today to walk to the kitchen,{\i let}{\i alone} to go to the zoo
with you.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11136\absw6980\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 He
doesn't even speak his own language well,{\i let}{\i alone} French. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11865\absw4018\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to break off:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 terminate,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 disc
ontinue}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12118\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12118\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12144\absw6294\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
After war began, the two countries{\i broke}{\i off} diplomatic relations.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12144\absw6294\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Els
e and Bob were once engaged, but they have already{\i broken} it{\i off}. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw3180\absh833 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw3180\absh833 \sl-340 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b\i to}{\b\i wear}{\b\i off:} to disappear gradually \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw6012\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 My

headache isn't serious. It will{\i wear}{\i off} after an hour or so.

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw6012\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The e
ffect of the painkilling drug didn't{\i wear}{\i off} for several hours. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2212\absw8891\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to wear down:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0 worn}{\b0\i0 graduall
y}{\b0\i0 through}{\b0\i0 use}{\b0\i0 (also:} to wear away{\b0\i0 ,} to wear
through{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2212\absw8891\absh457 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Compare}{\b0\i0 with} to wear out{\b0\i0 (to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0
useless}{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 wear)}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 Lesson}{\b0\i0 8. }\p
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh994 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw6861\absh971 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you drag your feet while you walk, you'll{\i wear}{\i down} your shoes quickl
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw6861\absh971 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The p
ounding of ocean waves against the coast gradually{\i wears} it{\i away}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw6861\absh971 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Johnn
y has{\i worn}{\i through} the seat of his pants.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw6861\absh971 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Helga
threw away that dress because she had{\i worn} it{\i out}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4036\absw5429\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 on the whole:{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 general,}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 most}{\b
0\i0 ways}{\b0\i0 (also:} by and large{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4290\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4290\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4315\absw3977\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 He
is,{\i on}{\i the}{\i whole}, a good student.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4315\absw3977\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i B
y}{\i and}{\i large}, I agree with your suggestions. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5040\absw3911\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 touch and go:{\b0\i0 risky,}{\b0\i0 uncertain}{\b0\i0 until}{\b0\i0
the}{\b0\i0 end }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5293\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5293\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5318\absw6480\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e complicated medical operation was{\i touch}{\i and}{\i go} for several hour
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5318\absw6480\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The o
utcome of the soccer final was{\i touch}{\i and}{\i go} for the entire match.

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6285\absw10381\absh1711 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6285\absw10381\absh1711 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs21
\cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs1
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expres
sion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 or
}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 m
aking}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\b
0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6285\absw10381\absh1711 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i0
\fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idi
oms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6285\absw10381\absh1711 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6285\absw10381\absh1711 \sl-285 \par\b\i \f20 \fs21
\cf0 {\i0 \f10 \fs19 Example: }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8390\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9177\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy8390\absw8995\absh928 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ma
ry{\i discontinued} her relationship with Paul because she couldn't{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy8390\absw8995\absh928 \sl-398 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\b\i
Mary}{\b\i broke}{\b\i off}{\b\i her}{\b\i relationship}{\b\i with}{\b\i
Paul}{\b\i because}{\b\i she}{\b\i couldn't}{\b\i put}{\b\i up}{\b\i with}
{\b\i him}{\b\i anymore. }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy8390\absw8995\absh928 \sl-388 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The e
ffect of the wine{\i disappeared}{\i gradually} after I{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9974\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy9974\absw6902\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
think that we should{\i wait}{\i without}{\i going}{\i to}{\i bed} for our
daughter until she{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10771\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10771\absw4855\absh219 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 In general{\i0 ,}{\i0 it}{\i0 is}{\i0 best}{\i0 for}{\i0 a}{\i0 stude
nt}{\i0 learning}{\i0 English}{\i0 to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11568\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy11568\absw6955\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he company was forced{\i to}{\i release} hundreds of workers because business{
\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12364\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy12364\absw4593\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 S
ir, you can{\i return} your jacket to the store if you{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13161\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx989\pvpg\posy13161\absw7001\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he outcome of the 100-meter race was{\i uncertain} because the four runners{\fi
eld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1204\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw5987\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw5987\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 I}{\b0 \f20 have}{\b0 \f20 no}{\b0 \f20 time}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \
f20 visit}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 park,}{\b0\i \f20 and}{\b0\i \f20 certain
ty}{\b0\i \f20 not}{\b0 \f20 the{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\
{\phpg\posx11371\pvpg\posy792\absw146\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2001\absw5300\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f the snowstorm doesn't{\i slacken}, we won't be able to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2798\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10
. \par

{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2798\absw3619\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I

want you{\i not}{\i to}{\i disturb}{\i me} so that I{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3858\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 que
stions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f
20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 les
son. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4267\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9. \
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If you want to keep a favorite pair of shoes, what can you do when the sole (bo
ttom) of the shoes{\i wears}{\i down}?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ha
ve you ever been worried and had to{\i wait}{\i up}{\i for} someone? Why was
the person late?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
your country, is it possible{\i to}{\i take}{\i back} an item to a store aft
er you have bought it?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wh
y is it important{\i to}{\i let}{\i up} if you have been working for several
hours without a break?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Gi
ve an example of when you should{\i leave} a child{\i alone}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wh
y should smokers{\i lay}{\i off} smoking cigarettes?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ho
w long does it take for the effects of a drug such as alcohol{\i to}{\i wear}{
\i off}?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Fo
r what reasons would one country{\i break}{\i off} relations with another coun
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4267\absw10013\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
i On}{\i the}{\i whole}, what is your favorite music? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7216\absw5311\absh632 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 LESSON 29
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7216\absw5311\absh632 \sl-201 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 work}{\i \f20 \fs19 out:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 exercise;}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 develop,}{\b0
\f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 devise}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 pla
n)}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7928\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7928\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7928\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\

fs25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7953\absw9763\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 J
ane{\i works}{\i out} at the fitness center every other morning before going t
o school.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7953\absw9763\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
advertising department{\i worked}{\i out} a plan to increase company sales.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7953\absw9763\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We c
ouldn't come up with a good plan for solving the problem, but we agreed to{\i w
ork} it{\i out} at a later date. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8995\absw8942\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to back up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 drive}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 go}{\b0\i0
backwards}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ),}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 defend,}{\b0\i0 to}
{\b0\i0 support}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 return}{\b0\i
0 to}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 previous}{\b0\i0 thought }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9248\absw201\absh981 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9248\absw201\absh981 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9248\absw201\absh981 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9273\absw9924\absh958 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
couldn't{\i back} my car{\i up} because there was a bicycle in the driveway b
ehind me.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9273\absw9924\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ursu
la asked her friends to{\i back} her{\i up} when she went to court to fight a
ticket for an illegal lane change on the
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9273\absw9924\absh958 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 high
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9273\absw9924\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wait
a minute. Could you{\i back}{\i up} and say that again? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10579\absw9553\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to back out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 drive}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 vehicle}{\b
0\i0 out}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 parking}{\b0\i0 space}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0
S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 withdraw}{\b0\i0 support,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i
0 fail}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fulfill}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 promise}{\b0\i0 or }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10579\absw9553\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 obligation }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11096\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11096\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11121\absw8318\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The parking lot attendant had to{\i back} another car{\i out} before he could
get to mine.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11121\absw8318\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We
were all ready to sign the contracts when one of the parties to the agreement{\i
backed}{\i out. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11860\absw5928\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to have one's heart set on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 desire}{\b0\i0 greatl
y,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 determined}{\b0\i0 to }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12109\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12109\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12134\absw7753\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
She{\i has}{\i her}{\i heart}{\i set}{\i on} taking a trip abroad. She's be
en thinking about it for months.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12134\absw7753\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Tod
d{\i has}{\i his}{\i heart}{\i set}{\i on} going to medical school and beco
ming a doctor. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw146\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6 \p
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1209\absw4171\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to buy up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 buy}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 complete}{\b0\i
0 stock}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 - }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1488\absw7693\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Be
fore the hurricane struck, residents{\i bought}{\i up} all the food and water
in local stores.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1488\absw7693\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The g
overnment plans to{\i buy}{\i up} all surplus grain in order to stabilize the
price. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2342\absw9002\absh492 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to buy out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 purchase}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 business}{\
b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 company}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 pur
chase}{\b0\i0 all}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 person's}{\b0\i0 shares}{\b0
\i0 or}{\b0\i0 stock}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2342\absw9002\absh492 \sl-302 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 similar}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 me
aning}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0 to}{\b0 take}{\b0 over}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 Lesson}{\b
0\i0 23. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2893\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2893\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2918\absw9592\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 La
rger companies often{\i buy}{\i out} smaller companies that are having financi
al difficulties.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2918\absw9592\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mr. L
ee has been trying for some time to{\i buy} his partner{\i out} so that he can
control the company by himself. \par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3811\absw7484\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs

19 \cf0 to sell out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 sell}{\b0\i0 all}{\b0\i0 items}{\b0\i
0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 arrange}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 the}{\
b0\i0 sale}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 company}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 busines
s}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4059\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4059\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4084\absw7329\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
at store is closing its doors for good and is{\i selling}{\i out} everything t
his weekend.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4084\absw7329\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If my
new business enterprise is successful, I'll{\i sell} it{\i out} for a few mil
lion dollars. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4972\absw7554\absh435 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to catch on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0 popular}{\b0\i0 or}{\b
0\i0 widespread;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 understand,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 apprecia
te}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 joke }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4972\absw7554\absh435 \sl-240 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 wi
th}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 preposition}{\b0 to}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0
second}{\b0\i0 definition. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5461\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5461\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5461\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5486\absw10157\absh958 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 F
ashions of the past often{\i catch}{\i on} again among young people.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5486\absw10157\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
the teacher speaks quickly like that, can you{\i catch}{\i on} easily?
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5486\absw10157\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 His
joke was very funny at the time, but when I told it to others later, nobody seem
ed to{\i catch}{\i on.} I had to tell the
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5486\absw10157\absh958 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 joke
again before anyone could{\i catch}{\i on}{\i to} it. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6792\absw5308\absh435 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to be cut out for:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 have}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 necess
ary}{\b0\i0 skills}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 talent}{\b0\i0 for }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6792\absw5308\absh435 \sl-240 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 most}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 us
ed}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 negative}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 q
uestions. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7280\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7280\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7305\absw5200\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jo
hn{\i is} certainly not{\i cut}{\i out}{\i for} the work of a trial lawyer.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7305\absw5200\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Are y

ou certain that you{\i are}{\i cut}{\i out}{\i for} that kind of job? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8198\absw7893\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to throw out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 discard}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{
\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 remove}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 force}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0
);}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 refuse}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 consider,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i
0 reject}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8446\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8446\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8446\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8472\absw9135\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
stead of{\i throwing}{\i out} our paper waste in the office, we should recycle
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8472\absw9135\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
a fight broke out between two people on the dance floor, the management{\i thre
w} them{\i out}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8472\absw9135\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The j
udge{\i threw} the case{\i out} because there was insufficient evidence to try
the defendant successfully. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9662\absw5336\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to throw up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 erect}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 construct}{\
b0\i0 quickly}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 vomit}{\b0\i0
(}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9915\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9915\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9940\absw7855\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e Red Cross{\i threw}{\i up} temporary shelters for the homeless victims of th
e earthquake.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9940\absw7855\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The i
ll patient is unable to digest her food properly, so she is{\i throwing} all of
it{\i up. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10852\absw7627\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to clear up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 make}{\b0\i0 understandable}{\b0\i0
(also:} to straighten out{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0
\i0 become}{\b0\i0 sunny }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11106\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11106\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11131\absw9061\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he teacher tried to{\i clear}{\i up} our confusion about the meaning of the di
fficult paragraph in the reading.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11131\absw9061\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It's
rather cloudy this morning. Do you think that it will{\i clear}{\i up} later?
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19

\cf0 \par

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx5116\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \fi10094 \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 7
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \sl-336 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b\i \fs21 EXERCISES }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \sl-398 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\f
40 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}} Substitute an idiomatic express
ion for the word or words in italics, making any necessary grammatical changes a
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \fi
283 well. Then complete each sentence appropriately with your own idea. Also try
to use idioms from previous
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \fi
283 lessons.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy792\absw10381\absh2094 \sl-242 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
After Jane{\i exercised} for an hour at the gym, she{\field{\*\fldins
t SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3672\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.

{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy3672\absw4344\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 L
arry{\i defended} his friend who was accused of{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\
f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4468\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4468\absw5500\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he company{\i withdrew}{\i support}{\i for} the joint venture when{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5265\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy5265\absw3844\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
his weekend I really{\i am}{\i determined}{\i to}{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6062\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6062\absw4206\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
hat company will have to{\i sell}{\i all}{\i its}{\i items} if{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6859\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6859\absw5066\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen a new product{\i becomes}{\i popular}, stores should{\field{\*\fldinst SYM
BOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7656\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy7656\absw8093\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
don't think that Felix{\i doesn't}{\i have}{\i the}{\i necessary}{\i talen
t}{\i for} parenthood because he{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \pa
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8452\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8452\absw5743\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
nstead of{\i discarding} newspapers and plastics, people should{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9249\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9249\absw7384\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he teacher tried to{\i make}{\i understandable} the problem in class, but the
students{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10046\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
0. \par

{\phpg\posx1844\pvpg\posy10046\absw4838\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0

If the weather{\i becomes}{\i sunny} this afternoon, we'll{\field{\*\fldinst S
YMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11134\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 qu
estions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\
f20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 le
sson. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11544\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When you are telling a complicated story to someone, when might you have to{\i
back}{\i up}?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Is
there anything at the moment that you{\i have}{\i your}{\i heart}{\i set}{\
i on}? What is it?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you can't{\i catch}{\i on}{\i to} a joke, but everyone else does, what do yo
u do?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you think that you would be{\i cut}{\i out}{\i for} the job of politician? W
hy or why not?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you{\i throw}{\i out} items of clothing when they are worn out, or do you fin
d ways to reuse them? Give
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ex
amples of how some items might be reused.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Fo
r what reason might a person be{\i thrown}{\i out} of a private affair?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Su
ppose that you have a serious misunderstanding with a friend. When would you wan
t to{\i clear}{\i up} the
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11544\absw9186\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 mi
sunderstanding right away, and when would you let some time pass by before{\i s
traightening}{\i it}{\i out}? \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw146\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8 \p
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1226\absw6509\absh999 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25 \

cf0 LESSON 30
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1226\absw6509\absh999 \sl-273 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \cf
0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 slow}{\i \f20 \fs19 down:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 go,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 cause}{\b0 \f20 \fs
19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 go,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 more}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 slowly}{\b0 \
f20 \fs19 (also:}{\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 slow}{\i \f20 \fs19 up}{\b
0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1226\absw6509\absh999 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 {\
b0 \f20 \fs19 This}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 idiom}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 can}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
be}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 used}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 both}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 with}{\b0 \f20 \
fs19 and}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 without}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 an}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 object.
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2346\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2346\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2346\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2371\absw8866\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e car was going so fast that the motorist couldn't{\i slow} it{\i down} enough
to make the sharp curve.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2371\absw8866\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You'r
e eating too fast to digest your food well.{\i Slow}{\i down}!
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2371\absw8866\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i S
low}{\i up} a bit! You're talking so quickly that I can't catch on well. \par
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3379\absw6008\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to dry up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 lose,}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 cause}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 lose,}{\b0\i0 all}{\b0\i0 moisture}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{
\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 depleted }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3632\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3632\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3657\absw7368\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ev
ery summer the extreme heat in this valley{\i dries} the stream{\i up}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3657\absw7368\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 All f
unds for the project{\i dried}{\i up} when the local government faced a budget
crisis. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4387\absw10121\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to dry out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 lose,}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 cause}{\b0\i
0 to}{\b0\i0 lose,}{\b0\i0 moisture}{\b0\i0 gradually}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0
\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stop}{\b0\i0 drinking}{\b0\i0 alcohol}{\b0\i0 in}
{\b0\i0 excess}{\b0\i0 (also:} to sober up{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4640\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4640\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4665\absw6239\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ma
rtha hung the towel outside on the clothesline in order to{\i dry} it{\i out}.

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4665\absw6239\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Some

people go to alcohol recovery centers in order to{\i dry}{\i out}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5390\absw8567\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to be up to{\b0\i0 (}something{\b0\i0 ):}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i
0 doing}{\b0\i0 something;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 planning}{\b0\i0
or}{\b0\i0 plotting}{\b0\i0 something,}{\b0\i0 scheming }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5390\absw8567\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 first}{\b0\i0 definition}{\b0\i0 usually}{\b0\i0 takes}{
\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 question. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5907\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5907\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5932\absw6478\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hi
, Jake. I haven't seen you in a long time. What have you{\i been}{\i up}{\i t
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5932\absw6478\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Those
boys hiding behind the building must{\i be}{\i up}{\i to} something bad. \pa
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6657\absw9454\absh1334 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to beat around the bush:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 avoid}{\b0\i0 discussing}
{\b0\i0 directly,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 evade}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 issue }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6657\absw9454\absh1334 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Our}{\b0\i0 boss}{\b0 beats}{\b0 around}{\b0 the}{\b0 bush}{\b0\i0
so}{\b0\i0 much}{\b0\i0 that}{\b0\i0 no}{\b0\i0 one}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 t
he}{\b0\i0 office}{\b0\i0 knows}{\b0\i0 exactly}{\b0\i0 what}{\b0\i0 he}{\b
0\i0 wants}{\b0\i0 us}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 do. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6657\absw9454\absh1334 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Instead}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0 beating}{\b0 around}{\b0 the}{\b0\i0 bush,
}{\b0\i0 Melinda}{\b0\i0 explained}{\b0\i0 her}{\b0\i0 objection}{\b0\i0 in
}{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0 clear}{\b0\i0 terms. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6657\absw9454\absh1334 \sl-223 \par\b\i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 to come to an end:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 end,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stop }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6657\absw9454\absh1334 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0 final
ly}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0 never}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 some}{\b0\i0 activity}{\b0\i
0 lasts}{\b0\i0 too}{\b0\i0 long. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8149\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8149\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8174\absw8631\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e meeting finally{\i came}{\i to}{\i an}{\i end} at ten o'clock in the eveni
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8174\absw8631\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Even
though my friend seemed to enjoy the movie, I thought that it would never{\i co
me}{\i to}{\i an}{\i end}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8899\absw8236\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to put an end to:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 cause}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 end,}{\
b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 terminate}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 definite}{\b0\i0 m
anner}{\b0\i0 (also:} to do away with{\b0\i0 ) }\par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9152\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }

\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9152\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9177\absw9435\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e dictatorial government{\i put}{\i an}{\i end}{\i to} organized opposition
in the country by making it illegal to form a
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9177\absw9435\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 polit
ical party.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9177\absw9435\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It ma
y never be possible to{\i do}{\i away}{\i with} all forms of prejudice and di
scrimination in the world. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10166\absw5773\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to get even with:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 seek}{\b0\i0 revenge,}{\b0\i0 t
o}{\b0\i0 retaliate }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10166\absw5773\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 similar}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 m
eaning}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0 to}{\b0 have}{\b0 it}{\b0 in}{\b0 for}{\b0\i0 in}{
\b0\i0 Lesson}{\b0\i0 27. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10683\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10683\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10708\absw9030\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 B
ill has had it in for his boss for a long time. He told me he's planning to{\i
get}{\i even}{\i with} his boss by
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10708\absw9030\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 givi
ng some company secrets to a competitor.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10708\absw9030\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I wa
nt to{\i get}{\i even}{\i with} Steve for beating me so badly in tennis last
time. The scores were 6-1 and 6-2. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11697\absw5094\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to fool around:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 waste}{\b0\i0 time;}{\b0\i0 to}{\
b0\i0 joke,}{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 serious }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11950\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11950\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11976\absw10221\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The teacher got angry because her students{\i were}{\i fooling}{\i around} an
d couldn't finish their work before the end of
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11976\absw10221\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 cla
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11976\absw10221\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Som
etimes I wish that Pat would stop{\i fooling}{\i around} so much and talk abou
t something more interesting to
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11976\absw10221\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 oth
ers. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13228\absw3290\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to look out on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 face,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 overlook

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13482\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13482\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13507\absw5468\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
e really enjoy our new apartment that{\i looks}{\i out}{\i on} a river.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13507\absw5468\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Thei
r rear window{\i looks}{\i out}{\i on} a lovely garden. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh836 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh836 \sl-340 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 stir}{\i \f20 up:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 cause}{\b0 \
f20 anger}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20 S}{\b0 \f20 );}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 create}{\b
0 \f20 (trouble}{\b0 \f20 or}{\b0 \f20 difficulty)}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20 S}{\b0
\f20 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy1488\absw8114\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he senseless murder of a small child{\i stirred}{\i up} the whole neighborhood
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy1488\absw8114\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
boss is in a bad mood today so don't{\i stir} her{\i up} with any more custome
r complaints. \par
{\phpg\posx11371\pvpg\posy792\absw146\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2217\absw8732\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to take in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 visit}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 order}{\b0\i
0 to}{\b0\i0 enjoy}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 decrease}
{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 size}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 clothes}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i
0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 deceive,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fool}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{
\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2470\absw201\absh981 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2470\absw201\absh981 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2470\absw201\absh981 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2496\absw10149\absh1196 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
We decided to{\i take}{\i in} Toronto on our trip to Canada, and that is wher
e we{\i took}{\i in} the most memorable outdoor
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2496\absw10149\absh1196 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 st
age play we have ever seen.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2496\absw10149\absh1196 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Lo
is lost so much weight that she had her skirts and slacks{\i taken}{\i in} by
her tailor.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2496\absw10149\absh1196 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e fraudulent investment advisor{\i took} everyone{\i in} with his sincere mann
er and generous promises. Most
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2496\absw10149\absh1196 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 in
vestors lost all their money. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4350\absw10381\absh1544 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4350\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs2
1 \cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expre
ssion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 o
r}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19
making}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4350\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 id
ioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4350\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4350\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c

f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19

Many}{\b0\i0 \fs19 of}{\b0\i0 \fs19 t
he}{\b0\i0 \fs19 lakes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 this}{\b0\i0 \fs19 par
t}{\b0\i0 \fs19 of}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 country}{\b0\i0 \fs19 hav
e}{\b0 \fs19 lost}{\b0 \fs19 all}{\b0 \fs19 moisture}{\b0\i0 \fs19 because{\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6619\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6619\absw5359\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen I asked Ted what he{\i was}{\i doing}, he responded that{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7416\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy7416\absw4278\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 K
aren hopes this meeting{\i stops} soon because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8212\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8212\absw7159\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f the government wants to{\i terminate} drug abuse in this country, it will hav
e to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9009\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9009\absw6859\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 R
uth{\i sought}{\i revenge}{\i on} the girl who stole her boyfriend away from
her by{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9806\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9806\absw4533\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 B
ecause our son Alien is always{\i joking}, nobody{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10603\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10603\absw6305\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The house for sale was a valuable piece of property because it{\i faced}{\field
{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11400\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11400\absw7500\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Old-time residents in the neighborhood became{\i angered} when their new neighb
or{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12196\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12196\absw8053\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Marge has lost so much weight in the last month that she has had to{\i decrease

}{\i the}{\i size}{\i of}{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12993\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
0. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12993\absw5318\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
We visited the San Diego Zoo in order to{\i visit}{\i and}{\i enjoy}{\field{\
*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10 \
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1194\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 ques
tions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f2
0 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 less
on. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7. \p
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f someone asked you what you{\i were}{\i up}{\i to} these days, how would you
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 How
can you tell when young children{\i are}{\i up}{\i to} something? Can you rem
ember any personal experience when
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 you
were a child?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
might someone choose to{\i beat}{\i around}{\i the}{\i bush}? What could yo
u do to avoid this?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 What
problems in the world would you like to{\i put}{\i an}{\i end}{\i to}? Do y
ou think that there is hope for this?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Has
someone ever{\i stirred} you{\i up} so much that you wanted to{\i get}{\i ev
en}{\i with} him or her? What did you do?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 What
attractions in the area that you are living now have you already{\i taken}{\i

\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9914\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever been{\i taken}{\i in} by someone such as a salesperson or a stranger
on the street? What happened? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4375\absw7135\absh978 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25 \
cf0 LESSON 31
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4375\absw7135\absh978 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \cf
0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 go}{\i \f20 \fs19 through}{\f20 \fs19 :}{\b
0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 undergo,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
experience;}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 consume,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\
b0 \f20 \fs19 use}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (also:}{\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 us
e}{\i \f20 \fs19 up}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4375\absw7135\absh978 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 {\
b0 \f20 \fs19 The}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 first}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 definition}{\b0 \f20 \
fs19 is}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 used}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 when}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 someone}{\
b0 \f20 \fs19 is}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 having}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 some}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
hardship}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 difficulty. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5470\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5470\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5496\absw9995\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
can't believe what she{\i went}{\i through} to get that job. She had four inte
rviews with the hiring committee in one
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5496\absw9995\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 week!
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5496\absw9995\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Frank
said that they had{\i gone}{\i through} all the toilet paper in the house, bu
t Steve couldn't believe that they had
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5496\absw9995\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i u
sed} it all{\i up}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6748\absw6881\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to go without saying:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 known}{\b0\i0 wit
hout}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 need}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 mention }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6748\absw6881\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 occurs}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0 that}
{\b0\i0 -clause,}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 pronoun}{\b0
\i0 it}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 subject. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7266\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7266\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7291\absw7673\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It
{\i goes}{\i without}{\i saying} that you shouldn't drive quickly in bad weat
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7291\absw7673\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 That
he will gain weight if he continues to eat and drink so much{\i goes}{\i witho
ut}{\i saying}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8020\absw8017\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to put{\b0\i0 (}someone{\b0\i0 )} on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 mislead}{\b0\
i0 by}{\b0\i0 joking}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 tricking}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 )
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8020\absw8017\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0

{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 usually}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0

in}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 continuous}{\b0\i0 tense}{\b0\i0 form.}{\b0\i0 A}{\b0\
i0 noun}{\b0\i0 object}{\b0\i0 must}{\b0\i0 divide}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 idi
om. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8538\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8538\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8563\absw8325\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
n't worry. I wouldn't expect you do all that work by yourself. I'm just{\i putt
ing} you{\i on}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8563\absw8325\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jack
can't be serious about what he said. He must be{\i putting} us{\i on}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9369\absw5260\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to keep one's head:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 remain}{\b0\i0 calm}{\b0\i0 du
ring}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 emergency }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9622\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9622\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9648\absw10046\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen the heater caused a fire, Gloria{\i kept}{\i her}{\i head} and phoned for
assistance right away; otherwise, the whole
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9648\absw10046\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 hous
e might have burned down.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9648\absw10046\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
the boat starting sinking in heavy seas, the crew members{\i kept}{\i their}{
\i heads} and led the passengers to the
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9648\absw10046\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 life
boats. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10982\absw6089\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to lose one's head:{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 think}{\b0\i0 cle
arly,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 lose}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 self-control }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11235\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11235\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11260\absw10099\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When Mel saw a dog in the street right in front of his car, he{\i lost}{\i his
}{\i head} and drove onto the sidewalk and into a
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11260\absw10099\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 tre
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11260\absw10099\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
the politician hadn't gotten stirred up and{\i lost}{\i his}{\i head}, he nev
er would have criticized his opponent unfairly. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12331\absw9718\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 narrow-minded:{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 willing}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 accept
}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 ideas}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 others}{\b0\i0 (the}{\b0\i0
opposite}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 narrow}{\b0\i0 minded}{\b0\i0 is} broad-minded{\
b0\i0 ) }\par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12584\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12584\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12609\absw9939\absh470 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 Narrow-minded{\i0 people}{\i0 tend}{\i0 to}{\i0 discriminate}{\i0 agai
nst}{\i0 groups}{\i0 of}{\i0 people}{\i0 with}{\i0 which}{\i0 they}{\i0 h
ave}{\i0 nothing}{\i0 in}{\i0 common. }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12609\absw9939\absh470 \sl-278 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\i0 Ted}{\i0 is}{\i0 so} broad-minded{\i0 that}{\i0 he}{\i0 has}{\i0 almos
t}{\i0 no}{\i0 standards}{\i0 by}{\i0 which}{\i0 he}{\i0 judges}{\i0 othe
rs. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13421\absw8168\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to stand up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 withstand}{\b0\i0 use}{\b0\i0 or}{\b
0\i0 wear;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fail}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 appear}{\b0\i0 for}{
\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 date}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 social}{\b0\i0 engagement}{\b0\i0
(}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13674\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13674\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13699\absw10059\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
My old car has .{\i stood}{\i up} well over the years. I haven't had any major
problems at all.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13699\absw10059\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jan
et was very angry because her new boyfriend{\i stood} her{\i up} on their seco
nd date. She waited over an hour for
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13699\absw10059\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 him
before returning home. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6822\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6822\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 get}{\i \f20 the}{\i \f20 better}{\i \f20 of}{\b0 \f2
0 :}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 win}{\b0 \f20 or}{\b0 \f20 defeat}{\b0 \f20 by}{
\b0 \f20 gaining}{\b0 \f20 an}{\b0 \f20 advantage}{\b0 \f20 over}{\b0 \f20
someone }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1483\absw9956\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 J
im doesn't seem very athletic at tennis, but if you're not careful, he'll{\i ge
t}{\i the}{\i better}{\i of} you.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1483\absw9956\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Lynn
gets frustrated when Bruce{\i gets}{\i the}{\i better}{\i of} her in argume
nts. No matter what she says, he always has a
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1483\absw9956\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 clev
er response. \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 11
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2472\absw4625\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to break loose:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0 free}{\b0\i0 or}{\
b0\i0 loose,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 escape }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2725\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2725\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2750\absw8067\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 D
uring the bad storm, the boat{\i broke}{\i loose} from the landing and drifted
out to sea.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2750\absw8067\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 One
bicyclist{\i broke}{\i loose} from the pack of racers and pulled ahead towards
the finish line. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3475\absw3783\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 on edge:{\b0\i0 nervous,}{\b0\i0 anxious;}{\b0\i0 upset,}{\b0\i0 ir
ritable }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3728\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3728\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3753\absw9876\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 C
ynthia was{\i on}{\i edge} all day about the important presentation she had to
give to the local citizens group.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3753\absw9876\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I do
n't like being around Jake when he's{\i on}{\i edge} like that. Someone should
tell him to calm down and relax. \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4478\absw10481\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \

fs19 \cf0 to waste one's breath:{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 able}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 convince}{\b0\i0 someone }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4478\absw10481\absh695 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 s
omeone}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 wasting}{\b0\i0 time}{\b0\i0 trying}{\b0\i0 to}{\
b0\i0 convince}{\b0\i0 another}{\b0\i0 person.}{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 idiom} t
o save one's breath
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4478\absw10481\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 related}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 means}{\b0 not}{\b0 to}{\b
0 waste}{\b0 effort}{\b0 trying}{\b0 to}{\b0 convince}{\b0 someone}{\b0\i0
. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5259\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5259\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5284\absw9174\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 D
on't argue with Frank any longer. You{\i are}{\i wasting}{\i your}{\i breath
} trying to get him to agree with you.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5284\absw9174\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I ha
ve already decided what I'm going to do. You can't change my mind, so{\i save}{
\i your}{\i breath}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6096\absw4121\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to cut short:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 make}{\b0\i0 shorter,}{\b0\i0 to}{\
b0\i0 interrupt}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6349\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6349\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6374\absw9993\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he moderator asked the speaker to{\i cut}{\i short} his talk because there was
n't much time remaining for questions
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6374\absw9993\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 from
the audience.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6374\absw9993\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We w
ere very unfortunate when we received bad news from home that forced us to{\i c
ut} our trip{\i short}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7605\absw10381\absh1544 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7605\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs2
1 \cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expre
ssion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 o
r}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19
making}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7605\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 id
ioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7605\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7605\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c

f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Mr.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Larsen}{\b0\i0 \fs19
is}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 hospital}{\b0 \fs19 un
dergoing}{\b0\i0 \fs19 emergency}{\b0\i0 \fs19 surgery}{\b0\i0 \fs19 because}
{\b0\i0 \fs19 he{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9873\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9873\absw5475\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen you feel sick, it{\i doesn't}{\i need}{\i to}{\i be}{\i mentioned} that
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10670\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10670\absw4434\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Steve was{\i misleading}{\i me} when he told me that{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11467\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11467\absw8236\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
After the serious earthquake, most people{\i remained}{\i calm}, but unfortuna
tely some people{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12264\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12264\absw9855\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
You{\i are}{\i not}{\i able}{\i to}{\i convince}{\i someone} if he or she
is{\i not}{\i willing}{\i to}{\i accept}{\i the}{\i ideas}{\i of}{\i oth
ers}, so it is better to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13060\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13060\absw4485\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Betty{\i failed}{\i to}{\i appear} for her date because she{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13857\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13857\absw3886\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Your car will{\i withstand}{\i use} longer if you{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
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{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw7554\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw7554\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 Our}{\b0 \f20 team}{\b0 \f20 was}{\b0 \f20 able}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0
\i \f20 win}{\b0\i \f20 by}{\b0\i \f20 gaining}{\b0\i \f20 an}{\b0\i \f20 a
dvantage}{\b0\i \f20 over}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 other}{\b0 \f20 team}{\b0
\f20 because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2001\absw3601\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e politician was{\i nervous} before she{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2798\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2798\absw4457\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e meeting was suddenly{\i interrupted} because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3584\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 ques
tions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f2
0 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 less
on. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3993\absw210\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8. \p
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 D
o you{\i go}{\i through} money quickly? What is your biggest expense?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i gone}{\i through} a medical operation? What was it?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do y
ou enjoy{\i putting} others{\i on}, or are you a rather serious person?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Duri

ng an emergency, how can you{\i keep}{\i your}{\i head}?

\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In w
hat kind of emergency might you be likely to{\i lose}{\i your}{\i head}?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i stood} anyone{\i up}? What were the circumstances of the situatio
n that caused you to do so?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In w
hat sport would an athlete try to{\i break}{\i loose} from an opponent?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3993\absw9386\absh1883 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Does
talking in front of a large audience put you{\i on}{\i edge}? Why or why not?
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6583\absw10069\absh736 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 LESSON 32
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6583\absw10069\absh736 \sl-259 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 step}{\i \f20 \fs19 in:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 t
o}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 become}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 involved}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f2
0 \fs19 concerned}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 with}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 something;}{\b0 \f20 \
fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 enter}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 place}{\b0 \
f20 \fs19 for}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 brief}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 time}{
\b0 \f20 \fs19 (also:}{\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 step}{\i \f20 \fs19 i
nto}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7410\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7410\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7410\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7435\absw9028\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wh
en the children started fighting on the playground, a teacher had to{\i step}{\
i in} and stop the fight.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7435\absw9028\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The s
upervisor asked one of the employees to{\i step}{\i in} her office for a momen
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7435\absw9028\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Would
you{\i step}{\i into} the hallway so that I can show you the information post
ed on the bulletin board? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8520\absw4998\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to step down:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 retire}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 leave}{\b0
\i0 a}{\b0\i0 top}{\b0\i0 position,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 resign }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8773\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8773\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8798\absw8826\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ne
xt May the principal will{\i step}{\i down} after thirty-five years of service
to the school.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8798\absw8826\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The a
ngry shareholders wanted the company president to{\i step}{\i down} because of
the stock scandal. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9523\absw6867\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to step on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 treat}{\b0\i0 severely,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b
0\i0 discipline;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 go}{\b0\i0 faster,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0
work}{\b0\i0 more}{\b0\i0 quickly }

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9523\absw6867\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0

{\b0\i0 For}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 second}{\b0\i0 definition,}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\
i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 followed}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 pronou
n}{\b0 if}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10040\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10040\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10065\absw7351\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 S
ometimes it's necessary to{\i step}{\i on} children when they do something dan
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10065\absw7351\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We'r
e going to be late for the movies. You'd better{\i step}{\i on}{\i it}! \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10790\absw4774\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 a steal:{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0 inexpensive,}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 bargain
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10790\absw4774\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 i
n}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 exclamation}{\b0\i0 using}{\b0 what}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11307\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11307\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11332\absw7290\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
can't believe that I paid only $2,000 for this three-year-old car. What{\i a}{
\i steal}!
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11332\absw7290\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Scot
t considered it{\i a}{\i steal} when he bought a complete bedroom set for only
$99. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12057\absw5221\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to play up to:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 behave}{\b0\i0 so}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\
i0 to}{\b0\i0 gain}{\b0\i0 favor}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 someone }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12310\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12310\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12336\absw10251\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The other students in the class resent Jim because he{\i plays}{\i up} to the
teacher in order to get better grades.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12336\absw10251\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whe
n my children asked me to go shopping for a new video game, I knew why they had
been{\i playing}{\i up}{\i to} me all
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12336\absw10251\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 mor
ning. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13324\absw6109\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 more or less:{\b0\i0 approximately,}{\b0\i0 almost;}{\b0\i0 somewhat
,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 certain}{\b0\i0 degree }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13578\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13578\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\

fs25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13603\absw10010\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Although your bedroom feels smaller, it's{\i more}{\i or}{\i less} the same s
ize as mine.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13603\absw10010\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ted
{\i more}{\i or}{\i less} agreed with our decision to put off the meeting unt
il more members could show up. At least he
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13603\absw10010\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 did
n't object strongly. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw7116\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw7116\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 goof}{\i \f20 up:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 perform}{\b0
\f20 badly,}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 make}{\b0 \f20 a}{\b0 \f20 mistake}{\b0
\f20 (also:}{\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 mess}{\i \f20 up}{\b0\i \f20 ,}{\i \f20 t
o}{\i \f20 slip}{\i \f20 up}{\b0 \f20 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1483\absw7081\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
really{\i goofed}{\i up} on the exam today; did you{\i mess}{\i up}, too?
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1483\absw7081\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Kare
n{\i slipped}{\i up} when she forgot to deposit money into her checking accoun
t. \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 13

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2208\absw5981\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to go off the deep end:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 get}{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0
angry}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 do}{\b0\i0 something}{\b0\i0 hastily }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2461\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2461\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2486\absw10279\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Just because you had a serious argument with your supervisor, you didn't have to
{\i go}{\i off}{\i the}{\i deep}{\i end} and resign,
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2486\absw10279\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 did
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2486\absw10279\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whe
n Dan's wife demanded a divorce, he{\i went}{\i off}{\i the}{\i deep}{\i en
d} again. This time he was shouting so that the
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2486\absw10279\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 who
le neighborhood could hear. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3739\absw5086\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to lose one's touch:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fail}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 what
}{\b0\i0 one}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 do}{\b0\i0 well }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3992\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3992\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4017\absw9172\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
ilton used to be the best salesman at the car dealership, but recently he seems
to have{\i lost}{\i his}{\i touch}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4017\absw9172\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I us
ed to play tennis very well, but today you beat me easily. I must be{\i losing}
{\i my}{\i touch}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4742\absw3843\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 in hand:{\b0\i0 under}{\b0\i0 firm}{\b0\i0 control,}{\b0\i0 well}{\
b0\i0 managed }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4995\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4995\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5020\absw9654\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he copilot asked the pilot if he had the plane{\i in}{\i hand} or whether he n
eeded any help navigating through the
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5020\absw9654\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 seve
re thunderstorm.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5020\absw9654\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
police officer radioed to the station that she had the emergency situation{\i i
n}{\i hand} and didn't require any
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5020\absw9654\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 assi
stance. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6273\absw3500\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 on hand:{\b0\i0 available,}{\b0\i0 nearby }

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6273\absw3500\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0

{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 followed}{\b0\i
0 by}{\b0 in}{\b0 case}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6790\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6790\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6816\absw9901\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
always keep some extra money{\i on}{\i hand} in case I forget to get cash fro
m the bank.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6816\absw9901\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
concert organizers arranged to have some security guards{\i on}{\i hand} in ca
se there were any problems during
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6816\absw9901\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 the
performance. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8046\absw10410\absh1177 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8046\absw10410\absh1177 \sl-398 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expressio
n}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 or}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 maki
ng}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as}{\b0\i0 \fs19 well. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8046\absw10410\absh1177 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0
\fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19 with}{\b0\i0 \fs19
your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19
try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 f
rom}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous}{\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8046\absw10410\absh1177 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
During}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19
lengthy}{\b0\i0 \fs19 workers'}{\b0\i0 \fs19 strike,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0
\i0 \fs19 police}{\b0\i0 \fs19 had}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0 \fs19 become}{\b0 \
fs19 involved}{\b0\i0 \fs19 when{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9907\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9907\absw7330\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
fter leaving his office down the hall, my supervisor{\i briefly}{\i entered} m
y office to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10704\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10704\absw5836\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The old man who founded the company decided to{\i retire} when{\field{\*\fldins
t SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11500\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11500\absw8134\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Because the mean boss{\i severely} treated his employees on many occasions, non
e of them{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12297\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12297\absw7342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Mike thought that the camera advertised in the newspaper was a{\i bargain}, so
he{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13094\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13094\absw6637\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The children{\i behaved}{\i so}{\i as}{\i to}{\i gain}{\i favor}{\i with}
their parents in order to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13891\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13891\absw4743\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The young child{\i caused}{\i problems}{\i in} his bicycle by{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh833 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 14
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh833 \sl-340 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw5987\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw5987\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 Lenny}{\b0\i \f20 performed}{\b0\i \f20 badly}{\b0 \f20 on}{\b0 \f
20 the}{\b0 \f20 physics}{\b0 \f20 test}{\b0 \f20 because}{\b0 \f20 he{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2001\absw9954\absh578 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
hope that the football coach doesn't{\i get}{\i angry}{\i and}{\i do}{\i so
mething}{\i hastily} because he seems to be{\i failing}{\i at }

\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2001\absw9954\absh578 \sl-398 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i w

hat}{\i he}{\i usually}{\i does}{\i well}; recently his football team{\field
{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3196\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3196\absw9660\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e stores in town didn't have enough drinking water{\i available} after the typh
oon, so hundreds of people{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4165\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 ques
tions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f2
0 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 less
on. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4574\absw210\absh1645 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7. \p
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f someone was being attacked by a thief, would you{\i step}{\i in} and help th
e person? Why or why not?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Why
might you have to{\i step}{\i on}{\i it} in the morning? Does this happen oft
en to you?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i goofed}{\i up} on an important test? Why did it happen?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i gone}{\i off}{\i the}{\i deep}{\i end}? What happened?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 For
what reasons might an athlete{\i lose}{\i his}{\i or}{\i her}{\i touch} at
a sport
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Is t
here any special skill that you have well{\i in}{\i hand}? What is it?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4574\absw8927\absh1645 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 How
much money do you have{\i on}{\i hand} right now? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6780\absw9123\absh740 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25 \
cf0 LESSON 33
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6780\absw9123\absh740 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \cf
0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 kick}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\i \f20 \fs19 somet
hing}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\i \f20 \fs19 around:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \fs
19 discuss}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 informally}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (over}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 period}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 of}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 time)}{\b0 \f20 \
fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (also:}{\i \f20 \fs19
to}{\i \f20 \fs19 toss}{\i \f20 \fs19 around}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7611\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7611\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7636\absw10108\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A

t first my friends were reluctant to consider my suggestion, but they finally we
re willing to{\i kick} it{\i around} for a
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7636\absw10108\absh945 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 whil
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7636\absw10108\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Herb
thought that we should{\i kick}{\i around} the idea of establishing a special
fund for supporting needy members of
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7636\absw10108\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 the
club. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8889\absw4082\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 be on the ball:{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 attentive,}{\b0\i0 competent,}{\b0\
i0 alert }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9142\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9142\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9168\absw10118\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 J
im was the only one who caught that serious error in the bookkeeping statements.
He's really{\i on}{\i the}{\i ball}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9168\absw10118\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ella
was certainly{\i on}{\i the}{\i ball} when she remembered to reconfirm our f
light arrangements. All the rest of us would
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9168\absw10118\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 have
forgotten. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10238\absw9788\absh699 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to make up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 meet}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 fulfill}{\b0\
i0 a}{\b0\i0 missed}{\b0\i0 obligation}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 later}
{\b0\i0 time}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 create,}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 invent}{\b0\i0 (an}{\b0\i0 idea)}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ),}{\b
0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 apply }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10238\absw9788\absh699 \sl-268 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 cosmetics}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ),}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0
comprise,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 composed}{\b0\i0 of }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10238\absw9788\absh699 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Note}{\b0\i0 that}{\b0\i0 all}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 defin
itions}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0\i0 separable}{\b0\i0 except}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 las
t}{\b0\i0 one. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11024\absw201\absh994 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11024\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11024\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11024\absw201\absh994 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11049\absw9736\absh1209 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The teacher allowed several students who missed the exam to{\i make} it{\i up}
during the next class.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11049\absw9736\absh1209 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
little boy{\i made}{\i up} a bad excuse for wearing his dirty shoes in the ho
use, so his mother punished him.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11049\absw9736\absh1209 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Dee
was able to{\i make} her face{\i up} in half the normal time because she didn

't use much{\i makeup}.

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11049\absw9736\absh1209 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Two
separate bodies {\f63 \u8212\'3f} the House of Representatives and the Senate {
\f63 \u8212\'3f}{\i make}{\i up} the Congress of the United
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11049\absw9736\absh1209 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Sta
tes \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12676\absw6400\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to make up with:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 resolve}{\b0\i0 differences}{\b0\
i0 with }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12676\absw6400\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 dif
ferences}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 opinion}{\b0\i0 between}{\b0\i0 friends}{\b0\i0
and}{\b0\i0 lovers. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13194\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13194\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13219\absw9436\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 H
elen{\i made}{\i up}{\i with} her roommate after their serious misunderstandi
ng about arrangements for the party.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13219\absw9436\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Afte
r the bad quarrel the two lovers kissed and{\i made}{\i up}{\i with} each oth
er. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8448\absh1073 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f1
0 \fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8448\absh1073 \sl-340 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \c
f0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 pull}{\i \f20 together:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 gathe
r,}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 collect}{\b0 \f20 (information)}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20
S}{\b0 \f20 );}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 gain}{\b0 \f20 control}{\b0 \f20 of}{\
b0 \f20 one's}{\b0 \f20 emotions}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20 S}{\b0 \f20 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8448\absh1073 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 \f20 A}{\b0 \f20 reflexive}{\b0 \f20 pronoun}{\b0 \f20 must}{\b0 \f20 be
}{\b0 \f20 used}{\b0 \f20 for}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 second}{\b0 \f20 defi
nition. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1726\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1726\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1752\absw10038\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The reporter{\i pulled}{\i together} information from several sources in prepa
ring the newspaper article.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1752\absw10038\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mr.
Simpson was so frightened when he heard footsteps behind him on the lonely, dar
k street that it took several
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1752\absw10038\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 min
utes to{\i pull}{\i himself}{\i together}. \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 15

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2822\absw6657\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to be looking up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 appear}{\b0\i0 promising}{\b0\i0
or}{\b0\i0 optimistic,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 improving }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2822\absw6657\absh457 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 a}{\
b0\i0 continuous}{\b0\i0 tense,}{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 with}{\b
0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 subject}{\b0 things}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3339\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3339\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3364\absw9940\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he board chairman is glad to report that things{\i are}{\i looking}{\i up} fo
r the company after several years of declining
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3364\absw9940\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 sale
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3364\absw9940\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Pros
pects for building that new library in the downtown area{\i are}{\i looking}{\
i up}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4353\absw3435\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to kick the habit:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stop}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 bad}{\b
0\i0 habit }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4606\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4606\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4632\absw10044\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Once a child becomes accustomed to chewing his nails, it's difficult to{\i kick
}{\i the}{\i habit}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4632\absw10044\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
doctor advised the heavy cigarette smoker that her heart had become damaged and
that she should{\i kick}{\i the }
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4632\absw10044\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
habit} right away. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5625\absw10312\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to cover up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 conceal,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 hide}{\
b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5625\absw10312\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 ev
ents}{\b0\i0 which}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0\i0 potentially}{\b0\i0 embarrassing}{\b0
\i0 to}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 reputation,}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 well}{\b0\i0 a
s}{\b0\i0 against}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 law.}{\b0\i0 The }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5625\absw10312\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 noun} coverup{\b0\i0 can}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 formed. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6406\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6406\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy6432\absw9771\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he office worker tried to{\i cover}{\i up} his crimes, but everyone knew that
he had been stealing office supplies all

\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy6432\absw9771\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 alon

\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy6432\absw9771\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
political{\i coverup} of the bribery scandal failed and was reported by all the
major media. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7425\absw9928\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to drop off:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fall}{\b0\i0 asleep;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0
\i0 take}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 certain}{\b0\i0 location}{\b0\i0 (}{
\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 decrease}{\b0\i0 (for}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i
0 third}{\b0\i0 definition,}{\b0\i0 also:} to fall off{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7678\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7678\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7678\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7704\absw9952\absh958 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
y mother{\i dropped}{\i off} during the boring television show; her head was n
odding up and down.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7704\absw9952\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I do
n't mind{\i dropping} you{\i off} at the store on my way to work.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7704\absw9952\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Busi
ness has been{\i dropping}{\i off} rapidly recently, but fortunately it hasn't
been{\i falling}{\i off} as quickly as for our
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7704\absw9952\absh958 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 comp
etitors. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9052\absw9601\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to turn over:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 place}{\b0\i0 upside}{\b0\i0 down}{
\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 flip,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 turn
}{\b0\i0 upside}{\b0\i0 down;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 pass}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 g
ive}{\b0\i0 control}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9306\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9306\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9306\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9331\absw9008\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he teacher asked the students to{\i turn} the answer sheet{\i over} and to wri
te a short essay on the back.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9331\absw9008\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
car was going too fast around the corner and{\i turned} over twice.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9331\absw9008\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mr.
Collins has decided to{\i turn}{\i over} his jewelry store to his son at the e
nd of the year. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10416\absw6128\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to go through channels:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 send}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 r
equest}{\b0\i0 through}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 normal}{\b0\i0 way }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10416\absw6128\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 can}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 wi
th}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 adjective}{\b0 proper}{\b0\i0 . }\par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10933\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10933\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10958\absw9895\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If you{\i go}{\i through}{\i proper}{\i channels} in this company, it's some
times impossible to get anything done quickly.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10958\absw9895\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
police told the important civic leader that even she had to{\i go}{\i through
}{\i channels} in reporting the burglary of
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10958\absw9895\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 her
house. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12029\absw10410\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs19 \cf0 the last straw:{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 final}{\b0\i0 event}{\b0\i0 in
}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 series}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 unacceptable}{\b0\i0 actions}{
\b0 (}{\b0 It}{\b0 is}{\b0 the}{\b0 last}{\b0 straw}{\b0 that}{\b0 break
s}{\b0 the}{\b0 camel's}{\b0 bask.) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12029\absw10410\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 always}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0
with}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 definite}{\b0\i0 article}{\b0 the}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12546\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12546\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12571\absw10248\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When John asked to borrow money from me for the fourth time, it was{\i the}{\i
last}{\i straw}. I finally told him that I
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12571\absw10248\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 co
uldn't lend him any more.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12571\absw10248\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
can't believe that my roommate left the door to our apartment unlocked again. It
's{\i the}{\i last}{\i straw}; I'm moving
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy12571\absw10248\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ou
t. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw1439\absh854 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 16
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw1439\absh854 \sl-350 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b\i \fs21 EXERCISES }\par
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1741\absw10381\absh1063 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Substitute}{\f20 an}{\f20 i
diomatic}{\f20 expression}{\f20 for}{\f20 the}{\f20 word}{\f20 or}{\f20 wo
rds}{\f20 in}{\f20 italics,}{\f20 making}{\f20 any}{\f20 necessary}{\f20 g
rammatical}{\f20 changes}{\f20 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1741\absw10381\absh1063 \sl-264 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \fi
283 {\f20 well.}{\f20 Then}{\f20 complete}{\f20 each}{\f20 sentence}{\f20 a
ppropriately}{\f20 with}{\f20 your}{\f20 own}{\f20 idea.}{\f20 Also}{\f20
try}{\f20 to}{\f20 use}{\f20 idioms}{\f20 from}{\f20 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1741\absw10381\absh1063 \sl-264 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \fi
283 {\f20 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1741\absw10381\absh1063 \sl-383 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f
20 1.}{\f20
When}{\f20 the}{\f20 committee}{\f20 members{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }},}{\f20 they}{\f20 decided}{\f20 to}{\f20 discu
ss}{\f20 the}{\f20 matter}{\i \f20 informally}{\f20 for}{\f20 a}{\f20 whil
e. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3475\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3475\absw3751\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
playing sports, you have to be{\i alert} if{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f S
ymbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4272\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4272\absw3807\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e child tried to{\i invent} an excuse when{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5068\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.

{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy5068\absw5615\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ly
nn doesn't ever have to{\i apply}{\i cosmetics} to her face; she{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5865\absw210\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5865\absw210\absh695 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy5865\absw5428\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e two lovers{\i resolved}{\i differences}{\i with} each other after{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy5865\absw5428\absh695 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 E
ven though I've{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}, things{\i appear}{\
i promising} now. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7190\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx989\pvpg\posy7190\absw6072\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Bu
siness{\i had}{\i decreased} so much that the company was forced to{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7987\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy7987\absw5917\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Yo
u should{\i place} the bread in the toaster{\i upside}{\i down} because{\fiel
d{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8784\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy8784\absw6269\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ol
d Mr. Jenkins{\i gave}{\i control} of his company to his associate when{\field
{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9580\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy9580\absw8502\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e office worker didn't think that{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} if
he{\i sent}{\i a}{\i request}{\i through}{\i the}{\i normal}{\i way} beca
use{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10549\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 que
stions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f
20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 les
son. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10958\absw210\absh2596 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
8. \par
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
What is the benefit of{\i kicking} an idea{\i around} instead of making an imm
ediate decision?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t kind of excuses do people{\i make}{\i up} for being late to an important eve
nt, a class? Have you ever done
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 thi
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you know how many states{\i made}{\i up} the original United States in 1776? H
ow many states{\i make}{\i up} the
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Uni
ted States now?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever{\i made}{\i up}{\i with} someone? How did you feel about{\i makin
g}{\i up}{\i with} the person?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whe
re could you go to{\i pull}{\i together} information for a research report? Wo
uld you enjoy doing so, or not?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever had to cover up an embarrassing situation? Can you now explain what i
t was?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whe
n someone manages to{\i kick}{\i the}{\i habit} of smoking or drinking, there
is an interesting expression,{\i to}{\i turn }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
over}{\i a}{\i new}{\i leaf}, that applies. Can you imagine what this expres
sion means?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10958\absw9677\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever faced a situation which you would describe as{\i the}{\i last}{\i
straw}? What happened? \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh1583 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3840 \b \f1
0 \fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh1583 \sl-364 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \c
f0 {\fs25 LESSON}{\fs25 34 }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh1583 \sl-259 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \c
f0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 get}{\i \f20 cold}{\i \f20 feet:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \
f20 become}{\b0 \f20 unable}{\b0 \f20 or}{\b0 \f20 afraid}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0
\f20 do}{\b0 \f20 something }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw6554\absh1583 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 \f20 This}{\b0 \f20 idiom}{\b0 \f20 is}{\b0 \f20 usually}{\b0 \f20 used}
{\b0 \f20 in}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 case}{\b0 \f20 of}{\b0 \f20 an}{\b0 \f
20 important}{\b0 \f20 or}{\b0 \f20 dangerous}{\b0 \f20 action }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2293\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2293\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\

fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2318\absw9116\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 K
arl was supposed to marry Elaine this weekend, but at the last moment he{\i got
}{\i cold}{\i feet}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2318\absw9116\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Only
one of the rock climbers{\i got}{\i cold}{\i feet} when the group reached th
e base of the hundred-meter cliff. \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 17
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3048\absw8581\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to trade in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 receive}{\b0\i0 credit}{\b0\i0 for}{
\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 value}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 old}{\b0\i0 item}{\
b0\i0 towards}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 purchase}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 ne
w}{\b0\i0 item}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3048\absw8581\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 form
}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 noun} trade-in{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3565\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3565\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy3590\absw10049\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The car dealership offered me $1,000 for my old car if I{\i traded} it{\i in}
for a new model.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy3590\absw10049\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
appliance company was offering a $50{\i trade-in} during the special promotion
for its new line of refrigerators. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4315\absw9121\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 face-to-face:{\b0\i0 direct,}{\b0\i0 personal;}{\b0\i0 directly,}{\b
0\i0 personally}{\b0\i0 (written}{\b0\i0 without}{\b0\i0 hyphens) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4315\absw9121\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 can}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 bot
h}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 on}{\b0\i0 adjective}{\b0\i0 (the}{\b0\i0 first}{\b0\i
0 definition)}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 adverb}{\b0\i0 (th
e}{\b0\i0 second}{\b0\i0 definition). }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4832\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4832\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4857\absw9225\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he workers' representatives had a{\i face-to-face} meeting with management to r
esolve the salary issue.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy4857\absw9225\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
stepmother and her teenage son talked{\i face}{\i to}{\i face} about his trou
bles in school. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5587\absw10543\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to be with{\b0\i0 (}someone{\b0\i0 )}:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 support,}{
\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 back}{\b0\i0 (also:} to go along with{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to
}{\b0\i0 understand}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 follow}{\b0\i0 what}{\b0\i0 someone}
{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 saying }\par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5840\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5840\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5865\absw10035\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Although others thought that we shouldn't{\i go}{\i along}{\i with} Jerry, I
told Jerry that I{\i was}{\i with} him on his proposal
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5865\absw10035\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 for
reorganizing the staff.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5865\absw10035\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Aft
er turning left at the traffic light, go two blocks and turn right on Madison. A
fter three more blocks, turn right
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5865\absw10035\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 aga
in.{\i Are} you still{\i with} me? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7118\absw10025\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to be with it:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 able}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i
0 focus}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 concentrate}{\b0\i0 on}{\b0\i0 (also:} to get wi
th it{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7118\absw10025\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 To}{\b0 be}{\b0 with}{\b0 it}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 negativ
e}{\b0\i0 has}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 same}{\b0\i0 meaning}{\b0\i0 as} to feel
out of it{\b0\i0 .}{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 related}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0 to}{\b0 ge
t}{\b0 with}{\b0 it}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 in }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7118\absw10025\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 commands. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7899\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7899\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7899\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7924\absw8499\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 J
ack'{\i s} really{\i with}{\i it} today. I've never seen him play such good so
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7924\absw8499\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You'
ve done only a small amount of work in two hours. You'{\i re} not{\i with}{\i
it} today, are you?
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy7924\absw8499\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It's
no excuse to say that you{\i feel}{\i out}{\i of}{\i it}. We need everyone'
s help on this, so{\i get}{\i with}{\i it! }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8928\absw5301\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to fall for:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fall}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 love}{\b0\i0
quickly;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 fooled}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 tricked}
{\b0\i0 by }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9181\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9181\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9206\absw10037\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Samantha and John never expected to{\i fall}{\i for} each other like they did,
but they got married within two weeks of
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9206\absw10037\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 hav

ing met.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9206\absw10037\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
Masons wanted to believe their son, but unfortunately they had{\i fallen}{\i
for} his lies too many times to be
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9206\absw10037\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 dec
eived once again. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10459\absw6936\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 it figures:{\b0\i0 it}{\b0\i0 seems}{\b0\i0 likely,}{\b0\i0 reason
able,}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 typical }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10459\absw6936\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 either}{\b0\i0 followed}{\b0
\i0 by}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0 that}{\b0\i0 -clause}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 n
o}{\b0\i0 other}{\b0\i0 part}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 grammar. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10976\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10976\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11001\absw9687\absh470 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 It figures{\i0 that}{\i0 the}{\i0 children}{\i0 were}{\i0 willing}{\i
0 to}{\i0 help}{\i0 with}{\i0 the}{\i0 yardwork}{\i0 only}{\i0 if}{\i0 t
hey}{\i0 received}{\i0 a}{\i0 reward}{\i0 for}{\i0 doing}{\i0 so. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy11001\absw9687\absh470 \sl-278 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\i0 When}{\i0 I}{\i0 told}{\i0 Evan}{\i0 that}{\i0 his}{\i0 secretary}{\i
0 was}{\i0 unhappy}{\i0 about}{\i0 not}{\i0 getting}{\i0 a}{\i0 raise,}{\
i0 he}{\i0 said}{\i0 that} it figured{\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11731\absw9325\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to fill{\b0\i0 (}someone{\b0\i0 )} in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 inform,}{\
b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 give}{\b0\i0 background}{\b0\i0 information}{\b0\i0 to}{\b
0\i0 (also:} to clue in{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11731\absw9325\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 followed}{\b0\
i0 by}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 preposition}{\b0 on}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i
0 noun}{\b0\i0 phrase}{\b0\i0 containing}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 pertinent}{\b0
\i0 information. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12248\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12248\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12273\absw8323\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Could you{\i fill} me{\i in} on what is going to be discussed at tomorrow's me
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12273\absw8323\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Not
having been to the convention, my associate asked me to{\i clue} him{\i in} o
n the proceedings. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13003\absw6692\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to make{\b0\i0 (}someone{\b0\i0 )} tick:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 motivate
}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 behave}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 act}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 a}{\b
0\i0 certain}{\b0\i0 way}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13003\absw6692\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 within}{\b0\i0
a}{\b0 what}{\b0\i0 -clause. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13520\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet

}\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13520\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13545\absw10283\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If a salesperson knows what{\i makes} a customer{\i tick}, he will be able to
sell a lot of merchandise.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13545\absw10283\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It
's been impossible for us to figure out what{\i makes} our new boss{\i tick}.
One moment she seems pleasant and then
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13545\absw10283\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 th
e next moment she's upset. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 18 \
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1204\absw9860\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to cover for:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 take}{\b0\i0 someone's}{\b0\i0 place
}{\b0\i0 temporarily,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 substitute}{\b0\i0 for;}{\b0\i0 to
}{\b0\i0 protect}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 lying}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i

0 deceiving }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw10108\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 G
o ahead and take your coffee break. I'll{\i cover}{\i for} you until you retur
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw10108\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
criminal made his wife{\i cover}{\i for} him when the police asked if the man
had been home all day. She swore that
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw10108\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 he h
ad been there. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2553\absw10634\absh699 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to give{\b0\i0 (}someone{\b0\i0 )} a break:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 provid
e}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 person}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 another}{\b0\i0 opportunity
}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 chance}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 expect}{\b0\i0 too}{\b0\i0 much}{\b0\i0 work }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2553\absw10634\absh699 \sl-268 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 exp
ect}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 believe}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2553\absw10634\absh699 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Command}{\b0\i0 forms}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0\i0 most}{\b0\i0 common}{\b0\
i0 with}{\b0\i0 this}{\b0\i0 idiom.}{\b0\i0 For}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 third}
{\b0\i0 definition,}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 pronoun}{\b0\i0 me}{\b0\i0 must}{\b
0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 used. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3339\absw201\absh981 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3339\absw201\absh981 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3339\absw201\absh981 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3364\absw9736\absh958 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e driver pleaded with the police officer to{\i give} him{\i a}{\i break} and
not issue him a ticket for speeding.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3364\absw9736\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
the students heard how much homework the teacher wanted them to do over the holi
day, they begged,
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3364\absw9736\absh958 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i Gi
ve}{\i us}{\i a}{\i break,} Professor Doyle!
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3364\absw9736\absh958 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Oh, J
im,{\i give}{\i me}{\i a}{\i break}! That's a terrible excuse for being late
. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4713\absw7265\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to bow out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stop}{\b0\i0 doing}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0
a}{\b0\i0 regular}{\b0\i0 activity,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 remove}{\b0\i0 ones
elf}{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 situation }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4713\absw7265\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 related}{\b0\i0 idiom} to want out{\b0\i0 indicates}{\b0\
i0 that}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 desires}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 bow}{\b0\i0 out
. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5231\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5231\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f

s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5256\absw9411\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Sh
e{\i bowed}{\i out} as the school's registrar after sixteen years of service.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5256\absw9411\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 One o
f the two partners{\i wanted}{\i out} of the deal because they couldn't agree
on the terms of the contract \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6222\absw10459\absh1306 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6222\absw10459\absh1306 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs21
\cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs1
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expres
sion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 or
}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 m
aking}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\b
0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6222\absw10459\absh1306 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i0
\fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idi
oms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous}{\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6222\absw10459\absh1306 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
At}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 amu
sement}{\b0\i0 \fs19 center,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Scan}{\b0\i0 \fs19 was}{\b0\i0 \fs
19 about}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \
fs19 when}{\b0\i0 \fs19 he}{\b0 \fs19 became}{\b0 \fs19 afraid}{\b0 \fs19 t
o}{\b0 \fs19 do}{\b0 \fs19 it}{\b0\i0 \fs19 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8227\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy8227\absw4257\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ta
nya talked to her supervisor{\i directly} about{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\
f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9024\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy9024\absw5167\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e politician asked his friends if they{\i supported} him on{\field{\*\fldinst S
YMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9820\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy9820\absw4071\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Te
d{\i fell}{\i in}{\i love}{\i with} the actress as soon as{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10617\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10617\absw8841\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen Mrs. Garcia told her husband that their son{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}, Mr. Garcia responded,{\i That}{\i seems}{\i likely. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11414\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.

{\phpg\posx989\pvpg\posy11414\absw6706\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 J
oseph's roommate had been sick, so Joseph{\i gave} him{\i information} on{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12211\absw210\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12211\absw210\absh695 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 8
. \par
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy12211\absw6333\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
don't understand what{\i motivates} Diana{\i to}{\i behave}{\i that}{\i wa
y}, she{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy12211\absw6333\absh695 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
The boss{\i gave} his employee{\i another}{\i opportunity} when{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13536\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx989\pvpg\posy13536\absw9272\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen the teacher told the students that{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }
}, the students said, {\i Don't}{\i expect}{\i too}{\i much}{\i work}{\i fro
m}{\i us!} \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw7708\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw7708\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 One}{\b0 \f20 of}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 members}{\b0 \f20 of}{\
b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 committee}{\b0\i \f20 removed}{\b0\i \f20 herself}{\b0
\i \f20 from}{\b0\i \f20 the}{\b0\i \f20 situation}{\b0 \f20 because{\field{
\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 19
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2374\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 que
stions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f
20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 les
son. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2784\absw210\absh1407 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6. \
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Have you ever been about to do something important or dangerous, and then{\i go
tten}{\i cold}{\i feet}? What was it?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Why
might a student need to have a{\i face-to-face} talk with a teacher?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 For
what reasons might you not{\i be}{\i with}{\i it}?{\i Are} you{\i with}{\i
it} today? Why or why not?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
general, who would you feel compelled to{\i cover}{\i for}? Have you ever had
to do this?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t unbelievable statement might someone make that would cause you to respond,{\i
Give}{\i me}{\i a}{\i break!}?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2784\absw9773\absh1407 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Why
might you choose to{\i bow}{\i out} of a situation? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4845\absw10070\absh1215 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs2
5 \cf0 LESSON 35
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4845\absw10070\absh1215 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 pin}{\i \f20 \fs19 on:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 find}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 guilty}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 of}{\b0 \f20 \
fs19 a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 crime}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 offense}{\b0
\f20 \fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (also:}{\i \f20
\fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 hang}{\i \f20 \fs19 on}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4845\absw10070\absh1215 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 \fs19 This}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 idiom}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 is}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
divided}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 by}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 a}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 noun}{\b0 \f20
\fs19 phrase}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 containing}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
crime}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 offense.}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 The}{\b0 \
f20 \fs19 accused}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 person}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 is}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
mentioned}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 after}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4845\absw10070\absh1215 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 \fs19 preposition}{\b0\i \f20 \fs19 on}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 . }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6205\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6205\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6230\absw10018\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The prosecuting attorney tried to{\i pin} the murder{\i on} the victim's husba
nd, but the jury returned a verdict of not
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6230\absw10018\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 gui
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6230\absw10018\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I w
asn't anywhere near the window when it got broken. You can't{\i pin} that{\i o
n} me. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7300\absw7981\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to get a rise out of:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 provoke}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 r
esponse}{\b0\i0 from }

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7300\absw7981\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0

{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 usually}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0
when}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 teased}{\b0\i0 into}{\b0\i0 respon
ding}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 anger}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 annoyance. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7818\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7818\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7843\absw9425\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Y
ou can kid me all day about my mistake, but you won't{\i get}{\i a}{\i rise}{
\i out}{\i of}{\i me}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy7843\absw9425\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I{\i
got}{\i a}{\i rise}{\i out}{\i of} Marvin when I teased him about his weig
ht. Marvin weighs over two-hundred pounds. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8568\absw8362\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to stick around:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 stay}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 remain}{
\b0\i0 where}{\b0\i0 one}{\b0\i0 is,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 wait }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8568\absw8362\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 so
meone}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 waiting}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 something}{\b0\i0 to}{
\b0\i0 happen}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 ar
rive. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9085\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9085\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9110\absw9556\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
odd had to{\i stick}{\i around} the house all day until the new furniture was
finally delivered in the late afternoon.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9110\absw9556\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Why
don't you{\i stick}{\i around} for a while and see if Sarah eventually shows u
p? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9835\absw8097\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to pick up the tab:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 pay}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 cost}
{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 bill }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9835\absw8097\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 applies}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b
0\i0 pays}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 cost}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 another}
{\b0\i0 person's}{\b0\i0 meal,}{\b0\i0 tickets,}{\b0\i0 etc. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10352\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10352\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10377\absw9722\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The advertising manager is flying to Puerto Rico for a conference, and her firm
is{\i picking}{\i up}{\i the}{\i tab}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10377\absw9722\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
government{\i picked}{\i up}{\i the}{\i tab} for the visiting dignitary. It
paid for all of the lodging and meals, as well as
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy10377\absw9722\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 tra
nsportation, during his stay. \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11366\absw8230\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \

fs19 \cf0 by the way:{\b0\i0 incidentally }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11366\absw8230\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 s
omeone}{\b0\i0 thinks}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 something}{\b0\i0 further}{\b0\i0
in}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 course}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 conversation. }\
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11883\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11883\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11908\absw10256\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Movies are my favorite form of entertainment. Oh,{\i by}{\i the}{\i way}, ha
ve you seen the new picture that's playing at the
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11908\absw10256\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Bi
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11908\absw10256\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ve
ra's been divorced for three years now. She told me,{\i by}{\i the}{\i way},
that she never plans to remarry. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12897\absw5928\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to go to town:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 do}{\b0\i0 something}{\b0\i0 with
}{\b0\i0 enthusiasm}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0 thoroughness }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13150\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13150\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13176\absw10133\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Our interior decorator really{\i went}{\i to}{\i town} in remodeling our liv
ing room. I'm afraid to ask how much it's going to
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13176\absw10133\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 co
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13176\absw10133\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ch
arlie really{\i went}{\i to}{\i town} on his research project. He consulted o
ver forty reference works and wrote a ninety\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13176\absw10133\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 pa
ge report. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 20 \
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1209\absw5173\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to let slide:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 neglect}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 duty}{\b0\
i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 ignore}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 situatio
n}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1462\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1488\absw9907\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Te
rry knew that she should have paid the electric bill on time instead of{\i lett
ing} it{\i slide}. Now the utility company
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1488\absw9907\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 has t
urned off her service.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1488\absw9907\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
he tried to get a rise out of me by mentioning my failure to receive a promotion
at work, I just{\i let} it{\i slide}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2476\absw9091\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 search me:{\b0\i0 I}{\b0\i0 don't}{\b0\i0 know}{\b0\i0 (also:} beats
me{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 inf
ormally,}{\b0\i0 usually}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 command}{\b0\i0 form.
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2730\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw10119\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen Elmer asked his wife if she knew why the new neighbors left their garage doo
r open all night, she
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw10119\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 resp
onded, {\i Search}{\i me}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2755\absw10119\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
I asked Derek why his girlfriend wasn't at the party yet, he said, {\i Beats}{\i
me}. I expected her an hour ago. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3748\absw6491\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to get off ones chest{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 express}{\b0\i0 ones}{\b0\i0
true}{\b0\i0 feelings}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3748\absw6491\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 som
eone}{\b0\i0 has}{\b0\i0 long}{\b0\i0 waited}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 express}{\b
0\i0 themselves. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4266\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4266\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par

{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4291\absw9849\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 El
len felt a lot better when she finally talked to a counselor and{\i got} the pr
oblem{\i off}{\i her}{\i chest}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4291\absw9849\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Faye
hasn't shared her concern about her marriage with her husband yet. I think that
she should{\i get} it{\i off}{\i her }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4291\absw9849\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i c
hest}{\i soon}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5400\absw4885\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to live it up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 spend}{\b0\i0 money}{\b0\i0 freely,
}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 live}{\b0\i0 luxuriously }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5653\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5653\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5678\absw8445\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ky
le and Eric saved up money for two years so that they could travel to Europe and
{\i live}{\i it}{\i up}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5678\absw8445\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 After
receiving a large inheritance from a rich aunt, I was able to{\i live}{\i it}
{\i up} for years. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6408\absw6082\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to liven up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 energize,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 make}{\b
0\i0 more}{\b0\i0 active}{\b0\i0 (also:} to pick up{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0
S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6661\absw201\absh744 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6661\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6661\absw201\absh744 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6686\absw8229\absh721 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e teacher occasionally took the class on field trips just to{\i liven} things{\
i up} a bit.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6686\absw8229\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The a
nimals in the zoo began to{\i liven}{\i up} when evening came and the temperat
ures dropped.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6686\absw8229\absh721 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Many
people have to drink coffee every morning just to{\i pick} themselves{\i up}.
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7689\absw3894\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to have a voice in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 share}{\b0\i0 involvement}{\b0\
i0 in }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7942\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7942\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7968\absw9998\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e new vice-president was promised that she would{\i have}{\i a}{\i voice}{\i
in} developing the company's international

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7968\absw9998\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 expan

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7968\absw9998\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The s
tudents are trying to{\i have}{\i a}{\i voice}{\i in} college affairs by gai
ning representation on administrative committees. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9016\absw10381\absh1544 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9016\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs21
\cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs1
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expres
sion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 or
}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 m
aking}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\b
0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9016\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i0
\fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idi
oms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9016\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9016\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
The}{\b0\i0 \fs19 police}{\b0\i0 \fs19
were}{\b0\i0 \fs19 successful}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0 \fs19 finding}{\b0\i0 \f
s19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 criminal}{\b0 \fs19 guilty}{\b0\i0 \fs19 of}{\b0\i0 \f
s19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 robbery}{\b0\i0 \fs19 because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11284\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy11284\absw6828\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
y older brother is always able to{\i provoke}{\i a}{\i response}{\i from} me
when he{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12081\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy12081\absw5359\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hy don't you{\i stay}{\i here} for a while longer? We're still{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12878\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy12878\absw5022\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he director{\i paid}{\i the}{\i bill} for the meal when he invited{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13675\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy13675\absw7753\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he neighbors really{\i did}{\i something}{\i with}{\i enthusiasm} when they
worked together to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1204\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw7395\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw7395\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 I}{\b0 \f20 understand}{\b0 \f20 that}{\b0 \f20 Bill}{\b0 \f20 {
\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0 \f20 because}{\b0 \f20 he}{\b0
\i \f20 neglected}{\b0\i \f20 his}{\b0\i \f20 responsibilities}{\b0 \f20 aga
in}{\b0 \f20 and}{\b0 \f20 again. }\par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 21
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2001\absw6576\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
n order to{\i express}{\i their}{\i true}{\i feelings}{\i about}{\i a}{\i
problem}, some people{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2798\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2798\absw5570\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 O
n their honeymoon, the young couple{\i lived}{\i luxuriously} by... \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3595\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy3595\absw4755\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
n order to{\i energize} the party, the host and hostess{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBO
L 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4392\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4392\absw9355\absh578 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he preferred candidate for the new position would not {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} until management agreed that she would{\i share }
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4392\absw9355\absh578 \sl-398 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
involvement}{\i in} budget matters. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5971\absw8459\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
nswer these questions orally by making use of the idiomatic expressions studied
in this lesson. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6355\absw210\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6355\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6355\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6355\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6355\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5. \
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When you were a child, do you remember your brother, sister, or friend ever tryi
ng to{\i pin} something{\i on} you?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t was it?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
someone is late in meeting you, about how long would you{\i stick}{\i around}
before leaving?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Can
you think of a reason why the expression{\i search}{\i me} is used to mean{\i
I}{\i don't}{\i know}? (In other words, why
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 is
the verb{\i search} used in this way?)
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever had a chance{\i to}{\i live}{\i it}{\i up}? Describe what you did
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6355\absw9957\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t are some different ways of{\i livening}{\i up} an event such as a wedding? \
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8440\absw8737\absh978 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 LESSON 36
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8440\absw8737\absh978 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 check}{\i \f20 \fs19 in:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 register}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 at}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 a}{\b0 \f20 \f
s19 hotel}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 motel;}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0
\f20 \fs19 leave}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 deposit}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
for}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 transporting}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 or}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 safekeepi
ng}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8440\absw8737\absh978 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 {
\b0 \f20 \fs19 The}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 adjective}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 form}{\b0\i \f20
\fs19 check-in}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 derives}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 from}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
this}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 idiom. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9536\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9536\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {

\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9561\absw9818\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 C
ourtney arrived in town at mid-day and promptly{\i checked}{\i in} at the Plaz
a Hotel. The hotel permitted an early
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9561\absw9818\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
check-in} time.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy9561\absw9818\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ther
e were dozens of people at the airline counters waiting to{\i check} their bags
{\i in} for their flights. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10555\absw8248\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to check out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 pay}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 bill}{\b0\
i0 at}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 hotel}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 motel}{\b0\i0 and}{\b0\i0
then}{\b0\i0 leave;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 investigate,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 ex
amine}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10555\absw8248\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 adjective}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0 check-out}{\b0\i0 derives}
{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 this}{\b0\i0 idiom. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11072\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11072\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11097\absw9969\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The latest you should{\i check}{\i out} of the hotel is 12 noon. However, in y
our case, we can set a special{\i check-out }
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11097\absw9969\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 tim
e of 2:00{\fs16 P}.{\fs16 M}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11097\absw9969\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
police received a call from someone claiming to have witnessed a murder. The po
lice sent two detectives to
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11097\absw9969\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
check} the call{\i out} right away. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12350\absw7106\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to take somebody at one's word:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 accept}{\b0\i0 wh
at}{\b0\i0 one}{\b0\i0 says}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 true,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be
lieve }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12603\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12603\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12628\absw9936\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When he offered to be responsible for the fund raiser, I{\i took}{\i him}{\i
at}{\i his}{\i word}. Now he's saying that he's not
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12628\absw9936\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ava
ilable to do it.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy12628\absw9936\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You
should be careful about{\i taking}{\i her}{\i at}{\i her}{\i word}. She's
been known to say one thing but to do another. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13617\absw7307\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to serve{\b0\i0 (}the/one's{\b0\i0 )} purpose:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be
}{\b0\i0 useful,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 suit}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 needs}{\b0\i
0 or}{\b0\i0 requirements }\par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13870\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13870\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13896\absw8842\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
I don't have a screwdriver to open this, but I think that a knife{\i will}{\i
serve}{\i the}{\i purpose}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13896\absw8842\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jan
e prefers working to studying, so it{\i served}{\i her}{\i purpose} to drop o
ut of school and take that job. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw3397\absh833 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 22
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw3397\absh833 \sl-340 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b\i in}{\b\i the}{\b\i worst}{\b\i way:} very much, greatly \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1458\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw7126\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ji
m and Claudia want to have children{\i in}{\i the}{\i worst}{\i way}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1483\absw7126\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Becau
se Umer has relatives in Turkey, he wants to visit there{\i in}{\i the}{\i wo
rst}{\i way}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2208\absw10331\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to cop out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 avoid}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 responsib
ility,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 quit }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2208\absw10331\absh695 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 informal}{\b0\i0
version}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 second}{\b0\i0 definition}{\b0 to}{\
b0 back}{\b0 out}{\b0\i0 (Lesson}{\b0\i0 29).}{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 noun}{\b
0\i0 form} copout{\b0\i0 means}{\b0 an }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2208\absw10331\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 excuse}{\b0 for}{\b0 avoiding}{\b0 responsibility}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2989\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2989\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3014\absw8892\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ev
elyn had agreed to help us with arrangements for the party, but she{\i copped}{
\i out} at the last minute.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3014\absw8892\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I can
't believe that Cindy offered such an explanation for falling to show up. What a
poor{\i copout! }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3825\absw6202\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs

19 \cf0 to line up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 line;}{\b0\i0

to}{\b0\i0 arrange}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 have,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 manage}{\b0\
i0 to}{\b0\i0 obtain}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4078\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4078\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4104\absw8760\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e moviegoers{\i lined}{\i up} in front of the theater showing the most popular
film of the summer.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4104\absw8760\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Rob i
s going to schedule the famous author to speak at the convention if he can{\i l
ine} her{\i up} in time. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4905\absw4900\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to lose one's cool:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 get}{\b0\i0 excited,}{\b0\i0 a
ngry,}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 flustered }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5158\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5158\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5184\absw9597\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 De
spite the boos from some in the audience, the actors on stage never{\i lost}{\i
their}{\i cool}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5184\absw9597\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Altho
ugh the group of skiers were in danger from an apparent avalanche, their ski gui
de never{\i lost}{\i his}{\i cool}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5995\absw4409\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to leave open:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 delay}{\b0\i0 making}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0
\i0 decision}{\b0\i0 on}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6248\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6248\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6273\absw9737\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
making up the job announcement, the firm decided to{\i leave} the salary{\i o
pen} until a qualified candidate was
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6273\absw9737\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 found
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6273\absw9737\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We kn
ow that the annual summer camp will be held in August, but let's{\i leave} the
exact dates{\i open} for now. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7348\absw10172\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to turn on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 interest}{\b0\i0 greatly,}{\b0\i0 to}
{\b0\i0 excite}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7348\absw10172\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 The}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 opposite}{\b0\i0
meaning}{\b0\i0 is} to turn off{\b0\i0 .}{\b0\i0 These}{\b0\i0 idioms}{\b0\
i0 are}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 nouns} tur
non{\b0\i0 and} turnoff{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7866\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }

\f40 \fs19 \cf0

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7866\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7891\absw10040\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 D
oes great art{\i turn} you{\i on}? I find going to a museum and viewing classi
c works of art a real{\i turnon}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7891\absw10040\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Goin
g to a bar and having silly conversation with strangers really{\i turns} me{\i
off}. In fact, most bar scenes are really
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7891\absw10040\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
turnoffs} to me. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8961\absw6068\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to miss the boat:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 lose}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 opportun
ity,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fail}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 some}{\b0\i0 undertaking }\
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9214\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9214\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9240\absw9871\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e precious metals market was looking up several months ago, but unfortunately mo
st investors{\i missed}{\i the }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9240\absw9871\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i b
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9240\absw9871\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mr. V
lasic's new business went bankrupt within a short time. He really{\i missed}{\i
the}{\i boat} by opening a tanning
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9240\absw9871\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 salon
near the beach. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10574\absw5057\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to think up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 invent,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 create}{\
b0\i0 (also:} to dream up{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10574\absw5057\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 often}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 f
or}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 unusual}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 foolish}{\b0\i0 thought. }
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11091\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11091\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11117\absw8028\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
ho{\i thought}{\i up} the idea of painting the living room walls bright red?
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11117\absw8028\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
asked by the teacher why she was late, the student{\i dreamed}{\i up} a plaus
ible excuse. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12165\absw10381\absh1544 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12165\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs2
1 \cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expre
ssion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 o
r}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19

making}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\

b0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12165\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 id
ioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12165\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12165\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
The}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Smiths}{\b0 \fs19 r
egistered}{\b0\i0 \fs19 at}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 hotel}{\b0\i0 \fs1
9 as}{\b0\i0 \fs19 soon}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1204\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.

{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw6108\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10

\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy524\absw6108\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 The}{\b0 \f20 Smiths}{\b0 \f20 also}{\b0\i \f20 deposited}{\b0 \f
20 some}{\b0 \f20 jewelry}{\b0 \f20 at}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 front}{\b0 \
f20 desk}{\b0 \f20 because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 23
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2001\absw7189\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he jealous husband hired a private detective to{\i investigate} the possibility
that{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2798\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy2798\absw5331\absh219 \i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \i \f20 \fs19
\cf0 I accepted what my financial advisor had to say{\i0 about{\field{\*\fldins
t SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3595\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy3595\absw6109\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hile shopping in the expensive store, Mrs. Thurston {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }}{\i very}{\i much}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4392\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4392\absw8020\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
o ensure{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}, the politician{\i managed}
{\i to}{\i obtain} the support of his colleagues in the Senate. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5188\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy5188\absw5889\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he athlete{\i got}{\i angry}{\i and}{\i flustered} on national television wh
en{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5985\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy5985\absw7212\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
e{\i delayed}{\i making}{\i a}{\i decision}{\i on} the arrangements for the
wedding because{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6782\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6782\absw8886\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 E
ven though I had urged my parents to{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }},
my parents{\i lost}{\i an}{\i opportunity} when the stock market{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7750\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {

\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 que
stions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f
20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 les
son. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8160\absw210\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7. \
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If you and a friend are walking on a beach, what do you think your friend could
mean if he or she says,
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
Check}{\i that}{\i out!}
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever{\i taken}{\i someone}{\i at}{\i his}{\i or}{\i her}{\i word},
only to be disappointed at a later time? What happened?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t is it that you want at the present time{\i in}{\i the}{\i worst}{\i way}?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Hav
e you ever{\i copped}{\i out} of a responsibility by{\i thinking}{\i up} a r
easonable excuse? How do you feel when you
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 do
this? Why?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Thi
nk of different kinds of events or situations where people have to{\i line}{\i
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t kind of situation might cause you to{\i lose}{\i your}{\i cool}? Does this
happen easily to you, or not?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8160\absw9924\absh2120 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wha
t kinds of sports or hobbies{\i turn} you{\i on}? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10956\absw8266\absh740 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\cf0 LESSON 37
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10956\absw8266\absh740 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \
cf0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 throw}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\i \f20 \fs19 so
meone}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 )}{\i \f20 \fs19 a}{\i \f20 \fs19 curve:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
to}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 introduce}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 an}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 unexpected}
{\b0 \f20 \fs19 topic,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 causing}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 embarrassment}
{\b0 \f20 \fs19 (}{\f20 \fs19 S}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11787\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11787\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11812\absw9474\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The first week of class was going very well until a student{\i threw} the teach
er{\i a}{\i curve} by suggesting that the
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11812\absw9474\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 tex

tbook was too difficult.

\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy11812\absw9474\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
director asked us in advance to stick to the meeting agenda and not to{\i thro
w} him{\i any}{\i curves}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12883\absw10083\absh695 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs19 \cf0 to make waves:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 create}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 disturb
ance,}{\b0\i0 usually}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 complaining }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12883\absw10083\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 similar}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0
meaning}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 previous}{\b0\i0 idiom,}{\b0\i0 but
}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 emphasis}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 on}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 as
pect}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 complaining}{\b0\i0 rather}{\b0\i0 than }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12883\absw10083\absh695 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 causing}{\b0\i0 embarrassment. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13664\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13664\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0
\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13689\absw10045\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
In most companies, an employee who{\i makes}{\i waves} is not appreciated.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13689\absw10045\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e meeting was going smoothly until one of the participants{\i made}{\i waves}
about the newly revised compensation
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy13689\absw10045\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 pa
ckage. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 24 \
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1204\absw9251\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to carry on:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 continue}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 before;}{
\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 conduct,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 engage}{\b0\i0 in;}{\b0\i0 t
o}{\b0\i0 behave}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 immature}{\b0\i0 manner}{\b0
\i0 -}{\b0 ;}{\b0 ,}{\b0 ;}{\b0
; }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1204\absw9251\absh457 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Even}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 face}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 disaste
r,}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 inhabitants}{\b0 carried}{\b0 on}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0
though}{\b0\i0 nothing}{\b0\i0 had}{\b0\i0 happened. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1722\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1722\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1747\absw10267\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he business associates decided to{\i carry}{\i on} their discussion in the hot
el bar instead of the conference room.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1747\absw10267\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I ca
n't believe that John{\i carried}{\i on} so much just because his dog died. He

looked depressed and cried for weeks

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy1747\absw10267\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 afte
r it happened. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2817\absw8931\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 not on your life:{\b0\i0 absolutely}{\b0\i0 not}{\b0\i0 (also:} no wa
y{\b0\i0 )}{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 as}{\
b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 kind}{\b0\i0 of}{\b0\i0 exclamation}{\b0\i0 by}{\b0\i0 its
elf. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3070\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3070\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3096\absw10169\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Y
ou're asking me to invest in that poorly rated company just because you know the
son of the president?{\i Not}{\i on }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3096\absw10169\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
your}{\i life! }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3096\absw10169\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
a friend tried to get Mark to jump out of a plane with a parachute, he immediat
ely responded, {\i No}{\i way!} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4166\absw7045\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to cover ground:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 extensive,}{\b0\i0 to}
{\b0\i0 discuss}{\b0\i0 much}{\b0\i0 material }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4166\absw7045\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 Forms}{\b0\i0 such}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0 a}{\b0 lot}{\b0 of}{\b0\i0 ,}{\b
0 too}{\b0 much}{\b0\i0 ,}{\b0 too}{\b0 little}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0\i0 used}{\
b0\i0 before}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 noun}{\b0 ground}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4683\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4683\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4708\absw10401\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
hat national commission's report on urban ghettos{\i covers}{\i a}{\i lot}{\i
of}{\i ground}. Many of the recommendations are too
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4708\absw10401\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 cost
ly to implement.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4708\absw10401\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In h
is first lecture on Greek philosophers, I thought that our professor{\i covered
}{\i too}{\i little}{\i ground}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5779\absw6405\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to mind the store:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 responsible}{\b0\i0
for}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 office}{\b0\i0 while}{\b0\i0 others}{\b0\i0 are}{\b0
\i0 gone }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6032\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6032\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6057\absw10133\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
t seems that all of our employees are taking a lunch break at the same time. I w
onder who's{\i minding}{\i the}{\i store}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6057\absw10133\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Lynn

e agreed to{\i mind}{\i the}{\i store} while the others went outside to watch
the parade passing by. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6782\absw5754\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to throw the book at:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 punish}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0
full}{\b0\i0 penalty,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 harsh}{\b0\i0 on }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7035\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7035\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7060\absw10028\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 B
ecause the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge{\i threw}{\i the}{\i boo
k}{\i at} him with heavy fines and a long prison
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7060\absw10028\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 term
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7060\absw10028\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 My b
oss{\i threw}{\i the}{\i book}{\i at} me when he discovered that I had been
using company time for personal business. I
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7060\absw10028\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 was
severely reprimanded and forced to make up the lost time. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8313\absw6451\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to put one's foot in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 say}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 do}{\
b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 wrong}{\b0\i0 thing }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8313\absw6451\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 the
}{\b0\i0 noun}{\b0\i0 phrase}{\b0 one's}{\b0 mouth}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 the}
{\b0\i0 pronoun}{\b0 it}{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8830\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8830\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8856\absw10092\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 F
red really{\i put}{\i his}{\i foot}{\i in}{\i his}{\i mouth} when he calle
d his supervisor by the wrong name.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8856\absw10092\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I re
ally{\i put}{\i my}{\i foot}{\i in}{\i it} when I forgot my girlfriend's bi
rthday and didn't buy her anything. She almost lost her
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8856\absw10092\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 cool
. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9844\absw6712\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to be up for grabs:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0 available}{\b0\i
0 to}{\b0\i0 others }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9844\absw6712\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 used}{\b0\i0 when}{\b0\i0 som
ething}{\b0\i0 is}{\b0\i0 highly}{\b0\i0 desirable}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 many}
{\b0\i0 other}{\b0\i0 people. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10362\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10362\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10387\absw9708\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen one of the full-time contract instructors stepped down, her nice office over

looking the river{\i was}{\i up}{\i for }

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10387\absw9708\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10387\absw9708\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Did
you know that Senator Stone is retiring and that her Senate seat{\i is}{\i up}
{\i for}{\i grabs}? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11457\absw10268\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to show off:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 display}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 abili
ty}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 order}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 attract}{\b0\i0 attention}{\
b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ),}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 let}{\b0\i0 others}{\b0\i0 see
,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 expose}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 public}{\b0\i0 view}{\b0\i0
(}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11457\absw10268\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 can}{\b0\i0 form}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 n
oun} showoff{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 first}{\b0\i0 definition. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11974\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11974\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12000\absw10117\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Elizabeth is an excellent swimmer, but I don't like the way she{\i shows}{\i o
ff} in front of everyone. It's very obvious
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12000\absw10117\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 tha
t she enjoys being a{\i showoff}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12000\absw10117\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mar
y{\i showed} her large wedding ring{\i off} to all her friends. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12988\absw7337\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to learn the ropes:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 become}{\b0\i0 familiar}{\b0\i
0 with}{\b0\i0 routine}{\b0\i0 procedures}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 work}{\b0\i0
or}{\b0\i0 school }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13242\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy13242\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13267\absw10275\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The job applicant didn't have much previous experience or knowledge, but she see
med intelligent enough to{\i learn }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13267\absw10275\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
the}{\i ropes} quickly.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy13267\absw10275\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It
took the new schoolteacher a year to{\i learn}{\i the}{\i ropes} regarding ad
ministrative and curricular matters. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv

1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8924\absh1069 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3840 \b \f1
0 \fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8924\absh1069 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \c
f0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 keep}{\i \f20 one's}{\i \f20 fingers}{\i \f20 crosse
d:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 hope}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 have}{\b0 \f20 good}{
\b0 \f20 results,}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 hope}{\b0 \f20 that}{\b0 \f20 noth
ing}{\b0 \f20 bad}{\b0 \f20 will}{\b0 \f20 happen }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw8924\absh1069 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 \f20 This}{\b0 \f20 idiom}{\b0 \f20 reflects}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 way
}{\b0 \f20 people}{\b0 \f20 cross}{\b0 \f20 their}{\b0 \f20 fingers}{\b0 \f2
0 to}{\b0 \f20 hope}{\b0 \f20 for}{\b0 \f20 good}{\b0 \f20 luck. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1722\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1722\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1747\absw10111\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Let's{\i keep}{\i our}{\i fingers}{\i crossed} that we got passing grades on
that college entrance exam.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1747\absw10111\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Jer
ry{\i kept}{\i his}{\i fingers}{\i crossed} that the good weather would hold
up for the picnic he was planning for the coming
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1747\absw10111\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 wee
kend. \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 25
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2795\absw10410\absh1306 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20

\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES

\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2795\absw10410\absh1306 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs2
1 \cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expre
ssion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 o
r}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19
making}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as}{\b0\i0 \fs19 well. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2795\absw10410\absh1306 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0
\fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19 with}{\b0\i0 \fs19
your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19
try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 f
rom}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous}{\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2795\absw10410\absh1306 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
After}{\b0\i0 \fs19 discovering}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 some}{\b0\i0 \fs19 improper}{\b0\i0 \fs19 contracts}{\b0\i0 \fs19 ar
ranged}{\b0\i0 \fs19 by}{\b0\i0 \fs19 his}{\b0\i0 \fs19 company,}{\b0\i0 \fs1
9 a}{\b0\i0 \fs19 worker}{\b0 \fs19 created}{\b0 \fs19 a}{\b0 \fs19 disturb
ance}{\b0 \fs19 by}{\b0\i0 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4800\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy4800\absw5890\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he professor decided to{\i conduct} her class in the park because{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5596\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy5596\absw7556\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he teenager{\i behaved}{\i in}{\i an}{\i immature}{\i manner} for quite a w
hile when his parents{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6393\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6393\absw5032\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 M
artha answered, {\i Absolutely}{\i not!}, when her friend{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBO
L 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7190\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy7190\absw7513\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 B
ecause the instructor would{\i discuss}{\i too}{\i many}{\i matters} in the
course, the student{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7987\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy7987\absw8917\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen the boss went out for lunch with some visitors, she asked {\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}{\i to}{\i be}{\i responsible}{\i for}{\i the}{\i
office}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8784\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.

{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8784\absw4103\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he judge{\i was}{\i harsh}{\i on} the defendant who{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9580\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9580\absw8489\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he long-time manager's office suddenly{\i became}{\i available}{\i to}{\i ot
hers}, and many associates{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10377\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10377\absw8818\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The excellent athlete{\i displayed}{\i his}{\i ability}{\i and}{\i attracte
d}{\i attention} at the regional track meet by{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11174\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
0. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11174\absw7881\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
It was difficult for {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}{\i to}{\i bec
ome}{\i familiar}{\i with}{\i the}{\i routine}{\i procedures} at the univer
sity. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12142\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 qu
estions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\
f20 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 le
sson. }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12552\absw210\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Has anyone{\i thrown}{\i you}{\i a}{\i curve} recently? What happened?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you remember ever{\i carrying}{\i on} when you were a child? What did your pa
rents do to stop you?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you like to take classes that{\i cover}{\i a}{\i lot}{\i of}{\i ground} or
{\i cover}{\i little}{\i ground}? Why?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Wo
uld it ever be appropriate to throw the book at someone for{\i putting}{\i the
ir}{\i foot}{\i in}{\i their}{\i mouth}? Why or why
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 no
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you know anyone who likes to{\i show}{\i off}? What do they do?
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12552\absw9855\absh1645 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Gi

ve an example of when you might{\i keep}{\i your}{\i fingers}{\i crossed}. \

{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw1730\absh890 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 26
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw1730\absh890 \sl-367 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b \f10 \fs25 LESSON}{\b \f10 \fs25 38 }\par
{\phpg\posx4262\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1776\absw7510\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to land on one's feet:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 recover}{\b0\i0 safely}{\b0\
i0 from}{\b0\i0 an}{\b0\i0 unpleasant}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 dangerous}{\b0\i0
situation }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2029\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2029\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2054\absw10257\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
fter a series of personal and professional difficulties, it's amazing that Georg
e{\i has}{\i landed}{\i on}{\i his}{\i feet} so quickly.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2054\absw10257\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Some
young adults get into so much trouble at school that they are never able{\i to
}{\i land}{\i on}{\i their}{\i feet} again. They
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy2054\absw10257\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 drop
out before graduating. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3048\absw7836\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to dish out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 distribute}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 large}{
\b0\i0 quantity}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ),}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 speak}{\b0\i0
of}{\b0\i0 others}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 critical}{\b0\i0 manner}{\
b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3301\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3301\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3326\absw8491\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ma
ry's mom{\i dished}{\i out} two or three scoops of ice cream for each child at
the birthday party.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy3326\absw8491\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Larry
can't seem to take any criticism of his actions but he certainly likes to{\i d
ish} it{\i out}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4051\absw9450\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to get through to:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 communicate}{\b0\i0 with,}{\b0\i
0 to}{\b0\i0 make}{\b0\i0 someone}{\b0\i0 understand}{\b0\i0 (also:} to bre
ak through to{\b0\i0 ) }

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4051\absw9450\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0

{\b0\i0 This}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 has}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 meaning}{\b0\i0
of}{\b0 to}{\b0 make}{\b0 someone}{\b0 catch}{\b0 on}{\b0\i0 (Lesson}{\b0\i0
29,}{\b0\i0 eighth}{\b0\i0 idiom,}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 first}{\b0\i0 defin
ition) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4568\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4568\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4593\absw9894\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 So
me of the students in my reading class understand English so poorly that it is d
ifficult to{\i get}{\i through}{\i to} them.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy4593\absw9894\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The d
octors have never succeeded in{\i breaking}{\i through}{\i to} Mr. Ames, who
is a silent and secretive patient. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5318\absw5535\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to keep one's word:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 fulfill}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 prom
ise,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 responsible }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5318\absw5535\absh457 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 An}{\b0\i0 idiom}{\b0\i0 with}{\b0\i0 the}{\b0\i0 opposite}{\b0\i0
meaning}{\b0\i0 is} to break one's word{\b0\i0 . }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5835\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5835\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5860\absw9980\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Su
zanne{\i kept}{\i her}{\i word} to me not to let on to others that I intend t
o step down next month.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5860\absw9980\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Thoma
s always intends to{\i keep}{\i his}{\i word}, but invariably the end result
is that he{\i breaks}{\i his}{\i word}. He just isn't
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5860\absw9980\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 capab
le of being a responsible person. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6931\absw10673\absh457 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to be over one's head:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0 bu
sy,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 have}{\b0\i0 too}{\b0\i0 much}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 do
}{\b0\i0 (also:} to be up to one's ears{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\
i0 beyond}{\b0\i0 one's }
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6931\absw10673\absh457 \sl-263 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0\i0 ability}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 understand }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7448\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7448\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7473\absw9953\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I'
d love to take a week off for a hiking trip, but at the moment I{\i am}{\i ove
r}{\i my}{\i head} in work. Maybe next week
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7473\absw9953\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 when
I'm only{\i up}{\i to}{\i my}{\i ears}!
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7473\absw9953\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 It wa
s impossible for the tutor to get through to Bill about the physics problem beca
use the subject matter was

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7473\absw9953\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i o

ver}{\i Bill's}{\i head}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8808\absw6611\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to ask for:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 deserve,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 receive}{\
b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 just}{\b0\i0 punishment}{\b0\i0 (also:} to bring upon{\b0\i0
) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9061\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9061\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9086\absw10299\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f you drink alcohol and then drive a car, you're only{\i asking}{\i for} troub
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9086\absw10299\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Don'
t complain about your cut in salary. You{\i asked}{\i for} it by refusing to h
eed our repeated warnings not to be late
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9086\absw10299\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 and
inefficient. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10156\absw4171\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to be a far cry from:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 very}{\b0\i0 dif
ferent}{\b0\i0 from }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10410\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10410\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10435\absw9263\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
enjoyed visiting Seattle, but it{\i was}{\i a}{\i far}{\i cry}{\i from} th
e ideal vacation spot I expected.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy10435\absw9263\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ned
is enjoying his new job, but his responsibilities{\i are}{\i a}{\i far}{\i c
ry}{\i from} what he was told they would be. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11241\absw8593\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 by all means:{\b0\i0 certainly,}{\b0\i0 definitely,}{\b0\i0 naturall
y}{\b0\i0 (also:} of course{\b0\i0 );}{\b0\i0 using}{\b0\i0 any}{\b0\i0 poss
ible}{\b0\i0 way}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 method }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11494\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11494\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11520\absw10102\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If the Johnsons invite us for dinner, then{\i by}{\i all}{\i means} we have t
o return the invitation.{\i Of}{\i course}, we don't have
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11520\absw10102\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
invite their children, too.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11520\absw10102\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In
order to ensure its survival, the ailing company has to obtain an infusion of ca
sh{\i by}{\i all}{\i means}. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12590\absw8829\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to get out from under:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 restore}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\
i0 financial}{\b0\i0 security,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 resolve}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0

difficult}{\b0\i0 financial}{\b0\i0 obligation }\par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12843\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12843\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12868\absw9673\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
fter years of struggling to get ahead, the young couple finally{\i got}{\i out
}{\i from}{\i under} their debts.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12868\absw9673\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
ailing company, succeeding in obtaining the necessary cash, was able{\i to}{\i
get}{\i out}{\i from}{\i under} its financial
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12868\absw9673\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 burd
ens. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10254\absh1307 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f
10 \fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10254\absh1307 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \

cf0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 take}{\i \f20 the}{\i \f20 bull}{\i \f20 by}{\i \f2
0 the}{\i \f20 horns:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 handle}{\b0 \f20 a}{\b0 \f20
difficult}{\b0 \f20 situation}{\b0 \f20 with}{\b0 \f20 determination }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10254\absh1307 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 This}{\b0 \f20 idiom}{\b0 \f20 is}{\b0 \f20 usually}{\b0 \f20 used
}{\b0 \f20 when}{\b0 \f20 someone}{\b0 \f20 has}{\b0 \f20 been}{\b0 \f20 po
stponing}{\b0 \f20 an}{\b0 \f20 action}{\b0 \f20 for}{\b0 \f20 some}{\b0 \f2
0 time}{\b0 \f20 and}{\b0 \f20 finally}{\b0 \f20 wants}{\b0 \f20 or}{\b0 \f
20 needs}{\b0 \f20 to }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10254\absh1307 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 resolve}{\b0 \f20 it. }\par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 27
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1986\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1986\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2011\absw10124\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
After three years of faithful service, Jake decided to{\i take}{\i the}{\i bu
ll}{\i by}{\i the}{\i horns} and ask his boss for a raise.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2011\absw10124\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Vic
has been engaged to Laura for a long time now, and I know that he loves her. He
should{\i take}{\i the}{\i bull}{\i by}{\i the }
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2011\absw10124\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
horns} and ask her to marry him. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3004\absw8008\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to give (someone) a hand:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 assist,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\
i0 aid,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 help}{\b0\i0 (also:} to lend someone a hand{\b0\i
0 )}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3258\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3258\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3283\absw8543\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
ould you{\i give} me{\i a}{\i hand} lifting this heavy box?
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3283\absw8543\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
Terry's car broke down at night on the highway, no one would stop to{\i lend}
her{\i a}{\i hand}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4012\absw7282\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to give (someone) a big hand:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 clap}{\b0\i0 one's}{
\b0\i0 hands}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 applause,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 applaud}{\b0\i
0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4266\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4266\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4291\absw9520\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
fter the talented new vocalist had sung her number, the audience{\i gave} her{\
i a}{\i big}{\i hand}.
\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4291\absw9520\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Shou
ld we{\i give}{\i a}{\i big}{\i hand} to each beauty contestant is as she is

introduced, or should we wait until all the

\par}{\phpg\posx1560\pvpg\posy4291\absw9520\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 intr
oductions are finished? \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5339\absw10381\absh1414 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5339\absw10381\absh1414 \sl-398 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expressio
n}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 or}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 maki
ng}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5339\absw10381\absh1414 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 id
ioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5339\absw10381\absh1414 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy5339\absw10381\absh1414 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
It}{\b0\i0 \fs19 took}{\b0\i0 \fs19 s
ome}{\b0\i0 \fs19 time}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 art
ist}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0 \fs19 recover}{\b0 \fs19 from}{\b0 \fs19 the}{\b0
\fs19 difficult}{\b0 \fs19 situation}{\b0\i0 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7464\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy7464\absw7469\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 B
illy's mother{\i distributed}{\i in}{\i large}{\i quantity} {\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} to all the kids at the birthday party. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy8260\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy8260\absw7168\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen parents are having trouble{\i communicating}{\i with} their children, they
can{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9057\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9057\absw7083\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen I decided to change apartments, my friend{\i fulfilled}{\i her}{\i promis
e} about{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9854\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9854\absw4112\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 L
arry{\i has}{\i too}{\i much}{\i to}{\i do} at work because{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10651\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10651\absw7602\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0

The child running on the wet pavement beside the swimming pool{\i deserved}{\i
it} when{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11448\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11448\absw7322\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The new immigrant thought that {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} in th
e United States{\i was}{\i very}{\i different}{\i from}{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12244\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12244\absw8842\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
After days of postponing necessary yardwork, Mr. Johnson{\i handled}{\i the}{\
i difficult}{\i situation}{\i and}{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13041\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13041\absw7493\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When Kim's car broke down on the highway, a passing motorist{\i assisted} her b
y{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13838\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
0. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13838\absw4738\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The President{\i was}{\i applauded} when he announced{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
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cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1194\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 ques
tions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f2
0 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 less
on. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 4

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy1603\absw210\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9. \p
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he idiom{\i to}{\i land}{\i on}{\i one's}{\i feet} is related to a special
ability of cats. Do you know what this is?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Why
is it often difficult{\i to}{\i get}{\i through}{\i to} young children? Is t
his sometimes true for adults?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Is i
t always important for you to{\i keep}{\i your}{\i word}? Can you think of a
situation where you would{\i break}{\i your }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever had a class where the subject matter{\i was}{\i over}{\i your}{\i
head}? What did you do?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If y
ou run across a street without looking first, you{\i are}{\i asking}{\i for}{
\i trouble}. Try to think of other situations
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 wher
e you're{\i asking}{\i for}{\i trouble}.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 What
parts of an adult's life{\i are}{\i a}{\i far}{\i cry}{\i from} the life o
f a child?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Are
there any things in life that you want to have or want to do{\i by}{\i all}{\i
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever been forced to{\i take}{\i the}{\i bull}{\i by}{\i the}{\i horns
}? What was the situation?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy1603\absw9704\absh2595 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 In w
hat case might you refuse to{\i give}{\i someone}{\i a}{\i hand}? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4984\absw3272\absh736 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25 \
cf0 LESSON 39
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4984\absw3272\absh736 \sl-259 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \cf
0 {\i \f20 \fs19 to}{\i \f20 \fs19 goof}{\i \f20 \fs19 off:}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 t
o}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 waste}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 time,}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 to}{\b0 \f20 \f
s19 be}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 idle }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5811\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy5811\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5836\absw6491\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 So
me of the workers in our office always{\i goof}{\i off} when the boss is out.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy5836\absw6491\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 On Sa
turday afternoons, I like to go to a movie or just{\i goof}{\i off} at home. \
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6561\absw6194\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to talk back to:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 answer}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\
i0 rude}{\b0\i0 manner,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 speak}{\b0\i0 disrespectfully }\

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6814\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy6814\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6840\absw9365\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Bi
lly, if you{\i talk}{\i back}{\i to} me like that once more, you're going to
spend the rest of the day in your room.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy6840\absw9365\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The s
chool principal had to reprimand the child for{\i talking}{\i back}{\i to} he
r teacher. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7564\absw7019\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to be in:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 popular}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 f
ashionable,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 available}{\b0\i0 at}{\b0\i0 one'
s}{\b0\i0 work}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 home }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7818\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy7818\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7843\absw9476\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Mo
st young people tend to want anything that{\i is}{\i in} at the time, but a fe
w don't care about current trends.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy7843\absw9476\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Could
you please tell me when Mrs. Zachary{\i will}{\i be}{\i in}? I'd like to tal
k to her soon. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8568\absw8017\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to be out:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 unpopular}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0
no}{\b0\i0 longer}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 fashion;}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\
i0 away}{\b0\i0 from}{\b0\i0 one's}{\b0\i0 work}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 home }\
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8821\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8821\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8846\absw6293\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
ese days, designer jeans are in and long skirts{\i are}{\i out}.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy8846\absw6293\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I'm s
orry, Mr. Jensen{\i is}{\i out} at the moment. Could I take a message? \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9571\absw6751\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \fs
19 \cf0 to draw the line at:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 determine}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0
be}{\b0\i0 unacceptable,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 refuse}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 consi
der }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9824\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet }
\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9824\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\f
s25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9849\absw10279\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
don't mind helping him with his homework, but I{\i draw}{\i the}{\i line}{\i
at} writing a term paper for him.

\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9849\absw10279\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The

conference organizers tried to accommodate the needs of the various interest gro
ups, but they{\i drew}{\i the}{\i line}{\i at }
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy9849\absw10279\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 exte
nding the conference by two days. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10920\absw8441\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to get out of line:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 disobey}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 ig
nore}{\b0\i0 normal}{\b0\i0 procedures}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 rules}{\b0\i0 (al
so:} to step out of line{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11173\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy11173\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11198\absw10103\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When a child{\i gets}{\i out}{\i of}{\i line} in that teacher's class, she u
ses the old-fashioned method of making the child sit in
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11198\absw10103\absh708 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 the
corner of the room.
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy11198\absw10103\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Any
employee who{\i steps}{\i out}{\i of}{\i line} by coming to work in an unac
ceptable condition will be fired. \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12268\absw3207\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 dry run:{\b0\i0 rehearsal,}{\b0\i0 practice}{\b0\i0 session }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12522\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy12522\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12547\absw9961\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
he college president requested a dry run of the graduation ceremony in order to
ensure that all aspects went
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12547\absw9961\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 smoo
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12547\absw9961\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Befo
re the manager presented the reorganizational plans to the board of directors, h
e did several{\i dry}{\i runs} of his
\par}{\phpg\posx705\pvpg\posy12547\absw9961\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 pres
entation. \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}

{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv

{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10520\absh1073 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3839 \b \f
10 \fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10520\absh1073 \sl-340 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 {\i \f20 to}{\i \f20 play}{\i \f20 by}{\i \f20 ear:}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f
20 play}{\b0 \f20 music}{\b0 \f20 that}{\b0 \f20 one}{\b0 \f20 has}{\b0 \f2
0 heard}{\b0 \f20 but}{\b0 \f20 never}{\b0 \f20 read}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20 S}{\
b0 \f20 );}{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 proceed}{\b0 \f20 without}{\b0 \f20 plan,}
{\b0 \f20 to}{\b0 \f20 do}{\b0 \f20 spontaneously}{\b0 \f20 (}{\f20 S}{\b0 \
f20 ) }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy524\absw10520\absh1073 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 The}{\b0 \f20 pronoun}{\b0\i \f20 it}{\b0 \f20 is}{\b0 \f20 often}
{\b0 \f20 used}{\b0 \f20 with}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 second}{\b0 \f20 defi
nition. }\par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 29
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1726\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1726\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1752\absw9073\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 T
hat pianist can{\i play} most popular music{\i by}{\i ear}. She never needs t
o read sheet music.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy1752\absw9073\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 My h
usband wanted to plan our trip carefully, but I argued that it was more fun if w
e{\i played} it{\i by}{\i ear}. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2553\absw9902\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to be in (someone's) shoes:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0
another}{\b0\i0 person's}{\b0\i0 position,}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 face}{\b0\i0
the}{\b0\i0 same}{\b0\i0 situation}{\b0\i0 as}{\b0\i0 another}{\b0\i0 pers
on }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2806\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy2806\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2832\absw7978\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
f I{\i were}{\i in}{\i your}{\i shoes}, I wouldn't take too many classes thi
s semester.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy2832\absw7978\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
his boss finds out about that accounting error, I wouldn't want to{\i be}{\i
in}{\i his}{\i shoes}. \par

{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3638\absw3824\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f

s19 \cf0 to keep after:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 remind}{\b0\i0 constantly,}{\b0\i0
to}{\b0\i0 nag }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3891\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy3891\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3916\absw9801\absh470 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 L
ynn always has{\i to}{\i keep}{\i after} her children about cleaning up their
rooms and doing chores around the house.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy3916\absw9801\absh470 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Lon
is so forgetful that it's necessary to{\i keep}{\i after} him about every litt
le thing. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4728\absw10102\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \
fs19 \cf0 to fix up:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 repair}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 put}{\b0\i0
back}{\b0\i0 in}{\b0\i0 good}{\b0\i0 condition}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0 S}{\b0\i0 );
}{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 arrange}{\b0\i0 a}{\b0\i0 date}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\i0 an}{
\b0\i0 engagement}{\b0\i0 for}{\b0\i0 another}{\b0\i0 person}{\b0\i0 (}{\i0
S}{\b0\i0 ) }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4981\absw201\absh493 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy4981\absw201\absh493 \sl-278 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\
fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5006\absw9882\absh708 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
nstead of buying an expensive new home, we decided to buy an older home and{\i
fix} it{\i up} ourselves.
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5006\absw9882\absh708 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Sinc
e my visiting friend didn't have a date for dinner, I{\i fixed} her{\i up} wit
h a male friend of mine. They got along
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy5006\absw9882\absh708 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 very
well together. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6076\absw3446\absh219 \b\i \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b\i \f20 \f
s19 \cf0 to be had:{\b0\i0 to}{\b0\i0 be}{\b0\i0 victimized}{\b0\i0 or}{\b0\
i0 cheated }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6330\absw201\absh731 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\f0\fs25 \bullet
}\f40 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6330\absw201\absh731 \sl-271 \par\f40 \fs19 \cf0 {
\f0\fs25 \bullet } \par
{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6355\absw10112\absh945 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When the jeweler confirmed that the diamonds that the woman had purchased abroad
were really fake, she
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6355\absw10112\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 exc
laimed, {\i I've}{\i been}{\i had!}
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6355\absw10112\absh945 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
angry customer complained about being overcharged at the store, asserting that
this was the third time that he
\par}{\phpg\posx1559\pvpg\posy6355\absw10112\absh945 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 had
been had. \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7667\absw10381\absh1544 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \cf0 \b\i \f20
\fs21 \cf0 EXERCISES
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7667\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-271 \par\b\i \f20 \fs2

1 \cf0 {\b0\i0 \f40 \fs19 {\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}}{\b0\i0 \fs
Substitute}{\b0\i0 \fs19 an}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idiomatic}{\b0\i0 \fs19 expre
ssion}{\b0\i0 \fs19 for}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 word}{\b0\i0 \fs19 o
r}{\b0\i0 \fs19 words}{\b0\i0 \fs19 in}{\b0\i0 \fs19 italics,}{\b0\i0 \fs19
making}{\b0\i0 \fs19 any}{\b0\i0 \fs19 necessary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 grammatical}{\
b0\i0 \fs19 changes}{\b0\i0 \fs19 as }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7667\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 well.}{\b0\i0 \fs19 Then}{\b0\i0 \fs19 complete}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 each}{\b0\i0 \fs19 sentence}{\b0\i0 \fs19 appropriately}{\b0\i0 \fs19
with}{\b0\i0 \fs19 your}{\b0\i0 \fs19 own}{\b0\i0 \fs19 idea.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Also}{\b0\i0 \fs19 try}{\b0\i0 \fs19 to}{\b0\i0 \fs19 use}{\b0\i0 \fs19 id
ioms}{\b0\i0 \fs19 from}{\b0\i0 \fs19 previous }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7667\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-264 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 \fi283 {\b0\i0 \fs19 lessons. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy7667\absw10381\absh1544 \sl-383 \b\i \f20 \fs21 \c
f0 {\b0\i0 \fs19 1.}{\b0\i0 \fs19
Because}{\b0\i0 \fs19 most}{\b0\i0 \fs
19 of}{\b0\i0 \fs19 her}{\b0\i0 \fs19 elementary}{\b0\i0 \fs19 school}{\b0\i
0 \fs19 students}{\b0 \fs19 were}{\b0 \fs19 wasting}{\b0 \fs19 time}{\b0\i0
\fs19 ,}{\b0\i0 \fs19 the}{\b0\i0 \fs19 teacher{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy9936\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy9936\absw4891\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 W
hen Joey{\i spoke}{\i disrespectfully}{\i to} his mother, she{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy10732\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy10732\absw6921\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
When he learned that the owner{\i wasn't}{\i available}, the visiting salesper
son{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11529\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy11529\absw8216\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Greg is willing to help his brother with some household chores, but he{\i refus
es}{\i to}{\i consider}{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12326\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12326\absw4235\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
If you{\i disobey}{\i the}{\i rules} one more time, I will{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13123\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13123\absw4865\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
The theater group did a{\i rehearsal} of the play before{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy13920\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy13920\absw9346\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0

Mrs. Dixson has the special ability{\i to}{\i play} music{\i she}{\i has}{\i
heard}{\i but}{\i never}{\i read}. She doesn't have to{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
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\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh833 \sl-340 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw7207\absh831 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw7207\absh831 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf0
{\b0 \f20 I}{\b0 \f20 wouldn't}{\b0 \f20 want}{\b0\i \f20 to}{\b0\i \f20 be
}{\b0\i \f20 in}{\b0\i \f20 Ted's}{\b0\i \f20 position}{\b0 \f20 .}{\b0 \f20
The}{\b0 \f20 police}{\b0 \f20 have}{\b0 \f20 discovered}{\b0 \f20 that}{\b
0 \f20 he{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2001\absw210\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2001\absw5654\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Ev
ery day after school, Harriet's parents have{\i to}{\i nag} her to{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2798\absw342\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10.
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy2798\absw5366\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
decided to{\i arrange}{\i an}{\i engagement}{\i for} him because he{\field{\
*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3848\absw8782\absh243 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 \f40 \fs19 \cf0 {\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 42 \\f Symbol }}{\f20
Answer}{\f20 these}{\f20 ques
tions}{\f20 orally}{\f20 by}{\f20 making}{\f20 use}{\f20 of}{\f20 the}{\f2
0 idiomatic}{\f20 expressions}{\f20 studied}{\f20 in}{\f20 this}{\f20 less
on. }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4257\absw210\absh2358 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.

\sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 2

\sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4257\absw210\absh2358 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 6

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy4257\absw210\absh2358 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
. \par
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A
re you usually a serious person, or do you like to{\i goof}{\i off} a lot? Why
might{\i goofing}{\i off} sometimes be healthy
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 for
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
(If) you were (are) young, did (do) you{\i talk}{\i back}{\i to} your parent
s? Why or why not?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do y
ou pay attention to whether clothing fashions{\i are}{\i in} or{\i out}? What
is an advantage of not paying attention?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If y
ou had to give a speech in class, would you do{\i a}{\i dry}{\i run}? Why or
why not?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
(If) you were (are) young, what did (do) your parents have to{\i keep}{\i aft
er} you about? Did you ever learn
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to r
emember it, or do you still forget?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i fixed} someone{\i up} with a date, or have you ever been{\i fixe
d}{\i up} with a date yourself? Can you
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 imag
ine why the term{\i blind}{\i date} is sometimes used in such cases?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Have
you ever{\i been}{\i had} by someone you just met, such as a store clerk or a
stranger on the street? What
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy4257\absw9990\absh2596 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 happ
ened? \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
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{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
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1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx5116\pvpg\posy524\absw2714\absh221 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19 \
cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>> \par
{\phpg\posx11260\pvpg\posy792\absw281\absh219 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 31
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1562\absw6954\absh740 \b \f10 \fs25 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs25
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy1562\absw6954\absh740 \sl-261 \par\b \f10 \fs25 \c
f0 {\f20 \fs19 A.}{\b0 \f20 \fs19
Match}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the}{\b0 \f20 \fs
19 idiom}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 in}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 left}{\b0 \f
20 \fs19 column}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 with}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 def
inition}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 in}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 the}{\b0 \f20 \fs19 right}{\b0 \f2
0 \fs19 column. }\par
{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 10.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 11.
\par}{\phpg\posx2236\pvpg\posy2539\absw342\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 12.
{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
let alone

\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 on

the ball
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 sea
rch me
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 by
the way
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 on
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 by
all means
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 mor
e or less
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 a s
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 dry
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 on
the whole
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 on
\par}{\phpg\posx2803\pvpg\posy2539\absw1138\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 fac
e-to-face \par
{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 a
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 b)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 c)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 d)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 e)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 f)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 g)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 h)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 i)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 j)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 k)
\par}{\phpg\posx6368\pvpg\posy2539\absw230\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 l) \
{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
I don't know
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 cer
tainly, definitely
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ner
vous, irritable
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 reh
earsal, practice session
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 and
certainly not
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 inc
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ava
ilable, nearby
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 in
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 att
entive, alert
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 dir
ectly, personally
\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 app
roximately, almost

\par}{\phpg\posx6944\pvpg\posy2539\absw2347\absh2976 \sl-278 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ver

y inexpensive \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f20 \fs19
\cf0 B.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-199 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0 1. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0 2. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0 3. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0 4. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 5. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 6. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-263 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 {\b0 7. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 8. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-263 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 9. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 10. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 11. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-264 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {
\b0 12. }
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy6148\absw342\absh4622 \sl-266 \par\b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 C. \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
In the space provided, mark whether each sentence is true ({\b T}) or false ({\b
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-199 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
If you have succeeded in{\i landing}{\i on}{\i your}{\i feet} after financi
al difficulties, things probably{\i are}{\i looking}{\i up} in
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 you
r life. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you{\i go}{\i through}{\i channels} in submitting a complaint, you are probab
ly{\i making}{\i waves} in your
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 com
pany. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
someone asks why you did something and you can't{\i think}{\i up} a good reaso
n, you might respond, {\i Search }
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\i
me.} ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you know someone who likes to{\i put} others{\i on}, you can usually{\i take}
that person{\i at}{\i their}{\i word.} ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
the subject matter of an academic field often{\i is}{\i over}{\i your} head,
you may not{\i be}{\i cut}{\i out}{\i for} that field. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Par
ents might{\i go}{\i off}{\i the}{\i deep}{\i end} if they have{\i to}{\i
wait}{\i up}{\i for} their child very late without knowing what he or
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 she

{\i is}{\i up}{\i to.} ____

\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you get a problem{\i off}{\i your}{\i chest}, you are{\i beating}{\i around
}{\i the}{\i bush}. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you are able to{\i get}{\i through}{\i to} someone, you have{\i wasted}{\i
your}{\i breath.} ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you{\i are}{\i not}{\i with} someone while they are explaining something, you
{\i are}{\i catching}{\i on.} ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You
might{\i back}{\i out} of an activity that could cause you{\i to}{\i get}{\
i cold}{\i feet} at the last minute. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you dislike{\i playing} something{\i by}{\i ear} you will probably{\i leave}
{\i it}{\i open.} ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 If
you are{\i learning}{\i the}{\i ropes}, it is possible that you might{\i goo
f}{\i up} once in a while. ____
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy6148\absw9813\absh4622 \sl-266 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the idioms using{\i give} list
ed below. Some expressions come \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11304\absw1893\absh1170 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
from Lessons l to 27.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11304\absw1893\absh1170 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf
0 give and take
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11304\absw1893\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give off
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy11304\absw1893\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give birth to \par
{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 2.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 4.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx1276\pvpg\posy12758\absw210\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
{\phpg\posx4353\pvpg\posy11832\absw1624\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
to give up
\par}{\phpg\posx4353\pvpg\posy11832\absw1624\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give out
\par}{\phpg\posx4353\pvpg\posy11832\absw1624\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give one a hand \par
{\phpg\posx7430\pvpg\posy11832\absw1947\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
to give in
\par}{\phpg\posx7430\pvpg\posy11832\absw1947\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give one a break
\par}{\phpg\posx7430\pvpg\posy11832\absw1947\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to
give one a big hand \par
{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
Mrs. Johnson was very surprised when she _____________________ twin boys.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Be
cause it was the first time that I had fooled around in class I asked the teache
r _____________________.

\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 A

successful marriage is mostly a matter of _____________________ between husband
and wife.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
is box is too heavy for me to lift alone. Could you _____________________.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e lecturer was so interesting that the audience _____________________ at the end
of the talk.
\par}{\phpg\posx1843\pvpg\posy12758\absw9912\absh1408 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Th
e man stood on the street corner and _____________________ advertising flyers to
the people passing by. \par
{\phpg\posx5059\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par
{\*\shpinst {\sp{\sn shapeType}{\sv
1}}{\sp{\sn fLine}{\sv 1}}
{\sp{\sn fBehindDocument}{\sv 1}}{\sp{\sn fillColor}{\sv
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh1788 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 32
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh1788 \sl-340 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 7.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh1788 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh1788 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy523\absw281\absh1788 \sl-266 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b D. }\par
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw9725\absh1786 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \fi3273 \b \f10
\fs19 \cf0 <<< EASY ENGLISH >>>
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw9725\absh1786 \sl-338 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 Could}{\b0 \f20 you}{\b0 \f20 please}{\b0 \f20 take}{\b0 \f20 th
is}{\b0 \f20 garbage}{\b0 \f20 outside?}{\b0 \f20 It}{\b0 \f20 _____________
________}{\b0 \f20 a}{\b0 \f20 very}{\b0 \f20 bad}{\b0 \f20 smell. }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw9725\absh1786 \sl-263 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b0 \f20 The}{\b0 \f20 army}{\b0 \f20 forces}{\b0 \f20 _____________________}{
\b0 \f20 when}{\b0 \f20 they}{\b0 \f20 discovered}{\b0 \f20 that}{\b0 \f20
they}{\b0 \f20 were}{\b0 \f20 surrounded}{\b0 \f20 by}{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f2
0 enemy. }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw9725\absh1786 \sl-264 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 {\
b0 \f20 I}{\b0 \f20 usually}{\b0 \f20 don't}{\b0 \f20 _____________________}{
\b0 \f20 so}{\b0 \f20 easily,}{\b0 \f20 but}{\b0 \f20 this}{\b0 \f20 work}{
\b0 \f20 is}{\b0 \f20 too}{\b0 \f20 hard}{\b0 \f20 for}{\b0 \f20 me}{\b0 \f
20 to}{\b0 \f20 do. }
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy524\absw9725\absh1786 \sl-266 \par\b \f10 \fs19 \cf
0 {\b0 \f20 Fill}{\b0 \f20 in}{\b0 \f20 each}{\b0 \f20 blank}{\b0 \f20 with}
{\b0 \f20 the}{\b0 \f20 appropriate}{\b0 \f20 form}{\b0 \f20 of}{\b0 \f20 t
he}{\b0 \f20 idioms}{\b0 \f20 using}{\b0\i \f20 keep}{\b0 \f20 listed}{\b0 \
f20 below.}{\b0 \f20 Some}{\b0 \f20 expressions}{\b0 \f20 come }\par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2529\absw1878\absh1170 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 f
rom Lessons 1-27.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2529\absw1878\absh1170 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
to keep one s head
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2529\absw1878\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep one's word
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy2529\absw1878\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep track of \par

{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1.

\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 2
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 3
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 4
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 5.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 6
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 7
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 8
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy3984\absw210\absh3784 \sl-263 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0 9
. \par
{\phpg\posx3498\pvpg\posy3057\absw1399\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 t
o keep up with
\par}{\phpg\posx3498\pvpg\posy3057\absw1399\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep after
\par}{\phpg\posx3498\pvpg\posy3057\absw1399\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep away \par
{\phpg\posx6576\pvpg\posy3057\absw2617\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 t
o keep in touch with
\par}{\phpg\posx6576\pvpg\posy3057\absw2617\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep in mind
\par}{\phpg\posx6576\pvpg\posy3057\absw2617\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to k
eep one s fingers crossed \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy8740\absw245\absh219 \b \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f20 \fs19 \c
f0 E. \par
{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I
n the emergency situation, Alex was able _____________________ and save the chil
d from drowning in the
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ocea
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 At t
he racetrack, none of the horses were able _____________________ the horse that
was expected to win
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 the
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
we visited Disneyland, we had to be careful _____________________ our children
in the large crowds
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 of p
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You
have _____________________ Tanya to return the typewriter or she will forget tim
e and again.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 You
should _____________________ about doing that important task and not neglect to
attend to it any
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 long
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Even
though you're moving to another city, we should _____________________ each othe

r as much as
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 poss
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whil
e I was cooking with hot grease on the stove, I warned others __________________
___ in order not to
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 get
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 When
teaching beginning-level English students, it is important ____________________
_ that their range of
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 voca
bulary is quite limited.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-263 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
weather forecast is calling for cloudy skies tomorrow. We should _______________
______ that it
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 does
n't rain during the picnic.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy3984\absw9893\absh4501 \sl-266 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the idioms using{\i go} listed
below. Some expressions come from \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9004\absw1503\absh1170 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 L
essons 1 to 27.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9004\absw1503\absh1170 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
to go through
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9004\absw1503\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 touc
h and go
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy9004\absw1503\absh1170 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to g
o over \par
{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 1
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 3.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 6.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \par\f20 \fs19 \cf0
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 8.
\par}{\phpg\posx422\pvpg\posy10459\absw210\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 9. \
{\phpg\posx3499\pvpg\posy9533\absw1193\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 t
o go to town
\par}{\phpg\posx3499\pvpg\posy9533\absw1193\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to g
o in for
\par}{\phpg\posx3499\pvpg\posy9533\absw1193\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to g
o off \par
{\phpg\posx6575\pvpg\posy9533\absw1785\absh695 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 t
o go without saying
\par}{\phpg\posx6575\pvpg\posy9533\absw1785\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to g
o around
\par}{\phpg\posx6575\pvpg\posy9533\absw1785\absh695 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 to g
o with \par

{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 \f20 \fs19 \cf0
I was too tired to get up in the morning when my alarm clock ___________________
__, so I turned it off and
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 wen
t back to sleep.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 My
presentation to the class _____________________ so well that the students gave m
e a big hand.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 The
delicate operation was _____________________ for several hours, but finally the
surgeons were able to
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 fin
ish successfully.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 We
just went to the store an hour ago to buy more beer, and already there isn't eno
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 ___
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I c
an't understand how we _____________________ so much beer in such a short time.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Whe
n we remodeled our house, we added a master bedroom, a large bathroom with jacuz
zi, and a walk-in
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 clo
set. We really _____________________.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 I r
eally enjoy playing chess. Do you _____________________ playing chess as well?
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Tha
t you should stay home if you are very sick _____________________.
\par}{\phpg\posx988\pvpg\posy10459\absw9894\absh3071 \sl-264 \f20 \fs19 \cf0 Do
you think that this grey shirt _____________________ these beige pants? \par
{\phpg\posx4204\pvpg\posy15812\absw2865\absh276 \b \f10 \fs19 \cf0 \b \f10 \fs19
\cf0 \par

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