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Gua de pronunciacin

a e i o u b and v c ch g VOWELS Like the a in answer Like the e in red Like the ea in mean Like the o in cost Like the u in put CONSONATS Bilabial like b in bomb Before a, o , u like c in car Before e, i like th in think Like ch in chocolate Before a, o, u like the g in get Before e, i like the ch in loch Before e, i, like the g in get Is silent Like the ch in loch Like the y in yes but there are regional variants. Like ng lasagne Like the k in keep Between vowels or at the end of a word like r in very In initial position, strongly rolled Always strongly rolled (in foreign words) like Spanish b and v Between vowels like the x in box Before a consonant, as above or as s in peninsular Spanish In a few words like the ch in loch Like the y in yes Like the i in hit Like the th in think (in Latin America, Southern Spain and the Canaries like s in sink) Ana, amigo, angel Elena, eco, entrada Rita, pila, pica Poco, loco, coco T, luz, susto Barcelona, invierno Coche, carta, cuerpo Cielo, gracias, celoso Coche, chupar Gato, gota, gustar Gibraltar, generoso Guernica Honduras Jamaica, jamn Paella, lluvia, llorar Espaa, nia, Queso, que, equipo Caro, calor, color Roma, ramo, ratn Torre, carro, correr Wter, web, Taiwn Taxi, saxofn, xilfono Mxico Mayo, yogur, Hoy, voy, soy Zapato, zorro, cazar,

gu h j ll qu r rr w

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