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Students: Nataniel Kominiarz Lucila Prez Gimpelj Course: 3 B Informtica

School: Po IX

Friends is a comedy about six friends that hang out and have their lives shown on TV.

These six characters are:

Monica Geller (Courteney Cox)

Joey Teibbiani (Matt LeBlanc)

Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow)

Ross Geller (David Schwimmer)

Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry)

Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston)

As the show goes on, their lives also do and some of them have love relationships with themselves , not to mention that they also had some other relationships with thirds

They usually meet up at the Central Perk.

Friends is broadcasted on Warner Channel every day at the morning, midday and evening. It started on 1994 and the last episode was on 2004.


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