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Teori pembelajaran bruner Pengajaran induktif Penerokaan Inkuiri Ilmu dibina melalui pengalaman dan interaksi pelajar dengan

fenomena Spesifik umum Teroka fenomena dahulu, sblm buat konsep Dlm inkuiri, uji hipotesis, dahulu sblm digeneralisasikan sbg prinsip

TEORI PERKEMBANGAN MANUSIA BRUNER Kemahiran enactive (melalui tindakan, berkenaan ruang) Kemahiran ikonik (banding beza, visual) Kemahiran simbolik (penaakulan abstrak) memanipulasi objek, kesedaran

An inductive approach that requires students to use intuitive thinking; which teacher nurture through encouraging students to make guesses based on incomplete evidence and then to confirm or disprove the guesses systematically. (Woolfolk, 2000, p, 318) Intuitive thinking : making imaginative leaps to correct perceptions or workable solutions.

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