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Rosie Guerrera 42156882

Lesson 9 - The Solar System Unit of work: Out of this world! Exploring the science of Space. Stage 2: Year 4 Term: N/A Week: N/A Key Scientific Knowledge: The Solar System involves the Sun and all the celestial bodies that orbit around it. This includes the eight planets, moons, asteroids, meteroids, comets and dwarf planets. The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun, which is the reason that day and night, seasons and shadows from the Sun's position occur (Elearnin, 2012). The Sun is vital to the Solar System as life on Earth wouldn't exist without the Sun. The Sun's gravity pulls objects around their orbit path meaning that without the Sun, all objects in the solar system would simply float away (Adams, 2011; NASA, 2013). Resources: -laptops -iPad -textas -post-its -pens -cardboard

Outcomes: NSW Science Syllabus: - ES S2.6 - UT S2.9 - VA1, VA4, VA5 NSW Science Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum: - ST2-8ES - ST2-9ES - ST2-5WT - ST2-1VA

KLA integration: NSW English Syllabus - TS 2.2 - WS 2.12 NSW English Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum - EN2-3A

Lesson description: -15 min: Introduce the lesson by reflecting on the childrens learning throughout the unit. Give students three different coloured post-its where children are encouraged to write what they have learnt, what they would like to learn in the future and something they have learnt that has changed their thinking. Once they have each wrote on three post-its, encourage the children to swap their post-its with another child. Each child will read out one of the three post-its that they found most interesting. -30 min: The children will then work in groups to represent one of the topics they have learnt about; what causes day and night and the seasons, the positions and movements of the Sun, Earth and Moon, the relationship between the Sun, Earth and the other planets and the planets in the solar system. Children are encouraged to present their topic in any way either using technology such as Powerpoint or Hyperstudio or without technology such as a poster. - 15 min: To conclude, students will present their presentations in groups giving the class a guided tour of the solar system. Students are encouraged to ask questions and extend on the groups information. Discuss the concept that space is a topic which is continuously evolving as more information is discovered. Simplification: Extension: - The teacher can pair the children into groups where -If children finish the group task quickly, they can look more academic children can work with weaker at the website and evaluate its

Rosie Guerrera 42156882

children. The children can also contribute different aspects to the group work including drawing images or scribing.

effectiveness as a website for learning about the solar system.

References: Adams, J. (2011). Why is there life on Earth? Retrieved 24th October, 2013 from Elearnin. (2012). Earths motion: Elementary science [video]. Retrieved 20th October, 2013 from: Nine Planets (2013) A guide to our Solar System and Beyond, Retrieved 25th October, 2013 from

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