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CAREER EXPLORATION PROJECT Due Date: Students: This is your opportunity to gain insight into a viable career area.

Upon completion of your research, you will prepare a professional multi-media presentation to inform others about this career area. The project requirements and points for each section are outlined below. It is very important that you adhere to all deadlines. Project Requirements I. II. III. IV. V. Identification of a Career Area (1-2 people can work in each area. Once a career area is taken, move to #2, #3, etc. on your list). Bibliography of all research (Include internet sites, periodicals, interviews, books, etc. MLA Style). 50 points Career Fact Sheet. 50 points Power Point Presentation (minimum of seven slides, 3-5 minutes in length). 100 points Employment Portfolio. 325 points 1. Resume75 points 2. Letter of Application50 points 3. Follow-Up/Thank You Letter50 points 4. Letter of Resignation50 points 5. Letter of Recommendation (from someone else)25 points 6. References25 points 7. Employment Application25 points 8. List of Frequently Asked Questions with Your Responses. 25 points

VII. Job Interview Role Play100 pts.

Total Points Possible: 625 Points

Career Fact Sheet Summary Name: ______________________________ Due Date: ___________

Points Possible: _____________ Points Earned: ___________________

Directions: Retype each category (I-VIII) below on another sheet of paper along with the information you find for each category. Refer to the current edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook for the information you need. This may either be obtained from the Guidance Center or from the web site I. II. Career Area/Job Title: Required Education and Training


Skills and Aptitudes Required Starting Salary and Future Earnings


Work Environment Duties/Responsibilities Helpful Personality Traits for this Field


Employment Outlook

Power-Point Presentation Rubric Name: _______________________________________ Due:_____________________

Points Possible:___________________________ Points Earned: _________________ Your presentation must cover the eight areas or categories of information found in the Career Fact Sheet. The presentation must be 3-5 minutes in length with a minimum of 5 slides. Criteria Voice quality, diction Commendable Speaker was easy to understand; correct grammar was used (15 pts) Speaker used gestures effectively, has good eye contact, was selfconfident and sure of topic (15) Slides were well made; effective transitions; special effects were evident, slides easy to read with no spelling errors. Time and # of slides met criteria (50) All requirements were addressed from the fact sheet Acceptable Some words were difficult to understand and/or incorrect grammar was used (10 pts) Speaker stood in one spot and rarely looked at the audience; seemed nervous (10) No transitions were used; very few special effects; slides were difficult to read; errors were evident. (40) Information presented was incomplete Unacceptable Could not understand what the speaker was saying; correct grammar was not used (0-5) Speaker looked at no one and looked extremely nervous (0-5) Slides were poorly designed, no special effects, many errors, time and number of slides criteria was not met. (0-25) Very little relevant information (see fact sheet) was

Poise and appearance

Power Point Slides




presented (0-10)

Sample Job Interview Rating Sheet

Score: 5 = Excellent; 4 = Good; 3 = Fair; 2 = Needs Improvement Student Name Greeting Posture/No n Verbal Handling of Questions Questions offered by the student Poise and Attitude displayed Would you hire this student ? (yes or no) (25 pts = 100%, 22 = 90%, 20 = 80%, 17=.70%, 15=.60%) Student Name Student Name Student Name Student Name Student Name

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