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Pat House Online Jogging and Walking Mr.

Schumacher Physiological Benefits 10/30/13 The benefits of walking and jogging are obvious to any person who undergoes such activities. There are effects of the exercise on the brain,1, and aside from the positive psychological benefits of regular exercise including jogging and walking, there are a myriad of physiological benefits as well. The benefits of running and walking extend to a large array of vascular benefits. High cholesterol can lead to clogging of arteries, and this is a leading cause of illness in the United States. In a world of drugs like Lipitor and other drugs which aim to prevent these ailments, studies have shown that even moderate regular exercise can lower HDL levels 2. There are many motivations to lower cholesterol, as coronary heart disease is a leading cause of death. There are other vascular benefits to exercise including jogging and walking, including helping to prevent other common vascular diseases like Endothelial dysfunction, which is a disorder involving the inner lining of blood vessels. Studies have indicated that regular exercise can lead to a significantly reduced chance of this endothelial dysfunction.3 Poor vascular health is a clear path towards a shorter and a lower quality of life. Millions of Americans die of heart diseases that are caused by things like smoking and sedentary lifestyles, these are deaths that unlike diseases like

Blue, F Richard. "Aerobic running as a treatment for moderate depression." Perceptual and Motor Skills 48.1 (1979): 228-228.

Robb-Nicholson, Celeste, MD. "Lower Cholesterol without Drugs." Harvard Health Publications. Harvard, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

Fu, Q., and BENJAMIN D. LEVINE. "Exercise and the autonomic nervous system." Autonomic Nervous System E-Book: Handbook of Clinical neurology Series (Editors: Aminoff, Boller, Swaab) 117 (2013): 147.

cancer, are largely preventable. Taking variables like genetic predisposition most heart diseases are in fact preventable. Increasing heart health will lead to better circulation, a longer life and better experience with psychical activity such as walking or jogging. The benefits include respiratory elements as well. This will manifest itself in your running through greater endurance and clearer breathing. There have been studies which have shown that exercise increase ones vO2 or the maximum oxygen intake4. This will result in an easier time covering distances and will also make ones running more efficient as you will be able to cover more distance and thus burn more calories and perpetually increase athletic performance and endurance. A loss of weight is a trademark of any person who jogs to do so, its a very effective way to lose weight and thus increase your cardiovascular health. This is done by the loss of fat which is a clear connection to healthy respiratory health5 the logic behind the increase in the quality of health is obvious. The basic premise behind exercise is that when you stress a muscle, it will break down and regrow stronger. This goes as well with the lung capacity of humans, if one maintains a healthy exercise routine that includes cardio such as walking and jogging, There are immediate and long term effects that follow when one is walking and jogging and otherwise creating a competent cardio component. This will lead to clear and visible cardiovascular and respiratory benefits that can reverse many ills facing those with weak cardiac routines. Along with being a recreational activity walking and jogging have clear pragmatic consequences for anyone looking to undergo a cardiac activity.

Buccola, Victor A, and William J Stone. "Effects of jogging and cycling programs on physiological and personality variables in aged men." Research Quarterly. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 46.2 (1975): 134-139.


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