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#singleinstance force #NoEnv OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")

WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ; This deals with dragging the GUI. { PostMessage, 0xA1, 2 return }

if A_OSVersion in WIN_NT4,WIN_95,WIN_98,WIN_ME ; If it's older than Win2000/WinX P { MsgBox This script requires Windows 2000/XP or later. Try using one of t hose. ExitApp } if A_OSVersion in WIN_XP { MsgBox A lot of this program won't work for you on XP, but the basics wi ll. }

SoundPlay, *32 TrayTip,System Transparency,To exit this program`, right click its tray icon and hit "Exit". `nTo change the settings of the program`, right click the icon and select `"Setup`".,15,1 Menu,Tray,Click,1 Menu,Tray,NoStandard Menu,Tray,DeleteAll Menu,Tray,Tip,System Transparency -Prisoner Menu,Tray,Add,Window Settings...,WINDOWSETTINGS Menu,Tray,Add,Browser Settings...,BROWSERSETTINGS Menu,Tray,Add, Menu,Tray,Add,Setup and Info,Main Menu,Tray,Add,Help with the Hotkey,HOTKEYHELP Menu,Tray,Add, Menu,Tray,Add,Hide Icon,Hide Menu,Tray,Add,E&xit,EXIT gosub,READINI return Main: Gui,Destroy Gui +LastFound -SysMenu WinSet, Transparent, %trans% GUI -Caption Gui, Color, 606060 Gui, Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, Picture, xm+0 ym+0 w615 h-1 -0x200, win7.png

Gui, Add, Picture, xm+0 ym+0 w615 h-1, top bar.png Gui, Add, Picture, xm+540 ym+5 w31 h-1 gMin, minimize.png Gui, Add, Picture, xp+40 ym+5 w31 h-1 gEXIT, close.png Gui,Add,GroupBox,w240 h65 xm+10 ym+50, Gui, Add, Text, xp+0 yp-10 +Backgroundtrans cWhite, Set Transparency (0 is Invis ible`, 255 is Solid) Gui,Add,Text,xp+10 yp+20 cRed +BackgroundTrans, Set a number higher than 50 or y ou'll be sorry. :P Gui,Add,Edit,cBlack vtrans, w20 xm+30 y+10 Gui,Add,UpDown,Range50-255,%trans% Gui,Add,GroupBox,w240 h210 xm+10 yp+65, Gui, Add, Text, xp+0 yp-10 +backgroundtrans cWhite, Windows Options Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp+19 yp+20 vrclick, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect right click and popup menus? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vtbar, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Task Bar? (non-Aero) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vsmenu, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Start Menu? (non-Aero) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vsmenuuser, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Hide Start Menu user image? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vtool, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Tool Tips? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vexplorer, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect all Explorer windows? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vnotes, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Sticky Notes? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vdesktop, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Desktop and Icons? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vwmp, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Windows Media Player? (non-A ero) Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vthumbs, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Affect Hover-Over thumbnails?(Non-A ero) Gui,Add,GroupBox,w240 h100 xm+260 ym+50, Gui,Add,Text, xp+0 yp-10 +backgroundtrans cWhite, Internet Browsers (all non-Aer o) Gui, Add, Text, xp+20 yp+20 +backgroundtrans, Opera support not available. Sorry . Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp+0 yp+20 vfirefox, Gui, Add, Text, xp+20 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Firefox? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-20 yp+20 vchrome, Gui, Add, Text, xp+20 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Chrome? Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-20 yp+20 vie, Gui, Add, Text, xp+20 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Internet Explorer? (eww, upgrade.) Gui,Add,GroupBox,w240 h100 xm+260 ym+170, Gui,Add,Text, xp+0 yp-10 +backgroundtrans cBlack, Other options Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp+19 yp+20 vmouseclock, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Add a clock next to your mouse. Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 vdeskbutton, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Show the Desktop as a taskbar butto n. Gui, Add, Checkbox, w14 h14 xp-16 yp+20 valttabber, Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+0 +backgroundtrans, Activate Alt Tab function Gui, Add, Text, xp+16 yp+13 +backgroundtrans, (See help with hotkeys)

Gui, Gui, Gui, Gui, Gui, Gui,

Add, Add, Add, Add, Add, Add,

Button, BUtton, Button, Button, Button, Button,

xm+20 ym+360 w90 h20 +Center, Okay. xp+130 yp+0 w100 h20 +Center, Startup xp+130 yp+0 w100 h20 +Center, About xp+130 yp+0 w100 h20 +Center, Help with Hotkeys xp+0 yp-30 w100 h20 +Center, Restart Explorer xp-130 yp-15 w100 h40 +Center, Run Another Instance

Process, Exist pid_this := ErrorLevel WinGet, hw_gui, ID, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI ahk_pid %pid_this% WM_SETCURSOR = 0x20 OnMessage(WM_SETCURSOR, "HandleMessage") WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x200 OnMessage(WM_MOUSEMOVE, "HandleMessage") Gui,Show,Center Autosize,System Transparency Return ButtonOkay.: TrayTip,System Transparency, Settings set`, System also set`, enjoy. Gui, submit trans=%trans% rclick=%rclick% tbar=%tbar% smenu=%smenu% tool=%tool% explorer=%explorer% startup=%startup% notes=%notes% desktop=%desktop% wmp=%wmp% thumbs=%thumbs% op=%op% firefox=%firefox% chrome=%chrome% ie=%ie% smenuuser=%smenuuser% mouseclock=%mouseclock% deskbutton=%deskbutton% alttabber=%alttabber% gosub,variables return ButtonClose: gosub,EXIT return ButtonStartup: gosub,STARTUP return ButtonAbout:

gosub,ABOUT return ButtonHelpwithHotkeys: gosub,HOTKEYEX return ButtonRestartExplorer: MsgBox,0,System Transparency, Make sure you don't need these folders right now`, they`'ll go away. Click Okay when you`'re ready to restart Explorer. Note that this does NOT turn off your system. Process, Close, explorer.exe Sleep, 3000 Run, explorer.exe return ButtonRunAnotherInstance: Run, System Transparency.exe return variables: if rclick = 1 { SetTimer,rightclickmenu,5 } if tbar = 1 { SetTimer,taskbar,5 } if smenu = 1 { SetTimer,startmenu,5 } if tool = 1 { SetTimer,tooltips,5 } if explorer = 1 { SetTimer,explorerwindows,5 } if notes = 1 { SetTimer,notetrans,5 } if desktop = 1 { SetTimer,desktoptrans,5 }

if wmp = 1 { SetTimer,wmptrans,5 } if thumbs = 1 { SetTimer,thumbstrans,5 } if op = 1 { SetTimer,optrans,5 } if firefox = 1 { SetTimer,fftrans,5 } if chrome = 1 { SetTimer,chrometrans,5 } if ie = 1 { SetTimer,ietrans,5 } if smenuuser = 1 { MsgBox,0, System Transparency, This will require you to restart Explorer to get the image back. SetTimer,SMUser,5 } if mouseclock = 1 { SetTimer,mouseclockstuff,5 } if deskbutton = 1 { gosub,desktopbutton } if alttabber = 1 { SetTimer,ALTTAB,5 } return rightclickmenu: DetectHiddenWindows, on IfWinExist, ahk_class #32768 WinSet, Transparent, %trans% return

taskbar: DetectHiddenWindows, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, WinSet, Transparent, return

on %trans%, %trans%, %trans%, %trans%, %trans%, %trans%, %trans%, %trans%,

ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class ahk_class

Shell_TrayWnd NotifyIconOverflowWindow NativeHWNDHost #32770 BatMeterFlyout SystemTray_Main WHCFlyoutWindow ClockFlyoutWindow

startmenu: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class DV2ControlHost return tooltips: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class tooltips_class32 return explorerwindows: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class CabinetWClass return STARTUP: run, %A_WorkingDir% MsgBox,0,System Transparency,Due to certain limitations, I can't automatically m ake a shortcut YET. For now, right click the System Transparency program and cop y it. Then go to Start > All Programs > Startup, and click Open. Then right clic k inside the folder and click Paste shortcut. return notetrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class Sticky_Notes_Note_Window return desktoptrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class Progman return wmptrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class WMPlayerApp return

thumbstrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class TaskListThumbnailWnd return optrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class OpWindow return chrometrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class Chrome_WindowImpl_0 return fftrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class MozillaUIWindowClass return ietrans: DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_class IEFrame return SMUser: DetectHiddenWindows, on Winset, Transparent, 0, ahk_class Desktop User Picture return mouseclockstuff: CoordMode,Mouse,Screen START: tid1=%A_HOUR%:%A_MIN% MouseGetPos,x1,y1 If x2=%x1% If y2=%y1% If tid2=%tid1% Goto,UNMOVED ToolTip,%tid1% WinSet,TransColor,0x1EFFFF %trans%,%tid1% UNMOVED: StringTrimLeft,uke,A_YWeek,4 Sleep,10 x2=%x1% y2=%y1% tid2=%tid1% Goto,START return desktopbutton: Gui,Destroy RegRead,desktopname,HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\Shell Folders,Desktop StringSplit,desktoparray,desktopname,`\

desktopname=desktoparray%desktoparray0% desktopname:=%desktopname% Gui,Show,NoActivate,%desktopname% oldclass= desktop=0 Loop { WinGetClass,class,A Sleep,100 IfWinActive,%desktopname% { WinSet,Bottom,,%desktopname% If desktop=0 { WinMinimizeAll desktop=1 } Else { If oldclass=Progman WinMinimizeAllUndo If oldclass=WorkerW WinMinimizeAllUndo If oldclass=Shell_TrayWnd WinMinimizeAllUndo desktop=0 } } oldclass=%class% } DESKTOP: WinActivate,%desktopname% Return ALTTAB: CoordMode,Mouse,Screen tabbed=0 Loop { MouseGetPos,mx,my If (mx=0) { If tabbed=0 { Send,{Alt Down}{Tab} SetTimer,TAB,1000 } tabbed=1 } Else { If tabbed=1 { SetTimer,TAB,Off Send,{Alt Up}

tabbed=0 } } Sleep,50 } TAB: Send,{Alt Down}{Tab} Return WINDOWSETTINGS: TrayTip,Transparency Settings, Your Windows transparency settings are as follows .`n 0 = Off`, 1 = On. `n Right Click Menus = %rclick% `n Task Bar = %tbar% `n St art Menu = %smenu% `n Tool Tips = %tool% `n Explorer Windows = %explorer% `n Sti cky Notes = %notes% `n Windows Media Player = %wmp% `n Thumbnails = %thumbs% return BROWSERSETTINGS: TrayTip,Transparency Settings, Your Browser transparency settings are as follows .`n 0 = Off`, 1 = On.`n Firefox = %firefox% `n Chrome = %chrome% `n I.E. = %ie% return HOTKEYHELP: TrayTip,Transparency Settings, The hotkey is to make any window under the mouse transparent. To use it`, just put the mouse over the window and push down the sc rollwheel while holding Ctrl. To turn transparency off`, hold the Windows key in stead of Ctrl and hit the scrollwheel. return EXIT: GoSub,INIWRITE TrayTip,System Transparency, Saving data... Don't close this`, it will close aut omatically. Sleep 3000 SoundPlay, *64 DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,Off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,Off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off,

ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_class DV2ControlHost ahk_class CabinetWClass ahk_class NotifyIconOverflowWindow ahk_class NativeHWNDHost ahk_class #32770 ahk_class BatMeterFlyout ahk_class SystemTray_Main ahk_class WHCFlyoutWindow

DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class Sticky_Notes_Note_Window DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class ahk_class BasicWindow DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class ClockFlyoutWindow DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class WMPlayerApp DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class TaskListThumbnailWnd DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class OpWindow DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class Chrome_WindowImpl_0 DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class MozillaUIWindowClass DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class IEFrame DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off, ahk_class Progman DetectHiddenWindows, on WinSet,Transparent,off ahk_class Desktop User Picture TrayTip,System Transparency, Fixing up the transparency`, need just a bit more t ime. Sleep 2000 Gui,Destroy ExitApp return Min: WinMinimize return READINI: IfNotExist,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini { trans=200 rclick=0 smenu=0 tbar=0 tool=0 explorer=0 notes=0 desktop=0 wmp=0 thumbs=0 op=0 firefox=0 chrome=0 ie=0 deskbutton=0 mouseclock=0 Gosub,INIWRITE } IniRead,trans,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,trans IniRead,rclick,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,rclick IniRead,tbar,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,tbar

IniRead,smenu,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,smenu IniRead,tool,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,tool IniRead,explorer,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,explorer IniRead,notes,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,notes IniRead,desktop,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,desktop IniRead,wmp,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,wmp IniRead,thumbs,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,thumbs IniRead,op,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,op IniRead,firefox,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,firefox IniRead,chrome,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,chrome IniRead,ie,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,ie IniRead,deskbutton,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,deskbutton IniRead,mouseclock,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,mouseclock IniRead,alttabber,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,alttabber gosub,variables return INIWRITE: IniWrite,%trans%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,trans IniWrite,%rclick%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,rclick IniWrite,%tbar%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,tbar IniWrite,%smenu%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,smenu IniWrite,%tool%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,tool IniWrite,%explorer%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,explorer IniWrite,%notes%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,notes IniWrite,%desktop%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,desktop IniWrite,%wmp%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,wmp IniWrite,%thumbs%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,thumbs IniWrite,%opera%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,op IniWrite,%firefox%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,firefox IniWrite,%chrome%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,chrome IniWrite,%ie%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,ie IniWrite,%deskbutton%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,deskbutton IniWrite,%mouseclock%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,mouseclock IniWrite,%alttabber%,%A_MyDocuments%\systemtransparency.ini,Settings,alttabber return HandleMessage(p_w, p_l, p_m, p_hw) ; Deals with URL link color and effects junk. { global WM_SETCURSOR, WM_MOUSEMOVE, static URL_hover, h_cursor_hand, h_old_cursor, CtrlIsURL, LastCtrl If (p_m = WM_SETCURSOR) { If URL_hover Return, true } Else If (p_m = WM_MOUSEMOVE) { StringLeft, CtrlIsURL, A_GuiControl, 3 If (CtrlIsURL = "URL") { If URL_hover= { Gui, Font, cPurple underline GuiControl, Font, %A_GuiControl%

LastCtrl = %A_GuiControl% h_cursor_hand := DllCall("LoadCursor", "uint", 0, "uint", 32649) URL_hover := true } h_old_cursor := DllCall("SetCursor", "uint", h_cursor_hand) } Else { If URL_hover { Gui, Font, norm cBlue GuiControl, Font, %LastCtrl% DllCall("SetCursor", "uint", h_old_cursor) URL_hover= } } } } Link1: Run, Return ^MButton:: MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY, MouseWin WinSet, Transparent, Off, ahk_id %MouseWin% WinSet, Transparent, %trans%, ahk_id %MouseWin% return #MButton:: MouseGetPos,,, MouseWin WinSet, TransColor, Off, ahk_id %MouseWin% return #Enter:: gosub,Main return #Z:: gosub,Show return GuiClose: gosub,EXIT return ABOUT: Gui,Destroy Gui +LastFound

Gui -SysMenu Gui, Color, 606060 gui, font, cWhite Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h80 Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,

xm+10 ym+10,About this Program By Prisoner. I take no responsibility for whatever happens by you using this program, but I will help you. If you have a problem, do not hesitate to tell me! :)

Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h80 xm+10 ym+100,More Details Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,Version Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,Made: 2/20/2010 Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15 cBlue gLink1 vURL_Link1, Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h80 xm+10 ym+190,Even More Details Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,If you have any ideas, please tell me. It's greatly Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,appreciated. I've been working on this script a lot Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,and I'm running out of anything helps. Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h80 xm+10 ym+280,Credits Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,Credits go to GEORG, Mr GRiM, and sergiogarcia9 Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,for giving me ideas`, SevenForums users and Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,VirtualCustoms users for their ideas and Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15,support as well! Thank you all! xD Gui, Add, BUtton, xm+80 yp+30 w100 h20 +Center, Back Gui,Show,Center Autosize,About - System Transparency WinSet, Transparent, %trans% return HOTKEYEX: Gui,Destroy Gui +LastFound Gui -SysMenu Gui, Color, 606060 gui, font, cWhite Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h140 xm+10 ym+10,Extended Hotkey Help GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+20, To make a window transparent, Set the amount of GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, transparency you want and then hit the Middle GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, Mouse button (scrollwheel) while holding Ctrl. GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+25, To turn off transparency on a window, hold GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, the Windows key and hit the Middle Mouse button GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, while the transparent window is selected. Gui,Add,GroupBox,w250 h170 xm+10 ym+170,Other Hotkeys... Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+20, To pull this dialog box up without using the Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, icon, hold the Windows Key and hit Enter. Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+20, To show the tray icon after it is hidden, Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, hold the Windows key and hit "Z". Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+20, To show the desktop as a taskbar button`, Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, hold the Windows key and hit "Q". Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+20, If the feature is turned on`, you can hold Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, hold the mouse on the left side of the screen Gui,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15, and the ALT+TAB keys will be sent. GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+40 cRed, DO NOT SET TRANSPARENCY UNDER 50!

GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15 cRed, You may have a hard time finding any windows GUi,Add,Text,xm+20 yp+15 cRed, you set after you do so! Gui, Add, BUtton, xm+80 yp+30 w100 h20 +Center, Back Gui,Add,Picture,Icon22 center xm+20 yp+0, %A_WinDir%\System32\shell32.dll Gui,Show,Center Autosize,Extended Hotkey Help - System Transparency WinSet, Transparent, %trans% return ButtonBack: gosub,Main return Hide: TrayTip,System Transparency, To show the icon`, hold the Windows key and press ` "Z`". This will close in 6 seconds. Sleep,6000 Menu,Tray,NoIcon return Show: Menu,Tray,Icon return

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