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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plantilla del plan de unidad

Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa "bicacin de la institucin educativa 'tros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad
English is Funtastic.

Faranhaz M. Batista J. C. E. B. G. La Compa !a. El #alle de $ntn% Cocl&. $venida Central(Calle Coronado.

Resumen de la unidad
Due to the importance of the English language in our life and more so the fact that El Valle de Anton is a tourist destination, the children who live there must be able to communicate properly; in this case, its necessary that our students now how to describe their most common daily activities. For that reason they should now how to e!press in oral and written form the daily activities they and other people do. "hat is the principal reason why they will observe, comment, research, write, and dramati#e daily routines. "he dramati#ation, as one of the last activities, will be performed through a $uppet "heater in which they are going to show their creative and performing s ills. "he final step will be editing their dramati#ations daily activities in %ovie %a er $rogram, through the dramati#ation they are going to answer these &uestions' (hat are some activities people do through the day) *ow would you classify those activities) +n what ways can people demonstrate responsibility by doing their daily activities)

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s

English, Arts, +nformatic.

Ao y nivel
,evel' - grade, $rimary.

Tiempo necesario apro imado

./ periods of class of 0/ minutes each one.

!undamentos de la unidad Contenidos

Concept Daily activities +n the morning +n the afternoon +n the evening At night Grammar Action verbs Do and does o as verbs Procedure 1tudents will describe their daily routines including action verbs, do and does. Attitudes 1tudents will develop an attitude of responsibility and commitment toward daily activities students have to do at home.

"#$etivos del aprendi%a$e 1 de 5

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

(rite sentences about daily routines using the grammar learned. E!press orally different daily routines through $uppets "heater.

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad Pregunta esencial

(hy is your life important) (hy is it important to have a schedule in your life) (hy doesnt each person do the same daily activities) (hat are some activities people do through the day) *ow would you classify those activities) +n what ways can people demonstrate responsibility by doing their daily activities)

Preguntas de unidad

Preguntas de contenido

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plan de evaluacin

Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe%ar el tra#a$o del proyecto Diagnostic' E!ploratory &uestions. Assesment chec list. "ool' Durante el desarrollo del proyecto $ractice' 'bservation. 2uestionin1. .as3 analysis. $ssesment chec3list. .ool4 &na ve% completado el proyecto 2losing'
"as analysis. Assessment "ools' chec list and rubric.

Resumen de evaluaciones
"he diagnostic activity has been created to reveal how much the students now about the topic; the practice activities will contribute to helping students build and reinforce the grammar structure in oral and written form, while also presenting the opportunity to practice pronunciation. Finally, the closing activities will allow the teacher to see if the students have internali#ed the nowledge taught and if they are able to put it into practice successfully.

Detalles de la unidad 'a#ilidades previas

3 3 3 3 Displays Displays Displays Displays the the the the ability ability ability ability to to to to e!press phrases in English. use basic grammar to e!press their ideas in oral and written form correctly. perform in a dramati#ation. research important information about other peoples daily routine.

"his unit will be developed through different activities in which the student will build from the most general and basic things to the most specific ones. "he student should use their language, dramati#ation and creativity s ills to e!press in an easy way the daily routines a person does every day. 1ome of the activities they will develop in this unit will be' Task 1: $revious activities. 3 $articipates in answering some e!ploratory &uestions. Task 2' +dentifies daily routines. 3 Observation: (atches a video in which a boy does and mentions different daily routines. 3 Brainstorming: %entions routines as saw in the video and classifies them into three different categories' morning, afternoon and night. "his classification will be done in his English noteboo . Task : $ractices pronunciation, oral and written grammar structure. 3 Oral games: $lays an active game in which students must form oral sentences depending on what they see in the picture. For this game, the class will be divided into two teams one student from each team will be chosen to represent his4her team. "hen, the teacher mentions one of the daily routines that is stuc to the board, the first student who points out the correct daily routine has to say a short
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

3 3 Task 3 3 Task 3 Task 3 Task 3

sentence using the indicated routine and grammar structure. +f he4she says the sentence correctly the team gets a point. !esearc" #or in#ormation: 5sing a bilingual dictionary the student loo s up the meaning of some un nown verbs or nouns and recogni#es, with some help, how these words are grammatically used. $ritten practices: (rites short sentences using the grammar taught in class but including different daily routines. "he student correctly writes at least - sentences using the grammar taught and the daily routines; this practice will be developed in his noteboo . %: 6esearches and uses the information to correctly write phrases. &ntervie': "he student chooses an adult to interview about his or her daily routine. "he adult might be a neighbor, member of his family, or any other person he4she nows, and then he must as him4her about his4her daily routine. "he answers to the interview have to be written in his noteboo . $ritten script: "he student writes a script in which he mentions the routine of the person he interviewed. "his activity will be a collaborative wor in small groups of three students in which they evenly divide the wor . (: %a es creative puppets. )andicra#ts: +n art class, the student uses his creative s ills to ma e puppets and scenery to use in the $uppet "heater. *: Dramati#es daily routines orally. Dramati+ation: 5sing a puppet theater the student dramati#es the daily routine of the person he interviewed. "his dramati#ation will be recorded by the teacher. ,: 5ses technology to share with others his classwor , linguistic and dramati#ing s ills. Digitali+ation: 5sing the %ovie %a er $rogram the student edits the video in the 2omputer 2lass. After that, the student uploads the video to a social web li e Faceboo or any other he prefers.

Adaptaciones curriculares Estudiante con necesidades especiales (o )ispano* parlantes Estudiante talentoso

Actually, in my classes + do not have students with especial needs or non3native spea ers of the 1panish language.

"hose gifted students are going to contribute in helping their classmates who have not yet completed their tas s.

+ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad Tecnologa , 'ard-are 5e6uipo necesario7 C0mara Computadora5s7 C0mara di1ital 8eproductor de 9#9 Cone:in a -nternet Tecnologa , .o/t-are 5necesario7 Base de datos=>o?a de c0lculo 9ia1ramador de publicaciones /ro1rama de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en C9(8'M
+ateriales impresos ,ibros de te!to, gu7as, libros de cuentos, manuales de laboratorio, materiales de referencia, etc.

9isco l0ser -mpresora ;istema de proyeccin Esc0ner .elevisor

#C8 C0mara de v!deo E6uipo de v!deo con<erencia 'tro

Editor de im01enes Buscador @eb Multimedia

9esarrollo de p01inas Aeb /rocesador de te:to 'tro

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

.uministros Recursos de Internet "tros Recursos

Flashcards, foamy, glue, scissors, crepe paper, paper board, construction paper.*,
Visitas de campo, e!perimentos, oradores invitados, mentores, otros estudiantes4clases, miembros de la comunidad, padres, etc.

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