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New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards


This document includes all of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics plus the New York recommended additions. All of the New York State Mathematics Common Core Workgroups recommended additions are included within this document highlighted in yellow under the related domain

Table of Contents
ntroduction.................................................! Standards for Mathematical "ractice...........# "rekindergarten$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% &indergarten...............................................'( )rade '.......................................................'! )rade *.......................................................'+ )rade !.......................................................*( )rade , ......................................................*# )rade #.......................................................!( )rade -.......................................................!# )rade +.......................................................,( )rade %.......................................................,# .igh School/ ntroduction...........................,0 .igh School/Num1er and 2uantity............#( .igh School/Alge1ra..................................#! .igh School/3unctions...............................#+ .igh School/Modeling................................-' .igh School/)eometry..............................-! .igh School/Statistics and "ro1a1ility.......-% )lossary......................................................+! Sample of Works Consulted.........................+-

Toward greater focus and coherence
Mathematics experiences in early childhood settings should concentrate on (1) number (which includes whole number, operations, and relations) and (2) geometry, spatial relations, and measurement, with more mathematics learning time devoted to number than to other topics. Mathematical process goals should be integrated in these content areas. Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood, National Research Council, 2009 The composite standards [o !ong "ong, "orea and #ingapore$ have a number o eatures that can in orm an international benchmar%ing process or the development o "&' mathematics standards in the (.#. )irst, the composite standards concentrate the early learning o mathematics on the number, measurement, and geometry strands with less emphasis on data analysis and little exposure to algebra. The !ong "ong standards or grades 1&* devote approximately hal the targeted time to numbers and almost all the time remaining to geometry and measurement. Ginsburg, Leinwand and ec!er, 2009 +ecause the mathematics concepts in [(.#.$ textboo%s are o ten wea%, the presentation becomes more mechanical than is ideal. ,e loo%ed at both traditional and non-traditional textboo%s used in the (# and ound this conceptual wea%ness in both. Ginsburg et al", 200# There are many ways to organi.e curricula. The challenge, now rarely met, is to avoid those that distort mathematics and turn o students. $teen, 200% &or o'er a decade, research studies o( mathematics education in high)*er(orming countries ha'e *ointed to the conclusion that the mathematics curriculum in the +nited $tates must become substantially more (ocused and coherent in order to im*ro'e mathematics achie'ement in this country" ,o deli'er on the *romise o( common standards, the standards must address the *roblem o( a curriculum that is -a mile wide and an inch dee*". ,hese $tandards are a substantial answer to that challenge" /t is im*ortant to recogni0e that -(ewer standards. are no substitute (or (ocused standards" 1chie'ing -(ewer standards. would be easy to do by resorting to broad, general statements" /nstead, these $tandards aim (or clarity and s*eci(icity" 1ssessing the coherence o( a set o( standards is more di((icult than assessing their (ocus" 2illiam $chmidt and Richard 3ouang 420025 ha'e said that content standards and curricula are coherent i( they are6 articulated over time as a se/uence o topics and per ormances that are logical and re lect, where appropriate, the se/uential or hierarchical nature o the disciplinary content rom which the sub0ect matter derives. That is, what and how students are taught should re lect not only the topics that all within a certain academic discipline, but also the %ey ideas that determine how %nowledge is organi.ed and generated within that discipline. This implies that 1to be coherent,2 a set o content standards must evolve rom particulars (e.g., the meaning and operations o whole numbers, including simple math acts and routine computational procedures associated with whole numbers and ractions) to deeper structures inherent in the discipline. These deeper structures then serve as a means or connecting the particulars (such as an understanding o the rational number system and its properties). 4em*hasis added5 ,hese $tandards endea'or to (ollow such a design, not only by stressing conce*tual understanding o( !ey ideas, but also by continually returning to organi0ing *rinci*les such as *lace 'alue or the laws o( arithmetic to structure those ideas"

/n addition, the -se8uence o( to*ics and *er(ormances. that is outlined in a body o( mathematics standards must also res*ect what is !nown about how students learn" 1s Con(rey 4200%5 *oints out, de'elo*ing -se8uenced obstacles and challenges (or students9absent the insights about meaning that deri'e (rom care(ul study o( learning, would be un(ortunate and unwise". /n recognition o( this, the de'elo*ment o( these $tandards began with research)based learning *rogressions detailing what is !nown today about how students: mathematical !nowledge, s!ill, and understanding de'elo* o'er time"

Understanding mathematics
,hese $tandards de(ine what students should understand and be able to do in their study o( mathematics" 1s!ing a student to understand something means as!ing a teacher to assess whether the student has understood it" ;ut what does mathematical understanding loo! li!e< =ne hallmar! o( mathematical understanding is the ability to >usti(y, in a way a**ro*riate to the student:s mathematical maturity, why a *articular mathematical statement is true or where a mathematical rule comes (rom" ,here is a world o( di((erence between a student who can summon a mnemonic de'ice to e?*and a *roduct such as 4a @ b54x @ y5 and a student who can e?*lain where the mnemonic comes (rom" ,he student who can e?*lain the rule understands the mathematics, and may ha'e a better chance to succeed at a less (amiliar tas! such as e?*anding 4a @ b @ c54x @ y5" Mathematical understanding and *rocedural s!ill are e8ually im*ortant, and both are assessable using mathematical tas!s o( su((icient richness" ,he $tandards set grade)s*eci(ic standards but do not de(ine the inter'ention methods or materials necessary to su**ort students who are well below or well abo'e grade)le'el e?*ectations" /t is also beyond the sco*e o( the $tandards to de(ine the (ull range o( su**orts a**ro*riate (or English language learners and (or students with s*ecial needs" 1t the same time, all students must ha'e the o**ortunity to learn and meet the same high standards i( they are to access the !nowledge and s!ills necessary in their *ost)school li'es" ,he $tandards should be read as allowing (or the widest *ossible range o( students to *artici*ate (ully (rom the outset, along with a**ro*riate accommodations to ensure ma?imum *artici*aton o( students with s*ecial education needs" &or e?am*le, (or students with disabilities reading should allow (or use o( ;raille, screen reader technology, or other assisti'e de'ices, while writing should include the use o( a scribe, com*uter, or s*eech)to)te?t technology" /n a similar 'ein, s*ea!ing and listening should be inter*reted broadly to include sign language" No set o( grade)s*eci(ic standards can (ully re(lect the great 'ariety in abilities, needs, learning rates, and achie'ement le'els o( students in any gi'en classroom" 3owe'er, the $tandards do *ro'ide clear sign*osts along the way to the goal o( college and career readiness (or all students" ,he $tandards begin here with eight $tandards (or Mathematical Aractice"

How to read the grade level standards

Standards de(ine what students should understand and be able to do" Clusters summari0e grou*s o( related standards" Note that standards (rom di((erent clusters may sometimes be closely related, because mathematics is a connected sub>ect" Domains are larger grou*s o( related standards" $tandards (rom di((erent domains may sometimes be closely related"

,hese $tandards do not dictate curriculum or teaching methods" &or e?am*le, >ust because to*ic 1 a**ears be(ore to*ic ; in the standards (or a gi'en grade, it does not necessarily mean that to*ic 1 must be taught be(ore to*ic ;" 1 teacher might *re(er to teach to*ic ; be(ore to*ic 1, or might choose to highlight connections by teaching to*ic 1 and to*ic ; at the same time" =r, a teacher might *re(er to teach a to*ic o( his or her own choosing that leads, as a by*roduct, to students reaching the standards (or to*ics 1 and ;" 2hat students can learn at any *articular grade le'el de*ends u*on what they ha'e learned be(ore" /deally then, each standard in this document might ha'e been *hrased in the (orm, -$tudents who already !now 1 should ne?t come to learn ;". ;ut at *resent this a**roach is unrealisticnot least because e?isting education research cannot s*eci(y all such learning *athways" =( necessity there(ore, grade *lacements (or s*eci(ic to*ics ha'e been made on the basis o( state and international com*arisons and the collecti'e e?*erience and collecti'e *ro(essional >udgment o( educators, researchers and mathematicians" =ne *romise o( common state standards is that o'er time they will allow research on learning *rogressions to in(orm and im*ro'e the design o( standards to a much greater e?tent than is *ossible today" Learning o**ortunities will continue to 'ary across schools and school systems, and educators should ma!e e'ery e((ort to meet the needs o( indi'idual students based on their current understanding" ,hese $tandards are not intended to be new names (or old ways o( doing business" ,hey are a call to ta!e the ne?t ste*" /t is time (or states to wor! together to build on lessons learned (rom two decades o( standards based re(orms" /t is time to recogni0e that these standards are not >ust *romises to our children, but *romises we intend to !ee*"

Mathematics: Standards for Mathematical Practice

,he $tandards (or Mathematical Aractice describe 'arieties o( e?*ertise that mathematics educators at all le'els should see! to de'elo* in their students" ,hese *ractices rest on im*ortant -*rocesses and *ro(iciencies. with longstanding im*ortance in mathematics education" ,he (irst o( these are the NC,M *rocess standards o( *roblem sol'ing, reasoning and *roo(, communication, re*resentation, and connections" ,he second are the strands o( mathematical *ro(iciency s*eci(ied in the National Research Council:s re*ort 3dding 4t (p6 ada*ti'e reasoning, strategic com*etence, conce*tual understanding 4com*rehension o( mathematical conce*ts, o*erations and relations5, *rocedural (luency 4s!ill in carrying out *rocedures (le?ibly, accurately, e((iciently and a**ro*riately5, and *roducti'e dis*osition 4habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, use(ul, and worthwhile, cou*led with a belie( in diligence and one:s own e((icacy5"

1. Ma e sense of !ro"lems and !ersevere in solving them.

Mathematically *ro(icient students start by e?*laining to themsel'es the meaning o( a *roblem and loo!ing (or entry *oints to its solution" ,hey analy0e gi'ens, constraints, relationshi*s, and goals" ,hey ma!e con>ectures about the (orm and meaning o( the solution and *lan a solution *athway rather than sim*ly >um*ing into a solution attem*t" ,hey consider analogous *roblems, and try s*ecial cases and sim*ler (orms o( the original *roblem in order to gain insight into its solution" ,hey monitor and e'aluate their *rogress and change course i( necessary" =lder students might, de*ending on the conte?t o( the *roblem, trans(orm algebraic e?*ressions or change the 'iewing window on their gra*hing calculator to get the in(ormation they need" Mathematically *ro(icient students can e?*lain corres*ondences between e8uations, 'erbal descri*tions, tables, and gra*hs or draw diagrams o( im*ortant (eatures and relationshi*s, gra*h data, and search (or regularity or trends" Bounger students might rely on using concrete ob>ects or *ictures to hel* conce*tuali0e and sol'e a *roblem" Mathematically *ro(icient students chec! their answers to *roblems using a di((erent method, and they continually as! themsel'es, - oes this ma!e sense<. ,hey can understand the a**roaches o( others to sol'ing com*le? *roblems and identi(y corres*ondences between di((erent a**roaches"

#. $eason a"stractl% and &uantitativel%.

Mathematically *ro(icient students ma!e sense o( 8uantities and their relationshi*s in *roblem situations" ,hey bring two com*lementary abilities to bear on *roblems in'ol'ing 8uantitati'e relationshi*s6 the ability to decontextuali.e to abstract a gi'en situation and re*resent it symbolically and mani*ulate the re*resenting symbols as i( they ha'e a li(e o( their own, without necessarily attending to their re(erentsand the ability to contextuali.e, to *ause as needed during the mani*ulation *rocess in order to *robe into the re(erents (or the symbols in'ol'ed" Cuantitati'e reasoning entails habits o( creating a coherent re*resentation o( the *roblem at handD considering the units in'ol'edD

attending to the meaning o( 8uantities, not >ust how to com*ute themD and !nowing and (le?ibly using di((erent *ro*erties o( o*erations and ob>ects"

'. Construct via"le arguments and criti&ue the reasoning of others.

Mathematically *ro(icient students understand and use stated assum*tions, de(initions, and *re'iously established results in constructing arguments" ,hey ma!e con>ectures and build a logical *rogression o( statements to e?*lore the truth o( their con>ectures" ,hey are able to analy0e situations by brea!ing them into cases, and can recogni0e and use countere?am*les" ,hey >usti(y their conclusions, communicate them to others, and res*ond to the arguments o( others" ,hey reason inducti'ely about data, ma!ing *lausible arguments that ta!e into account the conte?t (rom which the data arose" Mathematically *ro(icient students are also able to com*are the e((ecti'eness o( two *lausible arguments, distinguish correct logic or reasoning (rom that which is (lawed, andi( there is a (law in an argument e?*lain what it is" Elementary students can construct arguments using concrete re(erents such as ob>ects, drawings, diagrams, and actions" $uch arguments can ma!e sense and be correct, e'en though they are not generali0ed or made (ormal until later grades" Later, students learn to determine domains to which an argument a**lies" $tudents at all grades can listen or read the arguments o( others, decide whether they ma!e sense, and as! use(ul 8uestions to clari(y or im*ro'e the arguments"

(. Model with mathematics.

Mathematically *ro(icient students can a**ly the mathematics they !now to sol'e *roblems arising in e'eryday li(e, society, and the wor!*lace" /n early grades, this might be as sim*le as writing an addition e8uation to describe a situation" /n middle grades, a student might a**ly *ro*ortional reasoning to *lan a school e'ent or analy0e a *roblem in the community" ;y high school, a student might use geometry to sol'e a design *roblem or use a (unction to describe how one 8uantity o( interest de*ends on another" Mathematically *ro(icient students who can a**ly what they !now are com(ortable ma!ing assum*tions and a**ro?imations to sim*li(y a com*licated situation, reali0ing that these may need re'ision later" ,hey are able to identi(y im*ortant 8uantities in a *ractical situation and ma* their relationshi*s using such tools as diagrams, two)way tables, gra*hs, (lowcharts and (ormulas" ,hey can analy0e those relationshi*s mathematically to draw conclusions" ,hey routinely inter*ret their mathematical results in the conte?t o( the situation and re(lect on whether the results ma!e sense, *ossibly im*ro'ing the model i( it has not ser'ed its *ur*ose"

). Use a!!ro!riate tools strategicall%.

Mathematically *ro(icient students consider the a'ailable tools when sol'ing a mathematical *roblem" ,hese tools might include *encil and *a*er, concrete models, a ruler, a *rotractor, a calculator, a s*readsheet, a com*uter algebra system, a statistical *ac!age, or dynamic geometry so(tware" Aro(icient students are su((iciently (amiliar with tools a**ro*riate (or their grade or course to ma!e sound decisions about when each o( these tools might be hel*(ul, recogni0ing both the insight to be gained and their limitations" &or e?am*le, mathematically *ro(icient high school students analy0e gra*hs o( (unctions and solutions generated using a gra*hing calculator" ,hey detect *ossible errors by strategically using estimation and other mathematical !nowledge" 2hen ma!ing mathematical models, they !now that technology can enable them to 'isuali0e the results o( 'arying assum*tions, e?*lore conse8uences, and com*are *redictions with data" Mathematically *ro(icient students at 'arious grade le'els are able to identi(y rele'ant e?ternal mathematical resources, such as digital content located on a website, and use them to *ose or sol'e *roblems" ,hey are able to use technological tools to e?*lore and dee*en their understanding o( conce*ts"

*. +ttend to !recision.
Mathematically *ro(icient students try to communicate *recisely to others" ,hey try to use clear de(initions in discussion with others and in their own reasoning" ,hey state the meaning o( the symbols they choose, including using the e8ual sign consistently and a**ro*riately" ,hey are care(ul about s*eci(ying units o( measure, and labeling a?es to clari(y the corres*ondence with 8uantities in a *roblem" ,hey calculate accurately and e((iciently, e?*ress numerical answers with a degree o( *recision a**ro*riate (or the *roblem conte?t" /n the elementary grades, students gi'e care(ully (ormulated e?*lanations to each other" ;y the time they reach high school they ha'e learned to e?amine claims and ma!e e?*licit use o( de(initions"

,. -oo for and ma e use of structure.

Mathematically *ro(icient students loo! closely to discern a *attern or structure" Boung students, (or e?am*le, might notice that three and se'en more is the same amount as se'en and three more, or they may sort a collection o( sha*es according to how many sides the sha*es ha'e" Later, students will see % F G e8uals the well remembered % F # @ % F H, in *re*aration (or learning about the distributi'e *ro*erty" /n the e?*ression x2 @ 9x @ I7, older students can see the I7 as 2 F % and the 9 as 2 @ %" ,hey recogni0e the signi(icance o( an e?isting line in a geometric (igure and can use the strategy o( drawing an au?iliary line (or sol'ing *roblems" ,hey also can ste* bac! (or an o'er'iew and shi(t *ers*ecti'e" ,hey can see com*licated things, such as some algebraic e?*ressions, as single ob>ects or as being com*osed o( se'eral ob>ects" &or e?am*le, they can see # J H4x J y52 as # minus a *ositi'e number times a s8uare and use that to reali0e that its 'alue cannot be more than # (or any real numbers x and y"

.. -oo for and e/!ress regularit% in re!eated reasoning.

Mathematically *ro(icient students notice i( calculations are re*eated, and loo! both (or general methods and (or shortcuts" +**er elementary students might notice when di'iding 2# by II that they are re*eating the same calculations o'er and o'er again, and conclude they ha'e a re*eating decimal" ;y *aying attention to the calculation o( slo*e as they re*eatedly chec! whether *oints are on the line through 4I, 25 with slo*e H, middle school students might abstract the e8uation 4y J 25K4x J I5 L H" Noticing the regularity in the way terms cancel when e?*anding 4x J I54x @ I5, 4x J I54x2 @ x @ I5, and 4x J I54xH @ x2 @ x @ I5 might lead them to the general (ormula (or the sum o( a geometric series" 1s they wor! to sol'e a *roblem, mathematically *ro(icient students maintain o'ersight o( the *rocess, while attending to the details" ,hey continually e'aluate the reasonableness o( their intermediate results"

Connecting the Standards for Mathematical Practice to the Standards for Mathematical Content
,he $tandards (or Mathematical Aractice describe ways in which de'elo*ing student *ractitioners o( the disci*line o( mathematics increasingly ought to engage with the sub>ect matter as they grow in mathematical maturity and e?*ertise throughout the elementary, middle and high school years" esigners o( curricula, assessments, and *ro(essional de'elo*ment should all attend to the need to connect the mathematical *ractices to mathematical content in mathematics instruction" ,he $tandards (or Mathematical Content are a balanced combination o( *rocedure and understanding" E?*ectations that begin with the word -understand. are o(ten es*ecially good o**ortunities to connect the *ractices to the content" $tudents who lac! understanding o( a to*ic may rely on *rocedures too hea'ily" 2ithout a (le?ible base (rom which to wor!, they may be less li!ely to consider analogous *roblems, re*resent *roblems coherently, >usti(y conclusions, a**ly the mathematics to *ractical situations, use technology mind(ully to wor! with the mathematics, e?*lain the mathematics accurately to other students, ste* bac! (or an o'er'iew, or de'iate (rom a !nown *rocedure to (ind a shortcut" /n short, a lac! o( understanding e((ecti'ely *re'ents a student (rom engaging in the mathematical *ractices" /n this res*ect, those content standards which set an e?*ectation o( understanding are *otential -*oints o( intersection. between the $tandards (or Mathematical Content and the $tandards (or Mathematical Aractice" ,hese *oints o( intersection are intended to be weighted toward central and generati'e conce*ts in the school mathematics curriculum that most merit the time, resources, inno'ati'e energies, and (ocus necessary to 8ualitati'ely im*ro'e the curriculum, instruction, assessment, *ro(essional de'elo*ment, and student achie'ement in mathematics"

Mathematics ) Are)Mindergarten6 /ntroduction

/n Are)Mindergarten, instructional time should (ocus on two critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing an understanding o( whole numbers using concrete materials, including conce*ts o( corres*ondence, counting, cardinality, and com*arisonD 425 describing sha*es in their en'ironment" More learning time in Are)Mindergarten should be de'oted to de'elo*ing the conce*t o( number than to other to*ics" 4I5 $tudents de'elo* an understanding o( the meanings o( whole numbers and recogni0e the number o( ob>ects in small grou*s by counting J the (irst and most basic mathematical algorithm" ,hey understand that number words re(er to 8uantity" ,hey use one)to)one corres*ondence to sol'e *roblems by matching sets and com*aring number amounts and in counting ob>ects to I0" ,hey understand that the last word that they state in counting tells -how many. and they count to determine number amounts and com*are 8uantities 4using language such as -more than. and -less than.5" 425 $tudents describe their *hysical world using geometric ideas 4e"g", sha*e and s*ecial relations5 and 'ocabulary" ,hey identi(y and name basic two)dimensional sha*es, such as triangles, rectangles, s8uares, and circles" ,hey use basic sha*es and s*atial reasoning to model ob>ects in their en'ironment" Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

0rade P1 2verview
Counting and Cardinalit% N Mnow number names and the count se8uence" N Count to tell the number o( ob>ects" N Com*are numbers" 2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N +nderstand addition as adding to, and understand subtraction as ta!ing (rom" +nderstand sim*le *atterns" Measurement and Data N escribe and com*are measurable attributes" N $ort ob>ects and count the number o( ob>ects in each categories" 0eometr% N /denti(y and describe sha*es 4s8uares, circles, triangles, rectangles5" N 1naly0e, com*are, and sort ob>ects"

Counting and Cardinalit%


Know number names and the count se uence! '. Count to *(. *. 4epresent a num1er of o15ects with a written numeral (6# 7with ( representing a count of no o15ects8.
Count to tell the number of ob"ects!

!. 9nderstand the relationship 1etween num1ers and :uantities to '(; connect counting to cardinality. a. When counting o15ects< say the num1er names in the standard order< pairing each o15ect with one and only one num1er name and each num1er name with one and only one o15ect. 1. 9nderstand that the last num1er name said tells the num1er of o15ects counted. The num1er of o15ects is the same regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they were counted. c. 9nderstand that each successi=e num1er name refers to a :uantity that is one larger. ,. Count to answer >how many?@ :uestions a1out as many as '( things arranged in a line< a rectangular array< or a circle< or as many as # things in a scattered configuration; gi=en a num1er from '6'(< count out that many o15ects.
Com#are numbers!

#. dentify whether the num1er of o15ects in one group is more< less< greater than< fewer< andAor e:ual to the num1er of o15ects in another group< e.g.< 1y using matching and counting strategies.' 7'B up to # o15ects8 -. dentify >first@ and >last@ related to order or position.

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


$nderstand addition as adding to% and understand subtraction as taking from! '. Cemonstrate an understanding of addition and su1traction 1y using o15ects< fingers< and responding to practical situations 7e.g.< f we ha=e ! apples and add two more< how many apples do we ha=e all together?8. $nderstand sim#le #atterns. *. Cuplicate and eDtend 7eg.< What comes neDt?8 simple patterns using concrete o15ects.

Measurement 3 Data


&escribe and com#are measurable attributes! '. dentify measura1le attri1utes of o15ects< such as length< and weight. Cescri1e them using correct =oca1ulary 7e.g.< small< 1ig< short< tall< empty< full< hea=y< and light8. Sort ob"ects and count the number of ob"ects in each categor'! *. Sort o15ects into categories; count the num1ers of o15ects in each category. ' 7limit category counts to 1e less than or e:ual to '(8





*. !.


(dentif' and describe sha#es )s uares% circles% triangles% rectangles*! Cescri1e o15ects in the en=ironment using names of shapes< and descri1e the relati=e positions of these o15ects using terms such as top< 1ottom< up< down< in front of< 1ehind< o=er< under< and neDt to. Correctly name shapes regardless of siEe. +nal',e% com#are% and sort ob"ects! AnalyEe< compare< and sort twoF and threeFdimensional shapes and o15ects< in different siEes< using informal language to descri1e their similarities< differences< and other attri1utes 7e.g.< color< siEe< and shape8. Create and 1uild shapes from components 7e.g.< sticks and clay 1alls8.

Mathematics 4 1indergarten: Introduction

/n Mindergarten, instructional time should (ocus on two critical areas6 4I5 re*resenting and com*aring whole numbers, initially with sets o( ob>ectsD 425 describing sha*es and s*ace" More learning time in Mindergarten should be de'oted to number than to other to*ics" I" $tudents use numbers, including written numerals, to re*resent 8uantities and to sol'e 8uantitati'e *roblems, such as counting ob>ects in a setD counting out a gi'en number o( ob>ectsD com*aring sets or numeralsD and modeling sim*le >oining and se*arating situations with sets o( ob>ects, or e'entually with e8uations such as # @ 2 L % and % J 2 L #" 4Mindergarten students should see addition and subtraction e8uations, and student writing o( e8uations in !indergarten is encouraged, but it is not re8uired"5 $tudents choose, combine, and a**ly e((ecti'e strategies (or answering 8uantitati'e 8uestions, including 8uic!ly recogni0ing the cardinalities o( small sets o( ob>ects, counting and *roducing sets o( gi'en si0es, counting the number o( ob>ects in combined sets, or counting the number o( ob>ects that remain in a set a(ter some are ta!en away" 2" $tudents describe their *hysical world using geometric ideas 4e"g", sha*e, orientation, s*atial relations5 and 'ocabulary" ,hey identi(y, name, and describe basic two)dimensional sha*es, such as s8uares, triangles, circles, rectangles, and he?agons, *resented in a 'ariety o( ways 4e"g", with di((erent si0es and orientations5, as well as three) dimensional sha*es such as cubes, cones, cylinders, and s*heres" ,hey use basic sha*es and s*atial reasoning to model ob>ects in their en'ironment and to construct more com*le? sha*es"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

0rade 1 2verview
Counting and Cardinalit% N Mnow number names and the count se8uence" N Count to tell the number o( ob>ects" N Com*are numbers" 2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N +nderstand addition as *utting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as ta!ing a*art and ta!ing (rom" Measurement and Data N escribe and com*are measurable attributes" N Classi(y ob>ects and count the number o( ob>ects in categories" 0eometr% N /denti(y and describe sha*es" N 1naly0e, com*are, create, and com*ose sha*es"


5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N 2or! with numbers IIJI9 to gain (oundations (or *lace 'alue"


Counting 3 Cardinalit%


1now num"er names and the count se&uence. I" Count to I00 by ones and by tens" 2" Count (orward beginning (rom a gi'en number within the !nown se8uence 4instead o( ha'ing to begin at I5" H" 2rite numbers (rom 0 to 20" Re*resent a number o( ob>ects with a written numeral 0)20 4with 0 re*resenting a count o( no ob>ects5" Count to tell the num"er of o"7ects. 7" +nderstand the relationshi* between numbers and 8uantitiesD connect counting to cardinality" a" 2hen counting ob>ects, say the number names in the standard order, *airing each ob>ect with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one ob>ect" b" +nderstand that the last number name said tells the number o( ob>ects counted" ,he number o( ob>ects is the same regardless o( their arrangement or the order in which they were counted" c" +nderstand that each successi'e number name re(ers to a 8uantity that is one larger"

5evelop understanding o ordinal numbers ( irst through tenth) to describe the relative position and magnitude o whole numbers.
#" Count to answer -how many<. 8uestions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line, a rectangular array, or a circle, or as many as I0 things in a scattered con(igurationD gi'en a number (rom IJ20, count out that many ob>ects" Com!are num"ers. E" /denti(y whether the number o( ob>ects in one grou* is greater than, less than, or e8ual to the number o( ob>ects in another grou*, e"g", by using matching and counting strategies"I %" Com*are two numbers between I and I0 *resented as written numerals" 88888888888888888

/nclude grou*s with u* to ten ob>ects"

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


Understand addition as !utting together and adding to9 and understand su"traction as ta ing a!art and ta ing from. I" Re*resent addition and subtraction with ob>ects, (ingers, mental images, drawingsI, sounds 4e"g", cla*s5, acting out situations, 'erbal e?*lanations, e?*ressions, or e8uations" 2" $ol'e addition and subtraction word *roblems, and add and subtract within I0, e"g", by using ob>ects or drawings to re*resent the *roblem" H" ecom*ose numbers less than or e8ual to I0 into *airs in more than one way, e"g", by using ob>ects or drawings, and record each decom*osition by a drawing or e8uation 4e"g", # L 2 @ H and # L 7 @ I5" 7" &or any number (rom I to 9, (ind the number that ma!es I0 when added to the gi'en number, e"g", by using ob>ects or drawings, and record the answer with a drawing or e8uation" #" &luently add and subtract within #" 88888888888888888

rawings need not show details, but should show the mathematics in the *roblem" 4,his a**lies where'er drawings are mentioned in the $tandards"5


5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase Ten


:or with num"ers 11;1< to gain foundations for !lace value. I" Com*ose and decom*ose numbers (rom II to I9 into ten ones and some (urther ones, e"g", by using ob>ects or drawings, and record each com*osition or decom*osition by a drawing or e8uation 4such as IG L I0 @ G5D understand that these numbers are com*osed o( ten ones and one, two, three, (our, (i'e, si?, se'en, eight, or nine ones"

Measurement 3 Data


Descri"e and com!are measura"le attri"utes. I" escribe measurable attributes o( ob>ects, such as length or weight" escribe se'eral measurable attributes o( a single ob>ect" 2" irectly com*are two ob>ects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which ob>ect has -more o(.K-less o(. the attribute, and describe the di((erence" )or example, directly compare the heights o two children and describe one child as taller6shorter. Classif% o"7ects and count the num"er of o"7ects in each categor%. H" Classi(y ob>ects into gi'en categoriesD count the numbers o( ob>ects in each category and sort the categories by count"I 88888888888888888

Limit category counts to be less than or e8ual to I0"



Identif% and descri"e sha!es =s&uares9 circles9 triangles9 rectangles9 he/agons9 cu"es9 cones9 c%linders9 and s!heres>. I" escribe ob>ects in the en'ironment using names o( sha*es, and describe the relati'e *ositions o( these ob>ects using terms such as above, below, beside, in ront o , behind, and next to" 2" Correctly name sha*es regardless o( their orientations or o'erall si0e" H" /denti(y sha*es as two)dimensional 4lying in a *lane, -(lat.5 or three)dimensional 4-solid.5" +nal%?e9 com!are9 create9 and com!ose sha!es. 7" 1naly0e and com*are two) and three)dimensional sha*es, in di((erent si0es and orientations, using in(ormal language to describe their similarities, di((erences, *arts 4e"g", number o( sides and 'erticesK-corners.5 and other attributes 4e"g", ha'ing sides o( e8ual length5" #" Model sha*es in the world by building sha*es (rom com*onents 4e"g", stic!s and clay balls5 and drawing sha*es" E" Com*ose sim*le sha*es to (orm larger sha*es" )or example, 17an you 0oin these two triangles with ull sides touching to ma%e a rectangle82


Mathematics ; 0rade 1: Introduction

/n Grade I, instructional time should (ocus on (our critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing understanding o( addition, subtraction, and strategies (or addition and subtraction within 20D 425 de'elo*ing understanding o( whole number relationshi*s and *lace 'alue, including grou*ing in tens and onesD 4H5 de'elo*ing understanding o( linear measurement and measuring lengths as iterating length unitsD and 475 reasoning about attributes o(, and com*osing and decom*osing geometric sha*es" I" $tudents de'elo* strategies (or adding and subtracting whole numbers based on their *rior wor! with small numbers" ,hey use a 'ariety o( models, including discrete ob>ects and length)based models 4e"g", cubes connected to (orm lengths5, to model add)to, ta!e)(rom, *ut)together, ta!e)a*art, and com*are situations to de'elo* meaning (or the o*erations o( addition and subtraction, and to de'elo* strategies to sol'e arithmetic *roblems with these o*erations" $tudents understand connections between counting and addition and subtraction 4e"g", adding two is the same as counting on two5" ,hey use *ro*erties o( addition to add whole numbers and to create and use increasingly so*histicated strategies based on these *ro*erties 4e"g", -ma!ing tens.5 to sol'e addition and subtraction *roblems within 20" ;y com*aring a 'ariety o( solution strategies, children build their understanding o( the relationshi* between addition and subtraction" 2" $tudents de'elo*, discuss, and use e((icient, accurate, and generali0able methods to add within I00 and subtract multi*les o( I0" ,hey com*are whole numbers 4at least to I005 to de'elo* understanding o( and sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing their relati'e si0es" ,hey thin! o( whole numbers between I0 and I00 in terms o( tens and ones 4es*ecially recogni0ing the numbers II to I9 as com*osed o( a ten and some ones5" ,hrough acti'ities that build number sense, they understand the order o( the counting numbers and their relati'e magnitudes" H" $tudents de'elo* an understanding o( the meaning and *rocesses o( measurement, including underlying conce*ts such as iterating 4the mental acti'ity o( building u* the length o( an ob>ect with e8ual)si0ed units5 and the transiti'ity *rinci*le (or indirect measurement"I 7" $tudents com*ose and decom*ose *lane or solid (igures 4e"g", *ut two triangles together to ma!e a 8uadrilateral5 and build understanding o( *art)whole relationshi*s as well as the *ro*erties o( the original and com*osite sha*es" 1s they combine sha*es, they recogni0e them (rom di((erent *ers*ecti'es and orientations, describe their geometric attributes, and determine how they are ali!e and di((erent, to de'elo* the bac!ground (or measurement and (or initial understandings o( *ro*erties such as congruence and symmetry" 88888888888888888

$tudents should a**ly the *rinci*le o( transiti'ity o( measurement to ma!e indirect com*arisons, but they need not use this technical term"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade 1 2verview
2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N Re*resent and sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction" N +nderstand and a**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations and the relationshi* between addition and subtraction" N 1dd and subtract within 20" N 2or! with addition and subtraction e8uations" 5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N E?tend the counting se8uence" N +nderstand *lace 'alue" N +se *lace 'alue understanding and *ro*erties o( o*erations to add and subtract" Measurement and Data N Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units" N ,ell and write time" N Re*resent and inter*ret data" 0eometr% N Reason with sha*es and their attributes"

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


$e!resent and solve !ro"lems involving addition and su"traction. I" +se addition and subtraction within 20 to sol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing situations o( adding to, ta!ing (rom, *utting together, ta!ing a*art, and com*aring, with un!nowns in all *ositions, e"g", by using ob>ects, drawings, and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem"I 2" $ol'e word *roblems that call (or addition o( three whole numbers whose sum is less than or e8ual to 20, e"g", by using ob>ects, drawings, and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem" Understand and a!!l% !ro!erties of o!erations and the relationshi! "etween addition and su"traction. H" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations as strategies to add and subtract"2 9xamples: 4 ; < * = 11 is %nown, then * < ; = 11 is also %nown. (7ommutative property o addition.) To add 2 < ' < >, the second two numbers can be added to ma%e a ten, so 2 < ' < > = 2 < 1? = 12. (3ssociative property o addition.) 7" +nderstand subtraction as an un!nown)addend *roblem" )or example, subtract 1? & ; by inding the number that ma%es 1? when added to ;. 3dd and subtract within 2?. +dd and su"tract within #@. #" Relate counting to addition and subtraction 4e"g", by counting on 2 to add 25" E" 1dd and subtract within 20, demonstrating (luency (or addition and subtraction within I0" +se strategies such as counting onD ma!ing ten 4e"g", G @ E L G @ 2 @ 7 L I0 @ 7 L I75D decom*osing a number leading to a ten 4e"g", IH J 7 L IH J H J I L I0 J I L 95D using the relationshi* between addition and subtraction 4e"g", !nowing that G @ 7 L I2, one !nows I2 J G L 75D and creating e8ui'alent but easier or !nown sums 4e"g", adding E @ % by creating the !nown e8ui'alent E @ E @ I L I2 @ I L IH5" :or with addition and su"traction e&uations. %" +nderstand the meaning o( the e8ual sign, and determine i( e8uations in'ol'ing addition and subtraction are true or (alse" &or e?am*le, which o( the (ollowing e8uations are true and which are (alse< E L E, % L G J I, # @ 2 L 2 @ #, 7 @ I L # @ 2" G" etermine the un!nown whole number in an addition or subtraction e8uation relating three whole numbers" )or example, determine the un%nown number that ma%es the e/uation true in each o the e/uations ; < 8 = 11, @ = A & *, ' < ' = A. 88888888888888888
I 2

$ee Glossary, ,able I" $tudents need not use (ormal terms (or these *ro*erties"


5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase Ten


A/tend the counting se&uence. I" Count to I20, starting at any number less than I20" /n this range, read and write numerals and re*resent a number o( ob>ects with a written numeral" Understand !lace value. 2" +nderstand that the two digits o( a two)digit number re*resent amounts o( tens and ones" +nderstand the (ollowing as s*ecial cases6 a" I0 can be thought o( as a bundle o( ten ones called a -ten". b" ,he numbers (rom II to I9 are com*osed o( a ten and one, two, three, (our, (i'e, si?, se'en, eight, or nine ones" c" ,he numbers I0, 20, H0, 70, #0, E0, %0, G0, 90 re(er to one, two, three, (our, (i'e, si?, se'en, eight, or nine tens 4and 0 ones5" H" Com*are two two)digit numbers based on meanings o( the tens and ones digits, recording the results o( com*arisons with the symbols O, L, and P" Use !lace value understanding and !ro!erties of o!erations to add and su"tract. 7" 1dd within I00, including adding a two)digit number and a one)digit number, and adding a two)digit number and a multi*le o( I0, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtractionD relate the strategy to a written method and e?*lain the reasoning used" +nderstand that in adding two)digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and onesD and sometimes it is necessary to com*ose a ten" #" Gi'en a two)digit number, mentally (ind I0 more or I0 less than the number, without ha'ing to countD e?*lain the reasoning used" E" $ubtract multi*les o( I0 in the range I0)90 (rom multi*les o( I0 in the range I0)90 4*ositi'e or 0ero di((erences5, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtractionD relate the strategy to a written method and e?*lain the reasoning used"

Measurement 3 Data


Measure lengths indirectl% and "% iterating length units. I" =rder three ob>ects by lengthD com*are the lengths o( two ob>ects indirectly by using a third ob>ect" 2" E?*ress the length o( an ob>ect as a whole number o( length units, by laying multi*le co*ies o( a shorter ob>ect 4the length unit5 end to endD understand that the length measurement o( an ob>ect is the number o( same)si0e length units that s*an it with no ga*s or o'erla*s" Bimit to contexts where the ob0ect being measured is spanned by a whole number o length units with no gaps or overlaps. Tell and write time and money. !.Tell and write time in hours and halfFhours using analog and digital clocks.

Recognize and identify coins, their names, and their value.

$e!resent and inter!ret data. 7" =rgani0e, re*resent, and inter*ret data with u* to three categoriesD as! and answer 8uestions about the total number o( data *oints, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another"




$eason with sha!es and their attri"utes. I" istinguish between de(ining attributes 4e"g", triangles are closed and three)sided5 'ersus non)de(ining attributes 4e"g", color, orientation, o'erall si0e5 D build and draw sha*es to *ossess de(ining attributes" 2" Com*ose two)dimensional sha*es 4rectangles, s8uares, tra*e0oids, triangles, hal()circles, and 8uarter)circles5 or three)dimensional sha*es 4cubes, right rectangular *risms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders5 to create a com*osite sha*e, and com*ose new sha*es (rom the com*osite sha*e"I H" Aartition circles and rectangles into two and (our e8ual shares, describe the shares using the words halves, ourths, and /uarters, and use the *hrases hal o , ourth o , and /uarter o " escribe the whole as two o(, or (our o( the shares" +nderstand (or these e?am*les that decom*osing into more e8ual shares creates smaller shares" 88888888888888888

$tudents do not need to learn (ormal names such as -right rectangular *rism".


Mathematics ; 0rade #: Introduction

/n Grade 2, instructional time should (ocus on (our critical areas6 4I5 e?tending understanding o( base)ten notationD 425 building (luency with addition and subtractionD 4H5 using standard units o( measureD and 475 describing and analy0ing sha*es" I" $tudents e?tend their understanding o( the base)ten system" ,his includes ideas o( counting in (i'es, tens, and multi*les o( hundreds, tens, and ones, as well as number relationshi*s in'ol'ing these units, including com*aring" $tudents understand multi)digit numbers 4u* to I0005 written in base)ten notation, recogni0ing that the digits in each *lace re*resent amounts o( thousands, hundreds, tens, or ones 4e"g", G#H is G hundreds @ # tens @ H ones5" 2" $tudents use their understanding o( addition to de'elo* (luency with addition and subtraction within I00" ,hey sol'e *roblems within I000 by a**lying their understanding o( models (or addition and subtraction, and they de'elo*, discuss, and use e((icient, accurate, and generali0able methods to com*ute sums and di((erences o( whole numbers in base)ten notation, using their understanding o( *lace 'alue and the *ro*erties o( o*erations" ,hey select and accurately a**ly methods that are a**ro*riate (or the conte?t and the numbers in'ol'ed to mentally calculate sums and di((erences (or numbers with only tens or only hundreds" H" $tudents recogni0e the need (or standard units o( measure 4centimeter and inch5 and they use rulers and other measurement tools with the understanding that linear measure in'ol'es an iteration o( units" ,hey recogni0e that the smaller the unit, the more iterations they need to co'er a gi'en length" 7" $tudents describe and analy0e sha*es by e?amining their sides and angles" $tudents in'estigate, describe, and reason about decom*osing and combining sha*es to ma!e other sha*es" ,hrough building, drawing, and analy0ing two) and three)dimensional sha*es, students de'elo* a (oundation (or understanding area, 'olume, congruence, similarity, and symmetry in later grades"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

0rade # 2verview
2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N Re*resent and sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction" N 1dd and subtract within 20" N 2or! with e8ual grou*s o( ob>ects to gain (oundations (or multi*lication" 5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N +nderstand *lace 'alue" N +se *lace 'alue understanding and *ro*erties o( o*erations to add and subtract" Measurement and Data N Measure and estimate lengths in standard units" N Relate addition and subtraction to length" N 2or! with time and money" N Re*resent and inter*ret data" 0eometr% N Reason with sha*es and their attributes"


2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


$e!resent and solve !ro"lems involving addition and su"traction. I" +se addition and subtraction within I00 to sol'e one) and two)ste* word *roblems in'ol'ing situations o( adding to, ta!ing (rom, *utting together, ta!ing a*art, and com*aring, with un!nowns in all *ositions, e"g", by using drawings and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem"I +dd and su"tract within #@. 2" &luently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies"2 ;y end o( Grade 2, !now (rom memory all sums o( two one)digit numbers" :or with e&ual grou!s of o"7ects to gain foundations for multi!lication. H" etermine whether a grou* o( ob>ects 4u* to 205 has an odd or e'en number o( members, e"g", by *airing ob>ects or counting them by 2sD write an e8uation to e?*ress an e'en number as a sum o( two e8ual addends" 7" +se addition to (ind the total number o( ob>ects arranged in rectangular arrays with u* to # rows and u* to # columnsD write an e8uation to e?*ress the total as a sum o( e8ual addends" 88888888888888888
I 2

$ee Glossary, ,able I" $ee standard I"=1"E (or a list o( mental strategies"

5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase Ten


Understand !lace value. I" +nderstand that the three digits o( a three)digit number re*resent amounts o( hundreds, tens, and onesD e"g", %0E e8uals % hundreds, 0 tens, and E ones" +nderstand the (ollowing as s*ecial cases6 a" I00 can be thought o( as a bundle o( ten tens called a -hundred". b" ,he numbers I00, 200, H00, 700, #00, E00, %00, G00, 900 re(er to one, two, three, (our, (i'e, si?, se'en, eight, or nine hundreds 4and 0 tens and 0 ones5" 2" Count within I000D s!i*)count by #s, I0s, and I00s" H" Read and write numbers to I000 using base)ten numerals, number names, and e?*anded (orm" 7" Com*are two three)digit numbers based on meanings o( the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using O, L, and P symbols to record the results o( com*arisons" Use !lace value understanding and !ro!erties of o!erations to add and su"tract. #" &luently add and subtract within I00 using strategies based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtraction" E" 1dd u* to (our two)digit numbers using strategies based on *lace 'alue and *ro*erties o( o*erations" %" 1dd and subtract within I000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtractionD relate the strategy to a written method" +nderstand that in adding or subtracting three)digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and onesD and sometimes it is necessary to com*ose or decom*ose tens or hundreds" G" Mentally add I0 or I00 to a gi'en number I00J900, and mentally subtract I0 or I00 (rom a gi'en number I00J 900" 9" E?*lain why addition and subtraction strategies wor!, using *lace 'alue and the *ro*erties o( o*erations" I 88888888888888888

E?*lanations may be su**orted by drawings or ob>ects"


Measurement 3 Data


Measure and estimate lengths in standard units. I" Measure the length o( an ob>ect by selecting and using a**ro*riate tools such as rulers, yardstic!s, meter stic!s, and measuring ta*es" 2" Measure the length o( an ob>ect twice, using length units o( di((erent lengths (or the two measurementsD describe how the two measurements relate to the si0e o( the unit chosen" H" Estimate lengths using units o( inches, (eet, centimeters, and meters" 7" Measure to determine how much longer one ob>ect is than another, e?*ressing the length di((erence in terms o( a standard length unit" $elate addition and su"traction to length. #" +se addition and subtraction within I00 to sol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing lengths that are gi'en in the same units, e"g", by using drawings 4such as drawings o( rulers5 and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem" E" Re*resent whole numbers as lengths (rom 0 on a number line diagram with e8ually s*aced *oints corres*onding to the numbers 0, I, 2, """, and re*resent whole)number sums and di((erences within I00 on a number line diagram" :or with time and mone%. %" ,ell and write time (rom analog and digital cloc!s to the nearest (i'e minutes, using a"m" and *"m" G" $ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing dollar bills, 8uarters, dimes, nic!els, and *ennies, using Q and R symbols a**ro*riately" E?am*le6 /( you ha'e 2 dimes and H *ennies, how many cents do you ha'e< $e!resent and inter!ret data. 9" Generate measurement data by measuring lengths o( se'eral ob>ects to the nearest whole unit, or by ma!ing re*eated measurements o( the same ob>ect" $how the measurements by ma!ing a line *lot, where the hori0ontal scale is mar!ed o(( in whole)number units" I0" raw a *icture gra*h and a bar gra*h 4with single)unit scale5 to re*resent a data set with u* to (our categories" $ol'e sim*le *ut)together, ta!e)a*art, and com*are *roblemsI using in(ormation *resented in a bar gra*h" 88888888888888888

$ee Glossary, ,able I"



$eason with sha!es and their attri"utes. I" Recogni0e and draw sha*es ha'ing s*eci(ied attributes, such as a gi'en number o( angles or a gi'en number o( e8ual (aces"I /denti(y triangles, 8uadrilaterals, *entagons, he?agons, and cubes" 2" Aartition a rectangle into rows and columns o( same)si0e s8uares and count to (ind the total number o( them" H" Aartition circles and rectangles into two, three, or (our e8ual shares, describe the shares using the words hal'es, thirds, hal( o(, a third o(, etc", and describe the whole as two hal'es, three thirds, (our (ourths" Recogni0e that e8ual shares o( identical wholes need not ha'e the same sha*e" 88888888888888888

$i0es are com*ared directly or 'isually, not com*ared by measuring"


Mathematics ; 0rade ': Introduction

/n Grade H, instructional time should (ocus on (our critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing understanding o( multi*lication and di'ision and strategies (or multi*lication and di'ision within I00D 425 de'elo*ing understanding o( (ractions, es*ecially unit (ractions 4(ractions with numerator I5D 4H5 de'elo*ing understanding o( the structure o( rectangular arrays and o( areaD and 475 describing and analy0ing two)dimensional sha*es" I" $tudents de'elo* an understanding o( the meanings o( multi*lication and di'ision o( whole numbers through acti'ities and *roblems in'ol'ing e8ual)si0ed grou*s, arrays, and area modelsD multi*lication is (inding an un!nown *roduct, and di'ision is (inding an un!nown (actor in these situations" &or e8ual)si0ed grou* situations, di'ision can re8uire (inding the un!nown number o( grou*s or the un!nown grou* si0e" $tudents use *ro*erties o( o*erations to calculate *roducts o( whole numbers, using increasingly so*histicated strategies based on these *ro*erties to sol'e multi*lication and di'ision *roblems in'ol'ing single)digit (actors" ;y com*aring a 'ariety o( solution strategies, students learn the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision" 2" $tudents de'elo* an understanding o( (ractions, beginning with unit (ractions" $tudents 'iew (ractions in general as being built out o( unit (ractions, and they use (ractions along with 'isual (raction models to re*resent *arts o( a whole" $tudents understand that the si0e o( a (ractional *art is relati'e to the si0e o( the whole" &or e?am*le, IK2 o( the *aint in a small buc!et could be less *aint than IKH o( the *aint in a larger buc!et, but IKH o( a ribbon is longer than IK# o( the same ribbon because when the ribbon is di'ided into H e8ual *arts, the *arts are longer than when the ribbon is di'ided into # e8ual *arts" $tudents are able to use (ractions to re*resent numbers e8ual to, less than, and greater than one" ,hey sol'e *roblems that in'ol'e com*aring (ractions by using 'isual (raction models and strategies based on noticing e8ual numerators or denominators" H" $tudents recogni0e area as an attribute o( two)dimensional regions" ,hey measure the area o( a sha*e by (inding the total number o( same)si0e units o( area re8uired to co'er the sha*e without ga*s or o'erla*s, a s8uare with sides o( unit length being the standard unit (or measuring area" $tudents understand that rectangular arrays can be decom*osed into identical rows or into identical columns" ;y decom*osing rectangles into rectangular arrays o( s8uares, students connect area to multi*lication, and >usti(y using multi*lication to determine the area o( a rectangle" 7" $tudents describe, analy0e, and com*are *ro*erties o( two)dimensional sha*es" ,hey com*are and classi(y sha*es by their sides and angles, and connect these with de(initions o( sha*es" $tudents also relate their (raction wor! to geometry by e?*ressing the area o( *art o( a sha*e as a unit (raction o( the whole"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade ' 2verview

2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N Re*resent and sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing multi*lication and di'ision" N +nderstand *ro*erties o( multi*lication and the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision" N Multi*ly and di'ide within I00" N $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing the (our o*erations, and identi(y and e?*lain *atterns in arithmetic" 5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N +se *lace 'alue understanding and *ro*erties o( o*erations to *er(orm multi)digit arithmetic" 5um"er and 2!erationsBCractions N e'elo* understanding o( (ractions as numbers" Measurement and Data N $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing measurement and estimation o( inter'als o( time, li8uid 'olumes, and masses o( ob>ects" N Re*resent and inter*ret data" N Geometric measurement6 understand conce*ts o( area and relate area to multi*lication and to addition" N Geometric measurement6 recogni0e *erimeter as an attribute o( *lane (igures and distinguish between linear and area measures" 0eometr% N Reason with sha*es and their attributes"

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


$e!resent and solve !ro"lems involving multi!lication and division. I" /nter*ret *roducts o( whole numbers, e"g", inter*ret # F % as the total number o( ob>ects in # grou*s o( % ob>ects each" )or example, describe a context in which a total number o ob0ects can be expressed as @ C D. 2" /nter*ret whole)number 8uotients o( whole numbers, e"g", inter*ret #E S G as the number o( ob>ects in each share when #E ob>ects are *artitioned e8ually into G shares, or as a number o( shares when #E ob>ects are *artitioned into e8ual shares o( G ob>ects each" )or example, describe a context in which a number o shares or a number o groups can be expressed as @' E ;. H" +se multi*lication and di'ision within I00 to sol'e word *roblems in situations in'ol'ing e8ual grou*s, arrays, and measurement 8uantities, e"g", by using drawings and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem"I 7" etermine the un!nown whole number in a multi*lication or di'ision e8uation relating three whole numbers" )or example, determine the un%nown number that ma%es the e/uation true in each o the e/uations ; C 8 = >;, @ = A E *, ' C ' = 8 Understand !ro!erties of multi!lication and the relationshi! "etween multi!lication and division. #" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations as strategies to multi*ly and di'ide"2 9xamples: 4 ' C > = 2> is %nown, then > C ' = 2> is also %nown. (7ommutative property o multiplication.) * C @ C 2 can be ound by * C @ = 1@, then 1@ C 2 = *?, or by @ C 2 = 1?, then * C 1? = *?. (3ssociative property o multiplication.) "nowing that ; C @ = >? and ; C 2 = 1', one can ind ; C D as ; C (@ < 2) = (; C @) < (; C 2) = >? < 1' = @'. (5istributive property.) E" +nderstand di'ision as an un!nown)(actor *roblem" )or example, ind *2 E ; by inding the number that ma%es *2 when multiplied by ;. Multi!l% and divide within 1@@. %" &luently multi*ly and di'ide within I00, using strategies such as the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision 4e"g", !nowing that G F # L 70, one !nows 70 S # L G5 or *ro*erties o( o*erations" ;y the end o( Grade H, !now (rom memory all *roducts o( two one)digit numbers" Solve !ro"lems involving the four o!erations9 and identif% and e/!lain !atterns in arithmetic.


G" $ol'e two)ste* word *roblems using the (our o*erations" Re*resent these *roblems using e8uations with a letter standing (or the un!nown 8uantity" 1ssess the reasonableness o( answers using mental com*utation and estimation strategies including rounding"H 9" /denti(y arithmetic *atterns 4including *atterns in the addition table or multi*lication table5, and e?*lain them using *ro*erties o( o*erations" )or example, observe that > times a number is always even, and explain why > times a number can be decomposed into two e/ual addends. 88888888888888888
I 2

$ee Glossary, ,able 2" $tudents need not use (ormal terms (or these *ro*erties" H ,his standard is limited to *roblems *osed with whole numbers and ha'ing whole)number answersD students should !now how to *er(orm o*erations in the con'entional order when there are no *arentheses to s*eci(y a *articular order"

5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase Ten


Use !lace value understanding and !ro!erties of o!erations to !erform multi;digit arithmetic. 1 I" +se *lace 'alue understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest I0 or I00" 2" &luently add and subtract within I000 using strategies and algorithms based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtraction" H" Multi*ly one)digit whole numbers by multi*les o( I0 in the range I0J90 4e"g", 9 F G0, # F E05 using strategies based on *lace 'alue and *ro*erties o( o*erations" 88888888888888888

1 range o( algorithms may be used"

5um"er 3 2!erationsBCractionsD


Develo! understanding of fractions as num"ers. I" +nderstand a (raction IKb as the 8uantity (ormed by I *art when a whole is *artitioned into b e8ual *artsD understand a (raction aKb as the 8uantity (ormed by a *arts o( si0e IKb" 2" +nderstand a (raction as a number on the number lineD re*resent (ractions on a number line diagram" a" Re*resent a (raction IKb on a number line diagram by de(ining the inter'al (rom 0 to I as the whole and *artitioning it into b e8ual *arts" Recogni0e that each *art has si0e IKb and that the end*oint o( the *art based at 0 locates the number IKb on the number line" b" Re*resent a (raction aKb on a number line diagram by mar!ing o(( a lengths IKb (rom 0" Recogni0e that the resulting inter'al has si0e aKb and that its end*oint locates the number aKb on the number line" H" E?*lain e8ui'alence o( (ractions in s*ecial cases, and com*are (ractions by reasoning about their si0e" a" +nderstand two (ractions as e8ui'alent 4e8ual5 i( they are the same si0e, or the same *oint on a number line" b" Recogni0e and generate sim*le e8ui'alent (ractions, e"g", IK2 L 2K7, 7KE L 2KH5" E?*lain why the (ractions are e8ui'alent, e"g", by using a 'isual (raction model" c" E?*ress whole numbers as (ractions, and recogni0e (ractions that are e8ui'alent to whole numbers" 9xamples: 9xpress * in the orm * = *61F recogni.e that '61 = 'F locate >6> and 1 at the same point o a number line diagram. d" Com*are two (ractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their si0e" Recogni0e that com*arisons are 'alid only when the two (ractions re(er to the same whole" Record the results o( com*arisons with the symbols O, L, or P, and >usti(y the conclusions, e"g", by using a 'isual (raction model" 88888888888888888

Grade H e?*ectations in this domain are limited to (ractions with denominators 2, H, 7, E, G"



Measurement 3 Data


Solve !ro"lems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time9 li&uid volumes9 and masses of o"7ects. I" ,ell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time inter'als in minutes" $ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction o( time inter'als in minutes, e"g", by re*resenting the *roblem on a number line diagram" 2" Measure and estimate li8uid 'olumes and masses o( ob>ects using standard units o( grams 4g5, !ilograms 4!g5, and liters 4l5"I 1dd, subtract, multi*ly, or di'ide to sol'e one)ste* word *roblems in'ol'ing masses or 'olumes that are gi'en in the same units, e"g", by using drawings 4such as a bea!er with a measurement scale5 to re*resent the *roblem"2 $e!resent and inter!ret data. H" raw a scaled *icture gra*h and a scaled bar gra*h to re*resent a data set with se'eral categories" $ol'e one) and two)ste* -how many more. and -how many less. *roblems using in(ormation *resented in scaled bar gra*hs" )or example, draw a bar graph in which each s/uare in the bar graph might represent @ pets. 7" Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers mar!ed with hal'es and (ourths o( an inch" $how the data by ma!ing a line *lot, where the hori0ontal scale is mar!ed o(( in a**ro*riate units whole numbers, hal'es, or 8uarters" 0eometric measurement: understand conce!ts of area and relate area to multi!lication and to addition. #" Recogni0e area as an attribute o( *lane (igures and understand conce*ts o( area measurement" a" 1 s8uare with side length I unit, called -a unit s8uare,. is said to ha'e -one s8uare unit. o( area, and can be used to measure area" b" 1 *lane (igure which can be co'ered without ga*s or o'erla*s by n unit s8uares is said to ha'e an area o( n s8uare units" E" Measure areas by counting unit s8uares 4s8uare cm, s8uare m, s8uare in, s8uare (t, and im*ro'ised units5" %" Relate area to the o*erations o( multi*lication and addition" a" &ind the area o( a rectangle with whole)number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be (ound by multi*lying the side lengths" b" Multi*ly side lengths to (ind areas o( rectangles with whole)number side lengths in the conte?t o( sol'ing real world and mathematical *roblems, and re*resent whole)number *roducts as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning" c" +se tiling to show in a concrete case that the area o( a rectangle with whole)number side lengths a and b @ c is the sum o( a F b and a F c" +se area models to re*resent the distributi'e *ro*erty in mathematical reasoning" d" Recogni0e area as additi'e" &ind areas o( rectilinear (igures by decom*osing them into non)o'erla**ing rectangles and adding the areas o( the non)o'erla**ing *arts, a**lying this techni8ue to sol'e real world *roblems" 0eometric measurement: recogni?e !erimeter as an attri"ute of !lane figures and distinguish "etween linear and area measures. G" $ol'e real world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing *erimeters o( *olygons, including (inding the *erimeter gi'en the side lengths, (inding an un!nown side length, and e?hibiting rectangles with the same *erimeter and di((erent areas or with the same area and di((erent *erimeters" 88888888888888888
I 2

E?cludes com*ound units such as cmH and (inding the geometric 'olume o( a container" E?cludes multi*licati'e com*arison *roblems 4*roblems in'ol'ing notions o( -times as much.D see Glossary, ,able 25"




$eason with sha!es and their attri"utes. I" +nderstand that sha*es in di((erent categories 4e"g", rhombuses, rectangles, and others5 may share attributes 4e"g", ha'ing (our sides5, and that the shared attributes can de(ine a larger category 4e"g", 8uadrilaterals5" Recogni0e rhombuses, rectangles, and s8uares as e?am*les o( 8uadrilaterals, and draw e?am*les o( 8uadrilaterals that do not belong to any o( these subcategories" 2" Aartition sha*es into *arts with e8ual areas" E?*ress the area o( each *art as a unit (raction o( the whole" )or example, partition a shape into > parts with e/ual area, and describe the area o each part as 16> o the area o the shape.


Mathematics ; 0rade (: Introduction

/n Grade 7, instructional time should (ocus on three critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing understanding and (luency with multi)digit multi*lication, and de'elo*ing understanding o( di'iding to (ind 8uotients in'ol'ing multi)digit di'idendsD 425 de'elo*ing an understanding o( (raction e8ui'alence, addition and subtraction o( (ractions with li!e denominators, and multi*lication o( (ractions by whole numbersD 4H5 understanding that geometric (igures can be analy0ed and classi(ied based on their *ro*erties, such as ha'ing *arallel sides, *er*endicular sides, *articular angle measures, and symmetry" I" $tudents generali0e their understanding o( *lace 'alue to I,000,000, understanding the relati'e si0es o( numbers in each *lace" ,hey a**ly their understanding o( models (or multi*lication 4e8ual)si0ed grou*s, arrays, area models5, *lace 'alue, and *ro*erties o( o*erations, in *articular the distributi'e *ro*erty, as they de'elo*, discuss, and use e((icient, accurate, and generali0able methods to com*ute *roducts o( multi)digit whole numbers" e*ending on the numbers and the conte?t, they select and accurately a**ly a**ro*riate methods to estimate or mentally calculate *roducts" ,hey de'elo* (luency with e((icient *rocedures (or multi*lying whole numbersD understand and e?*lain why the *rocedures wor! based on *lace 'alue and *ro*erties o( o*erationsD and use them to sol'e *roblems" $tudents a**ly their understanding o( models (or di'ision, *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, and the relationshi* o( di'ision to multi*lication as they de'elo*, discuss, and use e((icient, accurate, and generali0able *rocedures to (ind 8uotients in'ol'ing multi)digit di'idends" ,hey select and accurately a**ly a**ro*riate methods to estimate and mentally calculate 8uotients, and inter*ret remainders based u*on the conte?t" 2" $tudents de'elo* understanding o( (raction e8ui'alence and o*erations with (ractions" ,hey recogni0e that two di((erent (ractions can be e8ual 4e"g", I#K9 L #KH5, and they de'elo* methods (or generating and recogni0ing e8ui'alent (ractions" $tudents e?tend *re'ious understandings about how (ractions are built (rom unit (ractions, com*osing (ractions (rom unit (ractions, decom*osing (ractions into unit (ractions, and using the meaning o( (ractions and the meaning o( multi*lication to multi*ly a (raction by a whole number" H" $tudents describe, analy0e, com*are, and classi(y two)dimensional sha*es" ,hrough building, drawing, and analy0ing two)dimensional sha*es, students dee*en their understanding o( *ro*erties o( two)dimensional ob>ects and the use o( them to sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing symmetry"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade ( 2verview
2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N +se the (our o*erations with whole numbers to sol'e *roblems" N Gain (amiliarity with (actors and multi*les" N Generate and analy0e *atterns" 5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N Generali0e *lace 'alue understanding (or multidigit whole numbers" N +se *lace 'alue understanding and *ro*erties o( o*erations to *er(orm multi)digit arithmetic" 5um"er and 2!erationsBCractions N E?tend understanding o( (raction e8ui'alence and ordering" N ;uild (ractions (rom unit (ractions by a**lying and e?tending *re'ious understandings o( o*erations on whole numbers" N +nderstand decimal notation (or (ractions, and com*are decimal (ractions" Measurement and Data N $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing measurement and con'ersion o( measurements (rom a larger unit to a smaller unit" N Re*resent and inter*ret data" N Geometric measurement6 understand conce*ts o( angle and measure angles" 0eometr% N raw and identi(y lines and angles, and classi(y sha*es by *ro*erties o( their lines and angles"

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


Use the four o!erations with whole num"ers to solve !ro"lems. I" /nter*ret a multi*lication e8uation as a com*arison, e"g", inter*ret H# L # F % as a statement that H# is # times as many as % and % times as many as #" Re*resent 'erbal statements o( multi*licati'e com*arisons as multi*lication e8uations" 2" Multi*ly or di'ide to sol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing multi*licati'e com*arison, e"g", by using drawings and e8uations with a symbol (or the un!nown number to re*resent the *roblem, distinguishing multi*licati'e com*arison (rom additi'e com*arison"I H" $ol'e multiste* word *roblems *osed with whole numbers and ha'ing whole)number answers using the (our o*erations, including *roblems in which remainders must be inter*reted" Re*resent these *roblems using e8uations with a letter standing (or the un!nown 8uantity" 1ssess the reasonableness o( answers using mental com*utation and estimation strategies including rounding" 0ain familiarit% with factors and multi!les. 7" &ind all (actor *airs (or a whole number in the range IJI00" Recogni0e that a whole number is a multi*le o( each o( its (actors" etermine whether a gi'en whole number in the range IJI00 is a multi*le o( a gi'en one)digit number" etermine whether a gi'en whole number in the range IJI00 is *rime or com*osite" 0enerate and anal%?e !atterns. #" Generate a number or sha*e *attern that (ollows a gi'en rule" /denti(y a**arent (eatures o( the *attern that were not e?*licit in the rule itsel(" )or example, given the rule 13dd *2 and the starting number 1, generate terms in the resulting se/uence and observe that the terms appear to alternate between odd and even numbers. 9xplain in ormally why the numbers will continue to alternate in this way. 88888888888888888 I $ee Glossary, ,able 2"


5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase TenD


0enerali?e !lace value understanding for multi;digit whole num"ers. I" Recogni0e that in a multi)digit whole number, a digit in one *lace re*resents ten times what it re*resents in the *lace to its right" )or example, recogni.e that D?? E D? = 1? by applying concepts o place value and division. 2" Read and write multi)digit whole numbers using base)ten numerals, number names, and e?*anded (orm" Com*are two multi)digit numbers based on meanings o( the digits in each *lace, using O, L, and P symbols to record the results o( com*arisons" H" +se *lace 'alue understanding to round multi)digit whole numbers to any *lace" Use !lace value understanding and !ro!erties of o!erations to !erform multi;digit arithmetic. 7" &luently add and subtract multi)digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm" #" Multi*ly a whole number o( u* to (our digits by a one)digit whole number, and multi*ly two two)digit numbers, using strategies based on *lace 'alue and the *ro*erties o( o*erations" /llustrate and e?*lain the calculation by using e8uations, rectangular arrays, andKor area models" E" &ind whole)number 8uotients and remainders with u* to (our)digit di'idends and one)digit di'isors, using strategies based on *lace 'alue, the *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision" /llustrate and e?*lain the calculation by using e8uations, rectangular arrays, andKor area models" 88888888888888888

Grade 7 e?*ectations in this domain are limited to whole numbers less than or e8ual to I,000,000

5um"er 3 2!erationsBCractionsD


A/tend understanding of fraction e&uivalence and ordering. I" E?*lain why a (raction aKb is e8ui'alent to a (raction 4n F a5K4n F b5 by using 'isual (raction models, with attention to how the number and si0e o( the *arts di((er e'en though the two (ractions themsel'es are the same si0e" +se this *rinci*le to recogni0e and generate e8ui'alent (ractions" 2" Com*are two (ractions with di((erent numerators and di((erent denominators, e"g", by creating common denominators or numerators, or by com*aring to a benchmar! (raction such as IK2" Recogni0e that com*arisons are 'alid only when the two (ractions re(er to the same whole" Record the results o( com*arisons with symbols O, L, or P, and >usti(y the conclusions, e"g", by using a 'isual (raction model" 6uild fractions from unit fractions "% a!!l%ing and e/tending !revious understandings of o!erations on whole num"ers. H" +nderstand a (raction aKb with a O I as a sum o( (ractions IKb" a" +nderstand addition and subtraction o( (ractions as >oining and se*arating *arts re(erring to the same whole" b" ecom*ose a (raction into a sum o( (ractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decom*osition by an e8uation" Tusti(y decom*ositions, e"g", by using a 'isual (raction model" 9xamples: *6; = 16; < 16; < 16; F *6; = 16; < 26; F 2 16; = 1 < 1 < 16; = ;6; < ;6; < 16;. c" 1dd and subtract mi?ed numbers with li!e denominators, e"g", by re*lacing each mi?ed number with an e8ui'alent (raction, andKor by using *ro*erties o( o*erations and the relationshi* between addition and subtraction" d" $ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction o( (ractions re(erring to the same whole and ha'ing li!e denominators, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models and e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" 7" 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( multi*lication to multi*ly a (raction by a whole number" a" +nderstand a (raction aKb as a multi*le o( IKb" )or example, use a visual raction model to represent @6> as the product @ C (16>), recording the conclusion by the e/uation @6> = @ C (16>). b" +nderstand a multi*le o( aKb as a multi*le o( IKb, and use this understanding to multi*ly a (raction by a whole number" )or example, use a visual raction model to express * C (26@) as ' C (16@), this product as '6@. (4n general, n C (a6b) = (n C a)6b.)



$ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing multi*lication o( a (raction by a whole number, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models and e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" )or example, i each person at a party will eat *6; o a pound o roast bee , and there will be @ people at the party, how many pounds o roast bee will be needed8 +etween what two whole numbers does your answer lie8

Understand decimal notation for fractions9 and com!are decimal fractions. #" E?*ress a (raction with denominator I0 as an e8ui'alent (raction with denominator I00, and use this techni8ue to add two (ractions with res*ecti'e denominators I0 and I00"2 )or example, express *61? as *?61??, and add *61? < >61?? = *>61??. E" +se decimal notation (or (ractions with denominators I0 or I00" )or example, rewrite ?.'2 as '261??F describe a length as ?.'2 metersF locate ?.'2 on a number line diagram. %" Com*are two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their si0e" Recogni0e that com*arisons are 'alid only when the two decimals re(er to the same whole" Record the results o( com*arisons with the symbols O, L, or P, and >usti(y the conclusions, e"g", by using a 'isual model" 88888888888888888
I 2

Grade 7 e?*ectations in this domain are limited to (ractions with denominators 2, H, 7, #, E, G, I0, I2, I00" $tudents who can generate e8ui'alent (ractions can de'elo* strategies (or adding (ractions with unli!e denominators in general" ;ut addition and subtraction with unli!e denominators in general is not a re8uirement at this grade"

Measurement 3 Data


Solve !ro"lems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. I" Mnow relati'e si0es o( measurement units within one system o( units including !m, m, cmD !g, gD lb, o0"D l, mlD hr, min, sec" 2ithin a single system o( measurement, e?*ress measurements in a larger unit in terms o( a smaller unit" Record measurement e8ui'alents in a two)column table" )or example, %now that 1 t is 12 times as long as 1 in. 9xpress the length o a > t sna%e as >; in. Generate a conversion table or eet and inches listing the number pairs (1, 12), (2, 2>), (*, *'), ... 2" +se the (our o*erations to sol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing distances, inter'als o( time, li8uid 'olumes, masses o( ob>ects, and money, including *roblems in'ol'ing sim*le (ractions or decimals, and *roblems that re8uire e?*ressing measurements gi'en in a larger unit in terms o( a smaller unit" Re*resent measurement 8uantities using diagrams such as number line diagrams that (eature a measurement scale" H" 1**ly the area and *erimeter (ormulas (or rectangles in real world and mathematical *roblems" )or example, ind the width o a rectangular room given the area o the looring and the length, by viewing the area ormula as a multiplication e/uation with an un%nown actor. $e!resent and inter!ret data. 7" Ma!e a line *lot to dis*lay a data set o( measurements in (ractions o( a unit 4IK2, IK7, IKG5" $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction o( (ractions by using in(ormation *resented in line *lots" )or example, rom a line plot ind and interpret the di erence in length between the longest and shortest specimens in an insect collection. 0eometric measurement: understand conce!ts of angle and measure angles. #" Recogni0e angles as geometric sha*es that are (ormed where'er two rays share a common end*oint, and understand conce*ts o( angle measurement6 a" 1n angle is measured with re(erence to a circle with its center at the common end*oint o( the rays, by considering the (raction o( the circular arc between the *oints where the two rays intersect the circle" 1n angle that turns through IKHE0 o( a circle is called a -one)degree angle,. and can be used to measure angles" b" 1n angle that turns through n one)degree angles is said to ha'e an angle measure o( n degrees" E" Measure angles in whole)number degrees using a *rotractor" $!etch angles o( s*eci(ied measure" %" Recogni0e angle measure as additi'e" 2hen an angle is decom*osed into non)o'erla**ing *arts, the angle measure o( the whole is the sum o( the angle measures o( the *arts" $ol'e addition and subtraction *roblems to (ind


un!nown angles on a diagram in real world and mathematical *roblems, e"g", by using an e8uation with a symbol (or the un!nown angle measure"



Draw and identif% lines and angles9 and classif% sha!es "% !ro!erties of their lines and angles. I" raw *oints, lines, line segments, rays, angles 4right, acute, obtuse5, and *er*endicular and *arallel lines" /denti(y these in two)dimensional (igures" 2" Classi(y two)dimensional (igures based on the *resence or absence o( *arallel or *er*endicular lines, or the *resence or absence o( angles o( a s*eci(ied si0e" Recogni0e right triangles as a category, and identi(y right triangles" H" Recogni0e a line o( symmetry (or a two)dimensional (igure as a line across the (igure such that the (igure can be (olded along the line into matching *arts" /denti(y line)symmetric (igures and draw lines o( symmetry"


Mathematics ; 0rade ): Introduction

/n Grade #, instructional time should (ocus on three critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing (luency with addition and subtraction o( (ractions, and de'elo*ing understanding o( the multi*lication o( (ractions and o( di'ision o( (ractions in limited cases 4unit (ractions di'ided by whole numbers and whole numbers di'ided by unit (ractions5D 425 e?tending di'ision to 2)digit di'isors, integrating decimal (ractions into the *lace 'alue system and de'elo*ing understanding o( o*erations with decimals to hundredths, and de'elo*ing (luency with whole number and decimal o*erationsD and 4H5 de'elo*ing understanding o( 'olume" I" $tudents a**ly their understanding o( (ractions and (raction models to re*resent the addition and subtraction o( (ractions with unli!e denominators as e8ui'alent calculations with li!e denominators" ,hey de'elo* (luency in calculating sums and di((erences o( (ractions, and ma!e reasonable estimates o( them" $tudents also use the meaning o( (ractions, o( multi*lication and di'ision, and the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision to understand and e?*lain why the *rocedures (or multi*lying and di'iding (ractions ma!e sense" 4Note6 this is limited to the case o( di'iding unit (ractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit (ractions"5 2" $tudents de'elo* understanding o( why di'ision *rocedures wor! based on the meaning o( base)ten numerals and *ro*erties o( o*erations" ,hey (inali0e (luency with multi)digit addition, subtraction, multi*lication, and di'ision" ,hey a**ly their understandings o( models (or decimals, decimal notation, and *ro*erties o( o*erations to add and subtract decimals to hundredths" ,hey de'elo* (luency in these com*utations, and ma!e reasonable estimates o( their results" $tudents use the relationshi* between decimals and (ractions, as well as the relationshi* between (inite decimals and whole numbers 4i"e", a (inite decimal multi*lied by an a**ro*riate *ower o( I0 is a whole number5, to understand and e?*lain why the *rocedures (or multi*lying and di'iding (inite decimals ma!e sense" ,hey com*ute *roducts and 8uotients o( decimals to hundredths e((iciently and accurately" H" $tudents recogni0e 'olume as an attribute o( three)dimensional s*ace" ,hey understand that 'olume can be measured by (inding the total number o( same)si0e units o( 'olume re8uired to (ill the s*ace without ga*s or o'erla*s" ,hey understand that a I)unit by I)unit by I)unit cube is the standard unit (or measuring 'olume" ,hey select a**ro*riate units, strategies, and tools (or sol'ing *roblems that in'ol'e estimating and measuring 'olume" ,hey decom*ose three)dimensional sha*es and (ind 'olumes o( right rectangular *risms by 'iewing them as decom*osed into layers o( arrays o( cubes" ,hey measure necessary attributes o( sha*es in order to determine 'olumes to sol'e real world and mathematical *roblems"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade ) 2verview
2!erations and +lge"raic Thin ing N 2rite and inter*ret numerical e?*ressions" N 1naly0e *atterns and relationshi*s" 5um"er and 2!erations in 6ase Ten N +nderstand the *lace 'alue system" N Aer(orm o*erations with multi)digit whole numbers and with decimals to hundredths" 5um"er and 2!erationsBCractions N +se e8ui'alent (ractions as a strategy to add and subtract (ractions" N 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( multi*lication and di'ision to multi*ly and di'ide (ractions" Measurement and Data N Con'ert li!e measurement units within a gi'en measurement system" N Re*resent and inter*ret data" N Geometric measurement6 understand conce*ts o( 'olume and relate 'olume to multi*lication and to addition" 0eometr% N Gra*h *oints on the coordinate *lane to sol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems" N Classi(y two)dimensional (igures into categories based on their *ro*erties"

2!erations 3 +lge"raic Thin ing


:rite and inter!ret numerical e/!ressions. I" +se *arentheses, brac!ets, or braces in numerical e?*ressions, and e'aluate e?*ressions with these symbols" 2" 2rite sim*le e?*ressions that record calculations with numbers, and inter*ret numerical e?*ressions without e'aluating them" )or example, express the calculation 1add ; and D, then multiply by 22 as 2 C (; < D). Hecogni.e that * C (1;I*2 < I21) is three times as large as 1;I*2 < I21, without having to calculate the indicated sum or product. +nal%?e !atterns and relationshi!s. H" Generate two numerical *atterns using two gi'en rules" /denti(y a**arent relationshi*s between corres*onding terms" &orm ordered *airs consisting o( corres*onding terms (rom the two *atterns, and gra*h the ordered *airs on a coordinate *lane" )or example, given the rule 13dd *2 and the starting number ?, and given the rule 13dd '2 and the starting number ?, generate terms in the resulting se/uences, and observe that the terms in one se/uence are twice the corresponding terms in the other se/uence. 9xplain in ormally why this is so.

5um"er 3 2!erations in 6ase Ten


Understand the !lace value s%stem. I" Recogni0e that in a multi)digit number, a digit in one *lace re*resents I0 times as much as it re*resents in the *lace to its right and IKI0 o( what it re*resents in the *lace to its le(t" 2" E?*lain *atterns in the number o( 0eros o( the *roduct when multi*lying a number by *owers o( I0, and e?*lain *atterns in the *lacement o( the decimal *oint when a decimal is multi*lied or di'ided by a *ower o( I0" +se whole) number e?*onents to denote *owers o( I0" H" Read, write, and com*are decimals to thousandths" a" Read and write decimals to thousandths using base)ten numerals, number names, and e?*anded (orm, e"g", H7%"H92 L H F I00 @ 7 F I0 @ % F I @ H F 4IKI05 @ 9 F 4IKI005 @ 2 F 4IKI0005" b" Com*are two decimals to thousandths based on meanings o( the digits in each *lace, using O, L, and P symbols to record the results o( com*arisons" 7" +se *lace 'alue understanding to round decimals to any *lace"


Perform o!erations with multi;digit whole num"ers and with decimals to hundredths. #" &luently multi*ly multi)digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm" E" &ind whole)number 8uotients o( whole numbers with u* to (our)digit di'idends and two)digit di'isors, using strategies based on *lace 'alue, the *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision" /llustrate and e?*lain the calculation by using e8uations, rectangular arrays, andKor area models" %" 1dd, subtract, multi*ly, and di'ide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on *lace 'alue, *ro*erties o( o*erations, andKor the relationshi* between addition and subtractionD relate the strategy to a written method and e?*lain the reasoning used"

5um"er 3 2!erationsBCractions


Use e&uivalent fractions as a strateg% to add and su"tract fractions. I" 1dd and subtract (ractions with unli!e denominators 4including mi?ed numbers5 by re*lacing gi'en (ractions with e8ui'alent (ractions in such a way as to *roduce an e8ui'alent sum or di((erence o( (ractions with li!e denominators" )or example, 26* < @6> = ;612 < 1@612 = 2*612. (4n general, a6b < c6d = (ad < bc)6bd.) 2" $ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing addition and subtraction o( (ractions re(erring to the same whole, including cases o( unli!e denominators, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models or e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" +se benchmar! (ractions and number sense o( (ractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness o( answers" )or example, recogni.e an incorrect result 26@ < 162 = *6D, by observing that *6D J 162. +!!l% and e/tend !revious understandings of multi!lication and division to multi!l% and divide fractions. H" /nter*ret a (raction as di'ision o( the numerator by the denominator 4aKb L a S b5" $ol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing di'ision o( whole numbers leading to answers in the (orm o( (ractions or mi?ed numbers, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models or e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" )or example, interpret *6> as the result o dividing * by >, noting that *6> multiplied by > e/uals *, and that when * wholes are shared e/ually among > people each person has a share o si.e *6>. 4 I people want to share a @?-pound sac% o rice e/ually by weight, how many pounds o rice should each person get8 +etween what two whole numbers does your answer lie8 7" 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( multi*lication to multi*ly a (raction or whole number by a (raction" a" /nter*ret the *roduct 4aKb5 F / as a *arts o( a *artition o( / into b e8ual *artsD e8ui'alently, as the result o( a se8uence o( o*erations a F / S b" )or example, use a visual raction model to show (26*) C > = ;6*, and create a story context or this e/uation. 5o the same with (26*) C (>6@) = ;61@. (4n general, (a6b) C (c6d) = ac6bd.) b" &ind the area o( a rectangle with (ractional side lengths by tiling it with unit s8uares o( the a**ro*riate unit (raction side lengths, and show that the area is the same as would be (ound by multi*lying the side lengths" Multi*ly (ractional side lengths to (ind areas o( rectangles, and re*resent (raction *roducts as rectangular areas" #" /nter*ret multi*lication as scaling 4resi0ing5, by6 a" Com*aring the si0e o( a *roduct to the si0e o( one (actor on the basis o( the si0e o( the other (actor, without *er(orming the indicated multi*lication" b" E?*laining why multi*lying a gi'en number by a (raction greater than I results in a *roduct greater than the gi'en number 4recogni0ing multi*lication by whole numbers greater than I as a (amiliar case5D e?*laining why multi*lying a gi'en number by a (raction less than I results in a *roduct smaller than the gi'en numberD and relating the *rinci*le o( (raction e8ui'alence aKb L 4n F a5K4n F b5 to the e((ect o( multi*lying aKb by I" E" $ol'e real world *roblems in'ol'ing multi*lication o( (ractions and mi?ed numbers, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models or e8uations to re*resent the *roblem"


%" 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( di'ision to di'ide unit (ractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit (ractions"I a" /nter*ret di'ision o( a unit (raction by a non)0ero whole number, and com*ute such 8uotients" )or example, create a story context or (16*) E >, and use a visual raction model to show the /uotient. (se the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that (16*) E > = 1612 because (1612) C > = 16*. b" /nter*ret di'ision o( a whole number by a unit (raction, and com*ute such 8uotients" )or example, create a story context or > E (16@), and use a visual raction model to show the /uotient. (se the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that > E (16@) = 2? because 2? C (16@) = >. c" $ol'e real world *roblems in'ol'ing di'ision o( unit (ractions by non)0ero whole numbers and di'ision o( whole numbers by unit (ractions, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models and e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" )or example, how much chocolate will each person get i * people share 162 lb o chocolate e/ually8 !ow many 16*-cup servings are in 2 cups o raisins8 88888888888888888

$tudents able to multi*ly (ractions in general can de'elo* strategies to di'ide (ractions in general, by reasoning about the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision" ;ut di'ision o( a (raction by a (raction is not a re8uirement at this grade"

Measurement 3 Data


Convert li e measurement units within a given measurement s%stem. I" Con'ert among di((erent)si0ed standard measurement units within a gi'en measurement system 4e"g", con'ert # cm to 0"0# m5, and use these con'ersions in sol'ing multi)ste*, real world *roblems" $e!resent and inter!ret data. 2" Ma!e a line *lot to dis*lay a data set o( measurements in (ractions o( a unit 4IK2, IK7, IKG5" +se o*erations on (ractions (or this grade to sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing in(ormation *resented in line *lots" )or example, given di erent measurements o li/uid in identical bea%ers, ind the amount o li/uid each bea%er would contain i the total amount in all the bea%ers were redistributed e/ually. 0eometric measurement: understand conce!ts of volume and relate volume to multi!lication and to addition. H" Recogni0e 'olume as an attribute o( solid (igures and understand conce*ts o( 'olume measurement" a" 1 cube with side length I unit, called a -unit cube,. is said to ha'e -one cubic unit. o( 'olume, and can be used to measure 'olume" b" 1 solid (igure which can be *ac!ed without ga*s or o'erla*s using n unit cubes is said to ha'e a 'olume o( n cubic units" 7" Measure 'olumes by counting unit cubes, using cubic cm, cubic in, cubic (t, and im*ro'ised units" #" Relate 'olume to the o*erations o( multi*lication and addition and sol'e real world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing 'olume" a" &ind the 'olume o( a right rectangular *rism with whole)number side lengths by *ac!ing it with unit cubes, and show that the 'olume is the same as would be (ound by multi*lying the edge lengths, e8ui'alently by multi*lying the height by the area o( the base" Re*resent three(old whole)number *roducts as 'olumes, e"g", to re*resent the associati'e *ro*erty o( multi*lication" b" 1**ly the (ormulas K L l F w F h and K L b F h (or rectangular *risms to (ind 'olumes o( right rectangular *risms with whole)number edge lengths in the conte?t o( sol'ing real world and mathematical *roblems" c" Recogni0e 'olume as additi'e" &ind 'olumes o( solid (igures com*osed o( two non)o'erla**ing right rectangular *risms by adding the 'olumes o( the non)o'erla**ing *arts, a**lying this techni8ue to sol'e real world *roblems"




0ra!h !oints on the coordinate !lane to solve real;world and mathematical !ro"lems. I" +se a *air o( *er*endicular number lines, called a?es, to de(ine a coordinate system, with the intersection o( the lines 4the origin5 arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a gi'en *oint in the *lane located by using an ordered *air o( numbers, called its coordinates" +nderstand that the (irst number indicates how (ar to tra'el (rom the origin in the direction o( one a?is, and the second number indicates how (ar to tra'el in the direction o( the second a?is, with the con'ention that the names o( the two a?es and the coordinates corres*ond 4e"g", x)a?is and x) coordinate, y)a?is and y)coordinate5" 2" Re*resent real world and mathematical *roblems by gra*hing *oints in the (irst 8uadrant o( the coordinate *lane, and inter*ret coordinate 'alues o( *oints in the conte?t o( the situation" Classif% two;dimensional figures into categories "ased on their !ro!erties. H" +nderstand that attributes belonging to a category o( two)dimensional (igures also belong to all subcategories o( that category" &or e?am*le, all rectangles ha'e (our right angles and s8uares are rectangles, so all s8uares ha'e (our right angles" 7" Classi(y two)dimensional (igures in a hierarchy based on *ro*erties"


Mathematics ; 0rade *: Introduction

/n Grade E, instructional time should (ocus on (our critical areas6 4I5 connecting ratio and rate to whole number multi*lication and di'ision and using conce*ts o( ratio and rate to sol'e *roblemsD 425 com*leting understanding o( di'ision o( (ractions and e?tending the notion o( number to the system o( rational numbers, which includes negati'e numbersD 4H5 writing, inter*reting, and using e?*ressions and e8uationsD and 475 de'elo*ing understanding o( statistical thin!ing" I" $tudents use reasoning about multi*lication and di'ision to sol'e ratio and rate *roblems about 8uantities" ;y 'iewing e8ui'alent ratios and rates as deri'ing (rom, and e?tending, *airs o( rows 4or columns5 in the multi*lication table, and by analy0ing sim*le drawings that indicate the relati'e si0e o( 8uantities, students connect their understanding o( multi*lication and di'ision with ratios and rates" ,hus students e?*and the sco*e o( *roblems (or which they can use multi*lication and di'ision to sol'e *roblems, and they connect ratios and (ractions" $tudents sol'e a wide 'ariety o( *roblems in'ol'ing ratios and rates" 2" $tudents use the meaning o( (ractions, the meanings o( multi*lication and di'ision, and the relationshi* between multi*lication and di'ision to understand and e?*lain why the *rocedures (or di'iding (ractions ma!e sense" $tudents use these o*erations to sol'e *roblems" $tudents e?tend their *re'ious understandings o( number and the ordering o( numbers to the (ull system o( rational numbers, which includes negati'e rational numbers, and in *articular negati'e integers" ,hey reason about the order and absolute 'alue o( rational numbers and about the location o( *oints in all (our 8uadrants o( the coordinate *lane" H" $tudents understand the use o( 'ariables in mathematical e?*ressions" ,hey write e?*ressions and e8uations that corres*ond to gi'en situations, e'aluate e?*ressions, and use e?*ressions and (ormulas to sol'e *roblems" $tudents understand that e?*ressions in di((erent (orms can be e8ui'alent, and they use the *ro*erties o( o*erations to rewrite e?*ressions in e8ui'alent (orms" $tudents !now that the solutions o( an e8uation are the 'alues o( the 'ariables that ma!e the e8uation true" $tudents use *ro*erties o( o*erations and the idea o( maintaining the e8uality o( both sides o( an e8uation to sol'e sim*le one)ste* e8uations" $tudents construct and analy0e tables, such as tables o( 8uantities that are in e8ui'alent ratios, and they use e8uations 4such as Hx L y5 to describe relationshi*s between 8uantities" 7" ;uilding on and rein(orcing their understanding o( number, students begin to de'elo* their ability to thin! statistically" $tudents recogni0e that a data distribution may not ha'e a de(inite center and that di((erent ways to measure center yield di((erent 'alues" ,he median measures center in the sense that it is roughly the middle 'alue" ,he mean measures center in the sense that it is the 'alue that each data *oint would ta!e on i( the total o( the data 'alues were redistributed e8ually, and also in the sense that it is a balance *oint" $tudents recogni0e that a measure o( 'ariability 4inter8uartile range or mean absolute de'iation5 can also be use(ul (or summari0ing data because two 'ery di((erent sets o( data can ha'e the same mean and median yet be distinguished by their 'ariability" $tudents learn to describe and summari0e numerical data sets, identi(ying clusters, *ea!s, ga*s, and symmetry, considering the conte?t in which the data were collected" $tudents in Grade E also build on their wor! with area in elementary school by reasoning about relationshi*s among sha*es to determine area, sur(ace area, and 'olume" ,hey (ind areas o( right triangles, other triangles, and s*ecial 8uadrilaterals by decom*osing these sha*es, rearranging or remo'ing *ieces, and relating the sha*es to rectangles" +sing these methods, students discuss, de'elo*, and >usti(y (ormulas (or areas o( triangles and *arallelograms" $tudents (ind areas o( *olygons and sur(ace areas o( *risms and *yramids by decom*osing them into *ieces whose area they can determine" ,hey reason about right rectangular *risms with (ractional side lengths to e?tend (ormulas (or the 'olume o( a right rectangular *rism to (ractional side lengths" ,hey *re*are (or wor! on scale drawings and constructions in Grade % by drawing *olygons in the coordinate *lane"


Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

0rade * 2verview
$atios and Pro!ortional $elationshi!s N +nderstand ratio conce*ts and use ratio reasoning to sol'e *roblems" The 5um"er S%stem N 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( multi*lication and di'ision to di'ide (ractions by (ractions" N Com*ute (luently with multi)digit numbers and (ind common (actors and multi*les" N 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( numbers to the system o( rational numbers" A/!ressions and A&uations N 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( arithmetic to algebraic e?*ressions"N Reason about and sol'e one)'ariable e8uations and ine8ualities" N Re*resent and analy0e 8uantitati'e relationshi*s between de*endent and inde*endent 'ariables" 0eometr% N $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing area, sur(ace area, and 'olume" Statistics and Pro"a"ilit% N e'elo* understanding o( statistical 'ariability" N $ummari0e and describe distributions"

$atios 3 Pro!ortional $elationshi!s


Understand ratio conce!ts and use ratio reasoning to solve !ro"lems. I" +nderstand the conce*t o( a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationshi* between two 8uantities" )or example, 1The ratio o wings to bea%s in the bird house at the .oo was 2:1, because or every 2 wings there was 1 bea%.2 1)or every vote candidate 3 received, candidate 7 received nearly three votes.2 2" +nderstand the conce*t o( a unit rate aKb associated with a ratio a6b with b U 0, and use rate language in the conte?t o( a ratio relationshi*" )or example, 1This recipe has a ratio o * cups o lour to > cups o sugar, so there is *6> cup o lour or each cup o sugar.2 1,e paid LD@ or 1@ hamburgers, which is a rate o L@ per hamburger.2 I H" +se ratio and rate reasoning to sol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems, e"g", by reasoning about tables o( e8ui'alent ratios, ta*e diagrams, double number line diagrams, or e8uations" a" Ma!e tables o( e8ui'alent ratios relating 8uantities with whole)number measurements, (ind missing 'alues in the tables, and *lot the *airs o( 'alues on the coordinate *lane" +se tables to com*are ratios" b" $ol'e unit rate *roblems including those in'ol'ing unit *ricing and constant s*eed" )or example, i it too% D hours to mow > lawns, then at that rate, how many lawns could be mowed in *@ hours8 3t what rate were lawns being mowed8 c" &ind a *ercent o( a 8uantity as a rate *er I00 4e"g", H0V o( a 8uantity means H0KI00 times the 8uantity5D sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing (inding the whole, gi'en a *art and the *ercent" d" +se ratio reasoning to con'ert measurement unitsD mani*ulate and trans(orm units a**ro*riately when multi*lying or di'iding 8uantities" 88888888888888888

E?*ectations (or unit rates in this grade are limited to non)com*le? (ractions"


The 5um"er S%stem


+!!l% and e/tend !revious understandings of multi!lication and division to divide fractions "% fractions. I" /nter*ret and com*ute 8uotients o( (ractions, and sol'e word *roblems in'ol'ing di'ision o( (ractions by (ractions, e"g", by using 'isual (raction models and e8uations to re*resent the *roblem" )or example, create a story context or (26*) E (*6>) and use a visual raction model to show the /uotientF use the relationship between multiplication and division to explain that (26*) E (*6>) = ;6I because *6> o ;6I is 26*. (4n general, (a6b) E (c6d) = ad6bc.) !ow much chocolate will each person get i * people share 162 lb o chocolate e/ually8 !ow many *6>-cup servings are in 26* o a cup o yogurt8 !ow wide is a rectangular strip o land with length *6> mi and area 162 s/uare mi8 Com!ute fluentl% with multi;digit num"ers and find common factors and multi!les. 2" &luently di'ide multi)digit numbers using the standard algorithm" H" &luently add, subtract, multi*ly, and di'ide multi)digit decimals using the standard algorithm (or each o*eration" 7" &ind the greatest common (actor o( two whole numbers less than or e8ual to I00 and the least common multi*le o( two whole numbers less than or e8ual to I2" +se the distributi'e *ro*erty to e?*ress a sum o( two whole numbers IJI00 with a common (actor as a multi*le o( a sum o( two whole numbers with no common (actor" )or example, express *' < ; as > (I < 2). +!!l% and e/tend !revious understandings of num"ers to the s%stem of rational num"ers. #" +nderstand that *ositi'e and negati'e numbers are used together to describe 8uantities ha'ing o**osite directions or 'alues 4e"g", tem*erature abo'eKbelow 0ero, ele'ation abo'eKbelow sea le'el, creditsKdebits, *ositi'eKnegati'e electric charge5D use *ositi'e and negati'e numbers to re*resent 8uantities in real)world conte?ts, e?*laining the meaning o( 0 in each situation" E" +nderstand a rational number as a *oint on the number line" E?tend number line diagrams and coordinate a?es (amiliar (rom *re'ious grades to re*resent *oints on the line and in the *lane with negati'e number coordinates" a" Recogni0e o**osite signs o( numbers as indicating locations on o**osite sides o( 0 on the number lineD recogni0e that the o**osite o( the o**osite o( a number is the number itsel(, e"g", J4JH5 L H, and that 0 is its own o**osite" b" +nderstand signs o( numbers in ordered *airs as indicating locations in 8uadrants o( the coordinate *laneD recogni0e that when two ordered *airs di((er only by signs, the locations o( the *oints are related by re(lections across one or both a?es" c" &ind and *osition integers and other rational numbers on a hori0ontal or 'ertical number line diagramD (ind and *osition *airs o( integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate *lane" %" +nderstand ordering and absolute 'alue o( rational numbers" a" /nter*ret statements o( ine8uality as statements about the relati'e *osition o( two numbers on a number line diagram" )or example, interpret &* M &D as a statement that &* is located to the right o &D on a number line oriented rom le t to right. b" 2rite, inter*ret, and e?*lain statements o( order (or rational numbers in real)world conte?ts" )or example, write &* o7 M &D o7 to express the act that &* o7 is warmer than &D o7. c" +nderstand the absolute 'alue o( a rational number as its distance (rom 0 on the number lineD inter*ret absolute 'alue as magnitude (or a *ositi'e or negati'e 8uantity in a real)world situation" )or example, or an account balance o &*? dollars, write N&*?N = *? to describe the si.e o the debt in dollars. d" istinguish com*arisons o( absolute 'alue (rom statements about order" )or example, recogni.e that an account balance less than &*? dollars represents a debt greater than *? dollars. G" $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems by gra*hing *oints in all (our 8uadrants o( the coordinate *lane" /nclude use o( coordinates and absolute 'alue to (ind distances between *oints with the same (irst coordinate or the same second coordinate"


A/!ressions 3 A&uations


+!!l% and e/tend !revious understandings of arithmetic to alge"raic e/!ressions. I" 2rite and e'aluate numerical e?*ressions in'ol'ing whole)number e?*onents" 2" 2rite, read, and e'aluate e?*ressions in which letters stand (or numbers" a" 2rite e?*ressions that record o*erations with numbers and with letters standing (or numbers" )or example, express the calculation 1#ubtract y rom @2 as @ & y. b" /denti(y *arts o( an e?*ression using mathematical terms 4sum, term, *roduct, (actor, 8uotient, coe((icient5D 'iew one or more *arts o( an e?*ression as a single entity" )or example, describe the expression 2 (; < D) as a product o two actorsF view (; < D) as both a single entity and a sum o two terms. c" E'aluate e?*ressions at s*eci(ic 'alues o( their 'ariables" /nclude e?*ressions that arise (rom (ormulas used in real)world *roblems" Aer(orm arithmetic o*erations, including those in'ol'ing whole)number e?*onents, in the con'entional order when there are no *arentheses to s*eci(y a *articular order 4=rder o( =*erations5" )or example, use the ormulas K = s* and 3 = ' s2 to ind the volume and sur ace area o a cube with sides o length s = 162. H" 1**ly the *ro*erties o( o*erations to generate e8ui'alent e?*ressions" )or example, apply the distributive property to the expression * (2 < x) to produce the e/uivalent expression ' < *xF apply the distributive property to the expression 2>x < 1;y to produce the e/uivalent expression ' (>x < *y)F apply properties o operations to y < y < y to produce the e/uivalent expression *y. 7" /denti(y when two e?*ressions are e8ui'alent 4i"e", when the two e?*ressions name the same number regardless o( which 'alue is substituted into them5" )or example, the expressions y < y < y and *y are e/uivalent because they name the same number regardless o which number y stands or. $eason a"out and solve one;varia"le e&uations and ine&ualities. #" +nderstand sol'ing an e8uation or ine8uality as a *rocess o( answering a 8uestion6 which 'alues (rom a s*eci(ied set, i( any, ma!e the e8uation or ine8uality true< +se substitution to determine whether a gi'en number in a s*eci(ied set ma!es an e8uation or ine8uality true" E" +se 'ariables to re*resent numbers and write e?*ressions when sol'ing a real)world or mathematical *roblemD understand that a 'ariable can re*resent an un!nown number, or, de*ending on the *ur*ose at hand, any number in a s*eci(ied set" %" $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems by writing and sol'ing e8uations o( the (orm x @ p L / and px L / (or cases in which p, / and x are all nonnegati'e rational numbers" G" 2rite an ine8uality o( the (orm x O c or x P c to re*resent a constraint or condition in a real)world or mathematical *roblem" Recogni0e that ine8ualities o( the (orm x O c or x P c ha'e in(initely many solutionsD re*resent solutions o( such ine8ualities on number line diagrams" $e!resent and anal%?e &uantitative relationshi!s "etween de!endent and inde!endent varia"les. 9" +se 'ariables to re*resent two 8uantities in a real)world *roblem that change in relationshi* to one anotherD write an e8uation to e?*ress one 8uantity, thought o( as the de*endent 'ariable, in terms o( the other 8uantity, thought o( as the inde*endent 'ariable" 1naly0e the relationshi* between the de*endent and inde*endent 'ariables using gra*hs and tables, and relate these to the e8uation" &or e?am*le, in a *roblem in'ol'ing motion at constant s*eed, list and gra*h ordered *airs o( distances and times, and write the e8uation d L E#t to re*resent the relationshi* between distance and time"




Solve real;world and mathematical !ro"lems involving area9 surface area9 and volume. I" &ind the area o( right triangles, other triangles, s*ecial 8uadrilaterals, and *olygons by com*osing into rectangles or decom*osing into triangles and other sha*esD a**ly these techni8ues in the conte?t o( sol'ing real)world and mathematical *roblems" 2" &ind the 'olume o( a right rectangular *rism with (ractional edge lengths by *ac!ing it with unit cubes o( the a**ro*riate unit (raction edge lengths, and show that the 'olume is the same as would be (ound by multi*lying the edge lengths o( the *rism" 1**ly the (ormulas K = l w h and K = b h to (ind 'olumes o( right rectangular *risms with (ractional edge lengths in the conte?t o( sol'ing real)world and mathematical *roblems" H" raw *olygons in the coordinate *lane gi'en coordinates (or the 'erticesD use coordinates to (ind the length o( a side >oining *oints with the same (irst coordinate or the same second coordinate" 1**ly these techni8ues in the conte?t o( sol'ing real)world and mathematical *roblems" 7" Re*resent three)dimensional (igures using nets made u* o( rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to (ind the sur(ace area o( these (igures" 1**ly these techni8ues in the conte?t o( sol'ing real)world and mathematical *roblems"

Statistics 3 Pro"a"ilit%


Develo! understanding of statistical varia"ilit%. I" Recogni0e a statistical 8uestion as one that antici*ates 'ariability in the data related to the 8uestion and accounts (or it in the answers" )or example, 1!ow old am 482 is not a statistical /uestion, but 1!ow old are the students in my school82 is a statistical /uestion because one anticipates variability in studentsO ages. 2" +nderstand that a set o( data collected to answer a statistical 8uestion has a distribution which can be described by its center, s*read, and o'erall sha*e" H" Recogni0e that a measure o( center (or a numerical data set summari0es all o( its 'alues with a single number, while a measure o( 'ariation describes how its 'alues 'ary with a single number" Summari?e and descri"e distri"utions. 7" is*lay numerical data in *lots on a number line, including dot *lots, histograms, and bo? *lots" #" $ummari0e numerical data sets in relation to their conte?t, such as by6 a" Re*orting the number o( obser'ations" b" escribing the nature o( the attribute under in'estigation, including how it was measured and its units o( measurement" c" Gi'ing 8uantitati'e measures o( center 4median andKor mean5 and 'ariability 4inter8uartile range andKor mean absolute de'iation5, as well as describing any o'erall *attern and any stri!ing de'iations (rom the o'erall *attern with re(erence to the conte?t in which the data were gathered" d" Relating the choice o( measures o( center and 'ariability to the sha*e o( the data distribution and the conte?t in which the data were gathered"


Mathematics ; 0rade ,: Introduction

/n Grade %, instructional time should (ocus on (our critical areas6 4I5 de'elo*ing understanding o( and a**lying *ro*ortional relationshi*sD 425 de'elo*ing understanding o( o*erations with rational numbers and wor!ing with e?*ressions and linear e8uationsD 4H5 sol'ing *roblems in'ol'ing scale drawings and in(ormal geometric constructions, and wor!ing with two) and three)dimensional sha*es to sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing area, sur(ace area, and 'olumeD and 475 drawing in(erences about *o*ulations based on sam*les" I" $tudents e?tend their understanding o( ratios and de'elo* understanding o( *ro*ortionality to sol'e single) and multi)ste* *roblems" $tudents use their understanding o( ratios and *ro*ortionality to sol'e a wide 'ariety o( *ercent *roblems, including those in'ol'ing discounts, interest, ta?es, ti*s, and *ercent increase or decrease" $tudents sol'e *roblems about scale drawings by relating corres*onding lengths between the ob>ects or by using the (act that relationshi*s o( lengths within an ob>ect are *reser'ed in similar ob>ects" $tudents gra*h *ro*ortional relationshi*s and understand the unit rate in(ormally as a measure o( the stee*ness o( the related line, called the slo*e" ,hey distinguish *ro*ortional relationshi*s (rom other relationshi*s" 2" $tudents de'elo* a uni(ied understanding o( number, recogni0ing (ractions, decimals 4that ha'e a (inite or a re*eating decimal re*resentation5, and *ercents as di((erent re*resentations o( rational numbers" $tudents e?tend addition, subtraction, multi*lication, and di'ision to all rational numbers, maintaining the *ro*erties o( o*erations and the relationshi*s between addition and subtraction, and multi*lication and di'ision" ;y a**lying these *ro*erties, and by 'iewing negati'e numbers in terms o( e'eryday conte?ts 4e"g", amounts owed or tem*eratures below 0ero5, students e?*lain and inter*ret the rules (or adding, subtracting, multi*lying, and di'iding with negati'e numbers" ,hey use the arithmetic o( rational numbers as they (ormulate e?*ressions and e8uations in one 'ariable and use these e8uations to sol'e *roblems" H" $tudents continue their wor! with area (rom Grade E, sol'ing *roblems in'ol'ing the area and circum(erence o( a circle and sur(ace area o( three)dimensional ob>ects" /n *re*aration (or wor! on congruence and similarity in Grade G they reason about relationshi*s among two)dimensional (igures using scale drawings and in(ormal geometric constructions, and they gain (amiliarity with the relationshi*s between angles (ormed by intersecting lines" $tudents wor! with three)dimensional (igures, relating them to two)dimensional (igures by e?amining cross)sections" ,hey sol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing area, sur(ace area, and 'olume o( two) and three)dimensional ob>ects com*osed o( triangles, 8uadrilaterals, *olygons, cubes and right *risms" 7" $tudents build on their *re'ious wor! with single data distributions to com*are two data distributions and address 8uestions about di((erences between *o*ulations" ,hey begin in(ormal wor! with random sam*ling to generate data sets and learn about the im*ortance o( re*resentati'e sam*les (or drawing in(erences"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade , 2verview
$atios and Pro!ortional $elationshi!s N 1naly0e *ro*ortional relationshi*s and use them to sol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems" The 5um"er S%stem N 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( o*erations with (ractions to add, subtract, multi*ly, and di'ide rational numbers" A/!ressions and A&uations N +se *ro*erties o( o*erations to generate e8ui'alent e?*ressions" N $ol'e real)li(e and mathematical *roblems using numerical and algebraic e?*ressions and e8uations" 0eometr% N raw, construct and describe geometrical (igures and describe the relationshi*s between them" N $ol'e real)li(e and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing angle measure, area, sur(ace area, and 'olume" Statistics and Pro"a"ilit% N +se random sam*ling to draw in(erences about a *o*ulation" N raw in(ormal com*arati'e in(erences about two *o*ulations" N /n'estigate chance *rocesses and de'elo*, use, and e'aluate *robability models"

$atios 3 Pro!ortional $elationshi!s


+nal%?e !ro!ortional relationshi!s and use them to solve real;world and mathematical !ro"lems. I" Com*ute unit rates associated with ratios o( (ractions, including ratios o( lengths, areas and other 8uantities measured in li!e or di((erent units" )or example, i a person wal%s 162 mile in each 16> hour, compute the unit rate as the complex raction 162616> miles per hour, e/uivalently 2 miles per hour. 2" Recogni0e and re*resent *ro*ortional relationshi*s between 8uantities" a" ecide whether two 8uantities are in a *ro*ortional relationshi*, e"g", by testing (or e8ui'alent ratios in a table or gra*hing on a coordinate *lane and obser'ing whether the gra*h is a straight line through the origin" b" /denti(y the constant o( *ro*ortionality 4unit rate5 in tables, gra*hs, e8uations, diagrams, and 'erbal descri*tions o( *ro*ortional relationshi*s" c" Re*resent *ro*ortional relationshi*s by e8uations" )or example, i total cost t is proportional to the number n o items purchased at a constant price p, the relationship between the total cost and the number o items can be expressed as t = pn. d" E?*lain what a *oint 4x, y5 on the gra*h o( a *ro*ortional relationshi* means in terms o( the situation, with s*ecial attention to the *oints 40, 05 and 4I, r5 where r is the unit rate" H" +se *ro*ortional relationshi*s to sol'e multiste* ratio and *ercent *roblems" E?am*les6 sim*le interest, ta?, mar!u*s and mar!downs, gratuities and commissions, (ees, *ercent increase and decrease, *ercent error"

The 5um"er S%stem


+!!l% and e/tend !revious understandings of o!erations with fractions to add9 su"tract9 multi!l%9 and divide rational num"ers. I" 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbersD re*resent addition and subtraction on a hori0ontal or 'ertical number line diagram" a" escribe situations in which o**osite 8uantities combine to ma!e 0" )or example, a hydrogen atom has ? charge because its two constituents are oppositely charged.


+nderstand p @ / as the number located a distance W/W (rom p, in the *ositi'e or negati'e direction de*ending on whether / is *ositi'e or negati'e" $how that a number and its o**osite ha'e a sum o( 0 4are additi'e in'erses5" /nter*ret sums o( rational numbers by describing real)world conte?ts" c" +nderstand subtraction o( rational numbers as adding the additi'e in'erse, p J / L p @ 4J/5" $how that the distance between two rational numbers on the number line is the absolute 'alue o( their di((erence, and a**ly this *rinci*le in real)world conte?ts" d" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations as strategies to add and subtract rational numbers" 2" 1**ly and e?tend *re'ious understandings o( multi*lication and di'ision and o( (ractions to multi*ly and di'ide rational numbers" a" +nderstand that multi*lication is e?tended (rom (ractions to rational numbers by re8uiring that o*erations continue to satis(y the *ro*erties o( o*erations, *articularly the distributi'e *ro*erty, leading to *roducts such as 4JI54JI5 L I and the rules (or multi*lying signed numbers" /nter*ret *roducts o( rational numbers by describing real)world conte?ts" b" +nderstand that integers can be di'ided, *ro'ided that the di'isor is not 0ero, and e'ery 8uotient o( integers 4with non)0ero di'isor5 is a rational number" /( p and / are integers, then J4pK/5 L 4Jp5K/ L pK4J/5" /nter*ret 8uotients o( rational numbers by describing real)world conte?ts" c" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations as strategies to multi*ly and di'ide rational numbers" d" Con'ert a rational number to a decimal using long di'isionD !now that the decimal (orm o( a rational number terminates in 0s or e'entually re*eats" H" $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing the (our o*erations with rational numbers" I 88888888888888888


Com*utations with rational numbers e?tend the rules (or mani*ulating (ractions to com*le? (ractions"

A/!ressions 3 A&uations


Use !ro!erties of o!erations to generate e&uivalent e/!ressions. I" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations as strategies to add, subtract, (actor, and e?*and linear e?*ressions with rational coe((icients" 2" +nderstand that rewriting an e?*ression in di((erent (orms in a *roblem conte?t can shed light on the *roblem and how the 8uantities in it are related" )or example, a < ?.?@a = 1.?@a means that 1increase by @P2 is the same as 1multiply by 1.?@.2 Solve real;life and mathematical !ro"lems using numerical and alge"raic e/!ressions and e&uations. H" $ol'e multi)ste* real)li(e and mathematical *roblems *osed with *ositi'e and negati'e rational numbers in any (orm 4whole numbers, (ractions, and decimals5, using tools strategically" 1**ly *ro*erties o( o*erations to calculate with numbers in any (ormD con'ert between (orms as a**ro*riateD and assess the reasonableness o( answers using mental com*utation and estimation strategies" )or example: 4 a woman ma%ing L2@ an hour gets a 1?P raise, she will ma%e an additional 161? o her salary an hour, or L2.@?, or a new salary o L2D.@?. 4 you want to place a towel bar I *6> inches long in the center o a door that is 2D 162 inches wide, you will need to place the bar about I inches rom each edgeF this estimate can be used as a chec% on the exact computation. 7" +se 'ariables to re*resent 8uantities in a real)world or mathematical *roblem, and construct sim*le e8uations and ine8ualities to sol'e *roblems by reasoning about the 8uantities" a" $ol'e word *roblems leading to e8uations o( the (orm px @ / L r and p4x @ /5 L r, where p, /, and r are s*eci(ic rational numbers" $ol'e e8uations o( these (orms (luently" Com*are an algebraic solution to an arithmetic solution, identi(ying the se8uence o( the o*erations used in each a**roach" )or example, the perimeter o a rectangle is @> cm. 4ts length is ' cm. ,hat is its width8

b" $ol'e word *roblems leading to ine8ualities o( the (orm px @ / O r or px @ / P r, where p, /, and r are s*eci(ic rational numbers" Gra*h the solution set o( the ine8uality and inter*ret it in the conte?t o( the *roblem" )or example: 3s a salesperson, you are paid L@? per wee% plus L* per sale. This wee% you want your pay to be at least L1??. ,rite an ine/uality or the number o sales you need to ma%e, and describe the solutions. 7#



Draw construct9 and descri"e geometrical figures and descri"e the relationshi!s "etween them. I" $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing scale drawings o( geometric (igures, including com*uting actual lengths and areas (rom a scale drawing and re*roducing a scale drawing at a di((erent scale" 2" raw 4(reehand, with ruler and *rotractor, and with technology5 geometric sha*es with gi'en conditions" &ocus on constructing triangles (rom three measures o( angles or sides, noticing when the conditions determine a uni8ue triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle" H" escribe the two)dimensional (igures that result (rom slicing three)dimensional (igures, as in *lane sections o( right rectangular *risms and right rectangular *yramids" Solve real;life and mathematical !ro"lems involving angle measure9 area9 surface area9 and volume. 7" Mnow the (ormulas (or the area and circum(erence o( a circle and use them to sol'e *roblemsD gi'e an in(ormal deri'ation o( the relationshi* between the circum(erence and area o( a circle" #" +se (acts about su**lementary, com*lementary, 'ertical, and ad>acent angles in a multi)ste* *roblem to write and sol'e sim*le e8uations (or an un!nown angle in a (igure" E" $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing area, 'olume and sur(ace area o( two) and three) dimensional ob>ects com*osed o( triangles, 8uadrilaterals, *olygons, cubes, and right *risms"

Statistics 3 Pro"a"ilit%


Use random sam!ling to draw inferences a"out a !o!ulation. I" +nderstand that statistics can be used to gain in(ormation about a *o*ulation by e?amining a sam*le o( the *o*ulationD generali0ations about a *o*ulation (rom a sam*le are 'alid only i( the sam*le is re*resentati'e o( that *o*ulation" +nderstand that random sam*ling tends to *roduce re*resentati'e sam*les and su**ort 'alid in(erences" 2" +se data (rom a random sam*le to draw in(erences about a *o*ulation with an un!nown characteristic o( interest" Generate multi*le sam*les 4or simulated sam*les5 o( the same si0e to gauge the 'ariation in estimates or *redictions" )or example, estimate the mean word length in a boo% by randomly sampling words rom the boo%F predict the winner o a school election based on randomly sampled survey data. Gauge how ar o the estimate or prediction might be. Draw informal com!arative inferences a"out two !o!ulations. H" /n(ormally assess the degree o( 'isual o'erla* o( two numerical data distributions with similar 'ariabilities, measuring the di((erence between the centers by e?*ressing it as a multi*le o( a measure o( 'ariability" )or example, the mean height o players on the bas%etball team is 1? cm greater than the mean height o players on the soccer team, about twice the variability (mean absolute deviation) on either teamF on a dot plot, the separation between the two distributions o heights is noticeable. 7" +se measures o( center and measures o( 'ariability (or numerical data (rom random sam*les to draw in(ormal com*arati'e in(erences about two *o*ulations" )or example, decide whether the words in a chapter o a seventhgrade science boo% are generally longer than the words in a chapter o a ourth-grade science boo%. Investigate chance !rocesses and develo!9 use9 and evaluate !ro"a"ilit% models. #" +nderstand that the *robability o( a chance e'ent is a number between 0 and I that e?*resses the li!elihood o( the e'ent occurring" Larger numbers indicate greater li!elihood" 1 *robability near 0 indicates an unli!ely e'ent, a *robability around IK2 indicates an e'ent that is neither unli!ely nor li!ely, and a *robability near I indicates a li!ely e'ent" E" 1**ro?imate the *robability o( a chance e'ent by collecting data on the chance *rocess that *roduces it and obser'ing its long)run relati'e (re8uency, and *redict the a**ro?imate relati'e (re8uency gi'en the *robability" )or example, when rolling a number cube '?? times, predict that a * or ' would be rolled roughly 2?? times, but probably not exactly 2?? times. %" e'elo* a *robability model and use it to (ind *robabilities o( e'ents" Com*are *robabilities (rom a model to obser'ed (re8uenciesD i( the agreement is not good, e?*lain *ossible sources o( the discre*ancy"


e'elo* a uni(orm *robability model by assigning e8ual *robability to all outcomes, and use the model to determine *robabilities o( e'ents" )or example, i a student is selected at random rom a class, ind the probability that Qane will be selected and the probability that a girl will be selected. b" e'elo* a *robability model 4which may not be uni(orm5 by obser'ing (re8uencies in data generated (rom a chance *rocess" )or example, ind the approximate probability that a spinning penny will land heads up or that a tossed paper cup will land open-end down. 5o the outcomes or the spinning penny appear to be e/ually li%ely based on the observed re/uencies8 G" &ind *robabilities o( com*ound e'ents using organi0ed lists, tables, tree diagrams, and simulation" a" +nderstand that, >ust as with sim*le e'ents, the *robability o( a com*ound e'ent is the (raction o( outcomes in the sam*le s*ace (or which the com*ound e'ent occurs" b" Re*resent sam*le s*aces (or com*ound e'ents using methods such as organi0ed lists, tables and tree diagrams" &or an e'ent described in e'eryday language 4e"g", -rolling double si?es.5, identi(y the outcomes in the sam*le s*ace which com*ose the e'ent" c" esign and use a simulation to generate (re8uencies (or com*ound e'ents" )or example, use random digits as a simulation tool to approximate the answer to the /uestion: 4 >?P o donors have type 3 blood, what is the probability that it will ta%e at least > donors to ind one with type 3 blood8



Mathematics ; 0rade .: Introduction

/n Grade G, instructional time should (ocus on three critical areas6 4I5 (ormulating and reasoning about e?*ressions and e8uations, including modeling an association in bi'ariate data with a linear e8uation, and sol'ing linear e8uations and systems o( linear e8uationsD 425 gras*ing the conce*t o( a (unction and using (unctions to describe 8uantitati'e relationshi*sD 4H5 analy0ing two) and three)dimensional s*ace and (igures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and a**lying the Aythagorean ,heorem" I" $tudents use linear e8uations and systems o( linear e8uations to re*resent, analy0e, and sol'e a 'ariety o( *roblems" $tudents recogni0e e8uations (or *ro*ortions 4yKx L m or y L mx5 as s*ecial linear e8uations 4y L mx @ b5, understanding that the constant o( *ro*ortionality 4m5 is the slo*e, and the gra*hs are lines through the origin" ,hey understand that the slo*e 4m5 o( a line is a constant rate o( change, so that i( the in*ut or x)coordinate changes by an amount 3, the out*ut or y)coordinate changes by the amount mR3" $tudents also use a linear e8uation to describe the association between two 8uantities in bi'ariate data 4such as arm s*an 's" height (or students in a classroom5" 1t this grade, (itting the model, and assessing its (it to the data are done in(ormally" /nter*reting the model in the conte?t o( the data re8uires students to e?*ress a relationshi* between the two 8uantities in 8uestion and to inter*ret com*onents o( the relationshi* 4such as slo*e and y)interce*t5 in terms o( the situation" $tudents strategically choose and e((iciently im*lement *rocedures to sol'e linear e8uations in one 'ariable, understanding that when they use the *ro*erties o( e8uality and the conce*t o( logical e8ui'alence, they maintain the solutions o( the original e8uation" $tudents sol'e systems o( two linear e8uations in two 'ariables and relate the systems to *airs o( lines in the *laneD these intersect, are *arallel, or are the same line" $tudents use linear e8uations, systems o( linear e8uations, linear (unctions, and their understanding o( slo*e o( a line to analy0e situations and sol'e *roblems" 2" $tudents gras* the conce*t o( a (unction as a rule that assigns to each in*ut e?actly one out*ut" ,hey understand that (unctions describe situations where one 8uantity determines another" ,hey can translate among re*resentations and *artial re*resentations o( (unctions 4noting that tabular and gra*hical re*resentations may be *artial re*resentations5, and they describe how as*ects o( the (unction are re(lected in the di((erent re*resentations" H" $tudents use ideas about distance and angles, how they beha'e under translations, rotations, re(lections, and dilations, and ideas about congruence and similarity to describe and analy0e two)dimensional (igures and to sol'e *roblems" $tudents show that the sum o( the angles in a triangle is the angle (ormed by a straight line, and that 'arious con(igurations o( lines gi'e rise to similar triangles because o( the angles created when a trans'ersal cuts *arallel lines" $tudents understand the statement o( the Aythagorean ,heorem and its con'erse, and can e?*lain why the Aythagorean ,heorem holds, (or e?am*le, by decom*osing a s8uare in two di((erent ways" ,hey a**ly the Aythagorean ,heorem to (ind distances between *oints on the coordinate *lane, to (ind lengths, and to analy0e *olygons" $tudents com*lete their wor! on 'olume by sol'ing *roblems in'ol'ing cones, cylinders, and s*heres"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


0rade . 2verview
The 5um"er S%stem N Mnow that there are numbers that are not rational, and a**ro?imate them by rational numbers" A/!ressions and A&uations N 2or! with radicals and integer e?*onents" N +nderstand the connections between *ro*ortional relationshi*s, lines, and linear e8uations" N 1naly0e and sol'e linear e8uations and *airs o( simultaneous linear e8uations" Cunctions N e(ine, e'aluate, and com*are (unctions" N +se (unctions to model relationshi*s between 8uantities" 0eometr% N +nderstand congruence and similarity using *hysical models, trans*arencies, or geometry so(tware" N +nderstand and a**ly the Aythagorean ,heorem" N $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing 'olume o( cylinders, cones and s*heres" Statistics and Pro"a"ilit% N /n'estigate *atterns o( association in bi'ariate data"

The 5um"er S%stem


1now that there are num"ers that are not rational9 and a!!ro/imate them "% rational num"ers. I" Mnow that numbers that are not rational are called irrational" +nderstand in(ormally that e'ery number has a decimal e?*ansionD (or rational numbers show that the decimal e?*ansion re*eats e'entually, and con'ert a decimal e?*ansion which re*eats e'entually into a rational number" 2" +se rational a**ro?imations o( irrational numbers to com*are the si0e o( irrational numbers, locate them a**ro?imately on a number line diagram, and estimate the 'alue o( e?*ressions 4e"g", X 25" )or example, by truncating the decimal expansion o S2, show that S2 is between 1 and 2, then between 1.> and 1.@, and explain how to continue on to get better approximations.

A/!ressions 3 A&uations


:or with radicals and integer e/!onents. I" Mnow and a**ly the *ro*erties o( integer e?*onents to generate e8ui'alent numerical e?*ressions" &or e?am*le, H2 F HJ# L HJH L IKHH L IK2%" 2" +se s8uare root and cube root symbols to re*resent solutions to e8uations o( the (orm x2 L p and xH L *, where p is a *ositi'e rational number" E'aluate s8uare roots o( small *er(ect s8uares and cube roots o( small *er(ect cubes" Mnow that Y2 is irrational" H" +se numbers e?*ressed in the (orm o( a single digit times a whole)number *ower o( I0 to estimate 'ery large or 'ery small 8uantities, and to e?*ress how many times as much one is than the other" )or example, estimate the population o the (nited #tates as * times 1?; and the population o the world as D times 1?I, and determine that the world population is more than 2? times larger. 7" Aer(orm o*erations with numbers e?*ressed in scienti(ic notation, including *roblems where both decimal and scienti(ic notation are used" +se scienti(ic notation and choose units o( a**ro*riate si0e (or measurements o( 'ery large or 'ery small 8uantities 4e"g", use millimeters *er year (or sea(loor s*reading5" /nter*ret scienti(ic notation that has been generated by technology"


Understand the connections "etween !ro!ortional relationshi!s9 lines9 and linear e&uations. #" Gra*h *ro*ortional relationshi*s, inter*reting the unit rate as the slo*e o( the gra*h" Com*are two di((erent *ro*ortional relationshi*s re*resented in di((erent ways" &or e?am*le, com*are a distance)time gra*h to a distance) time e8uation to determine which o( two mo'ing ob>ects has greater s*eed" E" +se similar triangles to e?*lain why the slo*e m is the same between any two distinct *oints on a non)'ertical line in the coordinate *laneD deri'e the e8uation y L m? (or a line through the origin and the e8uation y L mx @ b (or a line interce*ting the 'ertical a?is at b" +nal%?e and solve linear e&uations and !airs of simultaneous linear e&uations. %" $ol'e linear e8uations in one 'ariable" a" Gi'e e?am*les o( linear e8uations in one 'ariable with one solution, in(initely many solutions, or no solutions" $how which o( these *ossibilities is the case by successi'ely trans(orming the gi'en e8uation into sim*ler (orms, until an e8ui'alent e8uation o( the (orm x L a, a L a, or a L b results 4where a and b are di((erent numbers5" b" $ol'e linear e8uations with rational number coe((icients, including e8uations whose solutions re8uire e?*anding e?*ressions using the distributi'e *ro*erty and collecting li!e terms" G" 1naly0e and sol'e *airs o( simultaneous linear e8uations" a" +nderstand that solutions to a system o( two linear e8uations in two 'ariables corres*ond to *oints o( intersection o( their gra*hs, because *oints o( intersection satis(y both e8uations simultaneously" b" $ol'e systems o( two linear e8uations in two 'ariables algebraically, and estimate solutions by gra*hing the e8uations" $ol'e sim*le cases by ins*ection" )or example, *x < 2y = @ and *x < 2y = ' have no solution because *x < 2y cannot simultaneously be @ and '. c" $ol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems leading to two linear e8uations in two 'ariables" )or example, given coordinates or two pairs o points, determine whether the line through the irst pair o points intersects the line through the second pair.



Define9 evaluate9 and com!are functions. I" +nderstand that a (unction is a rule that assigns to each in*ut e?actly one out*ut" ,he gra*h o( a (unction is the set o( ordered *airs consisting o( an in*ut and the corres*onding out*ut"I 2" Com*are *ro*erties o( two (unctions each re*resented in a di((erent way 4algebraically, gra*hically, numerically in tables, or by 'erbal descri*tions5" )or example, given a linear unction represented by a table o values and a linear unction represented by an algebraic expression, determine which unction has the greater rate o change. H" /nter*ret the e8uation y = mx < b as de(ining a linear (unction, whose gra*h is a straight lineD gi'e e?am*les o( (unctions that are not linear" )or example, the unction 3 = s2 giving the area o a s/uare as a unction o its side length is not linear because its graph contains the points (1,1), (2,>) and (*,I), which are not on a straight line. Use functions to model relationshi!s "etween &uantities. 7" Construct a (unction to model a linear relationshi* between two 8uantities" etermine the rate o( change and initial 'alue o( the (unction (rom a descri*tion o( a relationshi* or (rom two 4x, y5 'alues, including reading these (rom a table or (rom a gra*h" /nter*ret the rate o( change and initial 'alue o( a linear (unction in terms o( the situation it models, and in terms o( its gra*h or a table o( 'alues" #" escribe 8ualitati'ely the (unctional relationshi* between two 8uantities by analy0ing a gra*h 4e"g", where the (unction is increasing or decreasing, linear or nonlinear5" $!etch a gra*h that e?hibits the 8ualitati'e (eatures o( a (unction that has been described 'erbally" 88888888888888888

&unction notation is not re8uired in Grade G"




Understand congruence and similarit% using !h%sical models9 trans!arencies9 or geometr% software. I" Zeri(y e?*erimentally the *ro*erties o( rotations, re(lections, and translations6 a" Lines are ta!en to lines, and line segments to line segments o( the same length" b" 1ngles are ta!en to angles o( the same measure" c" Aarallel lines are ta!en to *arallel lines" 2" +nderstand that a two)dimensional (igure is congruent to another i( the second can be obtained (rom the (irst by a se8uence o( rotations, re(lections, and translationsD gi'en two congruent (igures, describe a se8uence that e?hibits the congruence between them" H" escribe the e((ect o( dilations, translations, rotations, and re(lections on two)dimensional (igures using coordinates" 7" +nderstand that a two)dimensional (igure is similar to another i( the second can be obtained (rom the (irst by a se8uence o( rotations, re(lections, translations, and dilationsD gi'en two similar two)dimensional (igures, describe a se8uence that e?hibits the similarity between them" #" +se in(ormal arguments to establish (acts about the angle sum and e?terior angle o( triangles, about the angles created when *arallel lines are cut by a trans'ersal, and the angle)angle criterion (or similarity o( triangles" )or example, arrange three copies o the same triangle so that the sum o the three angles appears to orm a line, and give an argument in terms o transversals why this is so. Understand and a!!l% the P%thagorean Theorem. E" E?*lain a *roo( o( the Aythagorean ,heorem and its con'erse" %" 1**ly the Aythagorean ,heorem to determine un!nown side lengths in right triangles in real)world and mathematical *roblems in two and three dimensions" G" 1**ly the Aythagorean ,heorem to (ind the distance between two *oints in a coordinate system" Solve real;world and mathematical !ro"lems involving volume of c%linders9 cones9 and s!heres. 9" Mnow the (ormulas (or the 'olumes o( cones, cylinders, and s*heres and use them to sol'e real)world and mathematical *roblems"

Statistics 3 Pro"a"ilit%


Investigate !atterns of association in "ivariate data. I" Construct and inter*ret scatter *lots (or bi'ariate measurement data to in'estigate *atterns o( association between two 8uantities" escribe *atterns such as clustering, outliers, *ositi'e or negati'e association, linear association, and nonlinear association" 2" Mnow that straight lines are widely used to model relationshi*s between two 8uantitati'e 'ariables" &or scatter *lots that suggest a linear association, in(ormally (it a straight line, and in(ormally assess the model (it by >udging the closeness o( the data *oints to the line" H" +se the e8uation o( a linear model to sol'e *roblems in the conte?t o( bi'ariate measurement data, inter*reting the slo*e and interce*t" )or example, in a linear model or a biology experiment, interpret a slope o 1.@ cm6hr as meaning that an additional hour o sunlight each day is associated with an additional 1.@ cm in mature plant height. 7" +nderstand that *atterns o( association can also be seen in bi'ariate categorical data by dis*laying (re8uencies and relati'e (re8uencies in a two)way table" Construct and inter*ret a two)way table summari0ing data on two categorical 'ariables collected (rom the same sub>ects" +se relati'e (re8uencies calculated (or rows or columns to describe *ossible association between the two 'ariables" )or example, collect data rom students in your class on whether or not they have a cur ew on school nights and whether or not they have assigned chores at home. 4s there evidence that those who have a cur ew also tend to have chores8


Mathematics Standards for High School

,he high school standards s*eci(y the mathematics that all students should study in order to be college and career ready" 1dditional mathematics that students should learn in order to ta!e ad'anced courses such as calculus, ad'anced statistics, or discrete mathematics is indicated by 4@5, as in this e?am*le6 4@5 Re*resent com*le? numbers on the com*le? *lane in rectangular and *olar (orm 4including real and imaginary numbers5" 1ll standards without a 4@5 symbol should be in the common mathematics curriculum (or all college and career ready students" $tandards with a 4@5 symbol may also a**ear in courses intended (or all students" ,he high school standards are listed in conce*tual categories6 Number and Cuantity 1lgebra &unctions Modeling Geometry $ t at ist i cs and A robabi li t y

Conce*tual categories *ortray a coherent 'iew o( high school mathematicsD a student:s wor! with (unctions, (or e?am*le, crosses a number o( traditional course boundaries, *otentially u* through and including calculus" Modeling is best inter*reted not as a collection o( isolated to*ics but in relation to other standards" Ma!ing mathematical models is a $tandard (or Mathematical Aractice, and s*eci(ic modeling standards a**ear throughout the high school standards indicated by a star symbol 4[5" ,he star symbol sometimes a**ears on the heading (or a grou* o( standardsD in that case, it should be understood to a**ly to all standards in that grou*"




Mathematics ; High School 5um"er 3 Euantit%: Introduction

5um"ers and 5um"er S%stems.
uring the years (rom !indergarten to eighth grade, students must re*eatedly e?tend their conce*tion o( number" 1t (irst, -number. means -counting number.6 I, 2, H, 9 $oon a(ter that, 0 is used to re*resent -none. and the whole numbers are (ormed by the counting numbers together with 0ero" ,he ne?t e?tension is (ractions" 1t (irst, (ractions are barely numbers and tied strongly to *ictorial re*resentations" Bet by the time students understand di'ision o( (ractions, they ha'e a strong conce*t o( (ractions as numbers and ha'e connected them, 'ia their decimal re*resentations, with the base)ten system used to re*resent the whole numbers" uring middle school, (ractions are augmented by negati'e (ractions to (orm the rational numbers" /n Grade G, students e?tend this system once more, augmenting the rational numbers with the irrational numbers to (orm the real numbers" /n high school, students will be e?*osed to yet another e?tension o( number, when the real numbers are augmented by the imaginary numbers to (orm the com*le? numbers" 2ith each e?tension o( number, the meanings o( addition, subtraction, multi*lication, and di'ision are e?tended" /n each new number systemintegers, rational numbers, real numbers, and com*le? numbersthe (our o*erations stay the same in two im*ortant ways6 ,hey ha'e the commutati'e, associati'e, and distributi'e *ro*erties and their new meanings are consistent with their *re'ious meanings" E?tending the *ro*erties o( whole)number e?*onents leads to new and *roducti'e notation" &or e?am*le, *ro*erties o( whole)number e?*onents suggest that 4#IKH5H should be #4IKH5H L #I L # and that #IKH should be the cube root o( #" Calculators, s*readsheets, and com*uter algebra systems can *ro'ide ways (or students to become better ac8uainted with these new number systems and their notation" ,hey can be used to generate data (or numerical e?*eriments, to hel* understand the wor!ings o( matri?, 'ector, and com*le? number algebra, and to e?*eriment with non)integer e?*onents"

/n real world *roblems, the answers are usually not numbers but 8uantities6 numbers with units, which in'ol'es measurement" /n their wor! in measurement u* through Grade G, students *rimarily measure commonly used attributes such as length, area, and 'olume" /n high school, students encounter a wider 'ariety o( units in modeling, e"g" acceleration, currency con'ersions, deri'ed 8uantities such as *erson)hours and heating degree days, social science rates such as *er)ca*ita income, and rates in e'eryday li(e such as *oints scored *er game or batting a'erages" ,hey also encounter no'el situations in which they themsel'es must concei'e the attributes o( interest" &or e?am*le, to (ind a good measure o( o'erall highway sa(ety, they might *ro*ose measures such as (atalities *er year, (atalities *er year *er dri'er, or (atalities *er 'ehicle)mile tra'eled" $uch a conce*tual *rocess might be called 8uanti(ication" Cuanti(ication is im*ortant (or science, as when sur(ace area suddenly -stands out. as an im*ortant 'ariable in e'a*oration" Cuanti(ication is also im*ortant (or com*anies, which must conce*tuali0e rele'ant attributes and create or choose suitable measures (or them"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


5um"er and Euantit% 2verview

The $eal 5um"er S%stem N E?tend the *ro*erties o( e?*onents to rational e?*onents N +se *ro*erties o( rational and irrational numbers" Euantities N Reason 8uantitati'ely and use units to sol'e *roblems The Com!le/ 5um"er S%stem N Aer(orm arithmetic o*erations with com*le? numbers N Re*resent com*le? numbers and their o*erations on the com*le? *lane N +se com*le? numbers in *olynomial identities and e8uations Fector and Matri/ Euantities N Re*resent and model with 'ector 8uantities" N Aer(orm o*erations on 'ectors" N Aer(orm o*erations on matrices and use matrices in a**lications"

The $eal 5um"er S%stem


A/tend the !ro!erties of e/!onents to rational e/!onents. I" E?*lain how the de(inition o( the meaning o( rational e?*onents (ollows (rom e?tending the *ro*erties o( integer e?*onents to those 'alues, allowing (or a notation (or radicals in terms o( rational e?*onents" )or example, we de ine @16* to be the cube root o @ because we want (@16*)* = @(16*)* to hold, so (@16*)* must e/ual @. 2" Rewrite e?*ressions in'ol'ing radicals and rational e?*onents using the *ro*erties o( e?*onents" Use !ro!erties of rational and irrational num"ers. H" E?*lain why the sum or *roduct o( two rational numbers is rationalD that the sum o( a rational number and an irrational number is irrationalD and that the *roduct o( a non0ero rational number and an irrational number is irrational"



$eason &uantitativel% and use units to solve !ro"lems. I" +se units as a way to understand *roblems and to guide the solution o( multi)ste* *roblemsD choose and inter*ret units consistently in (ormulasD choose and inter*ret the scale and the origin in gra*hs and data dis*lays" 2" e(ine a**ro*riate 8uantities (or the *ur*ose o( descri*ti'e modeling" H" Choose a le'el o( accuracy a**ro*riate to limitations on measurement when re*orting 8uantities"

The Com!le/ 5um"er S%stem


Perform arithmetic o!erations with com!le/ num"ers. I" Mnow there is a com*le? number i such that i2 L JI, and e'ery com*le? number has the (orm a < bi with a and b real" 2" +se the relation i2 L JI and the commutati'e, associati'e, and distributi'e *ro*erties to add, subtract, and multi*ly com*le? numbers" H" 4@5 &ind the con>ugate o( a com*le? numberD use con>ugates to (ind moduli and 8uotients o( com*le? numbers"


$e!resent com!le/ num"ers and their o!erations on the com!le/ !lane. 7" 4@5 Re*resent com*le? numbers on the com*le? *lane in rectangular and *olar (orm 4including real and imaginary numbers5, and e?*lain why the rectangular and *olar (orms o( a gi'en com*le? number re*resent the same number" #" 4@5 Re*resent addition, subtraction, multi*lication, and con>ugation o( com*le? numbers geometrically on the com*le? *laneD use *ro*erties o( this re*resentation (or com*utation" )or example, (-1 < S* i)* = ; because (-1 < S* i) has modulus 2 and argument 12?T. E" 4@5 Calculate the distance between numbers in the com*le? *lane as the modulus o( the di((erence, and the mid*oint o( a segment as the a'erage o( the numbers at its end*oints" Use com!le/ num"ers in !ol%nomial identities and e&uations. %" $ol'e 8uadratic e8uations with real coe((icients that ha'e com*le? solutions" G" 4@5 E?tend *olynomial identities to the com*le? numbers" )or example, rewrite x2 < > as (x < 2i)(x & 2i). 9" 4@5 Mnow the &undamental ,heorem o( 1lgebraD show that it is true (or 8uadratic *olynomials"

Fector 3 Matri/ Euantities


$e!resent and model with vector &uantities. I" 4@5 Recogni0e 'ector 8uantities as ha'ing both magnitude and direction" Re*resent 'ector 8uantities by directed line segments, and use a**ro*riate symbols (or 'ectors and their magnitudes 4e"g", v, WvW, WWvWW, v5" 2" 4@5 &ind the com*onents o( a 'ector by subtracting the coordinates o( an initial *oint (rom the coordinates o( a terminal *oint" H" 4@5 $ol'e *roblems in'ol'ing 'elocity and other 8uantities that can be re*resented by 'ectors" Perform o!erations on vectors. 7" 4@5 1dd and subtract 'ectors" a" 1dd 'ectors end)to)end, com*onent)wise, and by the *arallelogram rule" +nderstand that the magnitude o( a sum o( two 'ectors is ty*ically not the sum o( the magnitudes" b" Gi'en two 'ectors in magnitude and direction (orm, determine the magnitude and direction o( their sum" c" +nderstand 'ector subtraction v J w as v @ 4Jw5, where Jw is the additi'e in'erse o( w, with the same magnitude as w and *ointing in the o**osite direction" Re*resent 'ector subtraction gra*hically by connecting the ti*s in the a**ro*riate order, and *er(orm 'ector subtraction com*onent)wise" #" 4@5 Multi*ly a 'ector by a scalar" a" Re*resent scalar multi*lication gra*hically by scaling 'ectors and *ossibly re'ersing their directionD *er(orm scalar multi*lication com*onent)wise, e"g", as c4vx, vy5 L 4cvx, cvy5" b" Com*ute the magnitude o( a scalar multi*le cv using WWcvWW L WcWv" Com*ute the direction o( cv !nowing that when WcWv U 0, the direction o( cv is either along v 4(or c O 05 or against v 4(or c P 05" Perform o!erations on matrices and use matrices in a!!lications. E" 4@5 +se matrices to re*resent and mani*ulate data, e"g", to re*resent *ayo((s or incidence relationshi*s in a networ!" %" 4@5 Multi*ly matrices by scalars to *roduce new matrices, e"g", as when all o( the *ayo((s in a game are doubled" G" 4@5 1dd, subtract, and multi*ly matrices o( a**ro*riate dimensions" 9" 4@5 +nderstand that, unli!e multi*lication o( numbers, matri? multi*lication (or s8uare matrices is not a commutati'e o*eration, but still satis(ies the associati'e and distributi'e *ro*erties" I0" 4@5 +nderstand that the 0ero and identity matrices *lay a role in matri? addition and multi*lication similar to the role o( 0 and I in the real numbers" ,he determinant o( a s8uare matri? is non0ero i( and only i( the matri? has a multi*licati'e in'erse" II" 4@5 Multi*ly a 'ector 4regarded as a matri? with one column5 by a matri? o( suitable dimensions to *roduce another 'ector" 2or! with matrices as trans(ormations o( 'ectors" I2" 4@5 2or! with 2 F 2 matrices as a trans(ormations o( the *lane, and inter*ret the absolute 'alue o( the determinant in terms o( area"



Mathematics ; High School +lge"ra: Introduction

1n e?*ression is a record o( a com*utation with numbers, symbols that re*resent numbers, arithmetic o*erations, e?*onentiation, and, at more ad'anced le'els, the o*eration o( e'aluating a (unction" Con'entions about the use o( *arentheses and the order o( o*erations assure that each e?*ression is unambiguous" Creating an e?*ression that describes a com*utation in'ol'ing a general 8uantity re8uires the ability to e?*ress the com*utation in general terms, abstracting (rom s*eci(ic instances" Reading an e?*ression with com*rehension in'ol'es analysis o( its underlying structure" ,his may suggest a di((erent but e8ui'alent way o( writing the e?*ression that e?hibits some di((erent as*ect o( its meaning" &or e?am*le, p @ 0"0#p can be inter*reted as the addition o( a #V ta? to a *rice p" Rewriting p @ 0"0#p as I"0#p shows that adding a ta? is the same as multi*lying the *rice by a constant (actor" 1lgebraic mani*ulations are go'erned by the *ro*erties o( o*erations and e?*onents, and the con'entions o( algebraic notation" 1t times, an e?*ression is the result o( a**lying o*erations to sim*ler e?*ressions" &or e?am*le, p @ 0"0#p is the sum o( the sim*ler e?*ressions p and 0"0#p" Ziewing an e?*ression as the result o( o*eration on sim*ler e?*ressions can sometimes clari(y its underlying structure" 1 s*readsheet or a com*uter algebra system 4C1$5 can be used to e?*eriment with algebraic e?*ressions, *er(orm com*licated algebraic mani*ulations, and understand how algebraic mani*ulations beha'e"

A&uations and ine&ualities.

1n e8uation is a statement o( e8uality between two e?*ressions, o(ten 'iewed as a 8uestion as!ing (or which 'alues o( the 'ariables the e?*ressions on either side are in (act e8ual" ,hese 'alues are the solutions to the e8uation" 1n identity, in contrast, is true (or all 'alues o( the 'ariablesD identities are o(ten de'elo*ed by rewriting an e?*ression in an e8ui'alent (orm" ,he solutions o( an e8uation in one 'ariable (orm a set o( numbersD the solutions o( an e8uation in two 'ariables (orm a set o( ordered *airs o( numbers, which can be *lotted in the coordinate *lane" ,wo or more e8uations andKor ine8ualities (orm a system" 1 solution (or such a system must satis(y e'ery e8uation and ine8uality in the system" 1n e8uation can o(ten be sol'ed by successi'ely deducing (rom it one or more sim*ler e8uations" &or e?am*le, one can add the same constant to both sides without changing the solutions, but s8uaring both sides might lead to e?traneous solutions" $trategic com*etence in sol'ing includes loo!ing ahead (or *roducti'e mani*ulations and antici*ating the nature and number o( solutions" $ome e8uations ha'e no solutions in a gi'en number system, but ha'e a solution in a larger system" &or e?am*le, the solution o( x @ I L 0 is an integer, not a whole numberD the solution o( 2x @ I L 0 is a rational number, not an integerD the solutions o( x2 J 2 L 0 are real numbers, not rational numbersD and the solutions o( x2 @ 2 L 0 are com*le? numbers, not real numbers" ,he same solution techni8ues used to sol'e e8uations can be used to rearrange (ormulas" &or e?am*le, the (ormula (or the area o( a tra*e0oid, 3 L 44bI@b25K25h, can be sol'ed (or h using the same deducti'e *rocess" /ne8ualities can be sol'ed by reasoning about the *ro*erties o( ine8uality" Many, but not all, o( the *ro*erties o( e8uality continue to hold (or ine8ualities and can be use(ul in sol'ing them"

Connections to Cunctions and Modeling.

E?*ressions can de(ine (unctions, and e8ui'alent e?*ressions de(ine the same (unction" 1s!ing when two (unctions ha'e the same 'alue (or the same in*ut leads to an e8uationD gra*hing the two (unctions allows (or (inding a**ro?imate solutions o( the e8uation" Con'erting a 'erbal descri*tion to an e8uation, ine8uality, or system o( these is an essential s!ill in modeling"


Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

+lge"ra 2verview
Seeing Structure in A/!ressions N /nter*ret the structure o( e?*ressions N 2rite e?*ressions in e8ui'alent (orms to sol'e *roblems +rithmetic with Pol%nomials and $ational A/!ressions N Aer(orm arithmetic o*erations on *olynomials N +nderstand the relationshi* between 0eros and (actors o( *olynomials N +se *olynomial identities to sol'e *roblems N Rewrite rational e?*ressions Creating A&uations N Create e8uations that describe numbers or relationshi*s $easoning with A&uations and Ine&ualities N +nderstand sol'ing e8uations as a *rocess o( reasoning and e?*lain the reasoning N $ol'e e8uations and ine8ualities in one 'ariable N $ol'e systems o( e8uations N Re*resent and sol'e e8uations and ine8ualities gra*hically

Seeing Structure in A/!ressions


Inter!ret the structure of e/!ressions. I" /nter*ret e?*ressions that re*resent a 8uantity in terms o( its conte?t" a" /nter*ret *arts o( an e?*ression, such as terms, (actors, and coe((icients" b" /nter*ret com*licated e?*ressions by 'iewing one or more o( their *arts as a single entity" )or example, interpret U(1<r)n as the product o U and a actor not depending on U. 2" +se the structure o( an e?*ression to identi(y ways to rewrite it" )or example, see x> & y> as (x2)2 & (y2)2, thus it as a di erence o s/uares that can be actored as (x2 & y2)(x2 < y2). :rite e/!ressions in e&uivalent forms to solve !ro"lems. H" Choose and *roduce an e8ui'alent (orm o( an e?*ression to re'eal and e?*lain *ro*erties o( the 8uantity re*resented by the e?*ression" a" &actor a 8uadratic e?*ression to re'eal the 0eros o( the (unction it de(ines" b" Com*lete the s8uare in a 8uadratic e?*ression to re'eal the ma?imum or minimum 'alue o( the (unction it de(ines" c" +se the *ro*erties o( e?*onents to trans(orm e?*ressions (or e?*onential (unctions" )or example the expression 1.1@t can be rewritten as (1.1@1612)12t V 1.?1212t to reveal the approximate e/uivalent monthly interest rate i the annual rate is 1@P. 7" eri'e the (ormula (or the sum o( a (inite geometric series 4when the common ratio is not I5, and use the (ormula to sol'e *roblems" )or example, calculate mortgage payments.


+rithmetic with Pol%nomials 3 $ational A/!ressions

Perform arithmetic o!erations on !ol%nomials. I" +nderstand that *olynomials (orm a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the o*erations o( addition, subtraction, and multi*licationD add, subtract, and multi*ly *olynomials"


Understand the relationshi! "etween ?eros and factors of !ol%nomials. 2" Mnow and a**ly the Remainder ,heorem6 &or a *olynomial p4x5 and a number a, the remainder on di'ision by x & a is p4a5, so p4a5 L 0 i( and only i( 4x & a5 is a (actor o( p4x5" H" /denti(y 0eros o( *olynomials when suitable (actori0ations are a'ailable, and use the 0eros to construct a rough gra*h o( the (unction de(ined by the *olynomial" Use !ol%nomial identities to solve !ro"lems. 7" Aro'e *olynomial identities and use them to describe numerical relationshi*s" )or example, the polynomial identity (x2 < y2)2 = (x2 & y2)2 < (2xy)2 can be used to generate Uythagorean triples. #" 4@5 Mnow and a**ly the ;inomial ,heorem (or the e?*ansion o( 4x @ y5n in *owers o( x and y (or a *ositi'e integer n, where x and y are any numbers, with coe((icients determined (or e?am*le by Aascal:s ,riangle"I $ewrite rational e/!ressions. E" Rewrite sim*le rational e?*ressions in di((erent (ormsD write a4x5Kb4x5 in the (orm /4x5 @ r4x5Kb4x5, where a4x5, b4x5, /4x5, and r4x5 are *olynomials with the degree o( r4x5 less than the degree o( b4x5, using ins*ection, long di'ision, or, (or the more com*licated e?am*les, a com*uter algebra system" %" 4@5 +nderstand that rational e?*ressions (orm a system analogous to the rational numbers, closed under addition, subtraction, multi*lication, and di'ision by a non0ero rational e?*ressionD add, subtract, multi*ly, and di'ide rational e?*ressions" 88888888888888888

,he ;inomial ,heorem can be *ro'ed by mathematical induction or by a combinatorial argument"

Creating A&uations


Create e&uations that descri"e num"ers or relationshi!s. I" Create e8uations and ine8ualities in one 'ariable and use them to sol'e *roblems" 4nclude e/uations arising rom linear and /uadratic unctions, and simple rational and exponential unctions. 2" Create e8uations in two or more 'ariables to re*resent relationshi*s between 8uantitiesD gra*h e8uations on coordinate a?es with labels and scales" H" Re*resent constraints by e8uations or ine8ualities, and by systems o( e8uations andKor ine8ualities, and inter*ret solutions as 'iable or non'iable o*tions in a modeling conte?t" )or example, represent ine/ualities describing nutritional and cost constraints on combinations o di erent oods. 7" Rearrange (ormulas to highlight a 8uantity o( interest, using the same reasoning as in sol'ing e8uations" )or example, rearrange WhmOs law K = 4H to highlight resistance H.

$easoning with A&uations 3 Ine&ualities


Understand solving e&uations as a !rocess of reasoning and e/!lain the reasoning. I" E?*lain each ste* in sol'ing a sim*le e8uation as (ollowing (rom the e8uality o( numbers asserted at the *re'ious ste*, starting (rom the assum*tion that the original e8uation has a solution" Construct a 'iable argument to >usti(y a solution method" 2" $ol'e sim*le rational and radical e8uations in one 'ariable, and gi'e e?am*les showing how e?traneous solutions may arise"


Solve e&uations and ine&ualities in one varia"le. H" $ol'e linear e8uations and ine8ualities in one 'ariable, including e8uations with coe((icients re*resented by letters" 7" $ol'e 8uadratic e8uations in one 'ariable" a" +se the method o( com*leting the s8uare to trans(orm any 8uadratic e8uation in x into an e8uation o( the (orm 4x J p52 L / that has the same solutions" eri'e the 8uadratic (ormula (rom this (orm" b" $ol'e 8uadratic e8uations by ins*ection 4e"g", (or x2 L 795, ta!ing s8uare roots, com*leting the s8uare, the 8uadratic (ormula and (actoring, as a**ro*riate to the initial (orm o( the e8uation" Recogni0e when the 8uadratic (ormula gi'es com*le? solutions and write them as a \ bi (or real numbers a and b" Solve s%stems of e&uations. #" Aro'e that, gi'en a system o( two e8uations in two 'ariables, re*lacing one e8uation by the sum o( that e8uation and a multi*le o( the other *roduces a system with the same solutions" E" $ol'e systems o( linear e8uations e?actly and a**ro?imately 4e"g", with gra*hs5, (ocusing on *airs o( linear e8uations in two 'ariables" %" $ol'e a sim*le system consisting o( a linear e8uation and a 8uadratic e8uation in two 'ariables algebraically and gra*hically" &or e?am*le, (ind the *oints o( intersection between the line y L JHx and the circle x2 @ y2 L H" G" 4@5 Re*resent a system o( linear e8uations as a single matri? e8uation in a 'ector 'ariable" 9" 4@5 &ind the in'erse o( a matri? i( it e?ists and use it to sol'e systems o( linear e8uations 4using technology (or matrices o( dimension H F H or greater5" $e!resent and solve e&uations and ine&ualities gra!hicall%. I0" +nderstand that the gra*h o( an e8uation in two 'ariables is the set o( all its solutions *lotted in the coordinate *lane, o(ten (orming a cur'e 4which could be a line5" II" E?*lain why the x)coordinates o( the *oints where the gra*hs o( the e8uations y L 4x5 and y L g4x5 intersect are the solutions o( the e8uation 4x5 L g4x5D (ind the solutions a**ro?imately, e"g", using technology to gra*h the (unctions, ma!e tables o( 'alues, or (ind successi'e a**ro?imations" /nclude cases where 4x5 andKor g4x5 are linear, *olynomial, rational, absolute 'alue, e?*onential, and logarithmic (unctions" I2" Gra*h the solutions to a linear ine8uality in two 'ariables as a hal()*lane 4e?cluding the boundary in the case o( a strict ine8uality5, and gra*h the solution set to a system o( linear ine8ualities in two 'ariables as the intersection o( the corres*onding hal()*lanes"


Mathematics ; High School Cunctions: Introduction

&unctions describe situations where one 8uantity determines another" &or e?am*le, the return on QI0,000 in'ested at an annuali0ed *ercentage rate o( 7"2#V is a (unction o( the length o( time the money is in'ested" ;ecause we continually ma!e theories about de*endencies between 8uantities in nature and society, (unctions are im*ortant tools in the construction o( mathematical models" /n school mathematics, (unctions usually ha'e numerical in*uts and out*uts and are o(ten de(ined by an algebraic e?*ression" &or e?am*le, the time in hours it ta!es (or a car to dri'e I00 miles is a (unction o( the car:s s*eed in miles *er hour, vD the rule T4v5 L I00Kv e?*resses this relationshi* algebraically and de(ines a (unction whose name is T" ,he set o( in*uts to a (unction is called its domain" 2e o(ten in(er the domain to be all in*uts (or which the e?*ression de(ining a (unction has a 'alue, or (or which the (unction ma!es sense in a gi'en conte?t" 1 (unction can be described in 'arious ways, such as by a gra*h 4e"g", the trace o( a seismogra*h5D by a 'erbal rule, as in, -/:ll gi'e you a state, you gi'e me the ca*ital cityD. by an algebraic e?*ression li!e 4x5 L a @ bxD or by a recursi'e rule" ,he gra*h o( a (unction is o(ten a use(ul way o( 'isuali0ing the relationshi* o( the (unction models, and mani*ulating a mathematical e?*ression (or a (unction can throw light on the (unction:s *ro*erties" &unctions *resented as e?*ressions can model many im*ortant *henomena" ,wo im*ortant (amilies o( (unctions characteri0ed by laws o( growth are linear (unctions, which grow at a constant rate, and e?*onential (unctions, which grow at a constant *ercent rate" Linear (unctions with a constant term o( 0ero describe *ro*ortional relationshi*s" 1 gra*hing utility or a com*uter algebra system can be used to e?*eriment with *ro*erties o( these (unctions and their gra*hs and to build com*utational models o( (unctions, including recursi'ely de(ined (unctions"

Connections to A/!ressions9 A&uations9 Modeling9 and Coordinates.

etermining an out*ut 'alue (or a *articular in*ut in'ol'es e'aluating an e?*ressionD (inding in*uts that yield a gi'en out*ut in'ol'es sol'ing an e8uation" Cuestions about when two (unctions ha'e the same 'alue (or the same in*ut lead to e8uations, whose solutions can be 'isuali0ed (rom the intersection o( their gra*hs" ;ecause (unctions describe relationshi*s between 8uantities, they are (re8uently used in modeling" $ometimes (unctions are de(ined by a recursi'e *rocess, which can be dis*layed e((ecti'ely using a s*readsheet or other technology"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


Cunctions 2verview
Inter!reting Cunctions N +nderstand the conce*t o( a (unction and use (unction notation N /nter*ret (unctions that arise in a**lications in terms o( the conte?t N 1naly0e (unctions using di((erent re*resentations 6uilding Cunctions N ;uild a (unction that models a relationshi* between two 8uantities N ;uild new (unctions (rom e?isting (unctions -inear9 Euadratic9 and A/!onential Models N Construct and com*are linear, 8uadratic, and e?*onential models and sol'e *roblems N /nter*ret e?*ressions (or (unctions in terms o( the situation they model Trigonometric Cunctions N E?tend the domain o( trigonometric (unctions using the unit circle N Model *eriodic *henomena with trigonometric (unctions N Aro'e and a**ly trigonometric identities

Inter!reting Cunctions


Understand the conce!t of a function and use function notation. I" +nderstand that a (unction (rom one set 4called the domain5 to another set 4called the range5 assigns to each element o( the domain e?actly one element o( the range" /( is a (unction and x is an element o( its domain, then 4x5 denotes the out*ut o( corres*onding to the in*ut x" ,he gra*h o( is the gra*h o( the e8uation y L 4x5" 2" +se (unction notation, e'aluate (unctions (or in*uts in their domains, and inter*ret statements that use (unction notation in terms o( a conte?t" H" Recogni0e that se8uences are (unctions, sometimes de(ined recursi'ely, whose domain is a subset o( the integers" )or example, the )ibonacci se/uence is de ined recursively by (?) = (1) = 1, (n<1) = (n) < (n-1) or n X 1. Inter!ret functions that arise in a!!lications in terms of the conte/t. 7" &or a (unction that models a relationshi* between two 8uantities, inter*ret !ey (eatures o( gra*hs and tables in terms o( the 8uantities, and s!etch gra*hs showing !ey (eatures gi'en a 'erbal descri*tion o( the relationshi*" "ey eatures include: interceptsF intervals where the unction is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negativeF relative maximums and minimumsF symmetriesF end behaviorF and periodicity" #" Relate the domain o( a (unction to its gra*h and, where a**licable, to the 8uantitati'e relationshi* it describes" )or example, i the unction h(n) gives the number o person-hours it ta%es to assemble n engines in a actory, then the positive integers would be an appropriate domain or the unction. E" Calculate and inter*ret the a'erage rate o( change o( a (unction 4*resented symbolically or as a table5 o'er a s*eci(ied inter'al" Estimate the rate o( change (rom a gra*h" +nal%?e functions using different re!resentations. %" Gra*h (unctions e?*ressed symbolically and show !ey (eatures o( the gra*h, by hand in sim*le cases and using technology (or more com*licated cases" a" Gra*h linear and 8uadratic (unctions and show interce*ts, ma?ima, and minima" b" Gra*h s8uare root, cube root, and *iecewise)de(ined (unctions, including ste* (unctions and absolute 'alue (unctions" c" Gra*h *olynomial (unctions, identi(ying 0eros when suitable (actori0ations are a'ailable, and showing end beha'ior" d" 4@5 Gra*h rational (unctions, identi(ying 0eros and asym*totes when suitable (actori0ations are a'ailable, and showing end beha'ior" e" Gra*h e?*onential and logarithmic (unctions, showing interce*ts and end beha'ior, and trigonometric (unctions, showing *eriod, midline, and am*litude" G" 2rite a (unction de(ined by an e?*ression in di((erent but e8ui'alent (orms to re'eal and e?*lain di((erent *ro*erties o( the (unction"


+se the *rocess o( (actoring and com*leting the s8uare in a 8uadratic (unction to show 0eros, e?treme 'alues, and symmetry o( the gra*h, and inter*ret these in terms o( a conte?t" b" +se the *ro*erties o( e?*onents to inter*ret e?*ressions (or e?*onential (unctions" &or e?am*le, identi(y *ercent rate o( change in (unctions such as y L 4I"025t, y L 40"9%5t, y L 4I"0I5I2t, y L 4I"25tKI0, and classi(y them as re*resenting e?*onential growth or decay" 9" Com*are *ro*erties o( two (unctions each re*resented in a di((erent way 4algebraically, gra*hically, numerically in tables, or by 'erbal descri*tions5" )or example, given a graph o one /uadratic unction and an algebraic expression or another, say which has the larger maximum.


6uilding Cunctions


6uild a function that models a relationshi! "etween two &uantities. I" 2rite a (unction that describes a relationshi* between two 8uantities" a" etermine an e?*licit e?*ression, a recursi'e *rocess, or ste*s (or calculation (rom a conte?t" b" Combine standard (unction ty*es using arithmetic o*erations" )or example, build a unction that models the temperature o a cooling body by adding a constant unction to a decaying exponential, and relate these unctions to the model. c" 4@5 Com*ose (unctions" )or example, i T(y) is the temperature in the atmosphere as a unction o height, and h(t) is the height o a weather balloon as a unction o time, then T(h(t)) is the temperature at the location o the weather balloon as a unction o time. 2" 2rite arithmetic and geometric se8uences both recursi'ely and with an e?*licit (ormula, use them to model situations, and translate between the two (orms" 6uild new functions from e/isting functions. H" /denti(y the e((ect on the gra*h o( re*lacing 4x5 by 4x5 @ %, % 4x5, 4%x5, and 4x @ %5 (or s*eci(ic 'alues o( % 4both *ositi'e and negati'e5D (ind the 'alue o( % gi'en the gra*hs" E?*eriment with cases and illustrate an e?*lanation o( the e((ects on the gra*h using technology" /nclude recogni0ing e'en and odd (unctions (rom their gra*hs and algebraic e?*ressions (or them" 7" &ind in'erse (unctions" a" $ol'e an e8uation o( the (orm (4?5 L c (or a sim*le (unction ( that has an in'erse and write an e?*ression (or the in'erse" )or example, (x) =2 x* or (x) = (x<1)6(x&1) or x Y 1. b" 4@5 Zeri(y by com*osition that one (unction is the in'erse o( another" c" 4@5 Read 'alues o( an in'erse (unction (rom a gra*h or a table, gi'en that the (unction has an in'erse" d" 4@5 Aroduce an in'ertible (unction (rom a non)in'ertible (unction by restricting the domain" #" 4@5 +nderstand the in'erse relationshi* between e?*onents and logarithms and use this relationshi* to sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing logarithms and e?*onents"

-inear9 Euadratic9 3 A/!onential Models


Construct and com!are linear9 &uadratic9 and e/!onential models and solve !ro"lems. I" istinguish between situations that can be modeled with linear (unctions and with e?*onential (unctions" a" Aro'e that linear (unctions grow by e8ual di((erences o'er e8ual inter'als, and that e?*onential (unctions grow by e8ual (actors o'er e8ual inter'als" b" Recogni0e situations in which one 8uantity changes at a constant rate *er unit inter'al relati'e to another" c" Recogni0e situations in which a 8uantity grows or decays by a constant *ercent rate *er unit inter'al relati'e to another" 2" Construct linear and e?*onential (unctions, including arithmetic and geometric se8uences, gi'en a gra*h, a descri*tion o( a relationshi*, or two in*ut)out*ut *airs 4include reading these (rom a table5" H" =bser'e using gra*hs and tables that a 8uantity increasing e?*onentially e'entually e?ceeds a 8uantity increasing linearly, 8uadratically, or 4more generally5 as a *olynomial (unction"


7" &or e?*onential models, e?*ress as a logarithm the solution to abct L d where a, c, and d are numbers and the base b is 2, I0, or eD e'aluate the logarithm using technology" Inter!ret e/!ressions for functions in terms of the situation the% model. #" /nter*ret the *arameters in a linear or e?*onential (unction in terms o( a conte?t"

Trigonometric Cunctions


A/tend the domain of trigonometric functions using the unit circle. I" +nderstand radian measure o( an angle as the length o( the arc on the unit circle subtended by the angle" 2" E?*lain how the unit circle in the coordinate *lane enables the e?tension o( trigonometric (unctions to all real numbers, inter*reted as radian measures o( angles tra'ersed countercloc!wise around the unit circle" H" 4@5 +se s*ecial triangles to determine geometrically the 'alues o( sine, cosine, tangent (or XKH, XK7 and XKE, and use the unit circle to e?*ress the 'alues o( sine, cosines, and tangent (or x, X @ x, and 2X J x in terms o( their 'alues (or x, where x is any real number" 7" 4@5 +se the unit circle to e?*lain symmetry 4odd and e'en5 and *eriodicity o( trigonometric (unctions" Model !eriodic !henomena with trigonometric functions. #" Choose trigonometric (unctions to model *eriodic *henomena with s*eci(ied am*litude, (re8uency, and midline" E" 4@5 +nderstand that restricting a trigonometric (unction to a domain on which it is always increasing or always decreasing allows its in'erse to be constructed" %" 4@5 +se in'erse (unctions to sol'e trigonometric e8uations that arise in modeling conte?tsD e'aluate the solutions using technology, and inter*ret them in terms o( the conte?t" Prove and a!!l% trigonometric identities. G" Aro'e the Aythagorean identity sin24]5 @ cos24]5 L I and use it to (ind sin4]5, cos4]5, or tan4]5 gi'en sin4]5, cos4]5, or tan4]5 and the 8uadrant o( the angle" 9" 4@5 Aro'e the addition and subtraction (ormulas (or sine, cosine, and tangent and use them to sol'e *roblems"


Mathematics ; High School Modeling: Introduction

Modeling lin!s classroom mathematics and statistics to e'eryday li(e, wor!, and decision)ma!ing" Modeling is the *rocess o( choosing and using a**ro*riate mathematics and statistics to analy0e em*irical situations, to understand them better, and to im*ro'e decisions" Cuantities and their relationshi*s in *hysical, economic, *ublic *olicy, social, and e'eryday situations can be modeled using mathematical and statistical methods" 2hen ma!ing mathematical models, technology is 'aluable (or 'arying assum*tions, e?*loring conse8uences, and com*aring *redictions with data" 1 model can be 'ery sim*le, such as writing total cost as a *roduct o( unit *rice and number bought, or using a geometric sha*e to describe a *hysical ob>ect li!e a coin" E'en such sim*le models in'ol'e ma!ing choices" /t is u* to us whether to model a coin as a three)dimensional cylinder, or whether a two)dimensional dis! wor!s well enough (or our *ur*oses" =ther situationsmodeling a deli'ery route, a *roduction schedule, or a com*arison o( loan amorti0ationsneed more elaborate models that use other tools (rom the mathematical sciences" Real)world situations are not organi0ed and labeled (or analysisD (ormulating tractable models, re*resenting such models, and analy0ing them is a**ro*riately a creati'e *rocess" Li!e e'ery such *rocess, this de*ends on ac8uired e?*ertise as well as creati'ity" $ome e?am*les o( such situations might include6 Estimating how much water and (ood is needed (or emergency relie( in a de'astated city o( H million *eo*le, and how it might be distributed" Alanning a table tennis tournament (or % *layers at a club with 7 tables, where each *layer *lays against each other *layer" esigning the layout o( the stalls in a school (air so as to raise as much money as *ossible" 1naly0ing sto**ing distance (or a car" Modeling sa'ings account balance, bacterial colony growth, or in'estment growth" Engaging in critical *ath analysis, e"g", a**lied to turnaround o( an aircra(t at an air*ort" 1naly0ing ris! in situations such as e?treme s*orts, *andemics, and terrorism" Relating *o*ulation statistics to indi'idual *redictions" /n situations li!e these, the models de'ised de*end on a number o( (actors6 3ow *recise an answer do we want or need< 2hat as*ects o( the situation do we most need to understand, control, or o*timi0e< 2hat resources o( time and tools do we ha'e< ,he range o( models that we can create and analy0e is also constrained by the limitations o( our mathematical, statistical, and technical s!ills, and our ability to recogni0e signi(icant 'ariables and relationshi*s among them" iagrams o( 'arious !inds, s*readsheets and other technology, and algebra are *ower(ul tools (or understanding and sol'ing *roblems drawn (rom di((erent ty*es o( real)world situations" =ne o( the insights *ro'ided by mathematical modeling is that essentially the same mathematical or statistical structure can sometimes model seemingly di((erent situations" Models can also shed light on the mathematical structures themsel'es, (or e?am*le, as when a model o( bacterial growth ma!es more 'i'id the e?*losi'e growth o( the e?*onential (unction"

,he basic modeling cycle is summari0ed in the diagram" /t in'ol'es 4I5 identi(ying 'ariables in the situation and selecting those that re*resent essential (eatures, 425 (ormulating a model by creating and selecting geometric, gra*hical, tabular, algebraic, or statistical re*resentations that describe relationshi*s between the 'ariables, 4H5


analy0ing and *er(orming o*erations on these relationshi*s to draw conclusions, 475 inter*reting the results o( the mathematics in terms o( the original situation, 4#5 'alidating the conclusions by com*aring them with the situation, and then either im*ro'ing the model or, i( it is acce*table, 4E5 re*orting on the conclusions and the reasoning behind them" Choices, assum*tions, and a**ro?imations are *resent throughout this cycle" /n descri*ti'e modeling, a model sim*ly describes the *henomena or summari0es them in a com*act (orm" Gra*hs o( obser'ations are a (amiliar descri*ti'e model(or e?am*le, gra*hs o( global tem*erature and atmos*heric C=2 o'er time" 1nalytic modeling see!s to e?*lain data on the basis o( dee*er theoretical ideas, albeit with *arameters that are em*irically basedD (or e?am*le, e?*onential growth o( bacterial colonies 4until cut)o(( mechanisms such as *ollution or star'ation inter'ene5 (ollows (rom a constant re*roduction rate" &unctions are an im*ortant tool (or analy0ing such *roblems" Gra*hing utilities, s*readsheets, com*uter algebra systems, and dynamic geometry so(tware are *ower(ul tools that can be used to model *urely mathematical *henomena 4e"g", the beha'ior o( *olynomials5 as well as *hysical *henomena"

Modeling Standards
Modeling is best interpreted not as a collection o isolated topics but rather in relation to other standards. Ma%ing mathematical models is a #tandard or Mathematical Uractice, and speci ic modeling standards appear throughout the high school standards indicated by a star symbol 45"


Mathematics ; High School 0eometr%: Introduction

1n understanding o( the attributes and relationshi*s o( geometric ob>ects can be a**lied in di'erse conte?ts inter*reting a schematic drawing, estimating the amount o( wood needed to (rame a slo*ing roo(, rendering com*uter gra*hics, or designing a sewing *attern (or the most e((icient use o( material" 1lthough there are many ty*es o( geometry, school mathematics is de'oted *rimarily to *lane Euclidean geometry, studied both synthetically 4without coordinates5 and analytically 4with coordinates5" Euclidean geometry is characteri0ed most im*ortantly by the Aarallel Aostulate, that through a *oint not on a gi'en line there is e?actly one *arallel line" 4$*herical geometry, in contrast, has no *arallel lines"5 uring high school, students begin to (ormali0e their geometry e?*eriences (rom elementary and middle school, using more *recise de(initions and de'elo*ing care(ul *roo(s" Later in college some students de'elo* Euclidean and other geometries care(ully (rom a small set o( a?ioms" ,he conce*ts o( congruence, similarity, and symmetry can be understood (rom the *ers*ecti'e o( geometric trans(ormation" &undamental are the rigid motions6 translations, rotations, re(lections, and combinations o( these, all o( which are here assumed to *reser'e distance and angles 4and there(ore sha*es generally5" Re(lections and rotations each e?*lain a *articular ty*e o( symmetry, and the symmetries o( an ob>ect o((er insight into its attributes as when the re(lecti'e symmetry o( an isosceles triangle assures that its base angles are congruent" /n the a**roach ta!en here, two geometric (igures are de(ined to be congruent i( there is a se8uence o( rigid motions that carries one onto the other" ,his is the *rinci*le o( su*er*osition" &or triangles, congruence means the e8uality o( all corres*onding *airs o( sides and all corres*onding *airs o( angles" uring the middle grades, through e?*eriences drawing triangles (rom gi'en conditions, students notice ways to s*eci(y enough measures in a triangle to ensure that all triangles drawn with those measures are congruent" =nce these triangle congruence criteria 41$1, $1$, and $$$5 are established using rigid motions, they can be used to *ro'e theorems about triangles, 8uadrilaterals, and other geometric (igures" $imilarity trans(ormations 4rigid motions (ollowed by dilations5 de(ine similarity in the same way that rigid motions de(ine congruence, thereby (ormali0ing the similarity ideas o( ^same sha*e^ and ^scale (actor^ de'elo*ed in the middle grades" ,hese trans(ormations lead to the criterion (or triangle similarity that two *airs o( corres*onding angles are congruent" ,he de(initions o( sine, cosine, and tangent (or acute angles are (ounded on right triangles and similarity, and, with the Aythagorean ,heorem, are (undamental in many real)world and theoretical situations" ,he Aythagorean ,heorem is generali0ed to non)right triangles by the Law o( Cosines" ,ogether, the Laws o( $ines and Cosines embody the triangle congruence criteria (or the cases where three *ieces o( in(ormation su((ice to com*letely sol'e a triangle" &urthermore, these laws yield two *ossible solutions in the ambiguous case, illustrating that $ide)$ide)1ngle is not a congruence criterion" 1nalytic geometry connects algebra and geometry, resulting in *ower(ul methods o( analysis and *roblem sol'ing" Tust as the number line associates numbers with locations in one dimension, a *air o( *er*endicular a?es associates *airs o( numbers with locations in two dimensions" ,his corres*ondence between numerical coordinates and geometric *oints allows methods (rom algebra to be a**lied to geometry and 'ice 'ersa" ,he solution set o( an e8uation becomes a geometric cur'e, ma!ing 'isuali0ation a tool (or doing and understanding algebra" Geometric sha*es can be described by e8uations, ma!ing algebraic mani*ulation into a tool (or geometric understanding, odeling, and *roo(" Geometric trans(ormations o( the gra*hs o( e8uations corres*ond to algebraic changes in their e8uations" ynamic geometry en'ironments *ro'ide students with e?*erimental and modeling tools that allow them to in'estigate geometric *henomena in much the same way as com*uter algebra systems allow them to e?*eriment with algebraic *henomena"


Connections to A&uations.
,he corres*ondence between numerical coordinates and geometric *oints allows methods (rom algebra to be a**lied to geometry and 'ice 'ersa" ,he solution set o( an e8uation becomes a geometric cur'e, ma!ing 'isuali0ation a tool (or doing and understanding algebra" Geometric sha*es can be described by e8uations, ma!ing algebraic mani*ulation into a tool (or geometric understanding, modeling, and *roo("

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"

0eometr% 2verview
Congruence N E?*eriment with trans(ormations in the *lane N +nderstand congruence in terms o( rigid motions N Aro'e geometric theorems N Ma!e geometric constructions Similarit%9 $ight Triangles9 and Trigonometr% N +nderstand similarity in terms o( similarity trans(ormations N Aro'e theorems in'ol'ing similarity N e(ine trigonometric ratios and sol'e *roblems in'ol'ing right triangles N 1**ly trigonometry to general triangles Circles N +nderstand and a**ly theorems about circles N &ind arc lengths and areas o( sectors o( circles A/!ressing 0eometric Pro!erties with A&uations N ,ranslate between the geometric descri*tion and the e8uation (or a conic section N +se coordinates to *ro'e sim*le geometric theorems algebraically 0eometric Measurement and Dimension N E?*lain 'olume (ormulas and use them to sol'e *roblems N Zisuali0e relationshi*s between twodimensional and three)dimensional ob>ects Modeling with 0eometr% N 1**ly geometric conce*ts in modeling situations



A/!eriment with transformations in the !lane I" Mnow *recise de(initions o( angle, circle, *er*endicular line, *arallel line, and line segment, based on the unde(ined notions o( *oint, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc" 2" Re*resent trans(ormations in the *lane using, e"g", trans*arencies and geometry so(twareD describe trans(ormations as (unctions that ta!e *oints in the *lane as in*uts and gi'e other *oints as out*uts" Com*are trans(ormations that *reser'e distance and angle to those that do not 4e"g", translation 'ersus hori0ontal stretch5" H" Gi'en a rectangle, *arallelogram, tra*e0oid, or regular *olygon, describe the rotations and re(lections that carry it onto itsel(" 7" e'elo* de(initions o( rotations, re(lections, and translations in terms o( angles, circles, *er*endicular lines, *arallel lines, and line segments" #" Gi'en a geometric (igure and a rotation, re(lection, or translation, draw the trans(ormed (igure using, e"g", gra*h *a*er, tracing *a*er, or geometry so(tware" $*eci(y a se8uence o( trans(ormations that will carry a gi'en (igure onto another"


Understand congruence in terms of rigid motions E" +se geometric descri*tions o( rigid motions to trans(orm (igures and to *redict the e((ect o( a gi'en rigid motion on a gi'en (igureD gi'en two (igures, use the de(inition o( congruence in terms o( rigid motions to decide i( they are congruent" %" +se the de(inition o( congruence in terms o( rigid motions to show that two triangles are congruent i( and only i( corres*onding *airs o( sides and corres*onding *airs o( angles are congruent" G" E?*lain how the criteria (or triangle congruence 41$1, $1$, and $$$5 (ollow (rom the de(inition o( congruence in terms o( rigid motions" Prove geometric theorems 9" Aro'e theorems about lines and angles" Theorems include: vertical angles are congruentF when a transversal crosses parallel lines, alternate interior angles are congruent and corresponding angles are congruentF points on a perpendicular bisector o a line segment are exactly those e/uidistant rom the segmentOs endpoints. I0" Aro'e theorems about triangles" Theorems include: measures o interior angles o a triangle sum to 1;?TF base angles o isosceles triangles are congruentF the segment 0oining midpoints o two sides o a triangle is parallel to the third side and hal the lengthF the medians o a triangle meet at a point. II" Aro'e theorems about *arallelograms" Theorems include: opposite sides are congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals o a parallelogram bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals. Ma e geometric constructions I2" Ma!e (ormal geometric constructions with a 'ariety o( tools and methods 4com*ass and straightedge, string, re(lecti'e de'ices, *a*er (olding, dynamic geometric so(tware, etc"5" 7opying a segmentF copying an angleF bisecting a segmentF bisecting an angleF constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector o a line segmentF and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line. IH" Construct an e8uilateral triangle, a s8uare, and a regular he?agon inscribed in a circle"

Similarit%9 $ight Triangles9 3 Trigonometr%


Understand similarit% in terms of similarit% transformations I" Zeri(y e?*erimentally the *ro*erties o( dilations gi'en by a center and a scale (actor6 a" 1 dilation ta!es a line not *assing through the center o( the dilation to a *arallel line, and lea'es a line *assing through the center unchanged" b" ,he dilation o( a line segment is longer or shorter in the ratio gi'en by the scale (actor" 2" Gi'en two (igures, use the de(inition o( similarity in terms o( similarity trans(ormations to decide i( they are similarD e?*lain using similarity trans(ormations the meaning o( similarity (or triangles as the e8uality o( all corres*onding *airs o( angles and the *ro*ortionality o( all corres*onding *airs o( sides" H" +se the *ro*erties o( similarity trans(ormations to establish the 11 criterion (or two triangles to be similar" Prove theorems involving similarit% 7" Aro'e theorems about triangles" Theorems include: a line parallel to one side o a triangle divides the other two proportionally, and converselyF the Uythagorean Theorem proved using triangle similarity. #" +se congruence and similarity criteria (or triangles to sol'e *roblems and to *ro'e relationshi*s in geometric (igures" Define trigonometric ratios and solve !ro"lems involving right triangles E" +nderstand that by similarity, side ratios in right triangles are *ro*erties o( the angles in the triangle, leading to de(initions o( trigonometric ratios (or acute angles" %" E?*lain and use the relationshi* between the sine and cosine o( com*lementary angles" G" +se trigonometric ratios and the Aythagorean ,heorem to sol'e right triangles in a**lied *roblems"


+!!l% trigonometr% to general triangles 9" 4@5 eri'e the (ormula 3 L IK2 ab sin4C5 (or the area o( a triangle by drawing an au?iliary line (rom a 'erte? *er*endicular to the o**osite side" I0" 4@5 Aro'e the Laws o( $ines and Cosines and use them to sol'e *roblems" II" 4@5 +nderstand and a**ly the Law o( $ines and the Law o( Cosines to (ind un!nown measurements in right and non)right triangles 4e"g", sur'eying *roblems, resultant (orces5"



Understand and a!!l% theorems a"out circles I" Aro'e that all circles are similar" 2" /denti(y and describe relationshi*s among inscribed angles, radii, and chords" 4nclude the relationship between central, inscribed, and circumscribed anglesF inscribed angles on a diameter are right anglesF the radius o a circle is perpendicular to the tangent where the radius intersects the circle. H" Construct the inscribed and circumscribed circles o( a triangle, and *ro'e *ro*erties o( angles (or a 8uadrilateral inscribed in a circle" 7" 4@5 Construct a tangent line (rom a *oint outside a gi'en circle to the circle" Cind arc lengths and areas of sectors of circles #" eri'e using similarity the (act that the length o( the arc interce*ted by an angle is *ro*ortional to the radius, and de(ine the radian measure o( the angle as the constant o( *ro*ortionalityD deri'e the (ormula (or the area o( a sector"

A/!ressing 0eometric Pro!erties with A&uations


Translate "etween the geometric descri!tion and the e&uation for a conic section I" eri'e the e8uation o( a circle o( gi'en center and radius using the Aythagorean ,heoremD com*lete the s8uare to (ind the center and radius o( a circle gi'en by an e8uation" 2" eri'e the e8uation o( a *arabola gi'en a (ocus and directri?" H" 4@5 eri'e the e8uations o( elli*ses and hy*erbolas gi'en the (oci, using the (act that the sum or di((erence o( distances (rom the (oci is constant" Use coordinates to !rove sim!le geometric theorems alge"raicall% 7" +se coordinates to *ro'e sim*le geometric theorems algebraically" )or example, prove or disprove that a igure de ined by our given points in the coordinate plane is a rectangleF prove or disprove that the point (1, S*) lies on the circle centered at the origin and containing the point (?, 2). #" Aro'e the slo*e criteria (or *arallel and *er*endicular lines and use them to sol'e geometric *roblems 4e"g", (ind the e8uation o( a line *arallel or *er*endicular to a gi'en line that *asses through a gi'en *oint5" E" &ind the *oint on a directed line segment between two gi'en *oints that *artitions the segment in a gi'en ratio" %" +se coordinates to com*ute *erimeters o( *olygons and areas o( triangles and rectangles, e"g", using the distance (ormula"

0eometric Measurement 3 Dimension


A/!lain volume formulas and use them to solve !ro"lems I" Gi'e an in(ormal argument (or the (ormulas (or the circum(erence o( a circle, area o( a circle, 'olume o( a cylinder, *yramid, and cone" (se dissection arguments, 7avalieriOs principle, and in ormal limit arguments. 2" 4@5 Gi'e an in(ormal argument using Ca'alieri:s *rinci*le (or the (ormulas (or the 'olume o( a s*here and other solid (igures"


H" +se 'olume (ormulas (or cylinders, *yramids, cones, and s*heres to sol'e *roblems" Fisuali?e relationshi!s "etween two;dimensional and three;dimensional o"7ects 7" /denti(y the sha*es o( two)dimensional cross)sections o( three)dimensional ob>ects, and identi(y three) dimensional ob>ects generated by rotations o( two)dimensional ob>ects"

Modeling with 0eometr%


+!!l% geometric conce!ts in modeling situations I" +se geometric sha*es, their measures, and their *ro*erties to describe ob>ects 4e"g", modeling a tree trun! or a human torso as a cylinder5" 2" 1**ly conce*ts o( density based on area and 'olume in modeling situations 4e"g", *ersons *er s8uare mile, ;,+s *er cubic (oot5" H" 1**ly geometric methods to sol'e design *roblems 4e"g", designing an ob>ect or structure to satis(y *hysical constraints or minimi0e costD wor!ing with ty*ogra*hic grid systems based on ratios5"


Mathematics ; High School Statistics 3 Pro"a"ilit%: Introduction

ecisions or *redictions are o(ten based on datanumbers in conte?t" ,hese decisions or *redictions would be easy i( the data always sent a clear message, but the message is o(ten obscured by 'ariability" $tatistics *ro'ides tools (or describing 'ariability in data and (or ma!ing in(ormed decisions that ta!e it into account" ata are gathered, dis*layed, summari0ed, e?amined, and inter*reted to disco'er *atterns and de'iations (rom *atterns" Cuantitati'e data can be described in terms o( !ey characteristics6 measures o( sha*e, center, and s*read" ,he sha*e o( a data distribution might be described as symmetric, s!ewed, (lat, or bell sha*ed, and it might be summari0ed by a statistic measuring center 4such as mean or median5 and a statistic measuring s*read 4such as standard de'iation or inter8uartile range5" i((erent distributions can be com*ared numerically using these statistics or com*ared 'isually using *lots" Mnowledge o( center and s*read are not enough to describe a distribution" 2hich statistics to com*are, which *lots to use, and what the results o( a com*arison might mean, de*end on the 8uestion to be in'estigated and the real)li(e actions to be ta!en" Randomi0ation has two im*ortant uses in drawing statistical conclusions" &irst, collecting data (rom a random sam*le o( a *o*ulation ma!es it *ossible to draw 'alid conclusions about the whole *o*ulation, ta!ing 'ariability into account" $econd, randomly assigning indi'iduals to di((erent treatments allows a (air com*arison o( the e((ecti'eness o( those treatments" 1 statistically signi(icant outcome is one that is unli!ely to be due to chance alone, and this can be e'aluated only under the condition o( randomness" ,he conditions under which data are collected are im*ortant in drawing conclusions (rom the dataD in critically re'iewing uses o( statistics in *ublic media and other re*orts, it is im*ortant to consider the study design, how the data were gathered, and the analyses em*loyed as well as the data summaries and the conclusions drawn" Random *rocesses can be described mathematically by using a *robability model6 a list or descri*tion o( the *ossible outcomes 4the sam*le s*ace5, each o( which is assigned a *robability" /n situations such as (li**ing a coin, rolling a number cube, or drawing a card, it might be reasonable to assume 'arious outcomes are e8ually li!ely" /n a *robability model, sam*le *oints re*resent outcomes and combine to ma!e u* e'entsD *robabilities o( e'ents can be com*uted by a**lying the 1ddition and Multi*lication Rules" /nter*reting these *robabilities relies on an understanding o( inde*endence and conditional *robability, which can be a**roached through the analysis o( two) way tables" ,echnology *lays an im*ortant role in statistics and *robability by ma!ing it *ossible to generate *lots, regression (unctions, and correlation coe((icients, and to simulate many *ossible outcomes in a short amount o( time"

Connections to Cunctions and Modeling.

&unctions may be used to describe dataD i( the data suggest a linear relationshi*, the relationshi* can be modeled with a regression line, and its strength and direction can be e?*ressed through a correlation coe((icient"

Mathematical Practices
I" Ma!e sense o( *roblems and *erse'ere in sol'ing them" 2" Reason abstractly and 8uantitati'ely" H" Construct 'iable arguments and criti8ue the reasoning o( others" 7" Model with mathematics" #" +se a**ro*riate tools strategically" E" 1ttend to *recision" %" Loo! (or and ma!e use o( structure" G" Loo! (or and e?*ress regularity in re*eated reasoning"


Statistics and Pro"a"ilit% 2verview

Inter!reting Categorical and Euantitative Data N $ummari0e, re*resent, and inter*ret data on a single count or measurement 'ariable N $ummari0e, re*resent, and inter*ret data on two categorical and 8uantitati'e 'ariables N /nter*ret linear models Ma ing Inferences and Gustif%ing Conclusions N +nderstand and e'aluate random *rocesses underlying statistical e?*eriments N Ma!e in(erences and >usti(y conclusions (rom sam*le sur'eys, e?*eriments and obser'ational studies Conditional Pro"a"ilit% and the $ules of Pro"a"ilit% N +nderstand inde*endence and conditional *robability and use them to inter*ret data N +se the rules o( *robability to com*ute *robabilities o( com*ound e'ents in a uni(orm *robability model Using Pro"a"ilit% to Ma e Decisions N Calculate e?*ected 'alues and use them to sol'e *roblems N +se *robability to e'aluate outcomes o( decisions

Inter!reting Categorical 3 Euantitative Data


Summari?e9 re!resent9 and inter!ret data on a single count or measurement varia"le I" Re*resent data with *lots on the real number line 4dot *lots, histograms, and bo? *lots5" 2" +se statistics a**ro*riate to the sha*e o( the data distribution to com*are center 4median, mean5 and s*read 4inter8uartile range, standard de'iation5 o( two or more di((erent data sets" H" /nter*ret di((erences in sha*e, center, and s*read in the conte?t o( the data sets, accounting (or *ossible e((ects o( e?treme data *oints 4outliers5" 7" +se the mean and standard de'iation o( a data set to (it it to a normal distribution and to estimate *o*ulation *ercentages" Recogni0e that there are data sets (or which such a *rocedure is not a**ro*riate" +se calculators, s*readsheets, and tables to estimate areas under the normal cur'e" Summari?e9 re!resent9 and inter!ret data on two categorical and &uantitative varia"les #" $ummari0e categorical data (or two categories in two)way (re8uency tables" /nter*ret relati'e (re8uencies in the conte?t o( the data 4including >oint, marginal, and conditional relati'e (re8uencies5" Recogni0e *ossible associations and trends in the data" E" Re*resent data on two 8uantitati'e 'ariables on a scatter *lot, and describe how the 'ariables are related" a" &it a (unction to the dataD use (unctions (itted to data to sol'e *roblems in the conte?t o( the data" +se gi'en (unctions or choose a (unction suggested by the conte?t" Em*hasi0e linear, 8uadratic, and e?*onential models" b" /n(ormally assess the (it o( a (unction by *lotting and analy0ing residuals" c" &it a linear (unction (or a scatter *lot that suggests a linear association" Inter!ret linear models %" /nter*ret the slo*e 4rate o( change5 and the interce*t 4constant term5 o( a linear model in the conte?t o( the data" G" Com*ute 4using technology5 and inter*ret the correlation coe((icient o( a linear (it" 9" istinguish between correlation and causation"


Ma ing Inferences 3 Gustif%ing Conclusions


Understand and evaluate random !rocesses underl%ing statistical e/!eriments I" +nderstand statistics as a *rocess (or ma!ing in(erences about *o*ulation *arameters based on a random sam*le (rom that *o*ulation" 2" ecide i( a s*eci(ied model is consistent with results (rom a gi'en data)generating *rocess, e"g", using simulation" )or example, a model says a spinning coin alls heads up with probability ?.@. ,ould a result o @ tails in a row cause you to /uestion the model8 Ma e inferences and 7ustif% conclusions from sam!le surve%s9 e/!eriments9 and o"servational studies H" Recogni0e the *ur*oses o( and di((erences among sam*le sur'eys, e?*eriments, and obser'ational studiesD e?*lain how randomi0ation relates to each" 7" +se data (rom a sam*le sur'ey to estimate a *o*ulation mean or *ro*ortionD de'elo* a margin o( error through the use o( simulation models (or random sam*ling" #" +se data (rom a randomi0ed e?*eriment to com*are two treatmentsD use simulations to decide i( di((erences between *arameters are signi(icant" E" E'aluate re*orts based on data"

Conditional Pro"a"ilit% 3 the $ules of Pro"a"ilit%


Understand inde!endence and conditional !ro"a"ilit% and use them to inter!ret data I" escribe e'ents as subsets o( a sam*le s*ace 4the set o( outcomes5 using characteristics 4or categories5 o( the outcomes, or as unions, intersections, or com*lements o( other e'ents 4-or,. -and,. -not.5" 2" +nderstand that two e'ents 3 and + are inde*endent i( the *robability o( 3 and + occurring together is the *roduct o( their *robabilities, and use this characteri0ation to determine i( they are inde*endent" H" +nderstand the conditional *robability o( 3 gi'en + as U43 and +5KU4+5, and inter*ret inde*endence o( 3 and + as saying that the conditional *robability o( 3 gi'en + is the same as the *robability o( 3, and the conditional *robability o( + gi'en 3 is the same as the *robability o( +" 7" Construct and inter*ret two)way (re8uency tables o( data when two categories are associated with each ob>ect being classi(ied" +se the two)way table as a sam*le s*ace to decide i( e'ents are inde*endent and to a**ro?imate conditional *robabilities" )or example, collect data rom a random sample o students in your school on their avorite sub0ect among math, science, and 9nglish. 9stimate the probability that a randomly selected student rom your school will avor science given that the student is in tenth grade. 5o the same or other sub0ects and compare the results. #" Recogni0e and e?*lain the conce*ts o( conditional *robability and inde*endence in e'eryday language and e'eryday situations" )or example, compare the chance o having lung cancer i you are a smo%er with the chance o being a smo%er i you have lung cancer. Use the rules of !ro"a"ilit% to com!ute !ro"a"ilities of com!ound events in a uniform !ro"a"ilit% model E" &ind the conditional *robability o( 3 gi'en + as the (raction o( +:s outcomes that also belong to 3, and inter*ret the answer in terms o( the model" %" 1**ly the 1ddition Rule, A41 or ;5 L A415 @ A4;5 J A41 and ;5, and inter*ret the answer in terms o( the model" G" 4@5 1**ly the general Multi*lication Rule in a uni(orm *robability model, A41 and ;5 L A415A4;W15 L A4;5A41W ;5, and inter*ret the answer in terms o( the model" 9" 4@5 +se *ermutations and combinations to com*ute *robabilities o( com*ound e'ents and sol'e *roblems"


Using Pro"a"ilit% to Ma e Decisions


Calculate e/!ected values and use them to solve !ro"lems I" 4@5 e(ine a random 'ariable (or a 8uantity o( interest by assigning a numerical 'alue to each e'ent in a sam*le s*aceD gra*h the corres*onding *robability distribution using the same gra*hical dis*lays as (or data distributions" 2" 4@5 Calculate the e?*ected 'alue o( a random 'ariableD inter*ret it as the mean o( the *robability distribution" H" 4@5 e'elo* a *robability distribution (or a random 'ariable de(ined (or a sam*le s*ace in which theoretical *robabilities can be calculatedD (ind the e?*ected 'alue" )or example, ind the theoretical probability distribution or the number o correct answers obtained by guessing on all ive /uestions o a multiple-choice test where each /uestion has our choices, and ind the expected grade under various grading schemes. 7" 4@5 e'elo* a *robability distribution (or a random 'ariable de(ined (or a sam*le s*ace in which *robabilities are assigned em*iricallyD (ind the e?*ected 'alue" )or example, ind a current data distribution on the number o TK sets per household in the (nited #tates, and calculate the expected number o sets per household. !ow many TK sets would you expect to ind in 1?? randomly selected households8 Use !ro"a"ilit% to evaluate outcomes of decisions #" 4@5 2eigh the *ossible outcomes o( a decision by assigning *robabilities to *ayo(( 'alues and (inding e?*ected 'alues" a" &ind the e?*ected *ayo(( (or a game o( chance" )or example, ind the expected winnings rom a state lottery tic%et or a game at a ast- ood restaurant. b" E'aluate and com*are strategies on the basis o( e?*ected 'alues" )or example, compare a high-deductible versus a low-deductible automobile insurance policy using various, but reasonable, chances o having a minor or a ma0or accident. E" 4@5 +se *robabilities to ma!e (air decisions 4e"g", drawing by lots, using a random number generator5" %" 4@5 1naly0e decisions and strategies using *robability conce*ts 4e"g", *roduct testing, medical testing, *ulling a hoc!ey goalie at the end o( a game5"


Note on courses _ transitions

,he high school *ortion o( the $tandards (or Mathematical Content s*eci(ies the mathematics all students should study (or college and career readiness" ,hese standards do not mandate the se8uence o( high school courses" 3owe'er, the organi0ation o( high school courses is a critical com*onent to im*lementation o( the standards" ,o that end, sam*le high school *athways (or mathematics J in both a traditional course se8uence 41lgebra /, Geometry, and 1lgebra //5 as well as an integrated course se8uence 4Mathematics I, Mathematics 2, Mathematics H5 J will be made a'ailable shortly a(ter the release o( the (inal Common Core $tate $tandards" /t is e?*ected that additional model *athways based on these standards will become a'ailable as well" ,he standards themsel'es do not dictate curriculum, *edagogy, or deli'ery o( content" /n *articular, states may handle the transition to high school in di((erent ways" &or e?am*le, many students in the +"$" today ta!e 1lgebra / in the Gth grade, and in some states this is a re8uirement" ,he M)% standards contain the *rere8uisites to *re*are students (or 1lgebra / by Gth grade, and the standards are designed to *ermit states to continue e?isting *olicies concerning 1lgebra / in Gth grade" 1 second ma>or transition is the transition (rom high school to *ost)secondary education (or college and careers" ,he e'idence concerning college and career readiness shows clearly that the !nowledge, s!ills, and *ractices im*ortant (or readiness include a great deal o( mathematics *rior to the boundary de(ined by 4@5 symbols in these standards" /ndeed, some o( the highest *riority content (or college and career readiness comes (rom Grades E)G" ,his body o( material includes *ower(ully use(ul *ro(iciencies such as a**lying ratio reasoning in real)world and mathematical *roblems, com*uting (luently with *ositi'e and negati'e (ractions and decimals, and sol'ing real)world and mathematical *roblems in'ol'ing angle measure, area, sur(ace area, and 'olume" ;ecause im*ortant standards (or college and career readiness are distributed across grades and courses, systems (or e'aluating college and career readiness should reach as (ar bac! in the standards as Grades E)G" /t is im*ortant to note as well that cut scores or other in(ormation generated by assessment systems (or college and career readiness should be de'elo*ed in collaboration with re*resentati'es (rom higher education and wor!(orce de'elo*ment *rograms, and should be 'alidated by subse8uent *er(ormance o( students in college and the wor!(orce"


+ddition and su"traction within )9 1@9 #@9 1@@9 or 1@@@. 1ddition or subtraction o( two whole numbers with whole number answers, and with sum or minuend in the range 0)#, 0)I0, 0)20, or 0)I00, res*ecti'ely" E?am*le6 G @ 2 L I0 is an addition within I0, I7 J # L 9 is a subtraction within 20, and ## J IG L H% is a subtraction within I00" +dditive inverses. ,wo numbers whose sum is 0 are additi'e in'erses o( one another" E?am*le6 HK7 and J HK7 are additi'e in'erses o( one another because HK7 @ 4J HK75 L 4J HK75 @ HK7 L 0" +ssociative !ro!ert% of addition. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" +ssociative !ro!ert% of multi!lication. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" 6ivariate data. Aairs o( lin!ed numerical obser'ations" E?am*le6 a list o( heights and weights (or each *layer on a (ootball team" ;o? *lot" 1 method o( 'isually dis*laying a distribution o( data 'alues by using the median, 8uartiles, and e?tremes o( the data set" 1 bo? shows the middle #0V o( the data"I Commutative !ro!ert%. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" Com!le/ fraction. 1 (raction 1K; where 1 andKor ; are (ractions 4; non0ero5" Com!utation algorithm. 1 set o( *rede(ined ste*s a**licable to a class o( *roblems that gi'es the correct result in e'ery case when the ste*s are carried out correctly" #ee also: com*utation strategy" Com!utation strateg%. Aur*ose(ul mani*ulations that may be chosen (or s*eci(ic *roblems, may not ha'e a (i?ed order, and may be aimed at con'erting one *roblem into another" #ee also: com*utation algorithm" Congruent. ,wo *lane or solid (igures are congruent i( one can be obtained (rom the other by rigid motion 4a se8uence o( rotations, re(lections, and translations5" Counting on. 1 strategy (or (inding the number o( ob>ects in a grou* without ha'ing to count e'ery member o( the grou*" &or e?am*le, i( a stac! o( boo!s is !nown to ha'e G boo!s and H more boo!s are added to the to*, it is not necessary to count the stac! all o'er again" =ne can (ind the total by counting on*ointing to the to* boo! and saying -eight,. (ollowing this with -nine, ten, ele'en" ,here are ele'en boo!s now". Dot !lot. #ee6 line *lot" %%

Dilation. 1 trans(ormation that mo'es each *oint along the ray through the *oint emanating (rom a (i?ed center, and multi*lies distances (rom the center by a common scale (actor" A/!anded form. 1 multi)digit number is e?*ressed in e?*anded (orm when it is written as a sum o( single)digit multi*les o( *owers o( ten" &or e?am*le, E7H L E00 @ 70 @ H" A/!ected value. &or a random 'ariable, the weighted a'erage o( its *ossible 'alues, with weights gi'en by their res*ecti'e *robabilities" Cirst &uartile. &or a data set with median M, the (irst 8uartile is the median o( the data 'alues less than M" E?am*le6 &or the data set `I, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, I20a, the (irst 8uartile is E"2 #ee also: median, third 8uartile, inter8uartile range" &raction" 1 number e?*ressible in the (orm aKb where a is a whole number and b is a *ositi'e whole number" 4,he word (raction in these standards always re(ers to a non)negati'e number"5 #ee also: rational number" Identit% !ro!ert% of @. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" Inde!endentl% com"ined !ro"a"ilit% models. ,wo *robability models are said to be combined inde*endently i( the *robability o( each ordered *air in the combined model e8uals the *roduct o( the original *robabilities o( the two indi'idual outcomes in the ordered *air" Integer. 1 number e?*ressible in the (orm a or Ja (or some whole number a" Inter&uartile $ange. 1 measure o( 'ariation in a set o( numerical data, the inter8uartile range is the distance between the (irst and third 8uartiles o( the data set" E?am*le6 &or the data set `I, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, I20a, the inter8uartile range is I# J E L 9" #ee also: (irst 8uartile, third 8uartile" -ine !lot. 1 method o( 'isually dis*laying a distribution o( data 'alues where each data 'alue is shown as a dot or mar! abo'e a number line" 1lso !nown as a dot *lot"H Mean. 1 measure o( center in a set o( numerical data, com*uted by adding the 'alues in a list and then di'iding by the number o( 'alues in the list"7 E?am*le6 &or the data set `I, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, I20a, the mean is 2I" Mean a"solute deviation. 1 measure o( 'ariation in a set o( numerical data, com*uted by adding the distances between each data 'alue and the mean, then di'iding by the number o( data 'alues" E?am*le6 &or the data set `2, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, I20a, the mean absolute de'iation is 20"


Median. 1 measure o( center in a set o( numerical data" ,he median o( a list o( 'alues is the 'alue a**earing at the center o( a sorted 'ersion o( the listor the mean o( the two central 'alues, i( the list contains an e'en number o( 'alues" E?am*le6 &or the data set `2, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, 90a, the median is II" Midline. /n the gra*h o( a trigonometric (unction, the hori0ontal line hal(way between its ma?imum and minimum 'alues" Multi*lication and di'ision within I00" Multi*lication or di'ision o( two whole numbers with whole number answers, and with *roduct or di'idend in the range 0)I00" E?am*le6 %2 S G L 9" Multi*licati'e in'erses" ,wo numbers whose *roduct is I are multi*licati'e in'erses o( one another" E?am*le6 HK7 and 7KH are multi*licati'e in'erses o( one another because HK7 F 7KH L 7KH F HK7 L I" Number line diagram" 1 diagram o( the number line used to re*resent numbers and su**ort reasoning about them" /n a number line diagram (or measurement 8uantities, the inter'al (rom 0 to I on the diagram re*resents the unit o( measure (or the 8uantity" Percent rate of change. 1 rate o( change e?*ressed as a *ercent" E?am*le6 i( a *o*ulation grows (rom #0 to ## in a year, it grows by #K#0 L I0V *er year" Pro"a"ilit% distri"ution. ,he set o( *ossible 'alues o( a random 'ariable with a *robability assigned to each" Pro!erties of o!erations. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" Pro!erties of e&ualit%. $ee ,able 7 in this Glossary" Pro!erties of ine&ualit%. $ee ,able # in this Glossary" Pro!erties of o!erations. $ee ,able H in this Glossary" Pro"a"ilit%. 1 number between 0 and I used to 8uanti(y li!elihood (or *rocesses that ha'e uncertain outcomes 4such as tossing a coin, selecting a *erson at random (rom a grou* o( *eo*le, tossing a ball at a target, or testing (or a medical condition5" Pro"a"ilit% model. 1 *robability model is used to assign *robabilities to outcomes o( a chance *rocess by e?amining the nature o( the *rocess" ,he set o( all outcomes is called the sam*le s*ace, and their *robabilities sum to I" #ee also: uni(orm *robability model" $andom varia"le. 1n assignment o( a numerical 'alue to each outcome in a sam*le s*ace" Rational e?*ression" 1 8uotient o( two *olynomials with a non)0ero denominator" %9

$ational num"er. 1 number e?*ressible in the (orm aKb or J aKb (or some (raction aKb" ,he rational numbers include the integers" $ectilinear figure. 1 *olygon all angles o( which are right angles" $igid motion. 1 trans(ormation o( *oints in s*ace consisting o( a se8uence o( one or more translations, re(lections, andKor rotations" Rigid motions are here assumed to *reser'e distances and angle measures" $e!eating decimal. ,he decimal (orm o( a rational number" #ee also: terminating decimal" Sam!le s!ace. /n a *robability model (or a random *rocess, a list o( the indi'idual outcomes that are to be considered" Scatter !lot. 1 gra*h in the coordinate *lane re*resenting a set o( bi'ariate data" &or e?am*le, the heights and weights o( a grou* o( *eo*le could be dis*layed on a scatter *lot"# Similarit% transformation. 1 rigid motion (ollowed by a dilation" Ta!e diagram. 1 drawing that loo!s li!e a segment o( ta*e, used to illustrate number relationshi*s" 1lso !nown as a stri* diagram, bar model, (raction stri*, or length model" Terminating decimal. 1 decimal is called terminating i( its re*eating digit is 0" Third &uartile. &or a data set with median M, the third 8uartile is the median o( the data 'alues greater than M" E?am*le6 &or the data set `2, H, E, %, I0, I2, I7, I#, 22, I20a, the third 8uartile is I#" #ee also: median, (irst 8uartile, inter8uartile range" Transitivit% !rinci!le for indirect measurement. /( the length o( ob>ect 1 is greater than the length o( ob>ect ;, and the length o( ob>ect ; is greater than the length o( ob>ect C, then the length o( ob>ect 1 is greater than the length o( ob>ect C" ,his *rinci*le a**lies to measurement o( other 8uantities as well" Uniform !ro"a"ilit% model. 1 *robability model which assigns e8ual *robability to all outcomes" #ee also: *robability model" Fector. 1 8uantity with magnitude and direction in the *lane or in s*ace, de(ined by an ordered *air or tri*le o( real numbers" Fisual fraction model. 1 ta*e diagram, number line diagram, or area model" :hole num"ers. ,he numbers 0, I, 2, H,"""" G0

1da*ted (rom 2isconsin e*artment o( Aublic /nstruction, htt*6KKd*i"wi"go'K standardsKmathglos"html, accessed March 2, 20I0"

Many di((erent methods (or com*uting 8uartiles are in use" ,he method de(ined here is sometimes called the Moore and McCabe method" $ee Lang(ord, E", -Cuartiles in Elementary $tatistics,. Tournal o( $tatistics Education Zolume I7, Number H 4200E5"

1da*ted (rom 2isconsin e*artment o( Aublic /nstruction, o*" cit" ,o be more *recise, this de(ines the arithmetic mean" 1da*ted (rom 2isconsin e*artment o( Aublic /nstruction, o*" cit"


Ta"le 1. Common addition and su"traction situations.1

Result Unknown ,wo bunnies sat on the grass" ,hree more bunnies ho**ed there" 3ow many bunnies are on the grass now< 2@HL< &i'e a**les were on the table" / ate two a**les" 3ow many a**les are on the table now< #J2L< Change Unknown ,wo bunnies were sitting on the grass" $ome more bunnies ho**ed there" ,hen there were (i'e bunnies" 3ow many bunnies ho**ed o'er to the (irst two< 2@<L# &i'e a**les were on the table" / ate some a**les" ,hen there were three a**les" 3ow many a**les did / eat< #J<LH Start Unknown $ome bunnies were sitting on the grass" ,hree more bunnies ho**ed there" ,hen there were (i'e bunnies" 3ow many bunnies were on the grass be(ore< <@HL# $ome a**les were on the table" / ate two a**les" ,hen there were three a**les" 3ow many a**les were on the table be(ore< <J2LH Both Addends Unknown2 Grandma has (i'e (lowers" 3ow many can she *ut in her red 'ase and how many in her blue 'ase< # L 0 @ #, # L # @ 0 # L I @ 7, # L 7 @ I # L 2 @ H, # L H @ 2 Smaller Unknown 4Zersion with -more.56 Tulie has three more a**les than Lucy" Tulie has (i'e a**les" 3ow many a**les does Lucy ha'e< 4Zersion with -(ewer.56 Lucy has H (ewer a**les than Tulie" Tulie has (i'e a**les" 3ow many a**les does Lucy ha'e< # J H L <, < @ H L #

Add to

Take from

Put Together/ Take Apart3

Total Unknown ,hree red a**les and two green a**les are on the table" 3ow many a**les are on the table< H@2L<

Addend Unknown &i'e a**les are on the table" ,hree are red and the rest are green" 3ow many a**les are green< H @ < L #, # J H L <

Differen e Unknown 4-3ow many more<. 'ersion56 Lucy has two a**les" Tulie has (i'e a**les" 3ow many more a**les does Tulie ha'e than Lucy< Compare! 4-3ow many (ewer<. 'ersion56 Lucy has two a**les" Tulie has (i'e a**les" 3ow many (ewer a**les does Lucy ha'e than Tulie< 2 @ < L #, # J 2 L <

Bigger Unknown 4Zersion with -more.56 Tulie has three more a**les than Lucy" Lucy has two a**les" 3ow many a**les does Tulie ha'e< 4Zersion with -(ewer.56 Lucy has H (ewer a**les than Tulie" Lucy has two a**les" 3ow many a**les does Tulie ha'e< 2 @ H L <, H @ 2 L <

,hese ta!e a*art situations can be used to show all the decom*ositions o( a gi'en number" ,he associated e8uations, which ha'e the total on the le(t o( the e8ual sign, hel* children understand that the L sign does not always mean ma!es or results in but always does mean is the same number as" H Either addend can be un!nown, so there are three 'ariations o( these *roblem situations" ;oth 1ddends +n!nown is a *roducti'e e?tension o( this basic situation, es*ecially (or small numbers less than or e8ual to I0" 7 &or the ;igger +n!nown or $maller +n!nown situations, one 'ersion directs the correct o*eration 4the 'ersion using more (or the bigger un!nown and using less (or the smaller un!nown5" ,he other 'ersions are more di((icult" 88888888888888888 I 1da*ted (rom ;o? 2)7 o( Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood, National Research Council 42009, **" H2, HH5"


Ta"le #. Common multi!lication and division situations.1

Unknown Produ t "roup Si#e Unknown $%&ow man' in ea h group() Di*ision+ 3 . ( 0 123 and 12 4 3 0 ( /( IG *lums are shared e8ually into H bags, then how many *lums will be in each bag< Measurement example" Bou ha'e IG inches o( string, which you will cut into H e8ual *ieces" 3ow long will each *iece o( string be< /( IG a**les are arranged into H e8ual rows, how many a**les will be in each row< 3rea example" 1 rectangle has area IG s8uare centimeters" /( one side is H cm long, how long is a side ne?t to it< 1 red hat costs QIG and that is H times as much as a blue hat costs" 3ow much does a blue hat cost< Measurement example" 1 rubber band is stretched to be IG cm long and that is H times as long as it was at (irst" 3ow long was the rubber band at (irst< a F 8 L p, and p S a L 8 ,um-er of "roups Unknown $%&ow man' groups() Di*ision+ ( . / 0 123 and 12 4 / = ( /( IG *lums are to be *ac!ed E to a bag, then how many bags are needed< Measurement example" Bou ha'e IG inches o( string, which you will cut into *ieces that are E inches long" 3ow many *ieces o( string will you ha'e< /( IG a**les are arranged into e8ual rows o( E a**les, how many rows will there be< 3rea example" 1 rectangle has area IG s8uare centimeters" /( one side is E cm long, how long is a side ne?t to it< 1 red hat costs QIG and a blue hat costs QE" 3ow many times as much does the red hat cost as the blue hat< Measurement example" 1 rubber band was E cm long at (irst" Now it is stretched to be IG cm long" 3ow many times as long is the rubber band now as it was at (irst< 8 F b L p, and p S b L 8

3./=( ,here are H bags with E *lums in each bag" 3ow many *lums are there in all< 56ual "roups Measurement example" Bou need H lengths o( string, each E inches long" 3ow much string will you need altogether< ,here are H rows o( a**les with E a**les in each row" 3ow many a**les are there< Arra's32 Area3 3rea example" 2hat is the area o( a H cm by E cm rectangle< 1 blue hat costs QE" 1 red hat costs H times as much as the blue hat" 3ow much does the red hat cost< Com#are Measurement example" 1 rubber band is E cm long" 3ow long will the rubber band be when it is stretched to be H times as long< aFbL8


,he language in the array e?am*les shows the easiest (orm o( array *roblems" 1 harder (orm is to use the terms rows and columns6 ,he a**les in the grocery window are in H rows and E columns" 3ow many a**les are in there< ;oth (orms are 'aluable" H 1rea in'ol'es arrays o( s8uares that ha'e been *ushed together so that there are no ga*s or o'erla*s, so array *roblems include these es*ecially im*ortant measurement situations"


,he (irst e?am*les in each cell are e?am*les o( discrete things" ,hese are easier (or students and should be gi'en be(ore the measurement e?am*les"


Ta"le '. The !ro!erties of o!erations. Here a9 b and c stand for ar"itrar% num"ers in a given num"er s%stem. The !ro!erties of o!erations a!!l% to the rational num"er s%stem9 the real num"er s%stem9 and the com!le/ num"er s%stem.
3ssociative property o addition 7ommutative property o addition 3dditive identity property o ? 9xistence o additive inverses 3ssociative property o multiplication 7ommutative property o multiplication Multiplicative identity property o 1 9xistence o multiplicative inverses 5istributive property o multiplication over addition 4a < b5 < c = a < 4b < c5 a<b=b<a a<0=0@aLa &or e'ery a there e?ists Ja so that a @ 4Ja5 L 4Ja5 @ a L 0 4a F b5 F c = a F 4b F c5 aFb=bFa aFI=IFaLa &or e'ery a U 0 there e?ists IKa so that a F IKa L IKa F a L I a F 4b @ c5 = a F b @ a F c

Ta"le (. The !ro!erties of e&ualit%. Here a9 b and c stand for ar"itrar% num"ers in the rational9 real9 or com!le/ num"er s%stems.
He lexive property o #ymmetric property o Transitive property o 3ddition property o #ubtraction property o Multiplication property o 5ivision property o #ubstitution property o e/uality e/uality e/uality e/uality e/uality e/uality e/uality e/uality aLa /( a = b, then b = a /( a = b and b = c, then a = c /( a = b, then a < c = b < c /( a = b, then a J c L b J c /( a = b, then a F c L b F c /( a = b and c U 0, then a S c L b S c /( a L b, then b may be substituted (or a in any e?*ression containing a"

Ta"le ). The !ro!erties of ine&ualit%. Here a9 b and c stand for ar"itrar% num"ers in the rational or real num"er s%stems.
E?actly one o( the (ollowing is true6 a P b, a L b, a O b" /( a O b and b O c then a O c" /( a O b, then b P a" /( a O b, then Ja P Jb" /( a O b, then a \ c O b \ c. /( a O b and c O 0, then a F c O b F c. /( a O b and c P 0, then a F c P b F c. /( a O b and c O 0, then a S c O b S c. /( a O b and c P 0, then a S c P b S c.


Sam#le of .orks Consulted

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Massachusetts Cepartment of Gducation. "rogress 4eport of the Mathematics Curriculum 3ramework 4e=ision "anel< Massachusetts Cepartment of Glementary and Secondary Gducation< *((0. www.doe.mass.eduA1oeAdocsA(#(0Aitem#Preport.pdf. ACT College 4eadiness HenchmarksQ ACT College 4eadiness StandardsQ ACT National Curriculum Sur=eyQ Adelman< C. 'he 'ool8o3 &e)isited" Paths to 4egree Com(letion From $igh %chool 'hrough College < *((-. Ad)anced Placement Calculus2 %tatistics and Com(uter %cience Course 4escri(tions . May 20092 May 2000* College Hoard< *((%. Aligning Postsecondary E3(ectations and $igh %chool Practice" 'he a( 4efined 7ACTB "olicy mplications of the ACT National Curriculum Sur=ey 4esults *((#F*((-8. Condition of Education2 200@" +ndicator A02 'o( A0 Postsecondary Courses2 9.S. Cepartment of Gducation2 *((,. Condition of Education2 200B" $igh %chool Course/'aking. 9.S. Cepartment of Gducation< *((+. Crisis at the Core" Pre(aring All %tudents for College and ;ork< ACT. Achie=e< nc.< 3lorida "ostsecondary Sur=ey< *((%. )olfin< "eggy< et. al. CNA Corporation. %trengthening Mathematics at the Postsecondary 1e)el" 1iterature &e)iew and Analysis< *((#. Camara< W.J.< Shaw< G.< and "atterson< H. 7June '!< *((08. 3irst Year Gnglish and Math College Coursework. College HoardB New York< NY 7A=aila1le from authors8. CLG" "recalculus Curriculum Sur=eyB Summary of 4esults. The College Hoard< *((#. College Hoard Standards for College SuccessB Mathematics and Statistics. College Hoard< *((-. Miller< ).G.< Twing< J.< and Meyers< J. >.igher Gducation 4eadiness Component 7.G4C8 Correlation Study.@ Austin< TRB "earson. 6n Course for %uccess" A Close 1ook at %elected $igh %chool Courses 'hat Pre(are All %tudents for College and ;ork< ACT. 6ut of Many2 6ne" 'owards &igorous Common Core %tandards from the round 9( . Achie=e< *((%. &eady for College and &eady for ;ork" %ame or 4ifferent< ACT. 4igor at 4iskB 4eaffirming 2uality in the .igh School Core Curriculum< ACT. 'he Forgotten Middle" Ensuring that All %tudents Are on 'arget for College and Career &eadiness 8efore $igh %chool< ACT. Achie=e< nc.< Iirginia "ostsecondary Sur=ey< *((,. ACT Jo1 Skill Comparison Charts Achie=e< Mathematics at Work< *((%. 'he American 4i(loma Pro=ect ;ork(lace %tudy. National Alliance of Husiness Study< *((*. Carne=ale< Anthony and Cesrochers< Conna. Connecting Education %tandards and Em(loyment" Course/taking Patterns of Coung ;orkers2 *((*. Colorado Husiness Leaders Top Skills< *((-. $awaiDi Career &eady %tudy" access to li)ing wage careers from high school < *((+. States Career Cluster nitiati=e. Essential .nowledge and %kill %tatements < *((%. ACT Work&eys Mccupational "rofilesQ "rogram for nternational Student Assessment 7" SA8< *((-. Trends in nternational Mathematics and Science Study 7T MSS8< *((+. nternational Haccalaureate< Mathematics Standard Le=el< *((-. 9ni=ersity of Cam1ridge nternational GDaminationsB )eneral Certificate of Secondary Gducation in Mathematics< *((0. GdGDcel< )eneral Certificate of Secondary Gducation< Mathematics< *((0. HlachowicE< Camille< and "eter 3isher. >Ioca1ulary nstruction.@ n $and8ook of &eading &esearch< Iolume < edited 1y Michael &amil< "eter Mosenthal< ". Ca=id "earson< and 4e1ecca Harr< pp. #(!F #*!. Mahwah< NJB Lawrence Grl1aum Associates< *(((. )Sndara< "atricia< and 3rances Contreras. 'he 1atino Education Crisis" 'he Conse5uences of Failed %ocial Policies* Cam1ridge< MaB .ar=ard 9ni=ersity "ress< *((0. Moschko=ich< Judit N. >Supporting the "articipation of Gnglish Language Learners in Mathematical Ciscussions.@ For the 1earning of Mathematics '0 7March '0008B ''F'0. Moschko=ich< J. N. 7in press8. Language< culture< and e:uity in secondary mathematics classrooms. To appear in 3. Lester N J. Lo1ato 7Gd.8< Teaching and Learning MathematicsB Translating 4esearch to the Secondary Classroom2 4eston< IAB NCTM. Moschko=ich< Judit N. >GDamining Mathematical Ciscourse "ractices<@ For the 1earning of Mathematics *+ 7March *((+8B *,F!(. Moschko=ich< Judit N. >9sing Two Languages when Learning MathematicsB .ow Can 4esearch .elp 9s 9nderstand Mathematics Learners Who 9se Two Languages?@ &esearch Brief and Cli(< National


Council of Teachers of Mathematics< *((0 httpBAAwww.nctm.orgAuploaded3ilesA4esearchPNewsPandPAd=ocacyA4esearchAClipsPandPHriefsA4esear chP1riefP'*P9singP*.pdf. 7accessed No=em1er *#< *((08. Moschko=ich< J.N. 7*((+8 Hilingual Mathematics LearnersB .ow =iews of language< 1ilingual learners< and mathematical communication impact instruction. n N. Nasir and ". Co11 7Gds.8< 4i)ersity2 E5uity2 and Access to Mathematical +deas. New YorkB Teachers College "ress< %0F'(,. Schleppegrell< M.J. 7*((+8. The linguistic challenges of mathematics teaching and learningB A research re=iew. &eading E ;riting #uarterly2 *!B'!0F'#0. ndi=iduals with Cisa1ilities Gducation Act 7 CGA8< !, C34 T!((.!, 7a8. 7*((,8. ndi=iduals with Cisa1ilities Gducation Act 7 CGA8< !, C34 T!((.!0 7187!8. 7*((,8. Mffice of Special Gducation "rograms< 9.S. Cepartment of Gducation. > CGA 4egulationsB dentification of Students with Specific Learning Cisa1ilities<@ *((-. Thompson< S. J.< Morse< A.H.< Sharpe< M.< and .all< S.< >Accommodations ManualB .ow to Select< Administer and G=aluate 9se of Accommodations and Assessment for Students with Cisa1ilities<@ *nd Gdition. Council of Chief State School Mfficers< *((#.


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