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ILD Meeting Summary Monday, October 7, 2013 3-4:10 In Attendance: Edmund Szutu, Michelle Davis, Sheryl Hatton, Chelsea

Taylor, Tammie Stockli, Pat Barrett, June James, Katie Lomax, Andrew Holland, Graeme Grant, Giselle Argdagh, Troy Fang, Sonia Grewal, Stefan Stipp 1. Windows Surfaces: Other than IS who should they support? We agreed that our 1st choice would be a SESM class in P1 and 2. At Thursdays SESM meeting Stefan will present the opportunity as follows: We need a class in P1 and P2 to pilot the Windows Surface Computers. The teachers need to agree to: 1. Use the computers regularly (we didnt define this but the point is that we dont want them sitting around not being used most of the time). 2. Use the computers for some inquiry based learning (this is very broadly defined). 3. Assign each computer to a specific student which a personalized log-in (because these are not on the network, theyre not suitable to be signed out by classes at this time). 4. Report to ILD and the district at the end of the year about the experiences with 1 to 1 computers in general and the Windows Surfaces specifically. 2. San Diego Report Edmund did a fabulous powerpoint presentation on the trip to High Tech High high-lighting the groups learning and possible applications at GP. We agreed to have Edmund present a brief version of this powerpoint at the next staff meeting. 3. Book Club: Do we want to do one within ILD or join the district one with Iain or not do this right now? We agreed that we wanted to do our own GP book club/ inquiry teaching group. Well invite the rest of staff to join us and Stefan will order 10 copies of the Harvey Daniels Inquiry Circles Book. Well decide at our initial meeting how we might proceed. 4. Who will teach IS 8 next year? How can we minimize the impact on other Grade 9 classes given that we'll have no repeaters in our grade class? This was deferred again as its not urgent at this time.

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