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1: What is ecology? The study of life on planet Earth (interactions of organisms) 2: What is BBECPO?

? (Define each) Biosphere: regions on the earth are occupied by living organisms. Biome: areas with the similar climate. Ecosystem: adding abiotic factors with the biotic factors. Community: populations interactions. Population: a group of the same species. Organisms: one individual. 3: What is a community? How populations interact and how population changes over time. 4: What is species composition? The species found in a community 5: What is species diversity (biodiversity)? Where is the greatest species diversity? The amount of different species found in a community. The greatest species diversity is found around the mid-latitude. 6: Explain the example of symbiosis with Leaf Cutter Ants and the fungus and bacteria on the ant. Symbiosis is the interactions between populations. The Leaf Cutter Ants brings leaf into its hole and feeds the fungus with the leaves. The fungus breaks down the cellulose, which then creates a sugar that the ants can utilize as food. 7: What is an exponential growth pattern? Explain. The growth rate of a population. Populations changes over time and as they begin to increase, all populations will undergo exponential growth.

8: What are the limiting factors to growth. Explain both density dependent and density independent factors. Factors that limits the growth or development of an organism or population. Density dependent factors are factors that depend on the amount of population in an area. The density independent factors are factors that affect a population, but are not affected by the population itself.

9: What is a logistic growth pattern? Explain. A logistic growth pattern is what occurs after a population reached its carry capacity. A population will continue to increase until they reach their carry capacity which will cause them to decrease. 10: What is the carrying capacity? Define. A carrying capacity is the maximum amount in a population that can be supported in an ecosystem or area. 11: What is an age-structure diagram (population pyramid)? How it is set-up? What does it tell you? An age structure diagram is a graph that displays age and sex group distribution in a countrys population. It is set up with male population on one side and female population on another. The x-axis would represent the amount of population and the y-axis would represent the age. By looking at a population pyramid, you can observe death rates, birth rates, and lifespans of each country. 12: What is the shape of a population pyramid of a young population (exponential growth)? What is the shape of a population of a stable population (logistic growth)? The shape of a population pyramid of a young population is a pyramid, while the shape of a population of a stable population is an inverse pyramid.

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