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Kelompok 2 praktikum biokim hari rabu jam 13.00-16.

00 Linawati Nurannisa Kendy Livi Danawati Yuli Nurbaeti Yeni Nuraeni Dike Novalia Anggraini 260110110007 260110110008 260110110009 260110110010 260110110011

Tittle : Antibacterial Activity of Earthworm Protein Extract against Bacillus subtilis with Diffusion Agar

Abstract Earthworm protein extract is pungent natural liquid is a highly digestible source of free amino acids extracted from pure whole earthworms. Earthworm protein extract has been used to cure typhoid disease. Earthworm protein extract has antibacterial activity against Salmonella typhii. This study has been conducted testing of protein extract of earthworm against Bacillus subtilis by agar diffusion method. The parameters be seen from the inhibition zone. In this research, several stages of the processed used include worms protein isolation with centrifugation method, protein purification by gel filtration chromatography and susceptibility testing of Bacillus subtilis. The results of insulating phase is obtained in the form of supernatant, and then the gel filtration chromatography fractions obtained 30 wherein each vial contained 2 ml fractions. Each fraction was tested by UV-Vis spectrofotometry. From 30 fractions were taken 3 fractions that have the highest absorbance values further testing susceptibility to Bacillus subtilis. For the susceptibility testing, used Chloramfenicol antibiotic as a standard to inhibit the growth of Bacillus subtilis. The results obtained that worm protein extracts have no activity against Bacillus subtilis. Keywords: Earthworm Protein Extract, Bacillus subtilis, agar diffusion, susceptibility

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