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Yam Facts

About Yams: Yams are often mistakenly called sweet potatoes, and vice versa,
but they are two different vegetables. The true yam is the tuber of a tropical vine,
and is not even distantly related to the sweet potato. Rarely found in US markets,
the yam is a popular vegetable in African, Latin American and Caribbean
markets. Generally sweeter than the sweet potato, this tuber can grow over
seven feet in length.
Botanical Name: Dioscorea batatas
Common and Other Names: yam, boniato, njam, nyami, djambi, yamswurzel,
ñame, igname de chine.
Yam Availability: If you find them, they will most likely be sold in chunks sealed
in plastic wrap, since they grow up to 7 feet in length and weigh up to 150
Yam Selection: Choose yams with unblemished, tight, unwrinkled skins and firm
Yam Varieties and Forms: There are over 150 varieties available worldwide.
Although you may find canned vegetables labeled as yams, they are most likely
not true yams.
Yam Storage: Store in a cool, dark, dry area for up to two weeks, and do not
refrigerate. Cooked yams can be kept refrigerated for 2 to 3 days. To freeze,
pack in an airtight container, leaving 1/2-inch headroom and store for 10 to 12
months at 0 degrees F.
Miscellaneous Yam Information: True yams can generally be used in any
sweet potato recipe. Yams, unlike sweet potatoes, are toxic if eaten raw, yet
perfectly safe when cooked. True yams do not contain as much Vitamin A and C
as sweet potatoes

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