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1. What is an Enterprise? 2. What is Intrapreneurship 3. Define Entrepreneur 4. Mention the different features of an Entrepreneur 5.

What are the types of Entrepreneur 6. What is the role of the Entrepreneurship in economic development 7. Entrepreneurship is a process - Explain and exemplify the statement. 8. Mention two qualities of a successful entrepreneur 9. What are the characteristics of a family venture? 10. Differentiate between invention and innovation. 11. Distinguish between Intrapreneur and Entrepreneur. 12. Who is a Netpreneur 13. What do you mean by Innovating Entrepreneurs? 14. Who is Imitative Entrepreneurs? 15. What is meant by Fabian Entrepreneurs? 16. What is the meaning of Drone Entrepreneurs? 17. What is difference between entrepreneur & manager? 18. State any 4 functions of entrepreneur 19. Who is instigated entrepreneur? 20. What types of entrepreneurs come under technological entrepreneur? 21. What are the characteristics of intrapreneur? 22. What do you mean by copreneur

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