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x}tvh}vtf gn }ofEDEZ Mgh}gbnet w gx htfe}fm enm }of

Me}eXbvthf gx x}btfm gn }of af}eme}ebi D\.

Me}eXbvthfx ibt Vngyftxec Me}e Hbnnfh}

]of VM hbnnfh}

hbafx |g}o af}eme}e gn }of ibta bi xbvthf bd`fh} fcf!afn}xg.

f.# }of igfcmx /ibt @MDH enm XEZ uvftw' bt hoeteh}ftgx

}ghx"kfw igl!vtfx /ibt BMDB enm _AC"E' }oe} }of tfxzfh}gyf

DG @eye Hbnnfh}bt biiftxibt f }teh}gbn.Itb a |ogho bi }ofxf

igfcmx }of tfxzfh}gyf Me}eXbvthf gx }b df hba!zbxfm gx mfignfm

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gxhtfe}fm gn }of aegn}fnenhf mgecbl bi }of exxglnfm

GnibXbvthf /xffiglvtf45 <'.


Iglvtf 45< Htfe}f Me}eXbvthf

|g}oVM hbnnfh}

45 Mgtfh} X}elgnl


]b mfignf }of Me}eXbvthf |g}o }of VM hbnnfh}#

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xbvthf bd`fh} nffmx }b df x}btfm0

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gnibtae}gbn }b }oftfxzfh}g yf me}e xbvthf /xff xfh}gbnx

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}edcf /ibt @MDH' bt }of neaf bi en BCEZ hvdf /ibt BMDB'Ei}ft

}of gnmghe}gb n bi }of hbnnfh}gbn gnibtae}gbn # }of xbvthf

bd`fh} fcf!afn}x bi }of VM hbnnfh} hen df mgxzcewfm

enm }tenxifttfm gn}b }of x}tvh!}vtf bi }of

Me}eXbvthf .
45.5.4Xfcfh }gbn Igfcmx

]b cgag} }of me}e ybcvaf bi }of f }teh}gbn# }oftf gx en

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xfcfh}gbn igfcm gn }of mfigng}gbn bi }of }tenx!ift

x}tvh}vtf gx bi }of }wzf HOET # NVAH #


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f xfcfh}gbn igfcmx etf mfignfm dw }of af}eme}e gn }of xbvthf

xwx}faenm hennb} df hoenlfm gn D\. Ibt lfnftgh Me} eXbvthfx#

}of xfcfh}gbn igfcmxhen df mfignfm |g}o }of mfigng}gbn

bi }of Me}eXbvthf /xffiglvtf 5=6'.

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Ibt MD hbnnfh} enm ice}

igcf xbvthf xwx}fax# }of xfcfh}edcf igfcmx nffm}b df

mfignfm gn }of af}eme}e bi }of gnicb| cewft.Ibt MD

hbnnfh}# }ogx gx mbnf |g}o lfnfte}gbn bi }of Me}eXbvthf

x /xffiglvtf 456'.Ibt ice} igcfx# }ogx xf}}gnl gx aemf gn }of

}tenxift x}tvh}vtf aegn}fnenhf bi }of tfxzfh}gyf Me}eXbvthf

. ]oftf# }of igfcmx }oe} etf tfcfyen} ibt }ofxfcfh}gb n hen df

aetkfm /xffiglvtf 45?'.

VM hbnnfh} XBEZ hbnnfh}gbn

Ibt }of f }teh}gbn itba e XBEZ hbnnfh}gbn enm }of vngyftxec

me}ehbnnfh }# }oftf gx nb bz}gbn }b xfcfh} igfcmx.

45.5.8Ogfte thow Ztbzft}gfx

Ibt Me}eXbvthf x }oe}

ztbygmf ogftethow me}e# }of ztbzft}gfx b i }of xvzzcgfmog

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hbttfxzbnm |g}o }of ztbzft}gfx }oe} etfmfignfm ibt }ogx

ogftethow gn D\.
45.5 Mfigng}gb n bi Af}eme}e =<5

]of ogftethow ztbzft}gfx etf ex ibccb|x0

Ogftethow xbt}gnl

]gaf!mfzfnm fnhw bi }of

ogftethow x}tvh}vtf

Vxf bi ogftethow gn}ftyecx

XEZ FTZ XEZ D\ ]ogtm!zet}w

Ibt XEZ FTZ enm D\ xbvthf xwx}fax# o

gftethow Me}eXbvthf x ztbygmf |g}o}of af}eme}e tfzcghe}gbn

ecc tfuvgtfm gnibtae}gbn }b mfxhtgdf }of ztbzft!}gfx bi }of f

}teh}fm ogftethogfx. ]ogx gx }of xeaf ibt }ogtm!zet} w F]C

}bbcxex iet ex }ofw etf edcf }b ztbygmf ogftethow me}e gn }of

ibtae} }oe} D\tfuvgtfx.

Ice} igcf

Ibt ice} igcfx# }of ogftethow

ztbzft}gfx ex |fcc ex }of Me}eXbvthf x enm}tenxift

x}tvh}vtfx nffm }b df aegn}egnfm aenveccw. ]ogx gx mbnf |g}o

}ofmfigng} gbn bi }of }tenxift x}tvh}vtf /xffiglvtf 457'.

Iglvtf 45? Mfigng}gbn bi xfcfh}gbn igfcmxibt ice} igcfx

time of loading13. how can u know the cube size? in

detail show me u have screen shots14. where can

we find transport return codes15. I have a report

it taking so much time how can I rectify16. what is

offset? Without offset we create queries?17. I

told my process chains nearly 600 are there he asked me

how can u monitor Itold him I will see in rspcm and bwccms

he asked is there any third party tools isthere to see? Any

tools are there to see tell me what it is18. how

client access the reports 19. I dont have master data it

will possible to load transaction data? it is possible

is there any other steps to do that one20. what

is structure in reporting?

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Amrita Naqeb

f /xffiglvtf 455:'.

]tenxift tvcfx hen gmfn}giw igfcm yecvfx bi e hbaavnghe}

gbn x}tvh}vtf /g.f.#}of igfcmx yecvfx gn }of aex}ft

me}e }edcfx bi }of GnibBd`fh}' gn }of ibta bi

mgtfh} exxglnafn}# exxglnafn} bi hbnx}en}x#


EDEZ tbv}gnfx

bt |g}o

Ex |g}o }tenxibtae} gbn# e

x}et} tbv}gnf

|gcc df f fhv}fm |g}o

}off fhv}gbn bi }tenxift tvcfx /ob|fyft# en fnm tbv}gnf

mbfx nb} f gx}'.Xzfhge cg}gfx etf }of

mfigng}gbn bi }of
gnzv} hbnyftxgbn

enm }of oenmcgnlbi

xbvthf xwx}fa mfzfnmfn} me}e.

Iglvtf 455:

Aegn}fnenhf bi }tenxift tvcfxibt e Me}eXbvthf

45 Mgtfh} X}elgnl =<=

45.4.5X}et} Tbv}gnf

Dfibtf }of }tenxift tvcfx etf ztbhfxxfm#

}of x}elgnl fnlgnf }tgfx }b vzme}ffeho me}e zehkelf }b f

fhv}f }of x}et} tbv}gnf bi }of }tenxift tvcfx. ]ofx}et}

tbv}gnf hen df mfignfm gnmgygmve ccw ibt feho Me}eXbvthf bi en

Gnib!Xbvth f# dv} g} gx nb} nfhfxxetw }b vxf g} /xffiglvtf

57='. Gi e tfuvfx} hbn!xgx}x bi xfyftec me}e zehkelfx#

}ofn }of x}et} tbv}gnf |gcc ehhbtmgnlc w dfx}et}fm

xfyftec }gafx.

Iglvtf 4555 X}et} tbv}gnf gn }of}tenxift tvcfx

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