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Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N.

Reyes Rm#131 Teacher: Room: Email address:

Mrs. N. Reyes 131

Objective: Reading, Writing and Social Studies offer opportunities for students to
develop understandings and skills necessary to function productively as problem-solvers in the real world.

Materials: (For the first few weeks of school only)

ELA 2 Composition notebooks 2 pocket folders Pencils, erasers & a sharpener (mechanical pencils preferred but not mandatory) 3- blue pens 1- box of kleenex 1- bottle of sanitizer SOCIAL STUDIES 1- social studies composition notebook 1- 3 inch binder 2- packages of wide ruled paper 4- red pens Lysol wipes Box to hold school supplies such as (markers, colors, scissors, glue)

* The same set of markers, crayons, scissors, and glue can be used for both ELA and Math &Science. Other materials on the supply list will be asked for at a later date, in accordance with the curriculum.
*Journals will be used as an essential reference tool for students that can be used for homework and test reviews. It will also allow them to remain organized. I will be doing random journal checks throughout the year and will evaluate students based on organization.

-Homework is an important tool used to reinforce concepts and create responsibility

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
among students. Students should expect homework at least 3 times a week either given from the book or sometimes the teacher may prepare a worksheet. 1. Late classwork and homework assignments will have a start value of 70.

2. Assignments turned in 2 days late will receive a 0 unless parents have made special arrangements. 3. Homework 2 days late will not be accepted and will receive a 0.

Grading Criteria: 100 - 90% 89 - 80% 79 -70% 70% and below Absence:
-Students who are absent need to provide a note from parents/guardians and are responsible for getting any homework assignments from the designated drawers. Make up assignments should be turned in the following day.


-Students are expected to be on time to class every day. If you are late you will need to get a tardy slip from the front office and come into class quietly with your materials ready.

Testing Policy:
1- Tests will be given to you on the scheduled days and will be announced ahead of time. 2- Tests will be graded based upon the number of questions. 3- Any kind of cheating will be graded by 0(zero) points during the test and will be referred to administrator and your parents.

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
4- You may not use your notebook and textbook during the test unless you are told to do so. 5- Students are not allowed to talk during the testing time. 6- If you finish your test, put your test face down and stay quiet and wait for the next assignment. 7- Show all your work.

Classroom Rules & Expectations: These guidelines are set forth to provide a safe
environment where all students will have the same opportunities to learn. BEFORE THE BELL RINGS When you enter the class, go to your assigned seat and put your materials in its appropriate place. Either sit down in your assigned seats or take care of your business, such as sharpening your pencil, before class. Keep your hands and feet to yourself and treat others as you would like to be treated. (With RESPECT) Distracting other students in any form is not allowed and will not be tolerated. Everyone will have something to do upon entering the classroom.

DURING THE CLASS PERIOD - Get your materials ready for the lesson of the day. - Do not stand up without permission and remember to use hand signals when asking a question. - Each student is responsible for maintaining their notes. These notes will be used as reference materials during homework, so please write neatly. - Do not wad up your papers into a ball. Fold it up and leave it on the corner of your desk until break time. Do not get up to throw away your trash during class time.

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
- Your seat and desk must be clean before you leave the class. You are responsible for the area around your seat. Before you leave, you must push your chair under the desk. -Follow the directions the first time they are given. Please do not back talk. - Food, candy, gum & drinks (other than bottled water) are NOT allowed in class. -You must sit properly at all times to avoid any accidents.

Discipline Point System (DPS)

Harmony Public Schools has implemented a discipline point system in which students are given DPS points for unacceptable behavior. All teachers and staff will use this system. Parents will be notified when conduct results in consequences under DPS systems.

Positive Reinforcement System (PRS)

Harmony Public Schools is excited to announce its new positive reinforcement system. PRS is specially designed to give students the opportunity to be recognized and rewarded for good behavior. Each time a student is observed performing positive behaviors, the teacher will acknowledge the behavior at his/her own discretion. This new system is implemented to promote a positive school environment.

Guideline for Consequences:

I will review all rules, regulations and consequences in our classroom. Students can approach me with any specific questions or concerns of any rules. Students will have various opportunities to correct unwanted behavior. The following consequences will be implemented should any of our classroom rules be broken.

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
1st- Verbal Warning 2nd- Student teacher conference 3rd- DPS system will be utilized. 4th If behavior continues parents will be informed through email and or phone 5th- Behavior Contract 6th- Administration Referral

Aftercare policy: Please refer to the front office and or student handbook for guidelines
& fees.

Cell phone policy/electronic device policy: All cell phones and electronic
devices must be out of sight and turned off between 7:30 am and dismissal time. Devices that are on and or cause a disruption during the school day will be confiscated and turned into the front office. Parents will then have to make arrangements to pick up the cell phones from the front office.

Cubby usage: Students are responsible for getting their materials from cubbies during
these designated times as to not take time away from instruction. In addition, the teacher will conduct random cubby checks and evaluate students based on neatness & organization. Absolutely NO FOOD or perishable items are allowed to be left overnight in cubbies.

Cubbies will be able to be accessed:

5 minutes before class During lunch break 5 minutes after school

-Please refer to the student handbook for more detailed information regarding our policies and procedures at Harmony Science Academy.* -The syllabus is subject to change at teacher/ administrators discretion.

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
Birthdays: Any students wanting to bring cakes or birthday treats for the class will have to be given after 2:55. Parents will not be allowed to bring cakes during school hours.

Please sign and return only this last page by a week from today. I am looking forward to getting to know each student and their family! Todays date: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher: Subject: Mrs. N. Reyes 4th grade ELA/ Social Studies

I received and read a copy of the syllabus for the academic year of 2012-2013. Name of the Student: _________________________________________ Grade/Section: _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (please print) ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: Date returned: E-mail Address: Phone Number (Home): ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

Harmony Science Academy ELA/ SOCIAL STUDIES 2013-2014 4th grade Mrs. N. Reyes Rm#131
Phone Number (Cell): ________________________________

Allergies or additional information you feel I should know:

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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