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aBerration = away from normal=away from the habitual way of doing adept X inept aBnigate = give up precursor = forrunner

yesteryears = The time that has elapsed abstruce = difficult to understand sobriquet = a given name (flying singh) allegorical unalloyed = pure nonchalant =casual germane = apt apprehend = arrest apprehensive = fearful appurtenances = accessories arduous ruddy = red in color assay = analyse a device which mimics the humans forestall = stop before happening badinage=banter = light hearted ridiculing baleful=baneful balmy = soothening = relieving pain boon = blessing bane = curse overwhelming = very intense inculcate = Teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions futile = of no use bask bated breath = to hold breath bellicose = belligerent = catancerous malignant = cancerous malaise beastial heinous bohemian = unconventional callous = apathetic = emotionally hardened caprice = whim cardinal = chief ,primary squeamish = fastidious =peevish Bolster = strengthen charlatan = imposter clamor circumvallate = shield =circumscribe circumambulate = Walk around something circumlocution (circumlocutory) circumspect = eedful of potential consequences discretion = prudence squander = spend e!travagantly= fritter perpetuate = procastinate = prolong something pensive = "eeply or seriously thoughtful

sapience = Ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight = sagacious secular =layman eventhough =despite the face that commendable = praiseworthy conundrum = a difficult problem conspicuous = obvious =apparent embryonic en#oying prosperity amenable = easily managed=docile dogmatic/doctrinal astronomical amount of money blandishment = flattery in spite of = regardless of engross = absorbed eclipse = overshadow detrimental = causing damage it is generaly conceived deter = discourage soothing = console = solacing synthesise disparate =different (different locations) Liberali ation refers to a relaxation of previous government restrictions !esistant to guidance or discipline conclude = reason out despicable = morally reprehensive empirical = derived from e!periment undeniable =irrefutable = unquestionable $ indisputable $ indubitable e!horbitant aspect =facet shun = sideline apothegm = % short pithy instructive saying persuade X dissuade &mpeccable $ peccadillo = minor misdeed $ peccant inane =asinine = 'howing a lack of intelligence or thought( stupid and silly facsimile fallacy fray =melee = brawl gustatory = )f or relating to gustation husbanding the resources = use sparingly inclement = (of weather or climate) severe or *sed of persons or behavior( showing no clemency or mercy badinage = banter =persiflage = light heared tesing / reduculing frigid = unresponsive fructify

innocuous = innocent diaspora = diaspora instigate = inspire e!patriate novel = new $novelty palpable = tangible$obvious palpitate = throb rapidly garrulous gamut = % complete e!tent or range reminiscence latent hidden #aundiced = pregudiced $ without pre#udice = catholic waive relegate = assign,classify,degrade contingent = dependent on domestic martyrdom large = roomy crestfallen = de"ected dapper consecrate desecrate = spoil the clandestine cogitate=think cogent =persuasive conse#uences all due dispatch $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ressonance % dissonance e!pletives = obscene language shunned upon = cast out =banish =ostraci+ed encumber = burden fiasco =debacle =fri++le dissipate=squander factitious = artificial

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