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Early Childhood Special Education Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Teresa LaBianco Grade Level: Second Grade Lesson: Problem Solving with Repeated Addition Unit of Study: Math: Basic Facts and Relationships Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood here appropriate! Wor with e!"al gro"ps o# ob$ects to gain #o"ndations #or m"ltiplication% &sing addition to #ind the total n"mber o# ob$ects arranges in rectang"lar arra's with "p to ( rows and "p to ( col"mns) write an e!"ation to e*press the total as a s"m o# e!"al addends% +CC"#"$%"&! $'(ectives: St"dents will complete the do now to show nowledge o# parts o# an addition sentence% St"dents will show prior nowledge o# drawing e!"al gro"ps% St"dents will "se repeated addition to show the n"mber o# ob$ects models% Pre)%ssessment: Records will be ept on the comprehension o# the previo"s math lesson to show i# the' are read' #or the ne*t concept% A do now will be given to assess st"dents "nderstanding o# previo"s concepts that will lead into toda',s lesson% St"dents that had di##ic"lties with the previo"s lesson will be called on to answer to ens"re "nderstanding and readiness #or toda',s lesson% Post)%ssessment: St"dents will complete !"estions in the wor boo independentl'% -# st"dents are able to correctl' answer the problems the' will be in the green gro"p and contin"e in the boo . answering !"estions on the topic and given an e*tension activit'% For st"dents that are "nable to correctl' answer the !"estions will be in the orange gro"p and receive additional instr"ction on the topic% A r"bric will be "sed to record the per#ormance o# the st"dents "sing a / #or independent completion and 0 #or needing e*tra instr"ction% St"dents will be assessed again based on independent wor and "nderstanding a#ter additional assistance with the same / and 0 s'stem% *aterials: Smart Board Reteach -nstr"ction Wor sheet 1nrich -nstr"ction Wor sheet 2o 3ow paper

Two45olor 5o"nters Math Wor boo s Pencils 1nrichment Game

Use of Technolo+y: The smart board will be "sed #or whole gro"p instr"ction% &sing the smart board will give an interactive element to the lesson.

allowing teachers and st"dents to share concepts on the board with the class% There are pre4made presentation #rom the GoMath program% The presentations are interactive with co"nters and pop4"p !"estions to help st"dents solve problems and "nderstand the s ill step4b'4step% there is also a video #rom Brain Pop 6r% abo"t repeated addition. giving st"dents another #orm to "nderstand the s ill "sed to solve problems% Differentiation: ,i+her: (Green Group! St"dents that complete the on 'o"r own and problem solving sections o# the wor boo will receive an enrichment wor sheet to e*tend their nowledge o# the concept% -# st"dents complete that the' will participate in a game related to the concept% (Purple Group! St"dents that complete the on 'o"r own and problem solving sections o# the wor boo will receive an enrichment wor sheet to e*tend their nowledge o# the concept% -# st"dents complete that the' will participate in a game to b"ild #l"enc' in single addition #acts% Lo er: ($ran+e Group! St"dents will be gro"ped on the carpet with one teacher to reteach the concepts and given e*tra practice with additional word problems% 5onnecting c"bes ma' be "sed as additional materials #or st"dents that need additional vis"al7 inesthetic s"pport% Specific Students: 1strella will have access to chewler' and weighted vests and mats at her des to help her #oc"s on the lesson% 6asmine will have a set instr"ction o# how m"ch wor needs to be completed to earn her p"88le pieces. as part o# the teachers, instr"ctional and behavior management% Seatin+ Confi+uration/Use of Physical Space: St"dents will be at their des s #or the whole gro"p lesson% For the video the st"dents will move to the carpet. called b' table names% St"dents will ret"rn to seats b' table names called b' the teacher% When the st"dents are separated into gro"ps. the enrichment gro"p will sta' at their des s "ntil the game portion which will be held at the idne' table% St"dents that need reteach will be on the carpet with a teacher% Teachin+ roles and colla'oration: - +Ms% LaBianco9 will teach the whole gro"p lesson and wor in the reteach gro"p d"ring small gro"ps% Mrs% Scaglione will sit and rotate aro"nd one side o# the classroom helping st"dents d"ring practice instr"ction. so"nding in d"ring lesson to ma e e*tra points% She will also chec wor to determine i# the' are in the green or orange gro"p% She will either then assist st"dents that are contin"ing in the boo or help Ms% LaBianco at the carpet. depending on how man' st"dents are in each gro"p% Ms% 5aposella will sit and rotate aro"nd one side o# the classroom helping st"dents d"ring practice instr"ction. so"nding in d"ring lesson to ma e e*tra points% She will also chec wor to determine i# the' are in the green or orange gro"p% She will then wor with the green gro"p. handing o"t the enrichment wor sheet and cond"cting the game #or e*tra enrichment% Classroom *ana+ement: St"dents are e*pected to show whole bod' listening and "se a 3"mber : voice +no tal ing9 d"ring independent wor and the do now% St"dents are to raise their hands to share in#ormation% As part o# the classroom r"les. st"dents are to show respect o# their peers, answers and wor ing together to solve the problems% -# problems behaviors occ"r. teachers will reward st"dents that were acting

appropriatel'% A calming corner and a movement brea area are available #or st"dents that need to ta e a brea #rom a lesson at the teachers, discretions% En+a+ement of students/anticipatory set/*otivation: A do now will begin the lesson. as ing them to complete the problem and connecting it to toda',s lesson% St"dents will "se the Smart Board to share their answers and solve the problem together% Connection to Previous lesson/Prior -no led+e: A#ter the do now. the class will complete prior nowledge !"estions. recalling previo"sl' learned s ills and vocab"lar' needed #or this lesson% The teacher will as !"estions to access prior nowledge #rom the !"estions and ma e connections to the new s ill% This too will be completed b' st"dents on the Smart Board% Lesson Presentation: 1stimated Time: ;<4;( min"tes :% St"dents will independentl' complete the do now. given abo"t =4( min"tes to complete the problem% Timer "sed to help st"dents sta' #oc"sed and plan their time% >% The class will go over the problem. giving st"dents a chance to show their wor on the Smart Board% St"dents will be able to share i# the' agree. disagree. or comment on their peer,s answer and wh'. "sing the Smart Board to share their ideas% =% ?nce the do now is completed the class will move onto a prior nowledge !"estion% St"dents will t"rn over their do now papers and complete a !"estions #oc"sing on drawing models to "se #or s ip co"nting that will then be disc"ssed and modeled on the Smart Board% ;% St"dents will then watch and "se a video #rom Brain Pop 6r% on the carpet to help them #"rther "nderstand and practice this concept% (% St"dents will be directed to that when the' go bac to their seats to ta e o"t their big math wor boo s and t"rn to page :@:% St"dents will be called b' tables to ret"rn to their seats% @% ?n p :@: the teacher will lead the st"dents thro"gh completion o# the word problem b' "sing the GoMath presentation. which provides the problem. co"nters. and a pop"p !"estion to help st"dents solve the problem% Foc"sing on #inding the in#ormation needed to solve the problem and writing an addition sentence that represent the model The class will again "se the acron'm 5&PS +circle. "nderline. pict"re. solve9 to help solve% Aocab"lar': model. co"nters. addend. s"m% B"estions: Cow man' rowsD Cow man' in each rowD What addition sentence can we write to show e!"al gro"psD E% ?n page :@> the class will do another problem to practice problem solving with models. s ip co"nting. and writing addition sentences to represent the model% Again the Smart Board will be "sed to help the st"dents "nderstand the s ill step4b'4step% Guided Practice/%ctive .nvolvement/Small +roup or//.ndependent Practice: 1stimated Time: >(4=< min"tes :% St"dents will then t"rn to page :@> to complete the ne*t > problems independentl'% >% Teachers will rotate aro"nd to chec wor % -# st"dents get all the !"estions correct the' will receive a green card and contin"e wor ing on the ne*t two pages in the boo % -# st"dents get either F> or = wrong the' will receive an orange card. report to the carpet. and receive reteach instr"ction and additional practice%

=% A teacher will rotate aro"nd the green gro"p to assist on an' !"estions% St"dents on green that complete the page will pla' an e*tension game% The' will be given pict"res o# real li#e arra's% The' have to #ig"re o"t the total amo"nt b' writing the correlating addition sentence on a Popsicle stic and then place it in an egg carton labeled with the correlating n"mber% Paper will be provided #or assistance% P"rple gro"p will pla' an addition #l"enc' game% 0inal Summary/Closure: 1stimated Time: :<4:( min"tes :% A warning will be given to prepare st"dents to complete their wor or activit' the' are c"rrentl' wor ing on% When the alarm goes o## the st"dents will ret"rn to their seats% >% Ta e o"t 'o"r big math wor boo again. t"rn to page :@;. we are going to go over the C%?%T% +higher order thin ing9 problem solving !"estion together% This will also be available on the GoMath Smart Board presentation #or st"dents to solve the problem% =% As st"dents !"estions o# how to solve to problem. #oc"sing on previo"s vocab"lar' and "nderstanding o# the concept% ;% ?nce problem is done st"dents will p"t their boo s awa' and prepare to pac "p to go home% E1tension: St"dents are to complete a homewor page #rom their thin math boo s to contin"e to practice the s ill o# "sing models to solve problems% The 2o 3ow #or the #ollowing lesson will also be a !"estion that will review this concept and provide practice #or st"dents that are still str"ggling with the concept%

St"dents St"dents will complete the do now to show nowledge o# parts o# an addition sentence%

Lesson =%::
St"dents will show prior nowledge o# drawing e!"al gro"ps%

/: st"dent completes independentl' 4 : st"dent is "nable to complete independentl'

St"dents will "se repeated addition to show the n"mber o# ob$ects models% 3otes

1strella Shawn 5hanel 6eanna 6asmin Tiara 6anea Avinash -sabell Ronald Ariel Trichelle Andrew L'ric -saiah

/ / / / 4 4 4 / / / / / 4 4 4

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

4 / / / / / 4 / / / / / 4 / /

"sed wrong n"mbers to complete addition #acts nows some m"ltiplication #acts

needs prompt to draw model. does mental math

missed previo"s lesson nows some m"ltiplication #acts

copied other st"dent,s wor


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