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By: Natdhanai & Norraputt

Section 1 (function of the cardiovascular system)

Cardiovascular system main job is to pump blood to all the part of our body. The main part to do this is the heart.

The Heart
Your heart have three jobs: Delivering materials Removing wastes Fighting disease

Delivering Materials
Our bloods contain materials that a cell needs to reproduce and stay alive. Like transferring materials from the food you eat from the

digestive system.

Removing Wastes
The same way as transferring material, the heart also remove waste by putting the waste in to the blood. For example, the carbon dioxide

that is harmful to our body was put in to the blood and release outside by exhaling.

Fighting Disease
White blood cell are the soldier that fight the disease, but how do they GET to the infected area? The answer is because of the heart. The

heart pump the blood along with some white blood cell.

The Hearts Structure

The heart have two chamber: the upper chamber called atrium and the lower chamber called ventricle. The atrium receive blood while ventricle pump out blood.

Two phases for the beat: first, the heart relaxes and fill the atria with blood. The second, the heart contracts and pumps blood in to the

ventricles, then the ventricles contract and transfer blood to a larger blood vessels to all part of the body.

Blood Vessels
Two type of blood vessels: Arteries Capillaries Veins

This blood vessel carry blood away from the heart. Arteries mostly carry only oxygen-rich blood, but there are exception like carrying

oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs. The largest artery is called aorta, a smaller branches are distributed to the organs of the body.

Capillaries are the smallest artery in the body. This is where the material that the blood carries with it is transferred in to the bodys

cells. At the same time, the waste is also transferred back in to the blood.

From the capillaries, the blood flows into a small blood vessels called veins. Veins carry blood to the heart. By the time the blood reach

the veins, the pumping force of the heart have little effect . Skeletal muscles contraction help blood back toward the heart.

Blood pressure
Blood pressure is the force with which blood pushes against the walls of the blood vessels.
A normal pressure mean you are not in danger

or anything. A low blood pressure indicate that your heart is pretty weak. A high blood pressure indicate that you are being too much hyper (might cause a heart attack).

Four components of blood: Plasma Red blood cells White blood cells Platelets

Plasma makes up about 55 percent of the blood. It is
mostly water, with the substances such as nutrients, hormones, and salts dissolved in it. These substances are important for the cells.

Red blood cells

Basically these red blood cells contain oxygen and hemoglobin, which is an iron-containing substance. Once the material leave the blood in

to the cells, the blood turn dull red.

White blood cells

White blood cells, or in another word, the body soldiers. They protect your body from harmful substances that enter your body. White blood

cells either make chemicals to help the body resist diseases. While other directly fight the disease head on.

This cell fragments are the one whole stop blood clotting. When there is cut in the body, the platelet rushes to the cut and stick itself to

the edge of the cut and release a protein that form a net of fibers across the cut, which trap more platelets and blood cells unit it completely seal the cut.

Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular Disease: Hypertension and high blood cholesterol are two factor that inverse your risk of heart attack and stroke. Both factor may begins in your teens.

It damages blood vessels walls due to the increased force of the blood.
Hypertension is know as a silent killer

because people has no symptoms. Hypertension may be controlled with weight loss exercise and a low-soudium diet.

Blood Cholesterol
Low-density lipoproteins(LDL): Carry cholesterol to body tissue for use and storage.
LDL is called as a bad cholesterol

High-density lipoproteins(HDL): Pick up excess cholesterol from body tisssue and atery walls and carry it to the liver. HDL is called a good cholesterol

Heart Attack and Stroke

As arteries walls thicken, blood flows is constricted . Some cells may not receive adequate oxygen or a blood clot could block the

narrow artery.

Other Cardiovascular Disorder

Heart murmur
Opening in the heart walls


Keeping Healthy
To help maintain cardiovascular health, you should exercise regularly; eat nutrient rich food, balance diet; and avoid smoking.

Teens should spends 60 minutes to perform physical activity every day.

Regular exercise has many benefit to cardiovascular: Heart and muscles strengthen Blood pressure may decreased. HDL levels may increase. Stress level may lower.

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease limit your intake of fried or processed foods and food that made from animal products. The fats in the food may increase the level of the LDL in your blood.
Eat high-fiber food to keep the blood

cholesterol levels low.

Avoid Smoking
Tobacco products damages blood vessels and contribute to the development of the atherosclerosis and hypertension. In fact, smokers is two to three times more likely to have an heart attack.

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