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1st day: 1 bottle mineral water divide into 6 parts for drinking during the day.

Im not sure how many litres or ml are in one bottle of mineral water but i say about 750ml ~ 1L? I am not quite sure lol 2nd day: 1 litre skim milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 oclock in the evening. 3rd day: 1 bottle mineral water divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day. Again i am not quite sure how many litres or millitres. 4th day: vegetable day. Salad (about 0.9~1kg) fresh cabbage, carrot, any potherbs you like. Add vegetable oil 1 table spoon. Salad divide in to 3 parts. You can drink 2 glasses of water or tea without sugar during this day. So, i guess you can drink water today? 5th day: 1 liter milk divide in to 6 parts for drinking during the day; 1 apple at 9 oclock in the evening. 6th day: breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of tea; in 11 oclock drink 1 glass boiled vegetables (just liquid) potato, carrot, cabbage; lunch: 100g boiled meat (beef) its about 4 box of matches, and 100g tinned green peas; afternoon snack: 1 apple; dinner: 1 apple, 1 apple at 9 in the evening. 7th day: 100g cottage cheese and 2 glasses of skim milk or kefir, 1 cup of tea without sugar in the evening;

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