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NURS 252: Fonnative Evaluation Form




Clinicallnstructor: Amanda Hanna

Clinical Rotation: Tues, Mecosta Co Med Ctr Total # days: absent

Course outconres:

_0 tardy/left early -0-



Midterm average
sc]ore: Pass

Oemonetrm abilry to provide direct patient carqin $le errBelr of heatth Bromotion,' disease prevention, and risk rcduction (Gollaborative Leadership)

Supportive Faculty Comments:

Ann continues to provide highly comprehensive, high quality care for her patients. She is readily available for learning opportunities. She takes all measures to ensure patient and staff safety.
lf the student does not earn an average score of 2, list specific behaviors the sfudent must show to meet this outcome:

z)Reeognize effective patiefit teaching ffom,atheorytased pgrcpectilae. (Ttreofeticat BaSe for Practice)
Supportive Facuhy Comments:


Ann's patient teaching has shown great improvement thus far this semester. She is not afraid to admit that she is not knovuledgeable on a topic, researches information and then informs the patient of what she has found. Ann is a bittimid when pertaining to patient teaching afthough this has improved and will continue to improve with increased experience with patient
lf the student does not earn an average score of 2, list specific behaviors the sfudent must show to meet this outcome:

3)tensfyeppopriate'nursirlg care refleetirrc of irtdividual patie$diilercnceq,modilyiqs

care aDorooriate{v. IGeneralist trlursino Practice }
Supportive Facuhy Comments:


Ann's patient care is consistendy highly cognitive and of a very high caliber. She is readily able to identl'fu patient differences and compensates care for those factors. Her assessments cannot be fauhed and are some of the highest quality in her cohort.
lf the student does not earn an average score of 2, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this outcome:


Explain lationate forinlrrcing irtrerveriliorrs mflec&.e of currentte:t cvidsncc for oractice. (Scholarshio for Practice)


Supportive Faculty Comments:

Ann is able to choose nursing diagnosis and interventions that show depth of thought and contemplation. She is able to provide highly cognitive rationales for interventions rahich reflect a depth of thought well beyond that of a first year student.
lf the student does not earn an average score of 2, list specific behaviors the sfudent must show to meet this outcome:

5) Recqg$iae

the ilnportance of trsittg the n$rsing process in the desgn and imolgmcnhtion of healft Diorn(Eion,ba$ad nursinq care. fHealth Carc Environrnent)


Supportive Faculty Comments: Ann readily uses the nursing process in care she delivers although I do not think that she realizes this is what she is doing. She is able to assess, recognize issues, propos interventions, implement interventions and reassess patient condition
lf the student does not earn an average score of 2, list specific behaviors the student must show to meet this outcome:


nr@ssional accountability in,tho &livery of qualitv and safe nurcing


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