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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Plantilla del plan de unidad

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Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa bicacin de la institucin educativa !tros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad
Nombre descriptivo o creativo de la unidad Miriam Muoz Llano Grande Arriba Las Lomas "egin educativa de #$iri%u&

Resumen de la unidad

Being healthy is also about what you eat - choosing the right food. It is important to enjoy the food you eat - and eating in a healthier way. This project was born from the need of the children of fifth grade from Llano Grande Arriba School to now about the benefits of the food pyramid to your health. !sing the technology they will wor the power point" and word program to #e$elop in them a critical thin ing" search" analysis and interpretation of information on the topic. They learn to eat healthy within and outside of the school and in this way" children and the parents will be informed about good nutrition in a tal through a mo$ie ma er as main products of the project. Students will e%plore the food &yramid" based on their disco$eries' they will elaborate a menu for entry day based upon ser$ing guidelines in the food guide pyramid.
Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s

Area 1: Identify foods that belong in each group on the food guide pyramid. Ao y nivel Elementary School 5th grade students
Tiempo necesario aproximado

( class periods of )( minutes,2 weeks

Fundamentos de la unidad
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Contenidos: Conceptual Procedimental Actitudinal

/.H0AL,H1 HA2+,3 Nutritional -yramid 2ody 4it -racticing sports. Grammar 3imple -resent 5uantity 6ords7 some, 4e8, little, a lot o4, any. Auxiliary 9erbs7 :o, :oes. ; :o you practice any sport< 1es, + do. No + don=t. ; :oes s$e eat a lot o4 vegetables< 1es, s$e does. No s$e doesn=t. 9ocabulary7 >!!: -1"AM+:7 carbo$ydrates, diet, energy, nutrients, protein, serving, beans, bread, cereal, eggs, 4ats, 4is$, 4ruit, meat, nuts, oils, pasta, poultry, rice, vegetables, dairy products, s8eets and 4at, meat, Grains.
!"eti#os del aprendi$a"e

Ma?ing t$e 4ood -yramid. 0xplaining t$e di44erent 4ood groups o4 t$e 4ood pyramid, t$eir important, and -ortions recommended eating. Ma?ing a c$art 8it$ t$e 4oods t$ey eat during one day.

6or?ing cooperatively 8it$ t$e class to assemble a 4ood -yramid. Learning $o8 to put toget$er a balanced 4ood Menu.

*ecogni+es different food groups of the food pyramid that will eep us in good health. Locates the foods in each food group in the pyramid. &repares informati$e tal s to show the importance of consuming the products of the pyramid of balanced way.
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad Pregunta esencial Preguntas de unidad

Preguntas de contenido

,hat do you do to li$e better,hat are some recommendations that we can ta e into account in order to ha$e an ade.uate nutrition and maintain a good health1. What is the food pyramid? /. ,hat are the food groups of the food pyramid0. 1ow to integrate the food groups in a balanced way in our daily diet-

Plan de e#aluacin Cronograma de e#aluaciones

Antes de empe$ar el tra!a"o del pro%ecto Durante el desarrollo del pro%ecto &na #e$ completado el pro%ecto

S.2.A Brainstorming of the topic.

3hec list for assessing the mind- map. !se of rubrics to assess power point presentation and mo$ie ma er.


Resumen de e#aluaciones

Through a self-assessment at the beginning and at the end of the project. The students4 progress will be e$aluated in this project through some rubrics. The wor of power point will be e$aluated through rubrics and the mo$ie ma er will be e$aluated with a chec list. Detalles de la unidad
'a!ilidades pre#ias

5nowledge about the food pyramid. 6anagement of programs such as &ower point" ,ord" and 6o$ie 6a er 3reati$e thin ing #esire to wor collaborati$ely.


Actividad de inicio #e$elops indi$idually an S2A of the food pyramid. The first bo% is for" what I now about the food pyramid. The second bo% is for what I want to now of the food pyramid. The third bo% is for what I learned. The student will de$eloped the first and second bo% at this stage. Pregunta gua: What is the pyramid food? Recurso: Safe food document
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Producto parcial: 7laborates in ,ord a mental map of the food pyramid. Desarrollo de la actividad: *eads the safe food document on the web http://www safefood eu/!ealthy"#ating/$ood"Diet/What"is"a"%alanced"diet/&he"$ood" Pyramid asp' Through the techni.ue8 color papers 9students will be organi+e in ( groups of four. The students choose a colored paper' they are grouped according to the color of the paper he:she chooses. Then" each group creates in word a mental map based in the analysis of the $ideo of what is a pyramid food. !erramienta de andamia(e: ;bser$e the $ideo of what is a mental-map and how to create a mental <map in word. &utorial what is a mental"map http://www youtu%e com/watch?v)A*+,u-./0c# &utorial mental"map in word http://www youtu%e com/watch?v)121l3,+45#g

6nstrumento de evaluaci7n: Through a chec list the mental-map will be assessed" it will ha$e some parameters such as= 5ey words" Imagines Symbols 7ach cloud should ha$e a ey word and ( subcategory of the main cloud. The subcategory of the ey word should ha$e images and symbols. 7ach cloud should ha$e different colors.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Actividad de desarrollo Pregunta gua: What are the food groups of the food pyramid? Recurso: $ideo" interacti$e food pyramid Producto parcial: #e$elop a &ower &oint presentation of different food groups of the pyramid. 7laborar una presentaci>n en &ower &oint de los distintos grupos alimenticios de la pir?mide. Desarrollo de la actividad ,atch a $ideo of the pyramid food. http=::www.nourishinteracti$$e-food-pyramid &erforms a brainstorming indi$idually from each food groups of the food pyramid. ;rgani+e ( groups of four students through the techni.ue of numbered heads where the students are listed one through four. All the students are grouped according to the number that corresponded to agree about what has been obser$ed in the $ideo Then" each group member will ha$e to perform functions that indi$idual freely choose. 7ach one will need to complete a food group of the pyramid in the game lin . 33R/!ira"ide.sw#. Then " each wor team de$elops a &ower &oint presentation with the consensual analysis after obser$ing the $ideo. !erramienta de andamia(e: ;bser$e the &ower &oint tutorial$@BA1;(7BuApA 6nstrumento de evaluaci7n: Through a rubrics will be assessed a &ower &oint presentation of the consensus of the team analysis. The presentation of the consensus will be presented in plenary session through a &ower &oint presentation" which must ha$e se$en slides The first slide is the presentation of the item with the name of the participants. The second slide should carry a small introduction of the topic. The fi$e remaining slides must be of the content on the food groups of the food pyramid and with embedded images

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Actividad de cierre

Pregunta guia: !ow to integrate the food groups in a %alanced way in our daily diet? Recurso: Producto parcial: create a mo$ie ma er of a balanced meal Desarrollo de la actividad: #e$elops a mo$ie ma er while maintaining the formed groups of the de$elopment acti$ity. The mo$ie ma er will contain a menu for an entire day. Then" the menu they create must ha$e" the food and the proper number of ser$ings as recommended by the food pyramid.

!erramienta de andamia(e: *%serve the &utorial of movie ma-er http://www youtu%e com/watch?v)89.:e*5;Am4 6nstrumento de evaluaci7n: Through a rubrics will be assessed the mo$ie ma er of the menu create based the food pyramid .the mo$ie ma er will be present The first part of the mo$ie ma er should ha$e a name. The mo$ie ma er will ha$e a menu for brea fast" lunch and dinner. The last part will ha$e brief recommendation base on a balanced diet.

+omplete &he third %o' of the / < A that is =what 6 learned> of the pyramid food
Adaptaciones curriculares Estudiante con necesidades especiales (o )ispano* parlantes Estudiante talentoso

No apply in this unit

Co apply in this unit Talented students will coordinate their wor ing groups and the indi$idual responsibilities of their partner in the collaborati$e acti$ities for success the project.
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+ateriales % recursos necesarios para la unidad

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Tecnologa , 'ard-are @e%uipo necesarioA #.mara #omputadora@sA #.mara digital "eproductor de :9: #onexin a +nternet
Tecnologa Software (necesario)

:isco l.ser +mpresora 3istema de proyeccin 0sc.ner ,elevisor

9#" #.mara de v&deo 0%uipo de v&deo con4erencia !tro

2ase de datosBHoCa de c.lculo :iagramador de publicaciones -rograma de correo electrnico 0nciclopedia en #:;"!M
+ateriales impresos .uministros

0ditor de im.genes 2uscador 6eb Multimedia Te%tboo of fifth grade In$itation to fifth grade parents

:esarrollo de p.ginas 8eb -rocesador de texto !tro

Computer lab. +nteracti$e food pyramid" retri$ed on Co$iember D(th" /ED0 http=::www.nourishinteracti$$e-food-pyramid Tutorial what is a mental-map"retri$ed on Co$iembre /Eth"/ED0 http://www youtu%e com/watch?v)A*+,u-./0c# Tutorial mental-map in word" retri$ed on Co$iembre /Dth"/ED0 http://www youtu%e com/watch?v)121l3,+45#g

Recursos de Internet

Sa e ood, retrive Noviembre 2!th, 2!"# http://www safefood eu/!ealthy"#ating/$ood"Diet/What"is"a"%alanced"diet/&he"$ood" Pyramid asp' the &ower &oint tutorial"retri$ed on C;B76B*7 /DT1"/ED0$@BA1;(7BuApA Tutorial of mo$ie ma er"retri$ed on Co$iembre /Dth"/ED0$@C.0Ae;FDAm)

tros Recursos

$arents %nvitaci&n.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

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