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Design for Learning

Instructor: Rachel Cason Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: Second Lesson Title: Sounds and Vibrations Date: Curriculum Area: Science Estimated Time: 60 minutes Standards Connection: [AL.2.2] Identify ibration as the source of sound. Learning Ob ective!s": !hen "i en a sim#le musical instrument$ students %ill e&#lain ho% sound is #roduced by %ritin" t%o sentences accordin" to a rubric. Learning Ob ective!s" stated in #$id%&riendl'( language: Class$ today %e'll loo( at some musical instruments to fi"ure out ho% sounds are made. Evaluation o& Learning Ob ective!s": )ach student %ill be "i en one of the musical instruments %e ha e %or(ed %ith in class *#ercussion or strin"+. ,he student %ill %rite t%o sentences to describe ho% sound is bein" #roduced by the instrument. ,his descri#tion must include certain (ey ideas$ %hich are included in a list on the rubric !SEE ATTAC)ED"* If a student lea es out or incorrectly describes t%o of the (ey ideas$ earnin" a score of 2 or - accordin" to the rubric$ he.she %ill need reteachin". Students %ho %rite more than t%o sentences or %ho "o more in/de#th than is re0uired by the syllabus may be "i en an enrichment acti ity. Engagement: ,he teacher %ill #resent a ideo to the class *1,he 2est 3ercussion ) er45 on 6ou,ube / 9c:0a2f; <=0+ and %ill discuss the different instruments in the ideo. She %ill then as( the students to turn and tal( to share any e&#eriences they may ha e had %ith music or musical instruments$ and then she %ill as( a fe% olunteers to share %ith the class. Ok class, Im going to call you to come to the carpet in your table groups, ok? Listen for your table! Table 1, please come find your spots. *!ait for ,able - to be seated on the car#et$ then continue callin" tables one by one until e eryone is seated and settled.+ lright, today !ere going to start by !atching a short "ideo about music! #i"e me a thumbs up if you"e e"er seen someone play a musical instrument before. *!ait for students to "i e a thumbs u#.+ $o!, lots of you ha"e seen someone playing an instrument! %o! about you turn and talk to your elbo! partner and tell them about some instruments you"e heard. Ill gi"e you &' seconds to talk! *!ait ;0 seconds for students to share %ith each other. Count bac(%ards from > to 0uiet them do%n a"ain.+ ()*)&)+)1. Ok guys! $ould anyone like to share !ith the class? ,aise your

hands, please! *!ait for students to raise their hands$ then call on a student.+ $hat instrument ha"e you heard? *Student %ill ans%er.+ -ery good! Thats a great e.ample of an instrument! *!rite the student's ans%er on the board.+ $ho else !ants to share? *Call on t%o more students$ res#ondin" a##ro#riately as before and addin" the instruments to the board to create a list.+ It looks like !e ha"e a good understanding of !hat instruments are! /o! lets take a look at this "ideo and look at the instruments it sho!s us. *3lay the first -7;0 of the ideo abo e.+ lright class, raise your hand if you noticed an instrument in the "ideo. *Call on a student$ %ho mi"ht ans%er 1drum$5 1cymbal$5 1strin"$5 etc. Continue callin" on students and "uide them until they "i e you a fe% of these correct ans%ers. Add their ans%ers to the list on the board.+ -ery good! $e"e made 0uite a list of instruments. #i"e me a thumbs up if youd like to learn more about some of these instruments today! *!ait for students to "i e you a thumbs u#.+ $onderful! $ere going to do 1ust that! Learning Design: I. ,eachin"7 ,he teacher %ill be"in by sho%in" students a 1rice and rubber5 demonstration to illustrate the conce#ts of sound and ibration. She %ill then demonstrate sound ibrations usin" t%o toy instruments7 a drum and a small "uitar. lright e"eryone, thank you for sitting so 0uietly on the carpet! $e 1ust talked about some different instruments !e ha"e heard and seen. I ha"e a big 0uestion for us to think about today) Listen carefully to the 0uestion and gi"e me a thumbs up if you ha"e an idea. %eres the 0uestion2 %o! do all of these instruments make sound? *!ait for a moment$ and then re#eat the 0uestion. !ait for students to "i e you a thumbs u#. Call on one student.+ 34tudents name5, tell me ho! you think our instruments make sounds. *!ait for student to "i e his.her ans%er$ then re#eat it for the entire class.+ $hat do you all think about that idea? #i"e me a thumbs up if you agree, a thumbs do!n if you disagree, or a thumb to the side if youre not sure. *!ait for res#onses$ then call on t%o more students and res#ond to them the same %ay.+ $ell class, those are some good ideas about ho! sound !orks. $hat Im going to do no! is sho! you a little demonstration that !ill help you see ho! sounds are made. I need you to !atch "ery carefully, ok? Ok, here is my instrument that Ill be using. *,eacher sho%s students her rice and rubber instrument7 an elbo% #iece of 3VC #i#e %ith the flat #art of a rubber "lo e *not the fin"ers+ attached o er one end %ith a rubber band. ?n to# of the rubber$ the teacher %ill #lace a "rain of rice.+ 6oes e"eryone see !hat I ha"e here on top of my instrument? 7es, I ha"e a piece of rubber !ith a grain of rice on top. Im going to speak into the pipe, and !ere going to !atch !hat happens to the rice !hen I do! ,aise your hand if you ha"e a prediction about !hat might happen to the rice. *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on one student.+ %mm, that might be it! Thats a good prediction. ,aise your hand if you kno! the fancy science !ord for 8prediction.9 *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on students until one of them ans%ers 1hy#othesis.5+ ,ight, !e call that a hypothesis! $ell, no! lets see if our hypothesis is right! *,eacher %ill s#ea( into the o#en end of the 3VC elbo%. ,he rubber %ill ibrate and the rice %ill 1@um#.5+ $o!, did you guys see that? Let me do it one more time. $atch carefully! *S#ea( louder this time.+ Thats pretty cool, isnt it? ,aise your hand if you can describe !hat happened

to the rice. *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on one$ %ho should ans%er alon" the lines of$ 1It bounced5 or 1It @um#ed off the rubber %hen you tal(ed.5+ Thats e.actly right, 3students name5! The rice bounced on the rubber, didnt it? -ery good. /o!, Im going to ask if you !ould come be my helper for a minute. :lease come stand ne.t to me. *!ait for student to come to the front.+ lright, Im going to speak into the pipe one more time, and I !ant you to !atch the rubber this time, not the rice. 6o you think you can do that? *Student %ill nod and.or say yes.+ $onderful. ;e ready to tell the class !hat you see! %ere !e go. *S#ea( into the #i#e a"ain.+ 6id you notice anything about the rubber, 3students name5? *If no$ s#ea( into the #i#e a"ain so student can %atch. If yes$ continue.+ <ould you share !ith the class !hat you sa!? *Student %ill turn to the class and say somethin" alon" the lines of$ 1,he rubber mo ed around5 or 1,he rubber bounced u# and do%n @ust li(e the rice.5+ Oh, ho! interesting! 6id e"eryone hear !hat 3student5 said? It looks like the rubber mo"ed up and do!n, too! Thank you, 3student5= you may sit back do!n on the carpet no!. *!ait for student to sit do%n.+ $ell class, Im going to e.plain a little bit about !hy the rubber and the rice bounced !hen I talked into the pipe. 7ou see, !ithout the sound of my "oice, the rubber and the rice dont mo"e at all. Is it doing anything right no!, since Im 1ust holding it? *=old out the instrument so the class can see$ and they %ill re#ly 1Ao.5+ Thats right. Its the sound of my "oice that makes them mo"e. Thats because sounds are created by something called "ibrations. 6oes anyone kno! !hat it means !hen something "ibrates? ,aise your hand if you ha"e an ans!er! *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on a cou#le of them to see if they (no% the %ord.+ Ok, so !e ha"e some ideas about !hat 8"ibrate9 means. Ill gi"e you an e.ample of "ibration. 6o any of your parents ha"e a cell phone? *Bost students %ill ans%er 16es.5+ #ood. %a"e you e"er heard their cell phone make a bu>>ing noise !hen it is set on silent? *Bost %ill ans%er 16es.5+ $ell, thats !hat a "ibration is! The phone bu>>es because it is mo"ing "ery 0uickly in tiny mo"ements. %ere, Ill make my cell phone "ibrate so you can hear it and feel it. *,eacher acti ates an alarm on her #hone to ma(e it ibrate. 3ass the #hone around the classroom so students can feel the ibration.+ 4o, no! !e kno! that sounds are caused by "ibrations! nd ho! do !e kno! that? 4omeone raise your hand and remind me. *Call on students and "uide them as needed to%ard the e&am#le of the rice and rubber instrument.+ ,ight, !e sa! the rubber and the rice bouncing, so !e kne! that sound is associated !ith "ibrations. /o! Im going to sho! you a fe! more e.amples of ho! sounds are caused by "ibrations. *,eacher %ill "et out a small drum.+ I ha"e a drum for us to look at today! ,aise your hand if you can tell me ho! to play this instrument! *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on one of them. Student %ill say somethin" alon" the lines of$ 16ou hit it %ith somethin".5+ -ery good! 7ou play a drum by hitting the top of it !ith a drumstick. Ill sho! you, and then Ill let a "olunteer try it. *,eacher %ill #lay a rhythm or t%o on the drum. She %ill then as( for a olunteer and call on a student to demonstrate #layin" the drum.+ $onderful! 7ou did a great 1ob. /o!, since !e kno! that sound is caused by "ibrations, does anyone ha"e an idea about ho! this drum makes noise? *Call on a cou#le of students and "uide them to%ard the idea that the drum head ibrates.+ 7es, "ibrations cause the drum to make sound. $hen !e hit the top of the drum !ith the drumstick, it makes the top of the drum "ibrate. 7ou might not be able to see it "ibrating, but thats because the "ibrations are "ery small and "ery fast. ;ut 1ust like the rice and rubber instrument, the top is "ibrating, !hich makes the sound.

/o! I ha"e another instrument to sho! you! ,aise your hand if you kno! !hat this instrument is! *,eacher %ill sho% the class a toy "uitar. !ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on one$ %ho should ans%er$ 1a "uitar.5+ ,ight! This is a guitar. $e dont hit this instrument, do !e? /o, !e play this one by strumming the strings. Ill sho! you ho! to do it, and then Ill ask a "olunteer to try. *,eacher %ill strum the strin"s a fe% times. ,hen she %ill call on a student to come strum.+ -ery good, 3student.5 Id like you to stay here for 1ust a minute. Im going to play one string on the guitar, and once I mo"e my hand, I !ant you to look "ery closely at the string and see if you notice anything, ok? lright, !atch carefully! *,eacher #luc(s one strin" and lets the student loo( closely at it %hile it ibrates.+ Ok, can you share !ith the class !hat you noticed about the string? *Student %ill say somethin" li(e$ 1It loo(ed li(e it %as mo in".5 or 1It ibrated u# and do%n.5+ #reat obser"ation! $hen I played that string, it mo"ed! The mo"ing strings are !hat makes sounds on the guitar. $hat is it called again !hen something mo"es to make sounds? *Students should ans%er 1Vibrations45 If they don't$ as( "uidin" 0uestions to lead them to this ans%er.+ ?.actly! -ibrations make the sounds. On the drum, the top part "ibrates, and on the guitar, the strings "ibrate. /o matter !hat sound you hear, it is caused by !hat? *Students should a"ain res#ond$ 1Vibrations45+ -ery good. /o! youre going to e.plore "ibrations a little more by creating your o!n instruments! II. ?##ortunity for 3ractice7 ,he teacher %ill #ro ide materials for students to create t%o different ty#es of sim#le instruments7 a "uitar made %ith a Cleene& bo& and rubber bands$ and a #ercussion sha(er made %ith beans and a can. ,he teacher %ill then "uide the students throu"h the creation of the instruments$ and the students %ill #ractice describin" ho% sounds are #roduced on their instruments. Ok e"eryone, !ere going to make our o!n instruments today! @irst !ell make a little guitar, and then !ell make a shaker! Then Ill let you all talk to a partner about ho! the instruments make sounds. re you ready? #reat! $hen I call your table group, please 0uietly return to your seats. Table 1) *!ait for students to return to their seats. ,hen call the other tables one by one until e eryone is seated and settled.+ lright, Im going to pass out the materials for our first instrument. ,aise your hand if you remember !hat !ere making first. *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on a student.+ ,ight, first !ere making a guitar. Ill pass out Aleene. first. :lease dont play !ith them B 1ust lea"e them on the table in front of you. *,eacher %ill #ass out one bo& to each student.+ lright, no! Ill pass out one rubber band for each of you. $hat are some things !e 6O/T !ant to do !ith the rubber bands? *Call on students and listen for res#onses such as$ 1Shoot them across the room$5 1!ear them$5 1,%irl them on our fin"ers$5 etc.+ -ery good. Lets remember to be safe and respectful !ith our materials. *,eacher %ill "i e each student one rubber band.+ Ok, !atch me carefully, and Ill sho! you !hat to do. Then you can do it on your o!n instrument. *,eacher models ma(in" the "uitar as she describes the #rocess.+ 7oull !ant to lea"e the bo. sitting on your table. 4tretch out the rubber band a little bit, and then stretch it around the short end of the bo.. Is e"eryone !ith me so far? *!al( around and hel# students %ho are stru""lin".+ Ok, no! youre going to !iggle the rubber band do!n the bo. until its o"er the hole in the middle. 4ee, look ho! mine is right in the middle. *A"ain$ assist as needed.+ -ery good, e"eryone! /o! you can pluck the rubber band, 1ust like a guitar string! 4ee ho! that !orks? *<emonstrate and allo% students to try on their o%n "uitars.+

In 1ust a fe! minutes, you all !ill practice telling each other ho! the guitar makes its sound. ;ut first, !ere going to make another instrument! This one !ill be a percussion instrument. 6oes anyone kno! !hat a percussion instrument is? *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and then call on one. If necessary$ "i e a hint7 1?ne of the instruments %e loo(ed at earlier today %as a #ercussion instrument.5+ ,ight, a percussion instrument is something you hit, like a drum! This instrument !ere going to make !ill ha"e beans on the inside to hit it, instead of using a drumstick on the outside. re you guys ready to make our ne.t instrument? *Students %ill ans%er 16es.5+ lright, here is the first thing !ell use! Im going to pass out a !ater bottle for each of you. Lea"e them sitting still on your tables, please! *3lace an em#ty %ater bottle on the tables in front of each student.+ Ok e"eryone, no! Im going to bring you a fe! ra! beans. $hen you get them, you may put them inside your bottle. ;ut please dont shake them yet! $hy do you think !e shouldnt shake them yet? *Call on a student$ %ho should ans%er by sayin" somethin" li(e$ 1It %ill ma(e the classroom too loud.5+ ,ight. 7ou may put the top back on the bottle, but lets keep them 0uiet for no!. *3ass out > beans to each student. ,he students %ill #lace the beans into the bottle and scre% the to# bac( on.+ lright, no! listen as I shake my bottle. *<emonstrate sha(in" the bottle.+ On the count of three, I !ant all of you to shake your bottle T$O times. %o! many times? *Students %ill res#ond$ 1,%o45+ -ery good. Ok) 1)+)&! *Students %ill sha(e their bottles.+ #reat! /o! keep your bottles 0uiet on your tables, please. lright, no! lets talk about !hat youre going to do ne.t. I !ant each of you to turn to the partner beside you and describe ho! one of your instruments makes its sound. Then your partner !ill describe ho! the other instrument makes its sound. #i"e me a thumbs up if that makes sense, or raise your hand if you ha"e a 0uestion. *!ait for student res#onses$ and ans%er any 0uestions they may ha e.+ Ok class, remember that sound is caused by !hat? *Students res#ond$ 1Vibrations45+ ,ight! /o! someone tell me ho! a guitar makes its sound. *Call on a student and "uide them to%ard an ans%er li(e$ 1,he strin"s ibrate to ma(e sounds.5+ 7es! Thats e.actly right. /o!, someone else tell me ho! a percussion instrument makes sounds. *Call on a student and "uide them to%ard an ans%er li(e$ 1Somethin" hits it to ma(e it ibrate.5+ ,ight! Aeep those things in mind !hile you talk to your partner. #o ahead and turn and talk. *Allo% students to tal( to their #artner and #ractice e&#lainin" ho% their instruments ma(e sounds. Bonitor student res#onses as you %al( around the room. Student e&#lanations should sound somethin" li(e$ 1,he rubber band ibrates %hen you #luc( it$ and that ma(es a sound @ust li(e the strin"s on a "uitar$5 or 1,he beans hit the sides of the %ater bottle$ and that ma(es the bottle ibrate @ust li(e the drum did.5 Coach students %ho seem to be ha in" difficulty.+ ()*)&)+)1. lright class, eyes on me! *Dse this time to address any misconce#tions that seemed common across the classroom.+ /o!, 1ust for more practice, turn to your partner again and describe the OT%?, instrument that you did not talk about before. 6oes that make sense? #i"e me a thumbs up if you understand, or raise your hand if you ha"e a 0uestion. *!ait for student res#onses$ and ans%er any 0uestions they may ha e.+ #reat. /o! turn and talk! *A"ain$ monitor and coach students as needed %hile they tal( to their #artners.+ ()*)&)+)1. ?yes on me! 7ou all had some great e.planations. ,aise your hand if you still ha"e a 0uestion about ho! one of your instruments !orks. *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and ans%er any 0uestions they ha e by as(in" other students to share their ans%ers.+ Thank you all for your help! $e learned that the bo. !orks like a guitar because the rubber band "ibrates 1ust like a guitar string, and the percussion shaker !orks like a drum because it "ibrates !hen the beans hit it.

/o!, !hen I call your table group, Id like for you to take your instruments to your backpack so you can take them home. :lease do this 0uietly and 0uickly! lright, Table 1, you may go ahead and put your instruments a!ay. *!ait for ,able - students to #ut e erythin" a%ay$ and then call the other tables in this manner.+ III. Assessment7 ,he teacher %ill #ass out a test sheet %ith a #icture of one of the instruments the students made for #ractice. ?n this #a"e$ the student %ill %rite t%o sentences to describe ho% sound is made on that instrument. ,he assessment %ill be scored usin" a rubric !SEE ATTAC)ED"* Ok boys and girls, no! that !e"e practiced describing these instruments to our partners, !ere going to !ork by oursel"es to !rite about the instruments. Im going to gi"e you a piece of paper !ith a picture of O/? of the instruments !e made on it. %o! many instruments !ill be on your page? *Students %ill res#ond$ 1?ne45+ -ery good. $hen you get your sheet of paper, you !ill !rite T$O sentences about that instrument. *,eacher %ill %rite 1,%o sentences5 on the board.+ There are three things I !ant you to include in your description. Im going to !rite them on the board, so pay close attention! @irst, I !ant you to tell me !hat real instrument your instrument is like. $hat !ere the real instruments did !e talk about today? *Call on students until they ans%er 1"uitar5 and 1drum.5+ Thats right. 4o youll ha"e to tell me if your instrument is like the guitar or the drum. *!rite 1"uitar or drum5 on the board.+ Ok, ne.t I !ant you to tell me !hat causes sounds. $e"e talked about this a lot today, so make sure you include that in one of your sentences. *!rite 1!hat causes sounds85 on the board.+ /o!, I ha"e one last thing you need to include. 7oull need to tell me ho! your instrument !orks. $e 1ust practiced that !ith our partners, right? ,ight. 4o no! youll 1ust !rite that on your paper. *!rite 1=o% does your instrument %or(85 on the board.+ If you include these three things and !rite t!o complete sentences, youll do a great 1ob! 6oes anyone ha"e any 0uestions? ,aise your hand if you do. *!ait for students to raise their hands$ and ans%er any 0uestions they may ha e.+ lright, Im going to pass out your papers no!. 6ont !orry if you see a different picture on someone elses paper. 7ou only ha"e to !rite about the one on your page. re you ready? Lets begin! *,eacher %ill #ass out one #a#er to each student.+ ,emember that there is a list of !hat Im looking for on the board. There are also directions on your paper. Lets read them together. *Dse choral readin" to read the instructions %ith the class.+ -ery good. Last chance for 0uestions! *Ans%er any remainin" 0uestions.+ lright class, you may begin! ;ring your paper to me !hen you finish. IV. Closure7 After turnin" in all the test #a#ers$ the students %ill choose one of their instruments to use for a class concert to close the lesson. lright e"eryone! Thank you for your hard !ork today. /o! !ere going to do one last thing to remind us of the "ibrations that cause sounds. $hen I call your table group, please go to your backpack and get O/? of the instruments today. 7ou can pick !hich one youd like to use. %o! many instruments are you going to bring? *Students %ill res#ond 1?ne45+ -ery good. Ok, Table 1, please choose one instrument and take it to your spot on the carpet. *!hen ,able - "ets seated %ith their instruments$ call the other table "rou#s one at a time until e eryone has their instruments on the car#et.+ Ok, heres !hat !ere going to do! :lease listen carefully. If you chose your shaker, youre going to go first. 7ou !ill shake your shaker four times, like this.

*<emonstrate sha(in" the sha(er four times.+ 6o you think you can do that? Lets try it together. Ill count to four, and then !ell start. 1, +, &, *. *,eacher and students sha(e four times.+ :erfect! /o! Ill tell the rest of you !hat to do. If you chose the guitar, youre going to sit 0uietly !hile the shakers shake four times, and then youll pluck your rubber band four times. $atch me do it first! *Bodel #luc(in" the rubber band four times$ at the same tem#o as the sha(ers.+ /o! Id like you all to do it !ith me. re you ready? Ill count to four and then you play. 1, +, &, *. *,eacher and students #luc( four times.+ $onderful! Ok, heres ho! !ell put it together. $hen I tell you to, the shakers !ill play first, and then the guitars !ill play after the shakers finish. Then !ell do the !hole thing again. 4o, the order !ill be shakers, guitars, shakers guitars. 6oes that make sense? #i"e me a thumbs up if you understand or raise your hand if you ha"e a 0uestion. *!ait for res#onses and ans%er 0uestions as needed.+ lright, lets try it out! Ill count to four and then my shakers !ill start us off! %ere !e go! 1, +, &, *. *Lead the concert by callin" out 1sha(ers5 and 1"uitars5 %hen each "rou# should #lay.+ $onderful 1ob, friends! /o!, !hene"er you play these instruments, you can remember that sounds are caused by !hat? *Students %ill res#ond 1Vibrations45+ ,ight, "ibrations! Thank you "ery much for your hard !ork today. +aterials and ,esources: Rubric !SEE ATTAC)ED" ,est sheets !SEE ATTAC)ED" Stra%s ,a#e Cleene& bo&es %ith middle #lastic fla#s cut out *ha e students brin" these in as they are able+ Rubber bands Rubber "lo e Ra% beans )m#ty %ater bottles *ha e students brin" these in as they are able+ ,oy or small drum$ "uitar Cell #hone Di&&erentiation Strategies !including plans &or individual learners": ): As( students to e&amine a #iano usin" a ideo of a "rand #iano *or a real one if a ailable+. =a e them describe the t%o different %ays sounds are made on the #iano7 #ressin" the (eys acti ates a hammer that hits a strin" li(e a #ercussion instrument$ and the strin" then ibrates li(e a strin" instrument. L: Instead of ma(in" their o%n instruments and %ritin" about them$ these students can focus on one #re/made instrument the teacher has already assembled. ,hey may orally e&#lain to the teacher ho% that instrument %or(s. Data Anal'sis: ,e&lection:

Samford University Design for Learning

,est Sheet -


!rite t-o sentences about this instrument. Is it li(e a drum or a guitar8 !hat causes sounds8 =o% does your instrument -or$8

,est Sheet 2


!rite t-o sentences about this instrument. Is it li(e a drum or a guitar8 !hat causes sounds8 =o% does your instrument -or$8

Sounds and Vibrations Rubric Score F <escri#tion

,%o com#lete sentences Includes ALL of the follo%in" correct details7 -. !hat real instrument their instrument is li(e *drum or "uitar+ 2. Sounds are #roduced by ibrations ;. =o% their instrument %or(s *beans hit the bottle to ma(e it ibrateG #luc(in" the strin" ma(es it ibrate to create sounds+ All details are #resent but not %ritten in sentence form ?R ?ne detail missin".incorrect ,%o details missin".incorrect Aone of the information %ritten is correct ?R Assi"nment %as not attem#ted

; 2 -

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