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1. My Philosophy on Classroom Management and Discipline I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting and having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal for implementing good classroom management. I am positive that the learning can take place by having a safe environment where students feel happy, comfortable and satisfied. I also believe that a combination of setting the tone in class where we respect and care about each other, preventing behavior problems with interesting, engaging curriculums and effectively including all students in the classroom so that their needs are met will create a great learning atmosphere. I agree to Alfie Kohn in ! models of discipline who says the best way to discipline students is to, "#rovide an engaging curriculum, develop a caring community and allow students to make choices. Philosophical Statement In $ st century, we teachers engage, lead, inspire, and encourage the students in our classrooms. I am committed to making my classroom a safe, challenging environment and engaging my students through the curriculum as well as getting to know them and interacting with them one%on%one. I believe that meeting the needs of my students is a very crucial part of my classroom. I want them to be comfortable with me as well as the other students, so that there can be meaningful discussions and interactions. I want to encourage all students to participate in class so that they can learn from each other as well as me. I feel that having a very patient and calm attitude would create a positive learning environment in my class. I think greeting them by shaking their hands in the morning, asking students about their life outside of class, knowing that someone is paying attention to them are some key elements to build the trust relationship with my students. I want them to feel comfortable and happy when they are with me. I believe that when students are forced to do something their outcome is not as productive as it would be when they willingly participate. In order of me to make my students willingly engage in learning is to make learning interactive, interesting, informative and fun for them. I strongly believe that teachers are the facilitators for learning and are the educators that inspire their students to take ownership in their own learning. &e provide opportunities for students to learn key concepts and discover the tools that they need for learning so that they can become lifelong learners. I believe if students feel they are involved in the workings of the classroom, they will be more motivated to engage in the class and in turn, learn.

2. The Classroom Arrangement

3. Rules

I find that my philosophy of discipline to be reali'ed in the classroom, classroom rules and guidelines need to be agreed upon as a class by my students and myself as a teacher. If students are allowed to think through the reasoning behind appropriate classroom conduct, then they are better e(uipped to reason through their own conduct inside and outside of the classroom. )ince they are not coming from the teacher alone, the principles are understood to be in the best interest of the group rather than being whatever is beneficial for the teacher. *he best rule I believe to be my attitude towards classroom rules is that I need an inclusive classroom where we respect each other and care about each other+s feelings, beliefs and individuality. I absolutely believe in keeping a safe environment where put% downs and name calling is not allowed and are non%negotiable. If I can have respect for my students as well as having them respecting each other, I believe this will lead to a safe environment where learning will definitely take place. I believe for teachers to treat all students e(ually or fairly, they should treat them as individuals who are differing in abilities, cultures, genders, ethnicities, and socio%economic class. My biggest classroom rule will be just one word, -.)#.C*. /-.)#.C* 0ourself 1by keeping your body and mind clean, and taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually/ $/-.)#.C* other )tudents 1as you respect yourself/ 2/-.)#.C* the *eachers and )chool )taffs 1as the "authority3 while you are in school./ !/ -.)#.C* the 4earning .nvironment 1)chool is a place where you 4earn and 5row so respect it/ I would also like to implement some class meetings time%to%time where we can discuss what is working and not working with the class. I would like these to be like an open forum where ideas and suggestions can be discussed and hopefully implemented. I am very interested in learning what the students are thinking about and making the learning environment as much to their liking as possible. I would also use class meetings to discuss whole%school rules. I will e6pect everyone to perform at their best and everyone+s 7best+ will differ according to their abilities and also by following the instructions and staying focused on task. *he instruction in my class will vary according to each student+s level. )tudents who finish tasks before the others will have some enrichment work to stimulate them and prevent the others from being distracted. I personally favour co%operative learning in groups because this really helps the slow learners to grasp the lesson. It would also help the students to be tolerant of different people if the groups are of mi6ed members % blended across gender, culture, academic level, ability, age, and ethnicity. )o, my e6pectation of working in groups will have clear instructions for students to follow with respect and input from each group member. 4. Responses to Misbeha iour or conse!uences

&illiam 5lasser theory teaches us that students are less likely to misbehave when the curriculum has meaning and is enjoyable for them. 8e promotes the idea of allowing the students some choice in what they study and what they are most interested in learning. In a 9ull%day kindergarten program we used this techni(ue through play%based curriculum which made learning fun and enjoyable to the student+s every day. I completely agree with this and believe that if the majority of the class is engaged and interested in the lesson, the chance of behavioral problems is lower than if the class is bored and uninterested. If there is a consistent misbehaviour problem, I will use steps mentioned in the bumping model e.g. Bump 1-low key responses 1pro6imity, touch, gesture, dropping the child+s name, the look, a pause or ignoring the behaviour/, Bump 2-squarring off1 ! steps: / )top talking, $/ *urn toward the student , 2/ 5ive a verbal re(uest to stop, !/ .nd with a thank you/, Bump3-choice- ! steps, / )top teaching, pause and turn to student, $/ #rovide student with a choice or allow them to make a choice, 2/ &ait for an answer, !/ finish with *hank 0ou. .ven after using the ;umping Model, if the behaviour continues I will initially ask the student to talk to me after class. I will talk to him<her about the positive things 1if any/ he<she has done in class and how I appreciate something good they are doing. I will discuss their behaviour and tell them that their behavior is interfering in my teaching in our class and we need to make a plan of how they will be able to stop the behavior. I will take every step to stop the misbehaviour in my class but will always want to keep conse(uences in line with the misbehaviour. If the misbehaviour continues, I will talk to the student, inform the principal of the situation and the reason for making a phone call home, so I keep my administrator aware of everything happening in my class and with my students. I might also ask the parents to come to school for a meeting with me and their child. I think it is very important to involve the parents. I do not believe in using timeout or asking the student go out of the room to work on his task unless they are being harmful to others or me in the class=either physically or verbally, in this case I will send them to the office. I believe that misbehaviour should be addressed with the teacher and student communicating as much as possible.

5. Procedures "or distributing materials# collecting home$or%# transitions in and out o" the room# $ashroom use. I believe a well%planned and well%organi'ed classroom helps students to learn more effectively, I feel that routines and procedures are necessary to help a classroom run smoothly. I also feel that routines 1>isual, words or verbal routines/ help students to feel secure and know what to e6pect in their classroom. Homework .ach student will have a folder for homework. *his folder will be labeled with the student+s name on the folder. *hroughout the day, students will put their unfinished work into their homework folder. It may be worked on when other work is done early. *he remaining work will be taken home for homework. *he homework folder will go home every night with student in his backpack. *he incomplete work in the folder is to be completely each night. *he sheet in the student+s homework folder is to be signed by the student+s parent or guardian each night. *he folder will be returned each morning to the homework basket on the teacher+s desk. !ransition throughout the "ay I would like my students to feel ownership of their classroom when moving between activities, so I will make the class leaders and give each student some kind of responsibility for the week e.g. attendance, line leader 1if applicable/, homework collection, library helpers, te6tbook distributor, table leader, classroom maintenance etc. *he class leaders will be responsible of their own jobs each day which will be on a rotation. &hen it is time for the transition the class leaders will call the students to the door in small groups, either by tables or by other characteristics 1Anyone wearing red, anyone born in ?une, etc./ I will stand behind the class once they are lined up. &hen the class leader feel the group is behaving in a way that positively represents our classroom community, they may lead the class to the ne6t activity. I will guide the students in this process if necessary. #ollecting or "istri$uting materials .ach group<table of students will have a central basket on their table. *able leader will be responsible for all the refilling of the supplies in the basket as it is finished. %ashroom &se I think it is very important that on the first day of school, I introduce the procedures of using the washroom to all my students so that it does not disrupt my lessons unless there is an emergency. I believe that is also important to take student+s input on a washroom procedure which is suitable to their class for their age, maturity, and to keep them safe. @epending on the need I will make decision of sending the student alone or with a buddy to use the washroom. )ometimes one at a time, sometimes with a buddy and I will choose the buddy for them.

'. #reating a (espectful) Supporti*e learning en*ironment . I believe that creating an engaging and respectful classroom environment will minimi'e disruptions and enhance learning. In other words, as a teacher, I will create an atmosphere of mutual respect among students and between my students and myself. I will establish this respectful environment in various ways. 9irst, I will treat my students kindly and will always model the polite, kind, caring behaviour. )econd, I will offer e6tra help to my students during recess and after school so that they know that I am always there to help in their education even when we are not doing a lesson with the whole class. I believe that students care more about their work and behave better in the classroom when they know their teacher cares about them. In addition, I will engage my students by showing enthusiasm for the subject matter and by giving students personal feedback on assignments. I think providing a personal feedback is a key factor in student+s success. )tudents will work harder on their homework and put more effort into their individual work when they know their teacher will give them thoughtful and personal feedback. It is important for students to know that I am attentive to their behavior as well as their academic progress. I will ensure that my classroom is a welcoming and inclusive environment for students to feel safe, happy and secure. I will play instrumental music at the beginning of every class to create a calm and rela6ing environment. If re(uired I will modify assignments to meet the individual needs of some students in my class. I will also help students who miss school due to sickness and will give them ample time to make up their assignments. I believe that showing students my respect, enthusiasm, and care will create a calm and e6citing learning environment for all of my students.

+. ,anaging -nstruction

I believe that the teacher must be proactive in her approach to effective instruction, classroom management, and positive behavior. .ffective instruction must be diligently and carefully planned well in advance of the lesson. )trategies for classroom management should be thought out and coordinated well before the students enter the classroom. According to the ! models of discipline, Alfie Kohn supports the idea of creating well%planned, meaningful lessons that are interesting to students. ;y using well%planned lessons, I feel that I can keep my students from becoming disengaged and seeking other means of distraction through negative behavior. *his was evident in my full day kindergarten classroom for 2 years. In my career as an .arly Childhood .ducator , &hen I planned sufficient activities that were carefully constructed to engage students and build on their prior knowledge, and that involved topics they were interested in, my lessons were met with far more success than the days where lessons were fitted more to my interests and wants. I will give my students choices so they can self%regulate and enjoy the learning in class. ;oth the teacher and the students should have responsibilities in the classroom. &hen the students and the teacher both have responsibilities in the classroom, the students will feel a sense of ownership over their classroom. *his will help the students to feel that they are a valuable part of the classroom and will contribute to a positive classroom community. *he grouping in my class will vary time to time. I will sometimes ask them to group them with students of their choice and sometimes I will group them myself depending on the lesson and students task. &illiam 5rasser supports this shared responsibility between students and teachers as a means of classroom management. I believe by allowing my students to feel ownership over the classroom through responsibility, they will hold one another accountable for behavior in the classroom. It is important that we teachers respect different types of intelligence our student+s have 15ardner+s linguistic, logical, spatial, bodily%kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal/. 5iving the students opportunities to use all of their various intelligences and to provide child%centered curriculum instead of teacher%centered curriculum would definitely help meet all student+s needs. #roviding an open curriculum would include lectures, group discussions, hands%on e6perience, smart board interactive lessons, video presentations, field trips, reading books, visual materials of any sort, physical performance of poetry and stories, dramatic depictions of plays and short stories would address the needs of the students. *his type of approach would ensure reaching all the various students+ different types of intelligences and would help maintaining their interest in new learning.

.. ,oti*ating stu"ents to learn

/ncouragement an" 0ccomplishment *he teacher should encourage students and help each student to feel that he<she is capable of accomplishing the work presented in the classroom. As the student develops new knowledge and abilities, his<her accomplishments should be celebrated. *his acknowledgement of accomplishments is not limited to academics, but also includes positive behavior and responsibility. *he students in my full day kindergarten classroom responded strongly to encouragement and acknowledgement of accomplishments. Many students accomplished tasks they thought they could not with a bit of e6tra encouragement. I noticed that these students enjoyed feeling this sense of accomplishment and seemed to build better self%esteem the more they could e6perience it. /nergetic *he classroom should be an energetic environment. I feel that my enthusiasm and e6citement for teaching and working with children is one of my greatest tools for helping my students to become eager and e6cited to learn. If I was e6cited about a lesson in my classroom, my students were more likely to be engaged and interested. In turn, they also became e6cited about the lesson. -n*ol*ement I think students should be actively involved in creating the classroom and curriculum. )tudents should be able to work with the teacher in creating classroom rules and conse(uences. *hey should also be able to suggest subjects or activities that appeal to their interests. *he teacher should put effort into integrating these interests into the classroom and should avoid subject matters that do not appeal to the students whenever possible. I know that some topics are unavoidable due to curriculum re(uirements, I believe I can use topics my students are interested in to teach topics they are more hesitant about in an interesting manner. Stu"ent -nput @epending on the grade level I think students should have a voice in creating guidelines, choosing curriculum, and developing plans for dealing with community problems. *hey should be encouraged to voice their opinions on classroom issues in order to feel that they are capable of making a positive difference in the classroom and the community. I believe that incorporating my students+ thoughts, interests, and opinions into the classroom will help develop the sense of community I feel is important in the classroom. I also think that students who feel like they have some sense of control over their classroom environment will manage their behavior better and will be a more positive influence in the classroom community.



*he classroom environment should foster cooperation and encourage students to learn to work well in small groups, in larger groups, and in the classroom as a whole. )tudents who work in groups build a community with one another and become concerned with the interests of others and of the classroom community as a whole. *hey also develop socially through these cooperative efforts, helping them to build effective communication skills. I feel that group work helps students develop communication skills and social skills. I also believe it helps students become more confident in e6pressing their thoughts and opinions by allowing them to do it first in small groups, then in larger groups, and then in the classroom community as a whole. Post Stu"ent %ork I strongly believe in displaying art work, essays, poems and projects created by the students. &hen their work dominates the walls, there is student ownership of the room I feel. &hen they look around and see their own writing and thinking, they certainly e6perience a higher level of comfort than if they see store%bought posters.


1. Promoting Safety an" %ellness )tudents need to feel safe in order to learn. *hey need to feel secure to participate and contribute in learning. *here are a number of things I will do to set up classrooms that I feel is safe and well%organi'ed for the students in my class. I strongly believe that Classroom environment plays a crucial role in students learning. I agree to this (uote written by 4ella 5andini 1 AAB/ &'n order to act as an educator "or the child# the en ironment has to be "le(ible) it must undergo "re!uent modi"ication by the children and the teachers in order to remain up*to*date and responsi e to their needs to be protagonists in constructing their %no$ledge.+ )o, keeping this is mind I will 9irst, make sure that the classroom is clean, orderly, and inviting. I will design it in a way that has no distraction and is well organi'ed. )afety will always be my number one priority. My classroom will have lots of open space where students feel comfortable not crowded. I will organi'e the physical space of my classroom for movement and interaction. Make it easy for students to pull their desks together to do small group work. )et it up so that it is easy for me to walk around. My movement around the classroom will make the teaching more engaging and will keep the classroom in control. I will arrange my classroom so that I have all the resources I need = all the books, calculators and materials = right where I can find them, within easy reach, so that I never have to stop teaching or turn my back on my students.

I will make it safe for students to participate and ask (uestions. I will build a trust relationship with all my students so that students feel comfortable to share their viewpoints without any hesitation. I will always model respect for my students,


and teach them to show respect for one another and it will become a habit of students to respond with respect.

9or the well%being of all my students I will have non%negotiable in my class. I will make sure that students know those non%negotiable from the very first day along with classroom rules and procedures. My biggest non%negotiable will be a name% calling. I will make this very clear to all my students that conse(uences to non% negotiable will make them unhappy and this can even result in a meeting with their parents. I believe that we teachers have to tackle such things as name% calling right away or else kids wonCt feel safe in my classroom. I think it is very important for a teacher to remain calm in class because I know once a teacher loses her control with a class or studentD it takes a long time to rebuild that feeling of safety and trust with your students. )tepping outside the door and taking few breaths can help and ItCs worth it. I will take every opportunity to model kindness, #atience, being polite and respectful in class because I know students will notice and follow the same behavior. I will provide freedom to my students by giving them choices based on the outcome that I am looking to get from the student+s learning. I will also make sure that students are aware that I also take conse(uences very seriously and will always follow through with those consequences. A conse(uence must proceed a non%negotiable. )tudents need to know thereCs a conse(uence for those serious infractions because students need evidence to believe they are safe in my classroom. I am a great believer of giving my students a chance to pro$lem sol*e on their own. ItCs so much better when ideas and solutions come from the student. *his is a chance for us to ask rather than tell, E&hat might be some things you can start doing so you complete your homework on timeF 8ow about I write them down as you tell them to meFE


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