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Kristal Adkison Mr.

Beers SLS 1501 15 October 2013

Preschool Teachers vs. Pri ar! School Teachers

Teachers are al"a!s needed to ed#cate the c#rrent and the $#t#re %enerations. &hen 'eo'le think abo#t this( the! i%ht start to "onder "hat t!'e o$ teacher career is best $or the . Both 'ri ar! and 'reschool teachers are %reat teachin% careers that i%ht co e into ind "hen the! start

lookin% $or a )ob in ed#cation( Pri ar! and Preschool schoolin% are individ#all! e*cellent areas beca#se o$ $inancial o$$erin%s( state bene$its( and )ob sec#rit!.

+inances is a sensitive s#b)ect these da!s beca#se the econo ! is %ettin% "orse and the cost o$ thin%s is increasin% dail!. That is "h! $inancial o$$erin% is a a)or $actor 'eo'le take into

consideration "hen decidin% on a career. Pri ar! school teachers have to %o to colle%e lon%er then 'reschool teachers. The de%ree the 'ri ar! school teacher receives re,#ires ore classes and ore ore

trainin% ho#rs to receive the teachin% de%ree. Since( 'ri ar! school teachers have to %o thro#%h school that

eans an increase in ed#cation debts the! "ill have to event#all! 'a! o$$. Preschool teachers #ch as 'ri ar! school

still %o to colle%e so the! "ill have a little debt the! have to 'a! o$$( b#t not as

teachers. -iven that 'ri ar! school teachers "ent to school lon%er than 'reschool teachers and have that colle%e debt to 'a! o$$( so in ret#rn "hen the! do ac,#ire a )ob the! tend to receive a hi%her ann#al salar!.

State bene$its( this is a bene$it %iven to an e 'lo!ee o$ the state. .As an e 'lo!ee o$ the

Adkison 2 /e'art ent o$ State( !o#0ll have access to a n# ber o$ healthcare( ed#cational and 'ersonal 'ro%ra bene$its( as "ell as a "ealth o$ 'ro$essional trainin% and develo' ent 'ro%ra s1 23.S. /e'art ent o$ State4. Pri ar! school teachers are considered state e 'lo!ees so the! receive state bene$its. These bene$its incl#de health ins#rance( dental ins#rance( and so e retire ent 'lans. The bene$its "ill var! de'endin% on "hat state the e 'lo!ee is e 'lo!ed in. These bene$its "ill hel' the e 'lo!ees b! not havin% to 'a! $or these bene$its o#t o$ 'ocket. Preschool teachers #n$ort#natel! do not "ork $or the state so the state does not o$$er these thin%s to the . That does not ean that all 'reschool teachers can

not %et the . So e e 'lo!ers o$$er these bene$its to their e 'lo!ees "hen the! are hired. 5ot all e 'lo!ers are "illin% to %ive these bene$its to their e 'lo!ees so that is another thin% a 'reschool teacher #st 'a!.

The "orld and its econo ! is chan%in% ver! ra'idl!. Peo'le are hired one da! and then lose their )ob the ne*t beca#se it is not needed. 6d#cation "ill al"a!s be re,#ired and it has been since the be%innin% o$ ti e. &hen ed#cation is re,#ired that teachers do not teach too eans teachers are needed to teach it. Preschool

#ch on the ed#cation side b#t the! )#st 're'are the st#dents $or 'ri ar!

school. Pri ar! school teacher do teach ,#it a lot. The! set the basis $or all the other schools. The! teach the the basic in ever!thin% the! "ill need to kno". Since( the need $or the basics o$ all ed#cation is al"a!s needed so "ill 'ri ar! school teachers. This is )ob sec#rit! $or 'ri ar! school teachers( 'reschool teachers is not al"a!s re,#ired so is not so #ch )ob sec#rit!.

Pri ar! and 'reschool teachers are both %ood areas beca#se o$ the $inancial o$$erin%s( state bene$its( and )ob sec#rit!. Pri ar! school teachers ake ore one! than 'reschool teachers7 have

reliable state bene$its and )ob sec#rit!. The do"n$all is that the! have to %o to school lon%er and have ore colle%e debts. Preschool teachers do not ake as #ch one!( do not receive reliable state

bene$its and do not have )ob sec#rit!. The %ood thin% is that 'reschool teacher does not have to %o to

school as lon% and do not have as

#ch debt. Both 'ri ar! school and 'reschool teachers are %reat

ed#cation career( 8 "o#ld choose 'ri ar! school. To beco e a 'ri ar! school teacher !o# have to %o to to school lon%er and have ore colle%e debt b#t !o# do ake ore one!( have reliable bene$its $ro

the state and "ill al"a!s have a )ob. These are a"eso e thin%s to look $or in a )ob and that is "h! 8 choose 'ri ar! school teacher.

Kristal Adkison Mr. Beers SLS 1501

Adkison 2 22 Oct. 2013

Annotated Biblio%ra'h!

Ann 9enderson( et al. :Book ;evie"s.: British Journal of Religious Education 2<.3 2200=4> 2<?@30A. Academic Search Complete. &eb. 22 Oct. 2013. This book edited b! 9ilar! Blaire %ives a"eso e insi%ht on "hat a 'ri ar! school teacher does. 8t sho"s "hat 'ri ar! teachers #st do as a teacher and "hat it is that is re,#ired o$ the . This book not

onl! hel's c#rrent Pri ar! school teachers "ith their abilit! to teach b#t the! this book also hel's the 'eo'le "ho are lookin% into bein% a 'ri ar! school teacher. 8t 'rovides stories and %reat $eedback.

-re%( To''o. :Bolle%e %rad#ates see their debt b#rden increase.: USA Today n.d.> Academic Search Complete. &eb. 22 Oct. 2013. This article $ro the Librar! /atabase states that 'eo'le no" a da! have so #ch debt to 'a!

o$$. Co#n% 'eo'le "ant to %o to colle%e to %et ed#cation b#t then have to s'end 'racticall! the rest o$ their li$e 'a!in% o$ colle%e loans. This article tells #s o$ real li$e 'eo'le "ho have "ent to colle%e to %et an ed#cation b#t the! then have to s'end a lon% ti e 'a!in% the o$$. 8t also tells #s o$ a dad "ho had t"o sons to '#t thro#%h colle%e and the "a! he did it "as b! colle%e loans. This sho"s that loans are not a bad thin% b#t that it is hard to catch #' on the so eti es later

in li$e. Loans have both %ood and bad sides. The %ood side bein% that the! %et too %ot to colle%e to $#rther their ed#cation. The bad side is that the! have to s'end a lot o$ ti e 'a!in% the o$$. This article sho"s both the %ood and the bad o$ colle%e loans and %ives real li$e stories abo#t it. This is an e*cellent article i$ so eone is lookin% to see the %ood and the bad o$ colle%e loans.

Adkison 2

Occ#'ational -ro"th.: Occupational Outlook Quarterly 35.3 21??14> 2<@3=. Academic Search Complete. &eb. 22 Oct. 2013. Occ#'ational O#tlook D#arterl! did a %rand )ob on statin% the $act that the colle%e the ore ore !o# %o to

one! on avera%e !o# receive. This database article took a serio#s a''roach on one! !o# "ill receive on the 'a!check. 8t stated that the ore one! !o# "ill ore

schoolin% and the a o#nt o$

ed#cation !o# have( on avera%e the that

ake at !o#r )ob. This article s#%%ests ore one!. Bolle%e i%ht be hard and

ore ed#cation is a %ood idea $or 'eo'le seekin%

stress$#l b#t it all 'a!s o$$ in the end. This article $ro e*'lainin% it. 8t sho"s the %ood and the bad o$

the librar! database did a %reat )ob

ore ed#cation.

;enee( Michelle. .Salar! o$ a Preschool Teacher Per Cear.1 e9o". 6d. Michelle ;enee. Medi# . 1< Oct. 2013. This "ebsite %ives #s in$or ation on 'reschool teachers salaries. This "ebsite also %ives #s other ed#cation leaders salaries so "e can co 'are the to that o$ a 'reschool teacher. This "o#ld be %reat to visit i$ so eone "as tr!in% to $i%#re o#t the $inancial o$$erin% o$ a 'reschool teacher.

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