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Physical Education Course Syllabus 2013-2014 Mrs. Hurley University Hi h School! "#silanti Co$$unity Schools %oo$& '"M shurley2(ycschools.

us Phone nu$ber& )*34+ 221-114, -vailability outside o. school hours& be.ore and a.ter school
Course /vervie0
Physical education gives students the ability to grow and develop the necessary motor skills to live healthy lives. The curriculum is designed around the Michigan Merit Curriculum and provides them with opportunities to develop social skills in group activities. This course also encourages students to set personal short term and long term goals based on their kinesthetic achievements. Emphasis is placed on individual and team sports, outdoor recreation, rhythmic/expressive movements and other health related itness and conditioning activities that empowers the cardiovascular and muscular/skeletal system.


Course Content is HSCE3s+4

overned by 2he Co$$on Core State Standards. )or

Michigan Merit or Physical Education

Course Materials Students are required to wear appropriate gym attire including sweats or gym shorts, t-shirts or sweatshirts, tennis shoes. A lock for your gym locker is also a necessity (Please see Mrs. Hurley for help o taining these materials if needed! Course Policies
A sences and Makeup "ork Students are #$% e&cused from points missed in the case of an a sence. Points will e deducted for A'' AS()#*)S and #))+ %$ () MA+) ,P . Mrs. Hurley will e a-aila le after school to do *.)+/% .)*$0).1 so that your grade may e maintained in the e-ent of an a sence. Please see Mrs. Hurley to discuss a time that works for oth.

2rading Policies !s per district grading policy, "uarterly grades will be computed using the ormula# $ormative !ssessments# activities) *ummative !ssessments# ma,or papers) Total# *emester grades are computed as ollows#

ollowing %&' (learning +&' (tests, -&&'

.uarter -# %/' .uarter 0# %/' *ummative Exam# -&' Total# -&&' !2 3&4-&&' 52 6&463' C2 7&473' 82+&4+3' $2 &4/3'

1etter grades will be assigned using the standard ormula#

*lass Participation Students are e&pected to participate to the est of their a ility on a daily asis. High e&pectations are of each student. /f for any reason a student physically cannot participate in the daily lessons, a doctor note must e pro-ided in ad-ance and alternati-e assignments will e implemented. *lassroom .ules3 )&pectations Please come to class prepared and on time e-ery day (2ym shoes, shorts and tshirt! (e ready to participate. %his is a physical fitness class, you will e e&pected to mo-e and participate. (ring your positi-e attitude and good -i es #$ 4$$+ $. +./#5 $%H). %HA# "A%). P')AS) #$ cell phones or electronics

Course Procedures

)nter and e&it through the locker room doors only. 2et dressed and find your attendance spot immediately. 1ou will ha-e a out fi-e minutes after the start of the class period to get changed. 5eep your elongings locked. 1*HS staff is not responsi le for any elongings that come up missing. Please remain in whiche-er part of the gym that the daily lesson is taking place. All other parts of the gym are off limits at that time. /f you need a drink from the fountain, 6ust let Mrs. Hurley know, this way / know where you are at all times. Personal State$ent 9 am extremely excited to have the opportunity to teach you how to maintain a healthy li estyle. Please come to class on time and willing to participate and sometimes step out o your com ort :one to learn. ;ou will be marked down or non or partial participation as well as tardies (especially i they become excessive). 9 look orward to a great semester

with you. Please eel com ortable to talk with me about any concerns or "uestions that you may have, as 9 am very lexible when communicated with. Physical education is a re"uirement o all students to obtain a diploma. Signature(s! /, 7777777777777777777777777777777777777, ha-e read the information contained in this course sylla us and understand what will e e&pected of me in order to e successful in this class. Student Si nature 777777777777777777777777777777777 Parent Signature77777777777777777777777

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