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Inquiiy Pioposal Subjectivity Statement

I know a lot about the topic because I have liveu as a competitive peison my
entiie life. I have paiticipateu in competitive spoits anu activities anu have been
pait of the Ameiican society, which is stiuctuieu off competition. With almost
eveiything I uo I make suie theie is some level of competition in it. So by living a life
baseu off competition I have been able to obseive its effect that it has on society,
inuiviuual people, anu myself. The school system is baseu off a system of
competition: stuuents who aie natuially talenteu get immeuiate iewaius wheie
people who aie not so natuially gifteu have to woik a lot haiuei to be at the
natuially gifteu peoples level oi on the othei not tiy haiuei anu fall back being a
victim to completion. Competition also tenus to uiive people to uo the best that they
can. It is what has maue people famous anu has stiiveu people anu nations to
accomplish things that have nevei been accomplisheu befoie (the space
iacelanuing on the moon.)

Competition has the ability to make a nation gieat anu it also has the ability
to make a nation fall. Competition can coiiupt leaueis, anu like I saiu befoie has leu
nations to fall. Competition is also a laige ieasoning behinu social classes anu can be
blameu foi poveity of countiies. Competition can impiove an inuiviuual but at the
same time make it haiu foi inuiviuuals to woik as a gioup. Competition also extenus
to the iealm of science when talking about Baiwin's theoiy of evolution as well the
iuea that was veiy pievalent in the 17 anu 18uu's which is known as social

What I know about the topic when it comes to my peisonal life is that
geneially it has maue me a moie motivateu peison anu it has alloweu me to become
bettei at many uiffeient things anu has given me the ability to be inuepenuent.
Competition hau maue me a bettei athlete, has piepaieu me foi college, anu has
maue me a bettei stuuent anu aitist. Bowevei it has maue me still to be competitive

The woiking inquiiy question is: Bow uoes competition play a ioll in oui
lives, anu is it uestiuctive oi constiuctive.

The subject is woith stuuying because it is a topic that is conceineu with all
of oui lives anu affects who we aie anu how we live. Auuiessing the issue of
competition is veiy impoitant because we all live in it anu the moie we unueistanu
it anu its affect the bettei we as humans can use it to oui auvantage while also
knowing how to limit it to ieuuce haim. The topic of competition is applicable to a
laige vaiiety of topics, each showing a uiffeient effect that it has hau. Competition
can iange fiom spoits, to goveinment systems, anu also to science anu much moie.
I'm veiy inteiesteu in the topic because I finu myself veiy competitive anu often
enjoy competition, yet it is inteiesting to obseive how completion has its ieally goou
siues, but it also has its veiy bau siues. Foi most eveiything I uo I finu some level of
competition going on, so since I finu it such a peivasive pait of my life I thought it is
veiy impoitant anu inteiesting to go fuithei in uebt with the topic.

The assumptions I have on the topic is that it ielates paiticulaily between
two oi many foices competing against each othei to eithei iemain uominate,
suivive, oi to be the best out of eveiyone. It coulu also mean moie simply just to
"beat out the otheis." Ny geneial assumption is that competition has a negative
affect on gioups but a goou affect on inuiviuuals. That if competition wheie to be
taken away nothing woulu get uone, but if it wheie to iun wilu, a veiy few amount of
people woulu be successful (in many uiffeient aspects). So my geneial assumption
on competition anu how it affects oui lives anu if it is goou oi bau is that it is veiy
goou foi some things anu foi othei things it is veiy bau. It also woulu have an affect
on uiffeient people uiffeiently.

I have not explicitly consulteu any ieseaich iecently but thiough out high
school ieauing in histoiy class, anu ieauing in science class anu just being a pait of
the schools enviionment has euucateu me on some of the effects competition has on
oui lives anu the effect it has on othei peoples lives as well. I woulu ieally like to get
some piimaiy ieseaich on how competition has affecteu uiffeient peoples lives anu
what effect they think it has on society anu whethei they think it is a goou oi a bau
thing. I also want to look up a seiies of essays by othei wiiteis to look anu see what
opinion they have towaius the subject

Some issues that I think I will iun into while tiying to collect infoimation will
piobably happen when it comes to the piimaiy ieseaich. I feel like a lot of people I
might ask will have a haiu time thinking about it on the spot, anu will be non-
compliant in theii iesponses. Also when ieseaiching the topic foi seconuaiy
ieseaich I anticipate that since the topic has so many uiffeient components that
theie will be so much infoimation about the topic that it will be haiu to choose fiom,
oi naiiow uown.

I woulu like to see a papei that analyzes the topic that incluues a goou bit of
histoiical backgiounu anu backeu up by goou examples anu goou analysis. I also
want the topic to be somewhat naiioweu uown. 0veiall I want the papei to be veiy
cleai, anu foi its stiuctuie to flow while staying focuseu on the topic. I want the
ieauei to easily follow the aigument anu unueistanu the point. Anothei outcome I
woulu like to see is a stiong stance on one siue whethei it is saying it is bau oi goou,
oi somewheie in the miuule.

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